Day Care Program In Limbo (Continued from page 1) ing needed child care services, could be that it paves the way for this future plan not only in North Carolina, but in other states throughout the South east, it is believed. School boards in all cities in which this state-sponsored program is of fered are responsible for finding the children and the space for operation. Training of teachers and technical assistance have been promised by the Department of Public Instruction. All a school board must do is to request the program. In High Point, additional help for operation is avail able through Fore-See. To date, no such request has been made by the local school board. At the Februar)' town meeting, Dr. James Jenkins, co-ordinator of all efforts in Make Sure Your Child Gets Vaccinations Make sure that your child receives the combined Red Measles and Ger man Measles vaccination between March 10 and March 26. This com bined vaccination is for children ages 1-12 and will be given in the pubhc schools as well as other places in the city. The vaccination will be given on Sunday, March 26, between 12:30 and 3:00 p.m. at the Health Department on Montlieu Avenue and at Hillside Recreation Center on Vail Street. Parents have already received let ters from the schools concerning the campaign. For additional information, call the Health Department, 883-9166. the state for the new program, stated his eagerness to work with local school administrators to get child care for six-year-olds established in High Point as soon as possible. Formal letters from the ofiBce of Dr. A. Craig Phillips, state superintendent of Public Instruction, to Dr. Dean B. Pruette, High Point schools superin tendent, have made it clear that the state is “happy to include High Point in the North Carolina Child Develop ment Program based on the release of Title IV-A funds for our use, and providing your agency supplies the 25 percent matching funds.” In further correspondence, the Fore-See Agency has assured the sup erintendent’s office that “the necessary local matching funds for a five- and six-year-old program are presently available through this agency. Such a program must meet the conditions and standards set forth in the agree ment between the Departments of Public Instruction and Social Serv ices.” The letter went on to note that Dr. Jenkins was at the superinten dent’s disposal for discussion and ex pedition of the program in High Point. NO FUNDS’ Dr. Pruette, on the other hand, ex plains that no funds have been re leased from the Social Services De partment. “No funds have been forth coming from the state, so where is the money going to come from?” he said. “We (the school board) made a proposal with Model Cities last year ^God’s Farm’ Replaces Juvenile Reform School (Continued from page 1) In the informar atmosphere of the farm, Thomas hopes, boys can be helped to discover who they really are, and what they want out of life. “Most of these young people are con fused, they have a background of police records and family trouble,” he went on. “We want to show them a way out, that they can break away from the pattern.” Around the farm the boys will work with the livestock and machinery, as signed what Thomas calls the dirtiest jobs the first week, and assuming more responsibility as the program progresses. LOOK FORWARD “We want to say, ‘All right, we trust you, and we’re going to trust you until you prove us difFerently,”* said Thomas. “We’re not looking at pasts, but looking forward. “We want to say, ‘You are a worth while individual, you have potentials, we’re going to try to help you. . .’” To help the boys, Thomas hopes to be sensitive to the needs of the in dividual boys. When he finds an in- for a kindergarten and they weren’t in a position then to accept it. As far as I know, there is no kindergarten program in the planning stage,” he went on. “So I just don’t know much about it.” Pruette voiced concern over where the centers would be located, and where the participants would come from. ‘Where would you have it, and who would be enrolled? There are no guidelines drawn up under which we’d operate such a program,” he said. “I’m in favor of kindergartens, but it becomes quite a different thing when it comes to day care. . . . We operate pubHc schools. We don’t have any money to finance kinder gartens,” said Pruette. The proposed developmental day care program, which rests on the will ingness of city school systems not to fund it, but to administer it, has not yet been brought before the High Point Board of Education as a body for approval or rejection. Meanwhile, Jenkins and others in Raleigh describe themselves as “ready to do business” and wait only upon the invitation from High Point to put the wheels in motion. LEGAL SERVICES - Michael Mc Gee has joined the High Point Legal Services office, 106 E. Grimes Street. McGee, a 1971 graduate of the Uni versity of North Carolina Law School, will work with John Poisson, senior staff attorney, in providing free non- criminal legal advice and courtroom representation to High Point residents certified by the county Department of Social Services. The new attorney, who comes to the city from a practice iii Raleigh, replaces Kenneth Glusman. Legal Services is a federally funded project available to many Model Neighborhood residents, depending upon their income. Unity Club Organized By Neighborhood Teens terest shown, he hopes to build on that interest and eventually perhaps see that the boy pursues it in a trade school. So far as Youth Unlimited is con cerned, the day camp is an experi ment. Furthermore, Thomas knows of no other such program for young men on probation anywhere else. When the project reaches its po tential, it will operate weekend re treats and 12-week sessions for up to 15 participants Monday through Fri day. A professional counselor will be brought in for group therapy, and an additional staff member to assist Thomas will eventually be hired. One important by-product of the experience on the farm. Youth Un limited hopes, will be shortened court sentences and prayers for judg ment. When a need and a desire are shown, counselors will also help boys find jobs or return to school. “We do all this, hope for the best, and see what comes of it. In each one of them there is something good,” said Thomas. “We want them to rea lize it too.” A couple of months ago a group of Model Neighborhood teenagers ap proached the Model Cities Citizen Par ticipation oflBce and said, “We need some place to go.” Milton Stallings, CP director, set January 27 for an organizational meet ing. Nineteen young students were present, and the Unity Club was bom. Since that time, about ten more eleventh- and twelfth-graders have been added to the roster. The group meets at 7 p.m. most Thursdays at the Citizen Participation oflBce, 1315 Franklin Street. The Unity Club — which grew out of a need for evening activities and a meeting place — is a club formed by young people for young people. Adult guidance is provided by Eva B. Stew art, retired high school English teach er, who says her role is to “sit in, give direction. But I have no affiliation, and no title that I know of.” According to Mrs. Stewart, the pur pose of the Unity Club is “to aid youth in all matters of civic interest and need; to initiate, organize and con duct programs which are helpful to youth of this community. The main aim seems to be to provide a place at least one evening a week, rather than meeting on a street comer.” Mrs. Stewart added that the group was “dedicated to wholesome recre ation and community service.” To carry out these objectives, the club plans a beautification week, a service project to help families with yard work, field trips to nearby historic sites, discus sions with guest speakers on current topics, and dances. Officers of the club include presi dent, Darrell Ingram; secretary, Mary Brown; and treasurer, Carl Scott. “We’re finding a lot of leadership that needs channeling,” said Mrs. Stewart. “These young people need so much . . . I’m suggesting they bring in speakers on parliamentary proce dure, personal hygiene, male-female relationships, dope, all sorts of topics.” The Unity Club, which has only Model Nei^borhood residents on its membership list now, is open to any one in the high school, junior and senior age range. A schedule of activi ties can be obtained by contacting a club officer, Mrs. Stewart, or the CP office. WHATS HAPPENING is published bimonthly by the Model Cities Com mission of High Point, North Carolina, William S. Bencini, Mayor; Dr. Otis E. Tillman, Commission Chairman; Don J. Forney, Director; Cedi A. Brown, Information and Evaluation Specialist. OflSces of the agency are located at 609 S. Main St., High Point, N. C. 27260. Telephone 885-9081. The preparation of this magazine and its free distribution were financially aided and made possible through a federal grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development under Title I of the Demonstration Cities and Metropolitan Act of 1966. Editor Emily Hedrick