PAGE FOUR JOLTS AND JARS Review Of The Year — Continued from page 1 Ain’t it awful? Don’t it bring season’s squad ... the education T>_.. you down? Kinda tak^ the ioy out of life don't it? What? heard Dr. Ryan speak . , . fcl- Whv tradition Elon studer,is b.;n,: back in .chool of course T * , '-uui&t.. fast to the orphanage . . . Final Just think of those swell holidays, approval of plans for the con- Christmas d’nner, dances, parties stniction of an illuminated foot- and stuff. Well anyhow now we field came in December an;J have the sprmg holidays to look ®°°'’ begun on the ac- forward to and those little things ^ kind hearted Profs insist up- and lecturer 2na evangelist was TDnnrim’ on giving to each and every speaker during Religious Emphjl student — EXAMS. sis week ... the negative debat- Were you one of those lucky ‘''8 ^eam reached semi-finals in ones who received a record play- Dixie Tournament held er for Christmas? If you weie ' r , . eliminated by Wake Forest and are in doubt as to the best members of "Campus pubSations way to start your record collec- attended annual press convention tion, then we suggest record al- Durham, burns. Whether you prefer the classics or swing you get the Maroon and Gold HOOD SPOR1 aiiOP a INiiAKJ^feT SFOKT 0 Capeskin and Horsehide Jackets 7.95 to 10.95 Suede and Cape Coats . . . 9.95 — 10.95 Corduroy Coats (blazer style) in Maroon, Tan and Green 4.95 o SPECIAL ELON t a r;KET« wtth COLI EGE «EAL .. . d.^% SWEATERS . . . 1.95 to 4.45 Meet Your Friends at SHAW’S SODA GRILL * * * Kere Ycu Can Enjoy a Tasly Lunch or a Crisr> Bulter Toasted Sandwich with 'Your Favorite Drink. » # # Next lo Paramount Theatre Burlington, N. C. JANUARY 11, 1941 Pipes and Pouches We Carry A Large Selec tion of fine Pipes as Well As Other Smoking _ NeedsI ^ITY DRUG CO. records you want in albums. Practically all of the recordsn^j companies are offering these sets at reasonable prices and there is a wide selection available. Some folks say there isn’t an> money in the music business, j •Viaybi' there isn't but Glenn l.ui-1 ler has just signed to do a rriovie with Sonja Heme. Glenn and his Orchestra will get a mere $100,000 lor their part in the flicker. That ought to keep ui. boys in cigarettes for a while,, don’t you think? ’■ Then there is Jerry Colonnai (Bob Hope show). He s the guy that made Yehudi famous. A couple of years ago he was play ing trombone witn various uance bands and getting about $50 a week. Last month he was paid $5,000, plus a percentage, for two weeks at the Paramount in Los Angeles, as a solo act. Artie Shaw has just waxed .i takeoff on "When the Swaliov. s Come Back to Capistrano"; it is •’When the Quail Comes Back lo San Quentin.” Some guy has figured out that there are 800,000 saxophone play ers in the United States. Enough to populate a city the size ot bt Louis and enough to de-populate a city the size of New York in ten minutes! Record collecting has become such a popular hobby that the re- coiding firms are now re-issuini^ old and some never before i.s.sued records from the golden era jazz, the late twenties. That the era of Bix, Lang, Tesch, and ^ all. Want to win back some of th ,t i money you brought back school? Luis Zingonethe, master pi fslidigitator (magician), shows j you how leading the way thru six baffling tricks that take only the booklet of instructions to master. It’s all contained in Victor album includang instruc tions and three ten inch records to aid you in mastering the art of sleight of hand. Records You Don't Want to Miss: Concerto For Clarinet . . . Ar tie Shaw — Plenty of fine Shaw clarinet here. It’s a 12 inch double sided record. In spite v,. ti;e length of the record it dotsn t let up from start to finish. Best record we’ve heard in many a day. If >ou gel a chance don’t fail to get the new records by Benny Goodman Sextet, featui- ing Count Basie, a spin. Ihev are strictly O. K. But what would you expect with a person nel like Goodman on clarinet; Count Basie, piano; Cootie Wil liams, trumpet: George Auli, i tenor; Artie Bernstein, bass; Char lie Christain, guitar; and Marry Jaeger, drums. Tommy Tucker and his Tucker Time Orchestra have just landed a radio commercial for Turn',. It’s another of the “Pot of Gold” idea.! which will feature Tuckers music. Featured voqalist with the Tucker crew is Amy Arnell. She s sister to Ben Stevenson, trumpet player and scholar, who was in our midst last year. Well guess that ought to abo t fill up our column for this issue. So with your permi.ssion we’'I fake our lp;ivo ,Tnd drop around Hsain in about two weeks — may- !>' In the mean time kecpj things in a slow and easy groove. BURLINGTON, C. T 1941 BRINGS OPPORTUNITIES In'^ite Success By K'^eoinar Up A Well Cleaned Appearance lO ' ii"^I?'!oc»fs Tailoring Shop EurIingon, North Carolina Opposite Paramount \ TROLLTNGER’S Burling-ton’s leading- Florists FLO WFP ? FOR ALL OCCASIONS Travel Traflways AND YOU WTLL ALWAYS GET THE BEST IN TR 4VEL Whether it’s a trip home for the holidays or a short week-end trip travel trailways for Economy and Convenience UP NORTH DOWN SOUTH TRAILWAVS is BEST VIRGINIA TRAILWAYS Ch arlottes ville Virginia When the game ends... pause and Two words describe ice-cold Coca-Cola ... deliciout and re freshing, Delicious, because it is always a pleasure to taste. Refreshing, because it leaves a delightful after-sense of re freshment. So when you pause throughout the day, make it the pause that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola. YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY BotU«l undtr .uthority of The Cocj-Cola Company by COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY ON MAIN STREET Phone 931 Burlington, N. BURLI.NGTON, N. C. m DEAN Skating Rockefeller Center Theatre It’s the cooler.,, better-tasting milder cigarette It’s called the SMOKER’S cigarette... Chesterfield ... because it’ the one cigarette that gives you COMPLETELY SATISFYING smoke. You try them and find them COOL and PLEASANT. You light 6ne and find they really TASTE BETTER. You buy pack after pack and find they are MILDER IVII. Liocnr 4 Miua Immc* C*.