1.J; v?"e41 11'ttliasJ ^ke’)?''.* tufimbfli'ii, 4f^ w»>^riQij' lihi4jl?n$>g ^ ^ ^ \W:nv,7G-.^ toi'xil t-x. pUsUjWi i>-^^lpiiry;-'^Q6,. e,nd., h'Of ■, jbi^ -4lta M» Sjfpoeri*- -.aiifl of Tthc'• jiilon V O.olltp ft. iuerir>;ii • Af-Abrlaiioii’ 'o,f omen i\i .Uit)liV'ri:cgul/iir, M flnjjay, -1 ven! hftv-'-^f' ■ pfe.sUl- Mf».'-9f>ug>cK.''H. papej’ lopln'eut ' imcf.' splcudtd' of ,Uic,;;CHriJJma.;P(a.v'- rK’exij by Mrs JlmMC}:; I:)'. ••■ OAUUOii-, Rlid rtv'teacl- tw^.plfij’s wi-|i4- enrwi- 'J>y' •Ciu-6rimi "Piym-'^ Ijv'JsrlDatfend ’ - ■' -'Til m - SfOUt; Sl'iidy \’n&t wutl) .'.Thii’tSdvy ■ ■M:hc- •% ^ . f*f Didt^lMtS&y^ _ ti.ip ’ Appeavl^a goa^!u*!».cOl5?bii^! ^ ,cin4ecd-i\vtf .qulUv 1 • fefej-^iiiv It-; ■s6motoii®i^.:sh'{3uld.’ -bft; Uoac tbpuC It , Vi* ‘ Hyui' “t -At^vwwr-' P&hVli\;pa.;tW8-^lioulcll^tj.c ■midoj': 4i“.;dlfrGrciH; .Golumni'....bufc^?'ii vtiJl cl6 iHSi, ^to jlfelH &U>f vipuRil ^ippv n.nt,,iiiy Will -i^qiT/ti-y: t(/.v‘in.).5vprek-.’n)y -col-'- ■mmV- frccrly^.-:TJii3,,t5QliJitip.f;}^ :fw, nmuscftntijL ■ of>-.ahQ.-:.'SiUci^iU,'' I)odvr\und>-»ofc:-;oJ^v4-n'fownAUon-,-rC“' fcWClinS'ftituUwt'-'llfe. . .V .: *', D6j:r*Mii5 a'l j ^ ^ awaV'* a -num- ■bcf -of • tl?ys-^ au .:.fi-.v- Ua^^;kaitta'il:.. tvliv 'nn4- wWie- I''';;pvaf.'iny -rrfom* -mate •.uniMcK'd -oiv; inp.-.vand,"'ft6W. .];■ bavo aio.su'l' iicr hiO i ;An.^wcf,> Mac.vviily’'vspiU7 Uuu 1 can Cliai'Uq' cv.i^fuiir.i 01 iL ' Vo;r\-',a%w'■ red'-*' •• I hr'acl.-;'ioo''nTUcli',.liT.odoM‘. . W • you -—i-.—.—^^ Will' crtil at • inc;. furuja spmotWie- ^ I-si.'ill gh\-^y-give'•yf)U-.,Uic-dofc.- .f Mystery ' 1 am dcsp'^ratcly--.ln lovo. .wl,Ui- iv Gpftfila yoiihff lady..’Whor>e faUior dwj.\ nOf llk©.ior 'm.c to. ^kU mor®. thfin once a mo’tlUi.M wajil tO'spc her more pflen, but'as; hor. dad ts rather con'iircied. wi.th 'tho ‘CollCKf. I don't. Give -inR, somie advfcc, I nccl .It. ' ■ - • , '. . C0N iplfT iriWti'RIW , ^• Ss u« -V i % ’ wt, ^Vcu, \\riljaia 5J0&'?'-Aiiul6 ^ ^ • b^'own^'dres^iuyYcl :I ■ an?i: Ic^vlTig., S^t,-.: lB,‘.s-\\'nn'i;“8e.(?' './0y,--,ai)y>;p^0i'0'.-.-^ilnt(^.-'.'.aprii^gi vr't ,BU!jB«.v.t;'ll. Boiid:«7dyri->'Wsi'o!5;'-^dW8«.' Send • v^bi.^evc}*^ of., ;t)i I \viii need x get ■ Wbi6U-^oi‘Hy dljd' you/JqUi? ;■;.- ' Love ELSIB •'■ V An^^vef.