AMCO NEWS c&il.l Vol. XXX No. 3 Adams-Millis Corporation September, 1974 UNITED APPEAL CAMPAIGN GETS UNDERWAY The United Way campaign will get under way la Adams-Millis Corporation's plants in Septem- The United Appeal in each community has *ietermined the needs of the agencies it repre sents and makes an appeal once each year. The United Way gives each person an oppor tunity to make a single pledge to all of the par ticipating agencies--one pledge will be divided according to the services each agency offers to the community. United Appeal agencies helping people in the communities because of United Appeal pledges are able to assist the handicapped, the aged, the young people and the under-privileged. Among the agencies included are The American Red Cross, American Social Health, The Association Or Retarded Children, The Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America, The Children's Home Society N. C. , Community Health Services, The ontal Health Association, The Salvation Army, nited Community Services and International ccial Service. Information about the services of each agency will be provided during each of the plant campaigns. There are many reasons for pledging the nited Way. Whether or not a person gives is Un individual decision. Most people want to know Ihe facts about the United Way so they can make ^n intelligent choice and a meaningful contribu tion. The United Way is one of the best ways to olp others-'fairly and economically. Most people want to give something to help others. They want to give their Fair Share. he Fair Share idea asks each person to give in l^i*oportion to his capacity to give. It suggests that what we give should be based on our income ovel. Those who earn more, give more; those i^ho earn less, give less. The Fair Share guide, ^hich will be given to each employee during the uumpaign, suggests what others on your pay evelare giving. It is a guide to help each person know whether or not he is giving his Fair ^hare. United Way health and welfare agencies help people who do not qualify for government assist ance; its programs help people in ways that government programs never will. Many of the and aged, children and adults from every ^nomination and every walk of life, need the personalized care, local treatment and services that government just doesn't make possible. That's why people give. They know that if we work together, we can help people within the local community who really need help. Contributions to the United Appeal are spent wisely. The United Appeal is a voluntary organization with a board of directors repre senting the top leadership in the community. The United Appeal budget committee, which is made up of knowledgeable businessmen, professionals and housewives, constantly reviews the needs and services of the agencies before funds are allo cated. They make sure your dollar goes where it will do the greatest good--to people with the greatest need. When you and I give the United Way, we give to help people like you and me. When you and I give our Fair Share, we will help supply the needs of our communities. THANKS TO YOU IT*S WORKING The United Way