WHAT'S HAPPENING Free Copy OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE HIGH POINT MODEL CITY COMMISSION October 27,1972 TAXPAYERS 'FEDERAL GOV'T MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL PRO- ,JECT PRO JECT PRO JECT PRO JECT TAXPAYERS Revenue Sharing Revenue Sharing: Local Government To Decide How Federal |$ Is Spent How it works With the passage of a bill by Con gress last week, revenue sharing be came a reality. What does this new law mean for High Point? According to the formula worked out in Washington, High Point will re ceive $1,287,001 from the federal gov ernment every fiscal year for the next five years to spend however its local government sees fit. Half of this amount, or roughly $640,000, is expected to come by No vember 1. The remainder is due to arrive in the spring. In other words, City Council will receive a lump sum, or block amount, to spend on whatever projects it feels necessary. This new federal spending concept, very similar to the way Model Cities is funded, is another step in replacing old methods of funding projects. In the past, Washington doled out funds for separate local projects; cities were required to make numerous ap plications for federal funds every time they found a worthwhile project which needed financial assistance. And once the federal monies came, their use was monitored very closely. LOCAL KNOW-HOW Now the federal government is mov ing away from such strict control over how local governmental units choose to spend their funds. Many leaders in Washington feel that it is those on a local level, after all, who know best what their conditions are, which pro grams deserve funds, and how best to carry out these programs. With this growing feeling that local government should be most responsible for the spending of domestic tax dol lars, revenue sharing was passed into law. In revenue sharing, and its sister bill. Community Development — which is expected to be passed when Congress reconvenes next year—communities all over the country collect their federal taxes as usual and send them to Wash ington. Federal oflBcials, in turn, de termine how much is then transferred back to state, county and city govern ments according to their population and per capita income. Guilford County, for example, will Sickle Cell Test Now Given At Health Clinic A new site for testing for sickle cell anemia has been added by the Guil ford County Health Department in cooperation with the Sickle Cell Out reach and Education agency. Mothers can now take their children to the health clinic on Montlieu Ave nue, across from High Point College, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. each Monday. This time and place is in addition to the Elizabeth Street Demonstration Center in the Southside, where all black children are tested routinely for the blood disease. The simple Sickle Dex test, ad ministered free, is taken by simply pricking a child’s finger. Results will show whether or not the child either has tlie trait or has the disease itself. If the test is positive, a further more sophisticated test must be conducted at High Point Memorial Hospital to determine whether the child is a car rier of the trait or has the severe form of the disorder. Parents of children who are found to carry the trait or to suflFer from the painful sickle cell anemia are then counseled by the staff of the Sickle Cell Outreach office, a Model Cities agency. More information about sickle cell can be obtained by contacting the agency at 402 Harrison Street. Direc tor Teresa Bodie can be reached at 886-7436. Though geared primarily at this time to residents of the Model Neighbor hood, the project is designed to assist any black family in High Point who needs help regarding sickle cell anemia. Legal Services Client receive a total of $5,957,099. Of that amount, Greensboro will receive $2,- 781,068, while High Point will get its $1,287,001. These amounts are in ad- ition to the $1,770,000 sum allotted High Point annually for the Model City Commission. Unlike federal grants in the past, with the exception of Model Cities, revenue sharing requires the local gov ernments to decide how these new monies are spent. Cities which have had Model Cities processes already at work, it can be pointed out, have actually had a head start in deciding the direction of reve nue sharing. Model Cities stresses the importance of citizen participation in identifying problems and conditions, planning so lutions, and evaluating results — all of which will be necessary for effective revenue spending. NEED ADVICE Now, more than ever. City Council- men will need the help and advice of citizens from all over the community to help make these crucial decisions on what projects to fund. New city-wide task forces being formed by Model Cities are a step in a heightened communication with City Hall and the decision-makers. The new revenue-sharing technique — in which more well-to-do cities share their revenue, or income, with poorer ones — has several advantages, it is felt. Cities now have the opportunity to develop their own strategies and programs to meet their own unique needs without strict federal guidelines. More than ever before, people on the “grass roots” level will have a bet ter chance to voice their opinions on how their federal tax dollars are spent. City Councils can take a more com prehensive approach to problem-solv- (Continued on page 3) She Thought That Something ^Fishy^ Was Going On... When Leona Hickman went to High Point Legal Services with a complaint last February, she thought she was the only one who had been cheated by a local keypunch training firm. As it turned out, not only had she been cheated, but so had at least 52 others in High Point. It was Ms. Hickmans visit to at torney Mike McGee at Legal Services, which offers free legal advice to those certified by the Department of Social Services, which gave the added push needed to resolve the keypunch case. Leona Hickman, a Model Neighbor hood resident at the time the whole matter began, has a fifth grade educa tion. She is a textile worker, now em ployed by Anvil Brand, Inc. She and her younger son live at 802 Oakview Road. Learning the techniques of key punch, she thought, was something she wanted to do. She heard about the local branch of a national keypunch school, and talked to a representative. He assured her that her lack of education would not prevent her from learning the skill. “He said education didn’t matter, that I could leam it,” she said. “I guess I let him talk me into it.” INSTANT LOAN She gave him a deposit of $5 —all she had at the time —and was taken next door to a loan company to borrow the additional $345 needed for the course. The money was produced at once, without a credit check, and the loan agreement signed. The first night of class there were no instructor, and no keypunch ma chines. The second class an instructor showed up, but according to Ms. Hick man “didn’t explain much.” By the third class meeting it became apparent to her that the material was too dif ficult, and that something “fishy” was going on. The fourth night of class, Ms. Hick man’s last, there was likewise no in structor. Having consulted Legal Services be fore about another matter, Ms. Hick man decided to pay them another visit. In the meantime, Ms. Hickman be gan her repayment of the $345 loan, (Continued on Page 3) LEONA HICKMAN