AMCO NEWS Vol. XIX No. 10 Adams-Millis Corporation Nov. - Dec., 1961 Dear Fellow Employees: As we approach the celebration of the birth of the Christ Child, it is my pleasure to thank each and every one of you who has worked so faithfully and diligently during the past year. We have had many prob lems and difficulties, and when I think of the contribution made by each employee in confronting those problems, I am grateful. You have done a good job and your company is appreciative of the loyalty of men and women like you. The year 1962 may not be easy for us. We are in a highly competi tive situation; all of us will need to keep our performance at highest levels to excel our competition. I am sure you will do your utmost for the mutual good of your company; you may be assured that with your continued cooperation, we will be able to maintain our same high stand ards, and we will do everything possible to assure you steady employ ment. May you and those whom you love have a joyful Christmas Season and a bright, peaceful New Year. Sincerely yours. CjiJ-TkdCiJiy H. Millis, President