North Carolina Weslevan College Rocky Mount, North Carolina 27804 OPINION May 5_ And The President’s Job Is... By Jessica 0. Jones Decree Opinion Editor After the Pizza with the President Campaign that began March 15th-Aprii 5th. I was very- disgusted with the president of the college. Dr Ian David Campbell Newbould. To me it .seemed like the Pizza with the President Campaign should have been called Pizza with Administration and •Staff, due to the fact that everyone knew what was occurring on campus except the President himself I attended Pizza with the President, March 22nd. the day set aside for Collins and Nash Halls. That night, every question someone asked to the "Pres" was quickly redirected to someone else. If he was asked a question about finances. Dr. Newbould would redirect the question (after giving an indirect answer) to Mrs. Belinda Faulkner, Vice-President of i-inance and Administration, w'ho would provide a direct answer If a student asked tor the e.xact amount of security oflicers on a particular day, the question would be redirected (Again, jet’s not forget the indirect answer) to Mr Peter Phaiah. Dean of Students. To be honest, at first 1 thought it was ine. being •‘picky-tied" with the “Pres” for his g(Mxi-gestured-but-late-in-the-year attempt to reach the students. However, after talking with other students, I found that they felt the same way that 1 did. It is true that a President should delegate to stall in particular departments, but one would think that the President would hold enough knowledge The Decree Since I960 of. by, and for the Wesliyan commimitv." Staff Writers-Photographers Janay Carpenter Matthew Esterline Evelyn Hunter Amanda Landi Nicholas Lynch Zachary Marks Richard Smith Erika Stallings Senior Staff Writer Christine Werfelman Sports Editors Anthony DeGregorio Trevor Seibert Opinion Editor Jessica D. Jones Email: •JJ281625!^ Editor-at-Large Ron Fitzwater Managing Editor Jessica Bowen Office hoursJuesday & Thursday 11:30 a.m.-l p.nn. Email: JB2d107d's> to directly answer questions directed to him or her That’s when it hit me: What is the President’s job? 1 decided to randomly ask students what they believe the President’s job involved. One freshmair, Francesca .Anderson, replied, ‘‘He has a job?” .At first I laughed at her sarcasin, only to find that she was not being sarcastic. “Like really,” Anderson continued, “What does he do? I didn’t know who he was until Pizza with the President. I thought he was just another profe.s.sor here.” Again, I was hit with disgust, a lot on Anderson’s part and a lot on President Newbould’s part. Imagine: If the Administration did not hold the Pizza with the President Campaign, students like Anderson would not have know'n the president of the college. I finally found a legitimate answer, which came from senior Jamie Lewis. “[I think] the President's job is to make sure all affairs are in order so that the college is running smoothly.” After such a strong analysis of the President’s job, I could not help but wonder whether Lewis felt that President Newbould was completing his requirements. “I don’t think he is,” stated Lewis. “The school does not nm smoothly. Budgets are constantly shut down, students are consistently leaving, and faculty and staff members are either fired or they quit.” Sophomore Toby Cochran had this to say. “.All I .see him do is go to meetings. Rarely do I see him talk to any students.” Freshmen Bryan Butler added, “AllI see him do is stick his head out of his office and tell students to take their hats off.” At the Pizza w'ith the President meeting. Dean Jamts Traer did explaiti that the jcib of the President is to go to different organizations or individuals to get a donation from them for the gaxl of the .school. By the way, the new trees in front of Edgecombe and the two behind Nash are just an example of where the donated money is being used. I love the way that the school ties care of the campus landscaping in order to attract potential students. Okay-okay, I lied! I don't know w'ho pays for the landscaping, but wouldn’t it be amusing to see that that is w'here the money is going? I decided that since 1 wa.s discussing the President's job descriptfon, why not ask the President him.self about his responsibilities. While sitfing in his oval office (it’s not really oval). Dr Newbould began his job description as, “It’,s easier said than done.” I guess you can say that is f^r considering he “oversees internal affairs of the college and the vice-presidents who repon to him, in academic affairs, external activities, alumni, fundraising,” among many other areas. As for the students who complain that they never see the President--this includes my.self—Dr Newbould responded by saying, “Students that complain that they don’t see me aren’t getting around [campus] theiTi.selves.” However in the same breath Dr. Newb()uld admitted that he does not go to the Hartness Center and that he “does not 20 [to the l-.ibiary) verj' often. ’ So who’s avoiding who? So here is how I see the equation: if the students and the president do not make an attempt to communicate with each other, you get confusino tacts about each other: such as, the president's iob° description. I Stutjents watch as local rescue workers enact a traffic fatality resulting from drunk driving. The simulated event was held as part of Alcohol Awareness Week proqram'; organized by Alpha Phi Sigma on campus. One dressed as "death" (upper left) to unripr score the gravity of drunk driving. Columnist Plunges into Debate n _ _ ..... . . 