4 Office of Public Relations rwi 1 • wy M Box 3354 I t* f1.f1,1,1^, fy fyst Duke University IVIedical Center Durham, North Carolina 27706 Prof. Elon H. Clari Audiovisual Education Hospital Box 3037 STUDY IN CONCENTRATION—'^atcW\v\q the action at the annual Duke Women's Bowling League "Beat the Boss Night" are from left, Peggy Williamson, R.N., in structor in the operating room, Betty Stancik, secretary in ophthalmology, and Mac Stribling, OR administrator. Ladies interested in bowling occasionally as substitutes in the league should call Lessie Welborn at extension 2727. (staff photo) Intercomments FOR SALE -- 12-foot wooden sailboat with all equipment including trailer. $300. Call Miss Reyling at 489-7802 evenings. FOR SALE ~ Modern green tweed sofa and matching chair (sell together or Individually), two modern lamps and four-drawer pecan bachelor's chest. All in good condition. Call Mrs. Whitfield at 383-2269. FOR SALE - Solid wood 30" bed - $10; boy's 26-inch bicycle • $15; student desk - $5; drop-4eaf kitchen table; seven-cup electric per colator; flute; orthopaedic back support for car; power mower; children's rocking chairs. Call Mrs. Harris at 682-0025. FOR SALE. - AR-XA turntable with M7D stereo cart-nearly new-$60. Practice piano - old but sturdy cabinet grand - recently tuned - $100. Ski rack - fits any trunk - used once - $20. Call Dr. Shalley at 688-2737 after 5 p.m. WANTED - Used set of encyclopedias not over 10 year old. Call Mrs. Waters at 477-6709 after 6 p.m. To have your ad printed, be sure to include your name and home telephone number or address. Ads are limited to 30 words and no ads will be accepted concerning either commercial businesses or housing. Send your announcement to Intercom Trading Post, Box 3354, Duke Hospital. Clerical Upgrade (continued from page one) "We want all Duke employes to have the chance to develop and improve their skills in line with their own capabilities and the training opportunities that may be presented," Ed Bennett, assistant di rector of University personnel, said. "Hopefully, through 'in-house' training, we may be able to fill the majority of our higher-rated jobs at Duke from within. This way, we may take on new employes at ground levels and help them find their niche through skills-development training during their employment." Training Director James DeLeo added, "We believe that the Affirmative Action training projects are a start toward mak ing Duke University a leader among area employers in providing meaningful job opportunities for its employes." Taking part in the first clerical upgrade program were Mrs. Gloria Bass, a food service supervisor for three years, Mrs. Helen Ruffin, with medical food service operations for two and a half years, Mrs. Carolyn Rogers, a ward clerk on Nott at Duke for two and a half years, and Miss Marian Armstrong, who worked with messenger service. The two University employes in the program were Mrs. Peggy Brandon and Mrs. Myrtle Washington. Gastroenterology Diane Foote, lab technician with Dr. D.L. Young, married Hugh L. Dukes Jr. in Orlando, Fla. on Aug. 30 .... Sandra Horn, who moved here with her husband from Arlington, Va., replaced Memorie Chamberlain, who moved away. Reporter: Barbara Anderson General Surgical Unit Mr. and Mrs. John Dixon announce the birth of a daughter, Renita Lavelle, on July 2. Mrs. Dixon is a PCA on Reed . . . . New in dietetics are Vivian Herndon and MaeRetha Elliott .... Now working as ward clerks are Annie Tedder and Valor Mack . . . RN's recently joining the staff are Lucinda J. Gladieux, Kay Hall and Lindsay Goins .... New LPN's are Sandra Upchurch, Jacquelyn Norman and Annie Howard .... Lensy Gill, PCA II, transferred from Nursing Service . . . . Geraldine Edgerton is new in unit services . ... Beth Norman, RN, and Della Moore, RN, have moved to Raleigh . . . . Kathleen Shields, RN, moved to the west coast .... Ward clerks Karen Swanson and Margaret Rhoads have returned to school. Reporter: Peggy Poole Hanes Ward The former Miss Sandra Pratt is now Mrs. Sandra Claritte .... Mrs. Bryant, PCA II, is leaving for LPN school. Reporter: Mary Bynum Holmes Ward Miss Barbara Jones, LPN, is engaged to George Privett .... Mr. and Mrs. David Bullaboy announce the birth of a son Lee on June 29. Mrs. Bullaboy is an RN on Holmes .... New nurses include Georgia Melton and Gwenda Hyatt .... Mrs. Dora Thompson, LPN, resigned to begin nursing school in Missouri .... Mrs. Young Lee, nurse technician, and Mrs. Gloria Fulton have resigned. Reporter; Mary Ray