STUDENTS HAVE you PAID YOUE annual fees? anl) VOLUME VI ALUMNI HAVE YOU PAID YOUR M. & G. FEE? KLOX COLLEGE. WEDNESDAY, APRH. 22, 1925 NUMBER Maroon and Gold Team Gets Short End of Score In Two Games With Carolina Teams One Played Here State Game is Played at Raleigh and Guilford Game is Played on Comer Field. many hits registered jesvy Hitting of N. C. State and Gull- ford Eesults in the Loss of Two Games by Elon Team. BASE BALL FIELD NOW has grandstand on IT For , STATE GAME ’ Caacli Corboys nieii jourjieyed to Isleigl) last Thursdjiy, fresh fi-om an lir tight game with Wake Forest, aud ibigh hopes ot holding the heavy hit- jsg State uine to a close score. Many ^dents went along with tlie team, by ray of the “JHop-it ’’ bus line, expcet- jg to witness a close and exciting puie. The beginning o'f the first frame was ja manner that seemed to point to the ^tificatioii of these hopes. Two of fete's sluggers had gone back to their tspective seats on the bench when "Bed’’ Johnson’s line drive to' center jfld was muffed by Slangiiter. This in- fldem was not in itself one of such |reat importance, but it happened to be ke key log under an avalanche of hits ud rmis. Wlien six tallies liad been blked Up prowler went in to relieve Jogleniaii. This cliaiige served as a leek for alxmt three iiuiings, but the jeat game Fowlor pitched at Wake hrest two days before soon began to tew niul he retired, at the end of five idathird innings, in favor of “Tobe’’ ^Tutclifield. But even this did no't serve , lapennnnent check on a team that! id suddenly gone hitting mad, and If game ended with State sitting on ielarge end of a 17-0 score. The feature of the game was the con- istent hitting of State’s team. McTver (Continued on Page Three) nmny years the students have longed for ii gramlstaiKl on CoiDer Fiehl. Tliere was, for a go'od wliile, some l.leaoliers on tlie field but they were torn down last year and makesliift seats were used at tlie base ball games last spring. A good many of us were be ginning to wonder if we w'ould have to 'iew the games this spring from the same seats,, but now we find that cob- ditums have changed at the old field. Master Monday we found a neiv grandstand, from wliich we foul.I wateh Atlantic Christian College bite the dust. Xecdless to say tiiis structure adds one liundred per cent to the pleasure of watching one of the gaineis. It is expected that wo will have mov able bleachers for football season, as they would be in keeping with the uew grandstand. e.0.B.BiQyETFI1Tli CLIMAX TO BRILLIANT SPIIIlie SOCIAL SEASON GENE POBTEIl fEATUflES Popular Author is Subject for Evening and Judges Decide in Favor cf Misses Horn, Grissom and Hall. I TEAM DEFEATED E FOfiEST ^^on, Denton, Wicker, and Peele Represent Elon in the First Match of the Year. Saturday morning the Klon ten- fiitMmwas defeated by the Wake Vov- ttteaiii by the score of 17 to U. ThiS ut^li was tlie first one -f the season tlie hoiiie boys. Wake I'^orest wo;i the singles and doubles n'atches fTstraight sets. The g:imes were more '■«tlT ooiitested than the score indicates most of the games were rim into points. team lias been handicapped yiar by the lack of hard courts, ones have been constructed but ** Dot yet iu good condition. The ^ are practicing hard and hope to 1 better sho\A'ing iu tlieir other etches. matches Saturday were as fol- In the single, acting Captain Elon, was defeated by Capt. Sn, Wake Forest, 6-0, 6-2. Peele, K lost to Burroughs, Wake Forest, i 6-0. 'W’^icker, Klon, was bested by Wake Forest, 60, G-1. In the ''ibles, Newton and Agelasto, Wake H defeated Johnson and Denton, 6-1. B-.*?. Powers and Burroughs ^'from Peele and Wicker 6-3, G 1. The Psijtiielian Literary Society held it.s regular meeting on last Wednesday (light, at vvhich tinie a^verx' int«'resting ])rogram was rendered, which was as follows: Keading—C’hiyo Jto. Life of Gene Stratton Porter—Sue- nuill Alcorn. Synopsis of one of Gene Stratton Porter’s Books—.