"The Campus Echo" Curront and Local News Prof. J.E, Paterson a linsesed pharmacist and professor of chemlsty at N.C.College is now putting ou.t a fine line of' toilet articles and flooring of all^,kinds. Prof. Paterson comes to us from Waco Texas and is a powerful asset to any community and state in which he lives. Dr. Elcrt Russel of Duke University after a visit of Nicaragua whore he make a special study of pcalitical condi tions asserts that only are rebels bombed wherever found with out proper assurance. That no women and chrildren are present to lose their lives ;but that our country is aiding in I’obbing the Nicaraguans. Dr. Henry Hov/ard pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Now York,addressed the student body of this school in the Avery Auditorium on Jan. 25,26,1928.onthe follov/ing subjects: "The Development of a Rounded Man", .lelations"and the "Human Equation'.' No Lectures more inspii’ing have ever been rendered from platform of our Auditorium, Dr. Scanthing of the city Presbyterian Church, Dr.Sopa the Professor of Theology at Duke University and Many other distinguished,visitors of both races were present throughout the series of addresses. Dr. J. B. Shepard, addressed the students on Feb.8,1928 on the subject,'‘Making the most of Life'.' The addressoo.was quite inspiring. The Hampton Institute Glee Club appeared at the City Auditorium, January 31, 1928 v/ith their director" Mr. Nathaniel Dett. The program consisted of several piano, vocal, and violin selections, Mr. Dett also rendered two piano selections. The program was well received by those present. Two comedies, "A Race for a Vtfife," and "Do Men Gossip" were presented in the Avery Auditorium, Friday Feb. 11, 1928 for the benefit of the Campus Echo. Those taking part in "A Race for a Wife" v/ere Mr. ViJm. King and Mr. Chas. Suggs. "Do Men Gossip was portrayed by the Misses Ann McAden, Laura Blake, ^^enrietta Forrest, Catherine Ruffin, Eva Hall and Gladys Fair, These young ladies, v/ith the exception of Miss Fair impersonated several young men of the campus. Miss Fair impersonated Miss Spencer Thomas, Miss Helen Baker rendered a vocal selection. The entire program was well received by those present.