^ ijAnj^Ie, •.la” probably. .won-. Bering:^..how: Lhlii.'ln{ot'rpaUon ‘.was ■.Kobtfih;'. SQ- 'WC- 'ialte ./'Wiljs ...ilhie v to ‘glv£,-her-.a .’Don-t-'teaP up' 'IcUer^- 'and :Jc»v% ■fcheift>';lyiifg -'ai’otind./Also. •.for. Msle's-^b.eneftt/ '• VC- mtg^t .add,^ ^ixab -rehe' joined" thq Pi Kapp'l TflH •ganizalioii Four Aces' wep khiis marked tha ec.nmpii^i of, u. JU'W or* hv* 4 Acfs, - "No. one mies of ihe^e four niys- • -ihe iTasoti, I «uos^, Ans\Vrr: Sav;, boj'. ' I'd R«y you KEMPUS GOSSIP •-.ut J. JiUfM. ........ • —: ' L ' tu:'r of ihcjr acHviuea. I'-ud ' boiler takt his as i.s • > .....1 _ '. 1r>rM/ n'litf 11". A1 a hii ITI a. AfLfr ‘jo'n rrrrnt'v orH.in- , b'’ abl>?;i'-) I bodv (jf ■ciil''d 1 D^T Mu-1> I' 1- 01.U’ and ' P' "••.•'"v • I'U- l.nrh of : 1 iin> b*yc1. 1) u rr-Hlii^u l.-ii' ;■ - M n.lar’. •fiir mil ::u:i I ji, 'ji>i( i,, , lirv.- Iir' i.. > ini i:i • j. • ('! ; lip ,1.1- .t-IWiU'' ur . M; •• ^^,•^ 1,;m‘ jt . ,(Opr>', c- of i; I'vi o I'U*- .'1 :;.ii u’f. (lUllI- A bi >1 C .. .iMtl s V'' loni'‘d ir. i.'» 'l,„i\.- l)*-rn u.!d ' ;!i-m Pit.' H;i ;.w; ch 1- \ri'tr Ill'll;^ '.V..V .n- i'"jf)t ;i a-s 10 i>; •>' I’.!' V. ■). I' U'L pUl J)'« . l‘i A-iv '.'i-V U'.Ls ' ,-;irr ull \ • ' '.'• V ' ■' i|r> won, and \vd hfi'/o . If - 19'' • It is our .policy to priut^ ui Ihfa. colunuf anJy ccrtrtJu facts . tHrft wc know to Ijp .true,•'and any one 'iurntnfr In false ..mentis •-win harreU troro^'lhc • piijjer. jtfuch was tH> oasc'l^st ^ wcdt'.ivneu apiiarcnt “joUe^ WU3 playM '’*1 .C^rJ Key.,' After a carefu^ JnyesfigatlotK}^ found that"'the' ’facls >vere ,-(ajsc, and niislpa^ljni?,". anil we heteby of fer our apoldyies to Mr. Key. r-vjiaajj^ d(?\nn iifar tmg thjs Tiaspiiypt, llia;^c^tions ^ f " 7.'r ;iRtvey.^All^iitv^Uj5tv;,W{«w:{;T B.^.plny BSwdeil eoomin* fo^est, „ pn.jTK^a, WAWWaiGipLES mOWW-AQTV ;iv£:$ERyiCKj.?, A .certain fraUrijjiLy'.’beihves . in i&ei:vmg the “Jxums" hot. ’ - SuclV waa VC w:'h a younijllhc ca^c wlTcn 'ouv dear , brot^tt. Jake Rawls cmorpcd ,, fnofti 'H)c^ “C>ui'l dn infci'tw-’ Monday «l'glU.' ' in be* I'd •in' i)»’. but, » i-luu 1 donH‘ 'I’hi:. hiifts r.ic i , ■6i' ir.Qt\RlTft«’. ga’pag |> i.busl/* Htj Juai 'laid In p.*bik fl\ipply of-'^COlp&iand' :.-:..30, 'Dpijnont- ,Q)Ufti».vs6i/ift,Uc^;'bfti •spendlnfi^a lij'U.oj 4]nie .iiv, Qr&Kai'n. .Could^lies^^ N,lc|^JlSQri;:b.p^jtlio.-rcB-; son? ^ * i f * \ .3 f , Any- one- in"»e€d' 6f gasj.Qtf hot-: Air: se6' Qloyer. and^ HewsofneJ '^^-a v j-ou’, received.‘'^'’om- ljiwlofor(5..\pi)' ^efiiuary 14? * . ^ s-:^r. ‘j, -- ■,^. w ^ .'•E'lrpo^ ta'tnau1vtias:jifcl45ti'.fou»d--.^ hls-Ve.ftkness’in ‘Meonne-:’. f« r i ( - -XlDy" ■• .YAi‘bproygl> 'IS'/blaniiUjg- RlivOitcnslV.q;■trl]ir to. Lft5i|tcr9'^lller ■.