April 28, 1922 MAROON AND GOLD Three LOTTA JUNK BY CANALL Congratulations, Charley, your teanis team showed lots of fight and pep oil the trip to Lenoir and Davidson. Althpugh defeated at Davidson, don’t worry. Practice makes perfect. Let's have more practice. **«•*« Blou baseball team has at last struck its stride. The teajii is hitting, and tlie pitchers are working in mid-season form. Barker and Perry both pitched wonderful games against V. P. I. Let’s keep up the good work, fellows; it feels good to be on a winning team. Kent Patton’s timely hitting is proving a valuable asset to the nine. is a little fellow but proving that even the small are mighty. We appreciate it, Kent, knock ’em a mile. ****** “College Professor goes into the book agent business as a sideline.’ gee L. JI. Cannon. He’s taking orders. Don’t rush; plenty of copies on hand. ****** We wonder what Lois, Lillian, Effie^ Mary Lee, May Corbitt and Dorothy have to occupy their time and minds, now that the boys are in South Carolina, Don’t get the blues, girls, they will be home Sunday. ****** Gee! ff we won fifty dollars, we’d have gotten a new suit, too. ^Ve think it’s a nifty suit, E. O.—and incidentally we congratulate you on that old speech for the peace contest. , ****** A lot of the wise guys fooled. “Zebo” and Cheek convinced us that some day they are going to be real platform men. Some day we may return to Elon and find them speaking in the places of Dr. Summerbell and Dr. Child. Don t let up, fellows, but push right ahead in the oratorical game. We wish you both the best of luck. ****** After reading of Trinity’s defeat at the hands of V. P. J., it makes our team feel a little proud, iluch has been said of Trinity’s great team, their wonderful pitchers, and how hard they hit the ball. Nothing has been said in the way of praise about Elon’s team, yet in two games V. P. I. failed to register a victory here. Now WE think WE have a wonderful team. DR. J. V. DICK Office Over Gibsotiville Drug Co. Gibsonville, N. C. Residence Phone 34 JEFPCOAT & JEFFCOAT Chiropractors MEBANE, GIBSONVILLE AND BUELINGTON Office Phone 680 Office Hours; 10 to 12 A.M.; 2 to 4 P.M Mondav, Wednesday and Friday, 7 to 8 P. M. DR. R. M. MORROW Dentist BUELINGTON, N. C. WELCOME, ELON STUDENTS We invite you to use our 'bank while in Elon. Money in your room is not safe. Deposit it with us and pay hy cheek. ELON BANKING & TRUST COMPANY DR. J. H. BROOKS Surgeon Dentist POSTEE BUILDING, BUELINGTON NOETH CAEOLINA ' INSURE YOUR LIES' AND PROPERTY WITH US Lend Your Money Through Us SEE US FOR HOMES Standard Realty Security Co BURLINGTON, N. C. D. E. rONVILLB Mgr. Ins. & Loans 0. 0. F01T7ILLE Mgr. Beal Estate MAKOON AND GOLD WINS ONE GAME FROM V. P. I. (Continued from page 1) Summary; Home runs, Allston, Three base hits—Flynn, Johnson, Clark. Two base hits—Dean, Morton, btruck ou^ by Perry 4, by Morton 6. Base on balls, off Perry 2; Morton 2. Stolen bases—Marlette, Newman, -Perry. Dou ble plays—Morton to Thomas to Dean. Umpire—Bagsdale. Second Game In what proved to be the best played game on Comer field this year Elon and V. P. I. battled 11 innings to a 3-3 tie Friday afternoon. The game was hard fought from the start until darkness ended the fray. Barker and Harrelson, the opposing twirlers, hooked up in a real pitching duel. Barker allowed only five hits, while the Virginia twirler yielded sev en. Both men were working in mid- season form, Harrelson striking out 12 and' Barker fanning 10. Y p_ I. drew first blood in the third, when Slemp doubled, sending in two runs. Elon scored one run in her half ' of the third when Patton singled, send ing in Underwood who irvas on the sec ond station. Carroll playing left field for \ . P. I- featured with a circus catch in the ninth that spelled dioaster ifor the Maroon and Gold. It was one of the prettiest catches seen on the local lot this season, and the crowd cheered him lustily. Patton and Marlette were the leading hitters for Elon, while Slemp starred with the willow for V. P. L Marlette’s slashing triple was one of the longest hits recorded