(Registered with U. S. Patent Office) Volume VII HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, MARCH, 1956 No. 9 MESSAGE fROM THE PRESIDENl TO MY FELLOW WORKERS: Lasi month in this space I men tioned the Payroll Savings Plan by which a person can accumu- late United States bonds with small deductions from his check at each pay peiiod. That is an excellent Method of saving. But even more funda mental than the Method is the Principle of Saving. Before de ciding how he will save, a person must determine why. He must reach his own conclusions on the benefits he will gain from "hav ing money" as compared with spending it as he makes it. Today, that is a more impor- temt question than even a year ago. Throughout the nation, as in the Anvil Brand Organization, there have been widespread ad justments in personal incomes. Virtually every pay check is more now than it was then. What becomes of that "more?" And there is where the Prin ciple of Saving comes in. Will we have the vision and foresight to use this added income to build a brighter and more secure fu ture? That question points up an in teresting fact disclosed by a na- tion-wide inquiry conducted last year by the United States League of Savings & Loan Associations. Among great numbers of savers who were questioned 56 per cent gave their No. 1 reason for sav ing as being future security. We all are well aware of what is happening in the present. But there is no way to be positive of what is yet to come. Causes be yond human control bring ups and downs throughout life. Pru dent people prepare for a down condition during the period when they are "up." Perhaps you recall that fable about the ants and the grass hopper which so well illustrates the virtue of being prepared, (Continued on Page Two) AN EASTER BASKET FULL OF GOOD EGGS — Easter is the one time of the year when milady can really indulge herself as far as the hat department is con cerned. Does she desire a flowery one, a frilly one, a plain one? Whatever her wish, Easter is the time to take off on that flijht of fancy, because the “Easter Bonnet” has become a tradition in our land. Six Anvil Brand ladies, wearing their selections for this year’s Easter parade are shown in the Easter Bunny’s basket above. Upper left is Nellie Whitley of Hudson Division, who chose a white straw with small band of jewel trim and brief veil. Center is Polly Cannon of Overall who is wearing a flower hat that sets off her auburn hair extremely well. Louise Welch of Sherrod Office, upper right, chose a white straw with flower trim and veil. Hat tie Banner of Sherrod is wearing a small white straw with back bow and veil. Alma Paul of Hudson Office will wear this white pique number with attractive forward bow, in the Easter Parade. Carmen Charles, lower right, will greet the Easter Bunny with an off the face beige and light brown straw. Pretty fancy— aren’t they?