••n(|jt.:8 ficcrfci; ^ passloii4M^a.''Ab^i'^; aeUiy ^ ^ ^ i ■ / Scln'iruP'.lrtorphl5^; V"lvad-j. "beji'ter ■.sp.ond;'more* Un»e- on .yirpl^.cam^i •and :-}ook after :lTls-,-ii?ljereBl'.- . Jape' and'* Oeorgei ;Woulcj Itke jtd, take, this'ineans' nf»apolDgdzlfSg ,£or' no*'.appcarlftg.'-,nyBurUn^.o^, iday -night-as .planhed'. r' v.'.;-. ATFAIR^ ON CAMP US |niM .'... ^ ,. .. '• - r- - v-'r-.,"-- U'l) Mir hn\« j ' all-riftlK. • So^ ty/o V^e, djd’no'-*?il’6\v wheUiCi'-.'ll vfa.s I* liavi' ix-^-n nisioniary to-gi) to ihe_ ''Y'- uii- NMV LOVr THE CAMPUS . Hamilton-Plereg: •,'; . aeciifiest.-:mUi\,-' -- . .t • -.■.Senter'Chftndl?^.-..:. ■• JoUnson‘'Jameneeu.-. LION UP^UILR RF;i*ORrj • Fn4i-. and 'Avarmor:.- ■\..Roundtj'ce.'^ -ChaTiiblGc/jrQrllfiUv J-NielTolHon,- OP4HlnM4i:}. Heat; , itr iinvwer fi'-oin him. .K, k; P. K. Garvey, ‘ Graduate, ! ;s to Winston^ No O.ti- h; V.uii^ nUilU-'- Gavvnv, 01 I^no^ivi-llf:.! ( nujvpd to WiiiMon-gT-l ri^'.'cr »■ i.ijo'.'laU'^L '.n i id gf ni'Ck ■ unnnry -Mr*! . « bi-olbu-r of Or R If j lo has lh'.?d iti ilus it’v j-ca^s, an^. llicy prac- f cr. vey r':tij;-aifd ’ ?e and liic Univer.sj',.' I Carolina; h*: took his M i 4P Unfversity-of Cincin-j ■ post, graduate work ,in.l Biiicimqre and Piv.iad-f . was r:;>ldenl surgeon [ '.;:vrUie, ho;:jj;'.a! . ',v» and. br. :i a- 1 D!r.'*Tor.'). R. Ber..y at . ior .the past-five/yea.'S-' foliow'-of 'the .Arfi.rican- Surgeons- He was born; i. in AAhe county and-i.s’ n l/i .tlTis Mjitioh. of oHna, He ‘has- a . family Tof thrree chi-furen and iTiiey at.e -.now Uv- Mrs. tey, mother rff ,.Ciie:'twO 15 - her* .a.nd Mtii th^,' ■ ;; Icjr. wjiat . they ;sor.yejl'’'a- ’S'.tea ct»at*''maQe-Mrfi. t ;on the ‘flDor? •. ■ r.iu r--jund^ Lad 1 \ •him iriil kcrpUig liun -tli.-,f^iher aiirac- Br 'ii'ovr- and nivJ out, '*hat 3ir Itkcs -.uid c.it-'r lo ikiJiij,-./' ' Tor fhnjvfont'd y':;bufi . Foid.' •CV.UleritJy wiln#s>6es’, lojd- me (he oihca- dav. lion-'' Manners iiiaJ^e .a nxarj'. Wt: ,sug- c'sL. Jxat a remlnlno ofTlrcr of the k. I \voul>l!,adnnnli.traUbn take hctd of this down . t'hc ' ^ U i& a wcU known, .^ni'ing tJia’t If you give qome peopli^ an Jnph' they take a : ille, . Evidently. Vir ginia UaV^ ihluM' she'.? .(iie. bnljf.i member af taic Tau at least tiiat's wliat^ I gatjier liom ihe HaU of I'^ainc • th ;* wuy she's -been .working a dei^- U.n.-^. ?^v,a)n\c ' *mn tain ’pledge. i.6my;iU'd. M-rble I^^iirrti. VO-cIhp:..., L;itiiatii, L\>Jk'g'' chlsfU r, Wi.ircoft,-' . siud'i'^usi. 