PAGE FOUR MAROON AND GOLD SATURDAY. JANUARY 25, 1941 RAMBLING (Conlinued from Page 3) visitors campus; therefore, the majority of the cheerins- is left up to the home team. This puts a great responsibihty on us and we should live up to this by giving any man a hand when he n.akes a good play, even though he is one of the opponents. Last, but far from being unimportant, we come to the noise and racket that floods the gym when the opponent steps up to the penalty line. Compare this with the hush that occurs when a Elonite prepares for his charity toss. We believe there is no explanation for this hullabloo, and that we should allow the player to relax and try for the free throw that the decision calls for. We know that many of you will say that these things happen in many of the gyms, and that we are just one of the majority in our feel ings toward visiting teams. Well, we would likf to upset this statement with the fact that other teams lose many ball games in their own gyms, and this should be no criterion for us to lose ball games in our gym. Especially is this true since we were undefeated on our home court since the High Point game two seasons back. (This article is being written before the Appala chian game.) Starting with the Atlantic Christian game next Wednesday night, let’s get together and see if we can’t make the Elon gym a better place to play for the opposing teams and one of the best places in the state for referees to officiate. Closing now I hope my little note will heb in makincr you students show better sportsmanship. I remain, Sportsfully yours, Yock Malloy, Sports iEditor CRUISING With Crutchfield 3) this same group of ing with iJeople. This play has not been produc ed as yet in public due to the fact it was written during the Christmas Holidays. However, all who have heard or read the is a worthy companion of our champions of TROLLINGER’S Burlington’s Leading Florists FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS STORE ON MAIN STREET Phone 931 Builinglon, N. C. THE SAFE WAY • • * Is To Keep Looking Crisp and Clean Every Day Blalocks Tailoring Shop Burlington, North Carolina Opposite Paramount (Conlinued from Page Farley Mentioned At present. Carl Storck is presi- , _ dent of the NaUonal league. He “ has little power and has never been extremely popular with the owners, although it is generally admitted that he has done as good a job under the circumstances as could be expected. Several names have been men tioncd for the job, including ex Postmaster James J. Farley. However, Farley’s expected tie-up with the New York Yankees, probably would eliminate him from this post. Pro football promises to be come a leading sports attraction in the nation. To reach a place of high respect with the custom ers all hint of scandal and under handed doings needs to be remov ed. Probably the only way this can be done is through the ap pointment of a commissioner, and friends of the sport are hopir..j that this will be done soon. Closing Out of Business All Stock Must Be Sold Prices Slashed — Close-out Sale • • * • « Restock That College Wardrobe With These Attractive Prices Make Those Dollars Go Farther at Jerrys JEHRY'S TOGGERY BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA HCOD SPORT SHOP ELON’S NEAREST SPORT STORE • • • • • Capeskin and Horsehide Jackets 7.95 to 10.95 Suede and Cape Coats . . . 9.95 — 10.95 Corduroy Coats (blazer style) in Maroon, Tan and Green 4.95 Special Price to Students on Golf Clubs SPECIAL ELON JACKETS WITH COLLEGE SEAL .. . 4.95 SWEATERS . .. 1.95 to 4.45 ——0 BURLINGTON, N. C. FILM FINISHING Best PRICE WORK SbRVICE 8 exp. Roll .. . 33c CITY DRUG CO. Meet Your Friends at— SHAW’S SODA GRILL * * » Here You Can Enjoy a Tasty Lunch or a Crisp Butler Toasted Sandwich wilh Your Favorile Drink. ♦ ♦ ♦ Next to Paramount Thealre Burlington, N. C. After a long class... pause and is^ YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY You'll enjoy the relaxation of a pause more If you add the re freshment of Ice-cold Coca-Cola. Its taste never fails to please, and it brings a refreshed feel ing you v/ill like. So when you pause throughout the day, make it the paute that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola. Bottled aader authority of The Coca-Cola Company by COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY BURLINGTON, N. C. Original Plays Are Submitted in Contest (Continued from Page 1) fore the wagons leave for Utah, he appears at the home of tha girl's parents, saying that it is the will of the Lord that he should have the hand of Mary, who loves the great plainsman, Jim Bowie. Her parents submit to the “Lord’s Will" and force her to accompany Brigham Young west. When the wagon-train is but a few ^ours on its journey, Jim Bowie appears at the girl’s home and is told that Brigham Young has carried her away. In great anger Jim follows the vanishing wagons towards the sunset. Soon darkness halts the train and he overtakes them. Un der the cover of night rfe searches the wagons until he finds his love. Then he rescues his lady and leaves a note for Birgham Young, who decides not to waste time chasing the couple. Dwight says that this play was born from a story that he once heard a preacher tell. This play deals with an incident that is not shown in the recent movie deal- DO YOU SMOKE THE CIGARETTE THAT ...IT’S THE SMOKER’S CIGARETTE Lighr vp and lisf*n wilh * ANN SHERIDAN it of WARNER BROS.' current hit HONEYMOON FOR THREE os she tunes on her personal radio fo FRED WARING and GLENN MILLER who ooch dedicate a number to her this week. MADE FOR SMOKERS LIKE YOURSELF You'll enjoy Chesterfield’s right com bination of the world’s best cigarette to baccos. They give you something no other cigarette can oflFer. Chesterfields are MILD... the way you want a cigarette... not flat... not strong. Chesterfields smoke COOLER, and every puff gives you that BETTER TASTE that Chesterfield is famous for. Ask for Chesterfields. CopTTiffit 104t, Liccnr A Mtuu Tmlmx* Ce.