^^argnret Grissom. Tliinior—Dorothy LcAve. j Zip! Zing! Decree! Divorce a ’ la j Fi-ancaise—Ruth Horne. ! Current Events—Lyde Bingham. Piano Solo—Elizabeth Hnll. The Psipludian Society has been doing e,\cellent wark along literaary lijies this year and its members have been iiighly iileased with the jirogress which has been made. This jtrogram was up to' the usual high stamlnrd aud the judges decided in favor i»f ^Misses Jrorn. Gris- s(nn and Ilnll. This is the Last Banquet to be Given This Year and It Closes the Season in a Fitting Manner. OLD MEMBERS ATTEND The Beta Oniicron Beta’s seventh an nual banquet, held in the young ladies' banquet liall, closed the baiujuet season ol: the college in a Jiiost fitting and elaborate maTiner. A note of distinction and originality was evident throughout Hie occasion, in the decorations, in the ]uenu, and in the i»rogrnm. The bampiet tables, arranged in a V shape, were banked with various col ored sweet peas mingled with lacc fern, and large bowls of sw'eet peas at inter vals along the tables. The same flow’^- ers "were used in the other decorations, with the addition of palms and ferns, and the gu^sts were greeted at the door by little ]\risses Eilith Bra nnock and Winifred Barney, each hobling a large basket of sweet peas, giving a flower to each of the guests as they entered. Blue and white v\ere tlie colors found in the menus, favors and place cards, all of which bore the seal of the club. Miss Annie Simpson as toastmistress j)resided over a very deliglitful pro gram, giving the welcome address, which was responded to by W. C. Elder Readings by Frances Sterrett au( Eunice Ricli were especially enjoyed, as were the vocal solos by Delba Cotten and Florence Fisher. Other items of the program were; toast to the old mem- bei's by ^''ranees Turnej’ and response by Essie Cotten. toast to the faculty by ^^rs. C. Ar. Cannon aud respojise by Prof. J. W. Barney, followed by .in io- formal ]irogram of jokes and toasts. An elaborate seven course dinner w'as (Coptinued on Page Four) Elon Debating Team Divides Honors With Lenoir-Rhyne In Intercollegiate Contest FORMER ELON STUDENT IS HONORED AT HARVARD N. G. >*’evvjnan, Jr., of Holland Va., a tliird year student at the Harvard Dental School, read his report as Sec retary of the Dental School Society at the annual meeting of the officers of the Phillips Brooks House Association on the night of April 13th. Newman announced that during the past year the Society has brouglit students at the Dental School together more than ever. “Nat’’ graduated with the class of ’22, and lias since been a student in the Harvard Dental School. He was very popular while a student here and is well j’emembered from the fact tiiat he to'ok aji active interest in all phases of stu dent life. Elon Wins Here A Very Interesting Debate Closes the Season and Makes Way for Senior Orations Which Begin This Week. NEGATIVE TEAM WINS Rulings of Both Decision Committees Seem to Point to the Fact That the Negative Side Was the Strongest Side. PRESIDENT W. A. HARPER ATTENDS CONVENTIONS To Speak at Dedication Service and to the Religious Education Association. REPORTER IITERVIEWS STAFF OF ie25 Andr, '^^6 Hill over the last week end. ■ew's, '23, w'as a vi isitor Many Interesting Facts Concerning the Phlpsicli are Garnered. •■At least, it's different." The doors of the Phipsicli office have finally ad mitted a Maroon and Gold reporter, aud the above is its entire statemen! for publii-ation. 1-iowever, by carefully ]ilaniied questions uinch information about the book was obtained from the reticent staff. It was learned that beautiful aud original introductory pages have been jdaced in the book, in fact so beautiful that the engraving company is using copies of them as samples of the best of work. These samples are proving of invaluable service iu securing their 102(5 contract.s. Tt is the opinion of the reporter that the Elon students appre ciate the fact that the work in their annual is of such quality as to warrant the conipauy-s faith that the attract (Continued on Page Three) CLIO SOCIETY ROLOS AN INTERESTING SESSION Program of Unusual Merit is Given and Negative Wins Hotly Contested Debate. The f’lio Literary Society convened i)i its regular weekly meeting Tuesday evening at seven o’clock. The meeting was called to order by the president, after which the Chaplain held a short devotionfil sessicn. TJien in order canivT the business items which were disposed of a?id the literary session was begun. Tiie program for the evening was ren dered in an interesting maimer. The uunil)ers appearing were as follows: Poem e)ititlel ‘‘Old ^Prof* Dickson Dies,*’ by H. Richardson. The selectimi contains some excellent sentiment and was made impressive to the audience by the splendid style in which it was pre sented by the speaker. Humor, by L. V. W^atson. “Doc” in his unique manner amused the so ciety very much with some “peppy’’ bits of wit. One might well brand this worthy senior as quite a huniorist. Current Events, by Atkins Clark. Mr. Clark brought