Page Six SEW IT SEAMS Office By Harrell Clementine Hudson Division Hello and Happy New Year to each of you! We’re glad to have Martha Belle Grimes and Ethel Brackett back; both have been sick for a few weeks. Members of Hudson Office had their Christmas party December 16 at the Y.M.C.A. The committee in charge of party arrangements decorated the room beautifully and the refreshments were deli cious. Alma Peele is our newest ad dition to the payroll repartment. She transferred from Sport Shirt. We’re happy to have her and hope she likes working with us. Verline Brower and Barbara Mendenhall had a nice vacation doing nothing . . . just being lazy. Had a good rest to have a good chase for the Leap Year. Sylvia Tate didn’t get any rest so she can’t enter the race. Joel Paul spent his vacation working on his new house; ex pects to be in by February . . . Alma Paul had her two sons and their wives and granddaughter for Christmas dinner. Alma cer tainly is a good cook; she bought us some samples of her cookies. Mona Bryant was out of work several days with her daughter, Pam, who was sick. WHITE DIVISION— Girls of the White Division of fice held their Christmas dinner December 21 at the Woman’s Club. A delicious meal was served and a good time was had by all. Everyone was admiring Betty Pugh’s and Mildred Shropshire’s third finger, left hand, the day after Christmas. Seems that Dan Cupid paid them a visit during the holidays and we’re anxious to know the date the wedding bells will ring. The lovely bedspreads given to us as a Christmas gift from the company were most appreciated by everyone. SALES DIVISION — The past month has been a very busy one for everyone in the Sales Division. We all en joyed the Christmas season and our Christmas party was a great success. Mrs. Mary Fetner spent sever al days before Christmas in New York. While there she was in- Ladies Dept. No. 1 By Margaret Hill It’s nice to be back at work and everyone had a nice Christmas and is starting the New Year off right. We wish to express our sym pathy to the family of Earl Ward. Dovie Damerson’s son, daugh ter-in-law and daughter visited her during Christmas. They also surprised her with a birthday dirmer. They’re from Fayetteville. Shirley Faircloth and her four- weeks old daughter are doing fine. Shirley worked in our de partment . . . Velva Short has a new baby girl; she also worked with us. Brady Felts enjoyed his visit with his mother in Mt. Airy dur ing Christmas . . . Virginia Davis had a nice trip while with her family near Asheville for New Year’s. Annie Laura Dixon was out sick . . . we missed, her. But we wish to thank the girl on the sec ond floor for coming up and sweeping for us. Edna Patterson has been out for a while but is back and we hope she is feeling fine . . . Doro thy West spent the holidays with her family in Raleigh . . . Wel come to all the newcomers to our department . . . Dorothy Slate was glad to see her little nieces and nephews when her sister and family came from Fort Bragg for Christmas . . . Margaret and Jr. Hill had a fine day in Bassett, Va., with relatives recently. vited to the William Isler’s Christmas party. Says her trip was a very pleasant one. Santa Claus was very good to Ernestine Vaughn and her fam ily; just before the holidays they moved into their new home in Archdale. Ellen Moore made Christmas just a little brighter for two chil dren from the Methodist Home in Winston-Salem. She entertained them at her home through the holidays. Welcome to Nancy Saunders— hope she enjoys working with us. Sorry to hear Peggy Lyda is no longer with us, we’ll miss her. Ly dia Salmon also is leaving. She is moving to Alexandria, Va., to live with her husband who is station ed near there. To Lydia and Gene we say “Good Luck!” Finishing at White By Katie Lee Sellers Hi, everyone and a Happy New Year! G«e, we had a btmch of noisy girls after the Christmas holidays — everyone telling what they got and where they went. Ina Mae Hamlin and husband spent Christmas in Virginia . . . Pauline Mendenhall had guests from Gastonia . . . Pernnie Har- vill received a beautiful watch from her husband . . . Betty Brewer’s aunt and uncle from Virginia visited her over the hol idays. Martha Jones was surprised with a nice gift from her hus band and boys . . . Lynda Gard ner spent Christmas day with her mother . . . Katie Sellers spent Christmas with her family in S. Carolina . . . Elsie Motsinger en joyed Christmas at home with Santa and the kids. Lloyd, Howard and Elsie were surprised with a beautiful gift from the finishing room. We all would like to say thanks to An vil Brand for the nice gift we re ceived. Our newcomer welcomed this month is Mary Wise. Here’s hop ing she will enjoy working with us. Beatrice Steele spent her holiday in Candor and Pinehurst . . . Palice Robinson and Mae Flowers and Blanche Cheek spent their holiday in Wadesboro. We’re glad to know that Blanche’s baby has improved. Hazel Adams and Ruth Tor rence enjoyed their holiday at home, . . .Louise Johnson was transferred from Hudson division to our department. Glad to have you back, Louise . . . Bertha Lee Prince spent an enjoyable holi day in Charlotte and Sanford. Mostly Angela Hunt The Balmy Spring-like weather of Christmas Day brought out a few fishermen, among them Earl Byerly. Not much luck, he said, but a very enjoyable day, Frank Lambert made good use JANUARY ISSUE Ladies II By Peggy Whitt Everyone seems to have spent a quiet Christmas and New Year’s. Frances Wells and husband motored to Alabama to visit her family. She also caught the flu and was out of work the rest of the week. Glad you’re back, Frances. Brady Felts visited his mother in Mt. Airy . . . Virginia Davis visited her family in Asheville over the New Year’s weekend . . . Your reporter’s brother, A 3-c P. H, Gunter was home on leave from Sheppard Air Force Hospital, He (returned January 3. Mary Earomirski would like to thank all the girls for the gifts and cards . . . Girls, did every body see the new Cadillac Mary got for Christmas? It sure is pur- ty. Anybody can dream can’t they Mary? Did you see the minature groom Bessie Vuncannon got for Christmas? Well, now that this is Leap Year, Bessie Vuncannon and Betty Saltz are running a race to see which can make the big leap first. Sorry to report that Edith Hill is out sick. Hope she soon is better. Some of the girls are envious of Betty Saltz because she still is single, so they bought her a set of rings at Kress Jewelry store for Christmas. You’ve got the rings and this is Leap Year, so all you need is a man, Betty. of the fine weather by digging up and re-potting some of his buried money. They say Santa was so con fused by the length and breadth of Rickard Manor that he made a stop at both ends to be certain none were missed. Paul Frye is much improved after seeking the services of a chiropractor for a sore back. Bob Alexander vows Bill Hipps found something to see in an other direction when he passed him while fixing a flat tire on one of these bitter cold mornings . . . Glad to have Bill Proctor back after several weeks’ ab sence to have his arm operated on. Johnny Hooker had a some what profitable holiday — traded a few horses . . . Most everyone reported a quiet, enjoyable vaca tion staying fairly close to home.