THE ELON COLLEGE WEEKLY. VOL. L New Series. Greensboro^ N. C.^ Wednesday, January 4, I9H No. 33 and Elou College, N. C. LOCALS AND PERSONALS. —Dr. Atkinson. Mrs. Atkinson, and the cliildr, n spent tlie past two weeks witli relatives in Eastern Virginia, mak ing Mr. W. J. Lee's the principal point of their extended visit. —Kev. Herbert Scholz, M. A., ’01, spent several days here last week visit- insr “Aunt” Helen Winhonie. Mr. Scholz is suj)erint; ndent of the State high seliool. Macon, N. ('.. where his home is. He is also pastor of several country churches. —Mrs. T. W. (’handler. Ph. B.. (formerly Miss Mary lallian AVatson), Virj;ilina. Va., is visiting at h,r father’s, Dr. (r. S. Watson’s. —Mr. M. A. Atkins.m, manager of the Elon l^umber (’ompany, with his family spent several days last week visiting in and near Kaleigh. —Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Sannders visited relativ s in Durham Christmas. —Pi'of. and Mrs. \V. A. Ilaqier spent the liolidays witli relatives and friends in Durham, Norfolk, Suff(dk, and other places in Eastern Virginia. ]\Iiss Bryan of the Art dej)artment sp-nt (’hrislmas wSth home jienple at Mars Hill, near Asheville. —Miss Sallie Emerey. of (Ireensboro. was tlie guest of Miss Bessie Barnes last w , ck. — Mr. Lew (iregory of Virgilina, \’a., sjient a day or two during the holidays at Dr. Watson's. —Miss Mattie of fJril’am, 'v' C., and Miss Maggie Hall, of Burling ton. N. were guests last week at Dr. Watson's. —Jlessrs. .Tohn M. Cook and E. S. W. Domeron, of Burlington, were business visitors last Saturday. —Messrs. Floyd Noah and firady Smith of High I'oint s]>?nt last week with home people. —I’rof. Thos. R. Foust, of r!reen.sboro. Superintendent of schools for Ouilford County, spent last Wednesday" with his sister, Mrs. W. L. Smith. —Mr. aiul Mrs. ,1. (\ McAdams’s lit tle son, Mark, lias b:en ill from crouji and catarrh. —Ml'S. Sadie .Tones and l\Irs. ,T. P. Huffman visited Mrs. Hiififman’s rela tives in (ireensboro, Mrs. Jones later go ing to Kaleigh to visit her brother. —Mr. and Mrs. .1. .T. Lambeth spent last week with Mr. I.ambeth's people at Brown Summit, N. C. —Miss Annie 7.,owrance. of the public school faculty, spent Christmas at Iv, r h(mie ill Newton, N. C. —Mr. I'’lmer B. Williams, a former Elon student, in the em]iloy of an insur ance firm in Columbia, South Carolina, was here last week and he and Miss Myr- tie Co.v sjient one day at Mr. John Sharpe’s in the country. —Miss Macie Farmer, Ph. B., ’10, a teacher in the public school, returned Sun day from a week’s %-isit at her home. News Ferry, Va. —Miss Hattie Bell Smith spent Satur day and Sunday of (niristmas in Burling ton. —IVIr. and Mrs. Bowers were visitors at Mr. M. A. Keitzel’s last week. —Mr. J. S. Elder, a student of Rich land, (!a., sjieut part af the holidays in (ireensboro. —Mr. and Mrs. L. L. White, and Mes srs. Roswell and Eugene Foust from near (iraham were guests at Mr. W. L. Smith's last week. —Kev. J. V. Night, a student, of Tru- ett, Alabama, spent the holidays in (ireensboro and Raudleman in which lat ter ])lace he is serving as pastor of the Christian Church. —Mr. and Mrs. (). B. AVilliams and little daughter were with relatives near Efland. Orange County, N. ('’., during the (’liristmas \acalion. Mr. Williams takes charge of tlu clerical work in the C’hris- tian Sun office with the beginning of the new year in connection with his studies. —Miss I.ila Newman spent several days in Kaleigh, visiting the Misses Hobby. —Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Thaxton's two sons from Warrenton and Raleigh were here with their jiareiits. (liristmas. —Little Dorothy I.owe spent Christmas with her grandmcther, Mrs. Hams, Trin ity, N. C. —Miss Lizzie Rich returned from Ijynchburg, Va.. to sjiend (^liristmas with Rev. W. Patton’s family. - Prof ssor John W. (jilliam. ,Ir., and I \\ o ^isiers, iii-t' ;ii;n Liliie, Mr, Denny of Pilot Monntaiii, N. C., and Pr fes.soi- J. F. Fleming of I’ennsylvania were guests of Mr.' and Mrs. ,T. Fletcher Somers last week. —Jlrs. Lnvenia Clapp visited her brother, Mr. J. P. Hnffman, during the holidays. —The Palm Street Christian Church, (ireensboro, remembered their pastor. Dr. W. C. Wicker, in a substantial way, Christmas with a handsome umbi’ella, col lars, necktie.s, etc. —Mrs. JI. J. Rich, of Bow’dens, N. C., s]:ent several days daring the holiday sea son with her step-daughter, Mrs. J. W. Patton. —Miss Dowdy visited her uncle, Dr. W. C. Wicker, last week. —Mr. P. Barber of .Tackson, Miss., was another one of the Elon alurani who was here during the holidays. He is looking well and is prospering as a rep resentative of a leading nurseryman. —Jliss Martha E. Winston aud Mr. Sidney C. Holden, both former Elon stu dents, were marrie.l at the home of the bride's father. Mr. ,J. C. Winston, near Youngsville, N. C., Tuesday, Dec. 27. Kev. •T. L. Foster was the ofliciating minister. THE CHRISTMAS STORE. The Sunday-school gave a Christmas Store to the primary, junior, and in termediate classes Tu'sday afternoon, Dec. 27. The st-re was in the gymna sium at West Dormitory' and consisted of a great variety of toys, fruits and the like. Mesdames Foster. Patton, and Sannders served as cl.rks, and they were exceedingly busy for two hours. They had over one hundred little customers each with a check for an amount corres ponding to the number of times he had been present during the past It was a