AMCO NEWS /f Adams-Minis Corporation HIGH POINT PLANTS PILOT UNITED APPEAL CAMPAIGN Because of its generous response to last ^ar's Greater High Point United Appeal, Adams- Millis Corporation was one of several firms in the High Point area requested by the United Appeal to participate in this year's Pilot Cam paign Program. Employees of A-M Texturing, TexElastic of Archdale, Plants 1 and 7 of the osiery Division and Corporate headquarters scheduled their solicitations in advance o f the sptember 19 kick-off date and helped to launch Successfully the 1973-74 campaign. According to incomplete returns, pledges tnade by 1,080 employees and the company pledge total $38,000. 00. This is approximately h. 5% of the entire 1973-74 budget for the High Point United Appeal. Addressing a group of.the personnel. President!. H. Millis said, "We have been chosen as a pilot company because we have been among the leaders in our community in the past, ^nd I urge each o f y o u to support the United Ppeal and show our community we want to keep Ihe image as leaders. " A - M TEXTURING EXCEEDS GOAl In his report to employees of A-M Tex- Uring, Vice President William D. Johnston stated, "Our United Fund campaign is now com plete and our most sincere thanks go out to each Person who took part in this campaign. Through your understanding of the need Or United Fund services and your generous I'esponse to the request for contributions, I am pleased to announce that our plant campaign was ^ terrific success. Every department reached s goal and most raised far in excess of what tvas being asked. We contributed a total of$7, 198. 70 which Averages outto $22. 78 per employee. Ourtotal goal had been $5,448. 00. What pleases us more Js that 97.5% of all our people participated in this campaign. As youknow, our company is a pilot firm his year to help set the standards for other igh Point companies. Due to your efforts, I elievethatwe have set an excellent example for he rest of the community. Again, we thank you on behalf o f our community and each of the United Fund agencies. " TexElastic of Archdale, has reported pledges of $3, 336. 25 from 173 employees for an average pledge of $19.92 and a participation of 82%. Plant 1 of the High Point Hosiery Di- visionhad 85%participation from 165 employees who pledged $1,751.80, an average pledge of $10.62. B B The Ladies' Hosiery Division, Plant 7, had 344 pledges for 75% participation. The total pledged from Plant 7 was $4,211.45 for an average contribution of $12.24. With 114 pledges from the main office of Corporate headquarters, the total contributions amounted to $4, 548. 00, an average contribution of $39. 89, with 98% participation. A contribution to the United Community Services is a contribution to 27 other community agencies which respond to the concerns of all the citizens of our community for the well being of those who live and work here. BLOODMOBILE DATE /S OCTOBER 10 Wednesday, October 10, is a Red Letter Day for employees of TexElastic of Archdale, A-M Texturing and Adams-Millis Hosiery in High Point. The American Red Cross Blood- mobile will be at the English Road plants from 10:00 a. m. to 3:30 p.m. Adams-Millis employees have been asked to donate 150 pints of blood during the October 10 visit. This will require nine donors each 15- minute period. Personnel of the High Point plants will be contacted prior to the visit to fill out their registration cards and to designate the hour they want to donate. This scheduling is neces sary to avoid having too many donors at one time. The visit will not be restricted to personnel of the three plants. If some other member of your family, or a friend, wishes to come on that date, he will be most welcome. Those volunteering as blood donors during the months of July and August included Neal Pierce, Gweneth Frady and Clifford Chappell of the Hosiery Division, High Point.