on Comer field this season. The box score and summary follow; AB R H PO A E 3 1 0 1 4 0 0 0 DE. COPE TO SPEAK AT ELON COMMENCEMENT (Continued from page 1) tary schools of London, and attended for a little time the institutions of his native land. He came to America when he was twenty-one years of age, and immediately began his studies in the Southern Baptist Theological Sem inary of Louisville, Ky. In 1893 Dr. Cope was ordained as a Baptist minis ter, and began his pastoral work at Hochester, N. Y. Since that time he has been rapidly coming to the from. He has served as minister, teacher, editor, and is now the general secretary of the Eeligious Education Association, having been elected to this office in 1906. Dr. Cope holds degrees from Eipon, Oberlin, and Washburn Colleges. His home is now- in Chicago, where in spite of his immense amount of work of his office, he takes an active layman’s part in the affairs of the Baptist church. Dr. Cope is a boys’ expert and has been -years in a detailed study of chil dren and their needs and has special ized ill child training on w^hich he has written extensively. OHABLES W. McPHEESON, M. D. I >; Eye, Ear, Nose, Tbroat OFPICE OVEK CITY DEU(J STOEB Office Hours: 9;00 a. m. to 1;00 p. and 2;00 to 5:00 p. m. Phones; Residence 153; Office 65J BXJEMNGTON, NOBTH CABOLINA DR. HENRY V. MURRAY Dentist BUELINGTON, N. C. OFFICE PHONE 604 EESIDBNCE, 769 W WHEN IN GKEENSBOEO EAT AT THE BEOADWAY CAFE Let It Be T. N. BOONE Burlington, N. C. ELON COLLEGE ALMA MATER For Full Particulars Address President W. A. Harper Elon College, N. C. WE HAVE IT! Quality and Service We want you to get your share. The razor is always sharp. The clippers never pull. The shears never slip. Massages hand or electric. Shampoos, any kind but bad ones—and Tonics, the world’s best. WHERE? ELOX— Patton, ss “t 0 ^ 0 Flynn, rf 2 0 0 0 Johnson, 2b 4 1 Clark, cf 5 0 Marlette, lb *5 1 0 1 1 4 Newman, 3b. 4 0 16 0 0 1 2 9 0 2 0 0 0 2 1 0 0 Allston, If 2 0 0 Underwoo^l, c - ^ Barker, p ^ ^ ^ Kirkland, If 1 ^ ^ ^ ® ^ 0 0 0'' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Smitli, rf 1 x Stouer ., ^ ® xx-Cheek ^ ^ V. p. T.~ AB R H PO A E Slemp, c 2 1 14 0 0 Links, 3b U 1 3 1 1 Rutherford, ss. . ... 4 0 1 0 i 0 Morton, 2b 0 0 1 0 u Dean, lb ... 4 1 0 9 0 u Carroll, If 0 0 1 1 u Wallace, ef ... 4 0 0 2 0 u Harvey, rf .. . 4 1 1 2 0 u Harrelson, p. .. • . . . 4 0 0 1 4 0 Calhoun, c 1 0 0 0 0 u Totals ...41 3 5 33 7 1 Clegg’s Fjashion Shop BEGINS MONDAY TO EXHIBIT New Creations in Easter Millinery—New Arrivals in Proeks and Wraps ■i- -i- -i- MARGARET CLEGG Front Street Burliugton,_N. C. CITY BARBER SHOP J. H. Dollar G. A. Pearce x-Hit for Allston in sixth. XX- Hit for Flynn in eighth. Score by innings; V. p. 1 002 010 000 00—3 Elon 001 100 010 00—3 •Suniniary; Three base hits, Ruther ford, Dean, Marlette, Finks. Two base hits, Slemp, Clark. Struck out, by Bar ker 10, Harrelson 12. Stolen bases, Slemp, Patton, Flynn, Johnson, Mar lette, Underwood. Double plays, V. P. I., Harrelson to Dean. Umpire, Rags dale. WE SPECIALIZE IN S-H-O-E-S FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS MONTGOMERY-JOHNSTON COMPANY Burlington, North Carolina (Near Post-Offlce) I ELON COLLEGE PHARMACY I Prescription T)ruggists I EVERYTHING IN DRUGS J CIGARS AND SODAS TELEPHONE 68 12 Totals 36 3 7 33 11 3 LOST—FRENCH BOOKS If you have ’em, We want ’em. M. L. P. and M. Z. R. S. W. CADDELL, M. D. Elon College, N. C. Telephone 68-n LIFE INSURANCE IS A NECESSITY—NOT A LUXURY R. O. SMITH, Agent Southern Life & Trust Company We’ll Thank You and You’ll Thank Us If You Buy Your Shoes Here! WE «T!T.T. GOOD SHOES WE FIT YOUR FEET WE PRICE THEM RIGHT WHERE A DOLLAR DOES FULL DUTY Dry Goods and Fancy Groceries W. V. HUfFlNES & BRO. ELON COLLEGE. N. C. FELLOW STUDENTS; Have you considered the importance of Life Insurance? The Jefferson Stand ard is offering some very attractive policies. Let me talk them over with you. I. 0. HAUSER, Agent Every cent of profit from The College Store goes for athletics. Silk Hose and Hair Nets for the Girls at The College Store.