WHAT'S • HAPPENING Free Copy OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE HIGH POINT MODEL CITY COMMISSION November 24,1972 Employment Service Changes Name, Expands Facilities, And Adds Clients DR. ROBERT ELLER (This is the second in a series about drug abuse.) Sedatives are a legal —and illegal form of drugs. Taken in small doses, as prescribed by a doctor, they are safe and reduce daytime tension so a person can relax and sleep. Sedatives, and their related drug, tranquilizers, can be abused. One com mon type of sedative that is used fool ishly is called a barbiturate, or “down er.” Some users may react to the drug more strongly at one time than at an other. It is not unusual for persons taking barbiturates in large dosages to die from accidental poisoning. Taken while drinking, they become all the more dangerous. Taken in normal, medically super vised doses, barbiturates mildly de press the action of the nerves, and muscles, especially the heart muscles. They slow down the heart rate and breathing, and lower the blood pres sure. For these reasons, doctors give these drugs to treat high blood pressure, epilepsy, and insomnia; to diagnose Comprehensive Manpower Services is now Interagency Employment Counseling (lEC). Located at 329 N. Main Street, the Arcade Building, the free employment counseling, training, and job place ment service will continue to help those from the Model Neighborhood and from the greater High Point com munity to upgrade their skills in order to get a better job. Not only does the agency work closely with Guilford Technical In stitute, of which it is a division, but it draws on the resources of all other Model Cities projects to improve a person’s lifestyle. As of December 1 the lEC will and treat mental illness; and to relax patients before and during surgery. Sedatives and tranquilizers can lead to physical addiction. Some experts consider barbiturate addiction more difficult to cure than a narcotic de pendency. The body needs increasing ly high doses to feel the effects. A strong desire to continue taking the drug is present after a few weeks on large amounts. Addiction to 50 or more sleeping pills a day has been re ported. STRESS, ANXIETY People under excessive stress and anxiety are the ones most likely to be come addicted to these pills if they have them available. Addicts hooked on other drugs, too, may use them to substitute or supplement heroin, for example. If barbiturate dependence is severe, a sudden withdrawal from the drug can be very dangerous. The with drawal state resembles delirium trem ens, such as a seasoned alcoholic ex periences when he is deprived of a drink for a long time. house not only offices for counseling, but two classrooms and Guilford Technical Institute’s Learning Lab, now located at William Penn School. These facilities will enable a client to be screened and tested, counseled, trained, and placed on a job, all under the same roof. All courses offered to lEC clients are taught by instructors of Guilford Technical Institute, either at the Ar cade Building center or on the James town campus. In each case, the lEC program pays for tuition, fees, books, and transportation when needed. UNIQUE FEATURE This feature makes lEC unique among employment services. Through its parent organization, GTI, the lEC program can provide any course of study or training which is demanded. Assistant director Harold Chilton says the agency would not be recep tive to paying for such courses as sky diving or cake decorating. “But anything that’s applicable to voca tional mobility, we can see they have it,” he says, “even if it means adding a new course to the GTI curriculum.” When lEC’s new contract goes into effect next month. Model Cities will no longer be footing the project’s en tire bill. As of then, the state De partment of Social Services will be picking up 75 percent of the tab, leav ing the Model City Commission only one-fourth of the budget to supple ment. Dr. Robert W. Eller, the program’s director since August 1, is proud that the agency has found a permanent The addict also becomes sweaty, fearful, sleepless, and trembly. He is restless, agitated, and may suffer con vulsions. In addition, he may see things that aren’t there and have confused thoughts. He needs medical attention at once. Look for these symptoms if you (Continued on page 3) CC cc \ Sedatives . . . they look like com mon medicine-cabinet pills. funding source. “It’s upmanship on our part that we’re already going the route all good Model Cities projects should go, of this absorption into an established agency,” he says. He and his staff of six are constantly looking not only for more clients — whose number continues to grow — but for new, exciting job openings for their newly-marketable workers. A Careers Day has been established on a monthly basis to put employers in touch with these persons. Eller is interested not only of im proving unskilled laborers’ attitudes about themselves, but of changing in dustry’s attitude about the working population. “We can’t leave them thinking they can get by with slave labor,” he says. “We’ve found they are wilHng to ne gotiate their wages up if they can get qualified people to fill their slots. “On the other hand, we have to instill pride in people and show them they don’t have to work for minimum wage. We have to win both sides over. . . .” Fix-Up Materials Now Available For Minor Repairs Concentrated Social Services’ fix-up fund is now available for people whose homes need minor repairs. Aimed primarily at Model neighbor hood residents, the fix-up fund will provide materials worth up to about $25 to families or individuals who need to insulate windows, repair brok en glass panes, stop leaks in a roof, or cover holes in floors, for example. The fund is designed to make build ings more air-tight now that winter is coming, and thereby to reduce fuel bills. In the spring, on the other hand, families can use the money for such things as repairing screen doors. Although the fund is being handled by the Model Cities Social Services agency, persons requesting the repairs do not have to be Social Services clients. To apply for the fix-up, persons may come to either of the three branches of Concentrated Social Serv ices: 208 Vail Street, 600 Wise Street, or Daniel Brooks Center. After an application is approved. Social Services will then buy the ma terials needed to repair that particular house, and give these to the resident. Only in cases where there is no one in the household able to make the re pairs will this assistance be provided. Wise Street director David Adkisson pointed out that this was a “self-help” project, and involved no cash. Also, it is not open to those in public hous ing, or those who need major house hold repairs, such as a new roof. TOWN MEETING! Tuesday, December 5 7 p. m. City-County Building Join hands with people from all over High Point in decid ing the direction of Model Cities’ Fourth Year Action Plan. Bring your complaints, your suggestions, and your neighbors. For transportation, call Model Cities Citizen Participation oflBce, 885-0817. Getting The Dope On Drugs Stress Can Lead To Sedative Addiction