1 U do. If the wages tor Americans on m Editor Shannon Williams Office hours: Wednesday 6 -7:30 p.m. &Thursday, 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m Email: SRWS384® Faculty Advisor I Dr. William Grattan 171 Braswell Phone: 985-5.336 Email: WJGrattanC^ The Decree office is on the first floor of the Hartness Center. Office phone: 4s4-i6si Copyright Policy The Decree holds the copyright of every anicic and graphic for onc-lime and future publication at the discretion of the editorial board. Submi.ssion implies agreetnent with this pi.i|icy. Editorial Statement Citnnieniary/opinion and letters to the editor represent the individual aullwr s views, and not necessarily those ol .North Carolina Wesleyan College, the Decree staff or (he Decree advisor. Submissions To suggest an article, or submit an opinion piece or letter to the editor, .send an email attachment (Microsoft Word) ioWJGra( Note that the Decree staff checks all submissions lor accuracy and edits in accordance with acceptable grammar and punctuation as well as .AP Style. Corrections The Decree corrects mistakes of substance. II you would like to request a correction, .send an email to or call 985-5336 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Response to: ‘Is North Carolina Wesleyan a Homophobic Campus?’ In this day and age we are all taught to be considerate ’ accepting, tolerant, and politically conect. We are told early on that one needs to understand and accept others for who thev tnily aR', no malter what they may be. Somehow, though 1 have always disagreed with this widely populai- sentiment I do not believe Wesleyan should te acceptina. much less '■promoting” a homose.xual lifestyle. Now. betbre you tear up this article in a fit of rage brought on by my hardheaded 'close-mindedness,” hear me out. At least listen 10 my opinion as well is theirs... When 1 applied here, 1 was told this was a Chiistian college; Methixlist, yes, but still no less affiliated with the Church. Now I know I have not spoken personaliy with the Almighty, but from reading his Wwd, I do tend to get the impression that homosexuality is out of the realm of acceptable adions. In fact, the one true living God, that us -‘Bible-toting fools” (as we were so called in the last publication) worship does have an opinion on the matter: *“Do not lie with a mm m one lies with a wonmn ■ that is detestable.’'—Leviticus 18:22. *“{faiKinlieswithunumasonetieswilhawommL both of them luive done what is detestable. They mmt he put to death; their bkxxl will iye on their own heads.”—-Leviticus 20:13 Ixt’s put religion and ttie Scriptures aside for a moment, ake all biases out of the question and vou still come to the conclusion that homosexuality is wrong and unnatural. A ram and a ram will not produce any offspring. Same as a mare and a mare cannot conceive a foal. Biologically it is impo,ssible; logically down right disturbing. So there you have the flip side of the coin ihe opposite opinion on the subject of honiosexualitv, straight from .some “Bible-toting fool's" mouth. Jessica Smith (Smith is a freshman at NCWC) Decree Editor-at-Large I thought I would take the time, before summer break begins, to jump feet first into the wonderful debate over the illegal immigration situation. Oh yeah, this one should generate the hate mail. First of all, I want to define terms and Fll make it real simple. If you entered the United States in any manner other than through an of ficial entry point, with the proper legal paperwork fa visa,^ a passport, etc. j YOU ARE .A.N ILLEGAL ALIEN, and that makes you a criminal. Sorry, that's just the way it is. Now, I don’t see why thi.s simple concept is so hard for people to grasp. These people are not undocumented workers or unauthorized immigrants; they are illegal aliens. If that fact is too unpleasant for some folks to accept, that’s too^bad. We don’t call methamphetaraine dealers unlicensed pharmacists; 01^ child molesters ^ non-certified sex education instructors. No, we call most criminals just what they are. Therefore, when it comes to people crossing into our coun try whether it s via the southern or northern borders, or floating in a bathtub from Cuba—if you don't come in under the law, you are illegal. I don t know what disturbed me more recently, these criminals marching in the streets of America waving Me.xican flags (They did switch to American flags when they learned that it wasn’t going over well with most of the country ), 01 the audacity of some of them to say that their rights were being violated. Hey, I got news for you, you have no rights here. Sorry about that, but we are having a tough enough time holding on to ours right now and you don’t get any Another thing that really bothered me about the protests was that there was no law enforce ment agency present to check green cards. Some group—whether the Border