(Registered with U. S. Patent Offdce) Volume VII HIGH POINT, NORTH CAROLINA, JULY, 1956 No. 13 MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT TO MY FELLOW WORKERS: Following a yearly procedure, ?' as it should be but it is what I the Board of Directors of Anvil Brand, some weeks ago, elected certain individuals who aie to serve as Officers of our Company during the present year. Formerly such action has been followed by a brief announcement in SEW IT SEAMS and perhaps nothing much has been thought about it one way or the other. This year, however, in reading the list of Officers I suddenly realized that it meant a lot more to me than what I had thought befoie. Its significance prompts me to try to convey some of these thoughts to you because each member of our organization, I be lieve, plays a part in Company planning and thinking. The revelation which comes to me is the fact that most of the Officers of our Company have come from within the organiza tion; they have come up through the ranks. In most instances the individuals whose names appear on the list started their careers in no more than average jobs. By achievement through industrious application they have come to be recognized as men and women with important responsibilities and the capacity to continue to grow in business stature. I was prompted to ask myself at this point whether much the same thing might be found in all divisions of our business. I was pleased to find upon study instance after instance of indivi duals being advanced from one position to another. This, I concluded, is not only have always tried to encourage. It is one thing to place emphasis upon advancement from within; it is another thing to be able to point to actual accomplishment on that score. It is a forceful ap plication of the workings of a democratic business process. Sometimes there is misunder standing about a person becoming an Officer of a Company, The view not uncommonly held is that it means a lot easier job for one. The contrary is more nearly true. Having shown the capacity a^id talent to assume responsibilities, the impulse of Management is to load on even more work. This is a continuing test of a person to grow in and with the Company. Officers of a Company are held directly responsible for either specific duties within a depart ment or division or are given a broad range of general adminis trative things to attend lo. An important part of the success of an Officer is a growing depth of understanding of others and the means of attracting and maintain ing the loyalty and cooperation of associates. In some degree, therefore, all of us carry Officer- ial responsibilities when we realize and apply the principle that what is good for the indivi dual in earnings, opportunity, working conditions and job se curity is good for the Company. The Officers listed below, I know, bear your and my good wishes; more particularly my personal thanks for tasks happily undertaken and well done: F. D. Mehan Executive Vice-President H. M. Webster, Jr. Vice-President W. J. Rives Vice-President G. K. Hammes Vice-President and Assistant to the President G. W. Williams Secretary H. T. Short Assistant Vice-President P. K. Frye Assistant Vice-President R. N. Morgan Assistant Vice-President Mrs. H. D. Hughes Assistant Secretary E. H. McCall Assistant Secretary J. H. Thompson, Jr Assistant Secretary. Assistant Treasurer and Comptroller ALMOST PERFECT ATTENDANCE — When the six months perfect attendance reports are made up each month Dora Gammon’s name is almost always on the list- Dora says in the eight years she has been working for the Company she has never missed any time except for the illness of her husband and when her son returned from military duty, 92 Employees Have Perfect Attendance Records For 6 Mos. “Perfect attendance for six months.” A phrase that doesn’t pack too much interest? A routine record that a “faithful few” seem to rack up each half year? Not at all. A perfect attendance record is extremely interesting to any company. It implies many things. Perhaps first, a desire to “be on the job” regardless of many things which might cause other persons to stay away from work. Then there is the under standing these “regulars” have that each person’s single job is related to the whole picture of the company’s production and that one job being idle a day can be seen “down the line” in many oi>erations. In the past six months 92 per sons out of some 850 employees in Anvil Brand’s plants in High Point and Independence, reported for work every day. This is 18 less than the 110 who had per- ^fect records for the first half of 1955 and Aline Carter, personnel Director, urges employees to strive for an improved record in the last half of 1956. “When a plant employs wom en with children, such as we do,” Aline continued. “We naturally expect situations to arise when such an operator is out of work because of absolute necessity. But we do emphasize the im portance of being on the job regularly. When a new person applies to us for work we check attendance records which may be available from other com panies and this definitely has a bearing on whether or not a per son is hired.” (Continued on Page Two)