novel entertainment for the lit tle folks and they se, med to enjoy tlie fcvent. The only dissatisfaction was in the fact that every one could not be wailed on first. TWO NEW FAMILIES. Mr. 0. E. Somers, a memb.r of the firm, “The Elon Supply Company,” moved his family here recently. Mr. Somers takes charge of the store which this firm is conducting. Jlr. Somers is a broth r of Mr. J. Fletcher Somers who came here a year aio to accept the posi tion as cashier of the bank. He has made a good inip:essi(in on the town people, and it is ; xj^ected that his brother will do equally as well in the mercantile bu siness. Mr. W. C. Michael, who purchased the J. P. Huffman re.sidence a few wesks ai'O, moved his family here since Christ mas. Mr. Michael has f,:r several years, be n a prominent farmer and ptock lais- er of (luilford county, having a very valuable farm near Gibsonville. • This farm he sold recently, rumor has it, for .•fl^.OOl), to Mr. \V. I!. Hobby, of Wake county, a f rme- Elon student. Mr. ,>ii- chael taking this ordinary farm of two luaidred iiiiu iiii\ acr.s a lew yeai. ag". not only made farming a ])rofitahle in dustry, but added yearly to the value of his farm until it was worth many times ils original cost. He has, moreover, been a continuous patron of p^hm Col lege, having two sons and two daughters here, one of the latter now being a sen ior, and the other a junior. Mr. Mi chael's success in agriculture won for him the position of “Farm Demonstra tor” for Guilford county. One pretty good farmer, after spending a little time on Mr. Michael's farm observing his method of doing things, said _that two weeks there would be worth more than a whole year in an Agricultural College. PREPARING TO BUILD. Mr. J. P. Huffman on vacating the large handsome residence on Williamson Avenue, which he s;ild recently to Mr. W. C. Michael, moved into his cottage in West Elon. He purposes building a res idence on his lot just across.the macad am road from his cottage. Mr. Huff man owms and op;rates a roller mill and a saw mill here and is succeeding, judging from the c-nstautly increasin; custom which his enterprises draw. GOES ON THE tlOAD FOR THE 0. B. BARNES SAFE COMPANY. Afr. W. C\ Thaxton who has been in charge of the Elon Supply Company’s Store since the firm began business sev eral weeks ago, has accepted a position as salesman with the 0. B. Baraes Safe C ompany and lO'oes on the road for them this week. He is succeeded in the store by Mr. E. (>. Somers who has been here ten days or so getting acquainted with the business. He would like his family who have been boarding at the Huffman Hotel lemain her,, but so far they have heen unable to rent roo.'iis even. There is absolutely no vacant to he had, and no rooms ev;-n for light housekeep ing. More liouses are badly needed. CONCERNING THE COLLEGE COM MUNITY. The new bank building. Whiskey and the Christmas holidays. The survey fcr Southern Powsr Company’s Trans mission Line. The iiainters are tiiiishing the work on the new banking hoiis,- of the Elon Bank ing and Trust Co. The fu.niture and fix tures, with (he exception of (he new steel safe which .the (^omjiany has bouaht, has been ]dac:d in the building. This Com- j'any has, besides furnisliing hanking con venience to the community since beginning business .Ian. 1 1010, made a success in the business itself. Tli-y have more than made expenses, a showing hardly expected by any of the directors, for the first year. The college is short iu housing accom modations for the unusually large num ber of yoUng men hei'e this yea;. During the Chri.stmas h(didays additiimal dormi tory room has been provided bv c n\ert- iiig liie dining room at East dormiloi'v ifi- to rooms for y(mng men, one room being rcse. ved in this part of the building for shower baths. There are several young men applying for entrance at the begin ning of th' Winter term. Jan. .3, and,these additional rooms ^ will aid the college in .accommodating them. All rooms to be had in private families have been taken. The holidays h«ve passed very quietly here. Whereas there was a good deal of drunkenness in the vicinity a few years ago, there being eight government' dis tilleries within three miles of Elon when it was built twenty-one years ago and a like proportion of whiskey consumption, during the Christmas season, there is now instead of ban els of whisk?y being ship- ])ed away from the railway station none, of course, ooing away, and comparatively few packages coming in by express, and a corresponding absence of drunkenness. The only intoxicated person reported to the town authorities as having been on the streets, during the holiday season, was one negro man, who said he had been rais'd on licker and was bound to have a little for Christmas. Thus a great trans formation has come in the onward march of the temjierance idea, and the su; round ing community is fast becoming more prosj>eroiis. Farms are being improved and are becoming piore profitable. Maca dam roads are being built, other roads im proved, and I>ublic schools supplemented by local taxation. Ihe Kutvey for the transmission line of the Southern Power Company running from (ireensboro to Durham pasg s just north of Elon, so t^at this Company can furnish power for our town industries and for lighting purposes should they be able to do so at less expense than the Col lege plant can do.

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