to the society some up- to-date current news both national and international in nature. Thp Life in a Military School, by H. A. Clark. Tliis stately youth in an or derly stand at attention gave to his hearers some interesting facts of the daily routine at a military academy. From the discourse one would concludc that the way of the “bugle” is right (Continued on Page Four) President W. A. Harper left the Coh lege early Tuesday morning for an ex tended visit in Ohio and Wisconsin. He will go to Dayton, Ohio, first to attend the dedication of the new Christian Publishing Association Building there, and tlien to the Keligious Education As sociation meeting in Milwaukee. At the dedicatio)! of the new quarters of the publishing interests O'f the Chris tian Church, President Harper wull make the dedicatory address. His sub ject for this occasion will be “Chris tian Education and Christian Publish ing. Also he is to S]ieak at the Eeligioiis Education Association meeting, and his subject there will be “Some Exjieri- ences in Motivating (’onduct.” W> are proud to know’ that our presi dent is in such denuind as a speaker in such a broad field. The student body wishes him a pleasaiit and successful trip. PHILOLOOIAN PROGRAM ONE OF GREAT INTEREST Debate on the Merits of Co-operative Marketing Results in a Decision for the Affirmative. Last Friilay evening Elon and Lenoir- Khyne held the last debate of a three year contract between the two schools. Both schools sent their affirmative teams away from home and the affirmative teams of both schools lost their deci sions unanimously. This debate was also the third and last inter-collegiate debate in Mhich Elon w’ill participate this year. It was, how'^ever. the first de bate this year in w’hich Elon has won a decision, cithei’ at ho'me or away. Elon’s negative team, w’hich debated at home was composed of Messrs. S. C. Deskins and J. X. Denton. The affirma tive team, w'hich debated at Lenoir, was composed of Messrs. E. C. Brady and Howard Richardson. The query for the debate was as fol lows: Resolved, that the proposed amendment to the Federal constitution, ])ermitting the regulation of child labor, should be adopted. The issues of the debate seemed to- re volve around the affirmative’s conten tion that the state laws had not justified themselves, because they had failed to remedy conditions. The affirmative then based its contention for national child labor laws on the fact that the two previous enactments of congress, which had beeii declared unconstitution al, were fair examples of what might be expected in case cengress w^ere al- (Continued on Page Three) PSyKALEON PROGRAM IS UP TO OSUALSTANDARD Program is Well Rendered and Results in Misses Wright, Elder, and Banks Being Chosen as Best for the Evening. In a short snappy meeting last Thurs day nigiit the Pliilologian Literary So ciety had another very good program. In an interesting account of a recent rabbit hunt, T. F. Wright ])ointed out some of the disadvantages of good wire fences. He showed that they are de trimental in that they impede the traf fic of hunters and dogs while the little rabbit can easily get thru and thread his way thru some impenetrable thicket to freedom before his pursuers find an opening. Like many another good “preacher” Wright appreciates the great out-’o-doors and can get great pleasure from a day thus spent. Then he can tell others about it, too. for his story was so well given that it won for him the honors as best orator of the program. Mr. Thompson in a sketch of the life of Burns, showeil a few of the things (Continued on Page Three) The Psykaleon Literary Society met Monday evening for its regualr weekly session. After the business roaitine was over, a very interesting program was rendered. It was as follows; Reading—Naughty Sal—by Thyra Wriglit. Original Short Story—Easter Lilly-- Hattie ]\rae Pitt. Piano Solo—Mary Price. Current Events—Susie Elder. Humor—Mary Herbert Watkins. Essay—Sinrit of Easter—Dessie Banks. The program as a whole was up to the usual standard of excellence. The judges decided in favor of Misses W^right, Elder and Banks as best Ofi program. The-Psykaleon Literary Society es sayist contest will be held Monday evening at 8:00 in the College Chapel. The public is cordially invited. Misses Della and Essie Cotten, both of the class of ’24, attended the B. O. B. banquet Saturday night. Miss Eunice Rich attended the B. O. B. banquet Saturday night.

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