"The Campus Echo” EDIT_^IAI- TIIE PlHFC:i3 OF SDUCZTION From every source of moral streiOi^th there should come empfeasis on the underlying principle of ea'acation—that it is preparation for greater usefulxxe&s. Txie read each inlividual feels for 'the! practical demands of is likely to obscure, if not "blot out, the truth the t ,non lj:;.‘e lor o?ie another. Religion ard education agree upon the end to be attc!.ir.i-:-a and differ only to the means to gain it. Tho record of the lives ot thoe’S whom the world honors shows that men !=re revered ior exemplifying bro+:herhood. More than any ether Aa.eri3arn, rood to ler,:rn the essentials of good i.iving, Other\\(iGe they cannit overcome their limitations of rights and oppor"’Jx.ities. The ciiureh and the school, are therefore the more obligated to inspire as in the desire to help o'^hers. The preo.cher and the teechor oug’it to fael the v^eight of responsihility for '^et'^.ing the rcoe’s feet in the sure path io do better things, Tbe sliP/llcw rer.s'^ning that says "I w'>n'ls do 9.nything for anybody who does net do sc/metlir^-', fo? me,” is no policy for a'raco vjhich 7/ants to get ahead. T^o niEn can live selfishly and thereby make the friends essonti.al to his successor. >nd a race need friends in the H£..re vv.*;v■^ The J^legro has ip'^wduced v'onder men end women. Yet the inspira tion their lives wo'j.Id ce tc in .Largely lost throug!: the failure of our ins trMct or ? to tell is scout them- ;fjir-tead cf the rich food which :Ocu,-^lc Lvf, L’Overture and others could be, some f cl? y leads oor p’J.v,; t ann vl at-forni sreai^ers to pay tribute to politi ci',’r;jr’ c pr.:,ei.'r5;'. Tl'sv “f' £-.o v;itl, se Lf- esteem, converting the hour r.r ..jsj^ilng ethers iiit-o e::tjjlmg self. Teachers frankly contest.' thcv r;'l'l:''»v “ha'*, '^g tor the sf.lary it brings. They rofii'-'e tc add to :he!.r labor, the piep-.’ration of dis course on i^regro hi‘-'t'ty. iho result Is Lr.at e'^ch i^egro starts his constx’uctive efl'oi-ts without the lelp he vfould nave from tiie success of his broi,h':^r. Have ycuT -^arents evei tol.d you ebout the great men and women of the race? If they nrrie iio’i., ch^y rrvo failed of a duty. Mailc yoar -'...i T.o ',h3y pr-..aoh only of life hereafter and fail to help you 'oe ;:io’Lcbody nere? tiie^ preach hum.i.Litj?' and urge subaii&sion to mislorlrne Christ-like? l*o t?iey not know that many early Bishops and Leaders ot tJio Christian church were Begroes? Kegroes need edueetion, of the kinl that sets them on fire and to be up and doingo - 2 -