'Try r.nd find u' '-• ' , • • . • “ •fiP!,)/ rtpoi'K^i'i 1' -wish 1 knew. One and only. Tvaa-ir, > l^I/VN‘KS, y»a«’r ',moili-pr..'OC-V^jJltAllAM‘LJ,NV- JMkmiUL-l! iioiy In hCM >iip til ilic' U-.SJ N(i f HUI^n'i Famous Food* Coms-ai3le, Beacon Beck LcHy Jones, BaKed bean%i Fanr.v Knox. AIL tticm, Pat Ho;rien. - Quit- rating. Dori', ^4llk«. QuU' eitin-:- • -T-.i '■ F.'rn?Dlo-c^^e5e/' ■^tar;:2:'?t Cl-'-’-iH'PT,. Kamiu. .;- ors. . . . ' Annie Ruih.’Ch.andieJ’, Spaghet-* tiT ' -jr . ' Si-ancis 'Chandler, ’Shrimps George. Chalidl^, Stifw. , . ' Jack ' Cha'ndlpr. - (^tmt>al' cookies. •Thft Mase ,. . ' ''We Oftep. fli'ontfer - where extra' privllejjes .x/fJgm’iUJdi ’ ' • • . - . How some students-get all, '^be, ■'breaRs.-'' V. ' •' . -mannbr^‘'mabelii;*i.Acn iwift 'pjXin: ?-•'? ■-?'; wom’cni ■'. \ .Wiiv*’ tiiosc"'-in. chargcl oJtcD. J^^d 'Uteir:-.'jt)b5' to- thcjf oy.'n- atlvatt- If Mad0)(?ne Meador . will coma ,t*» our o(f*lcc and (cll ui^ who "O. L':”-;2'M229 -J?. wc wil) in xurn K-Jl lier where \e rccclvcd cur In- form-'iUon, Wc^dli.g bells are beit^g antiei-1 pat.od around the QaUoway-Stcv€ns • sectTon of plon^ Remember. Dlek. man. a good jnan lias goiie wro' L.*iis way- -s, ' ■ • ‘ S^EN AND UEARD ^ n?iGTON' • *1. Aim-; '.•'•Jver i*., 2* ”ancp S wip on and . Dlck.V Pce^ze-rhay-e 'bc >me • B JrliUK’on’s leading. butchei-B- Th$y are'.deaI- :'1^ • exf/CQslvejy' ii Oldbania; - S.’ De- li/bach' >?fi become -a:^..as piring, 'grocery'-cierk, .. We wonder vvhi^ he will be. madfe manage# of. Ills ‘firm. - * i'.-.'A- fian?lng\yelldw- jacket seems .0 l>o: having quUa-B btt -of •influ ence v/ith a certain Burlington )joy;- i-Sy A certain " Burlin^n, boy ' Is making.an exbauitfve-atudy ol Jayv blr^i.V' ' '6, TlTDre Is, a ccrjaln boy-.oH .t^ii® campiii ,^at ^'thinks ’, he vis. "hot. fituff-' Hifi namc:is King;-wc won-' POSSIBLE ■ ' By^HELE^t-Ni^StSHWER- ''' '' .■ ■' MEVER doubi.oyr pakh5-ivjll.cT0ji5,-;.CW0ULD-:yp^.«3ii lOAca - Stroyj-oeds.elwBys dc?/.'■ :■ • •- Wjayldnt i^^^'^uAny": . 'IF j'dlfoufd-terrvwbor thot'.*,"; Sofpe-day. I am sunj'l ll'dpme Face to foe® with you,. .• ‘ .'. • MAYBB'WI) b© ?ltghtIy-bored, ... * ^nding ihs*”*? •Ch^tteonS- of poktco; .•, ‘^ • Health an^.fttocHand wea^hor, (. '.Yoy lika^^5^--v.(’itjfi }TOricy7. '■'M.QW;Ubji^Wtovei^ ^oSr,r. ^■■■’ •-' if wo cvar meet ■' ' . y«ur-^iat and-'smrle-dt me/. - • .‘Thei^.walk (rowrTthfi »lreet indeed y t4dij$a8Biis