Patrol, the National Guard, or the Marshall Service—should have been at the end of the parade route, looking at cards and then gathering and busing the illegals out of the country. True, it may have taken a little time, but the highways run to both Mexican and Canadian borders and we have a lot of aiiports m the middle for those needing to go to Europe Asia, and so foith. - ’ Now before someone throws the bigot card at me, let nte plainly say that my problem is not a problem with Mexicans. I don’t want any illegals ere. It just so happens that there are more illesal Mexican nationals than others, so any attack on illegal aliens normally gets spun by the low-brow media typt;s out there, as an attack on Me.xicans. ■And I don t want to hear any of the crap about them being here because Americans won’t do the work they do. Sure. Americans will do the vvork; you just have to pay them to do it. But whv should they do it, when employers have what boils down to indentured ser\'ants doing it for next to nothing? The illegals should be angrv at these cheap bastards who only want to pay $2 an hour, but they can’t repott them because the workers don’t want to Iw deported, “But ” you say, J the farmers pay top dollar for employees, then food will be too expensive for us to buy ” Oh, right, I guess keeping illegals in poverty, and Americans in the unemployment line, so that we don’t have to spend too much for cabbage and corn, makes it all just fine. Sorry, but if^vou believe that, you're an idiot. I say this: if the cost of making sure that the people m this country are here legally is that have to spend more for groceries, that’s what I’ll do. If the wages for Americans go up because they are doing the tough jobs and being paid fairly for it, wages will increase all the way up the ladder. It will lessen unemployment, help the economy over all. and level the field a bit. That’s not to mention the savings in Welfare and Medic aid and countless other social service dollars that are being paid out to illegal aliens from our tax dollars. I am sure that this simple way to look at it will be ripped apart by the economists, but it just doesn’t seem all that complicated. Finally it gets down to some simple things 1 do not want when it comes to this issue. 1 do not want to live in a bilingual nation, and everywhere you go, most everything is written in English and Spanish. Look, if 1 wanted to speak another language other th^n. my native tongue, I would do so. Don't me. If you go to work in almost every developed naiion m the world, you are expected to speak the lingo, eveiywhere but America, that is. I don t want people, who don’t legally belong here, to act like I owe them something other than direction.? to the border. Sorry to pick on Mexico but didn’t we buy the border states from you.' You are not USA Americans, we owe you nothing. If you think you got a bad deal, just talk to the Cherokee or the Sioux; there are some folks who got screwed on land deals. But most of all I don’t w'ant the bleeding hearts in Washington to provide an anmesty for those illegals who are here now. However, if lhat is what happens, and they do get to break this law and get away with it, then all we natural-born citi zens get to pick a law to break as well. Isn’t that fair? As long as the law' we select to break will not physically harm someone else, the sky’s the limit. So think about it, what would you choose? As for me, I will choose the one that is, I feel, closest to the one the illegals are getting to break. I figure it like this: they want to come here, it is said, to better their lives and support their families. That is what makes them break the law: it s not they don t have any respect for our sov ereignty and laws. So, I want to be allowed to. prior to receiving my amnesty, grow a great big field of marijuana and sell it, free from prosecu tion, to consumers who w'ant my product. I want to do this So that I can earn the kind of money 1 W'ant, and provide a higher status of life for my family. Breaking a little law like that is no worse than illegally entering a foreign country, and I would be working and taking care of my family, and paying taxes. So what’s the difference? Of course the one that I heard recently was that all natural-born and naturalized citizens, along with the legal immigrants here, stop paying taxes, not just yearly income taxes, but food tax, gas tax, etc. Just keep a calculator handy and subtract the tax due from the bills to be paid. That might make it fair. I guess this sounds angry, and some parts even sound a little silly. It is because I am tired of having my rights whittled away, while people who I would welcome in legally are taking greasy little shortcuts around the law. I believe m a strong border (without 10 ft. high walls) and a strong immigration policy, where the law's we have are enforced. And I guess that’s the main problem here, w'hen it comes to many issues (gun control to littering) in America today. We have the law's on the books to deal with them; the government just won’t enforce the law's. It’s not politically healthy, especially in an election year. • • and that’s what’s real

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