PAGE FOUR MAROON AND GOLD West Dorm Sweeping (Ccr- ir-uc .'ioin Page 1) Go ii):j n R -orr. 30 we ai-e greet ed with the exc.amaticn, "Look \ r\l I j’jst finished!” It's little Jrpnne Cannon. Margaret is pro bably over at the cottage see n ; Mildred and J.;anni.- well, who are we to guesi? Listen; do you hear that un-‘ HOOD SPORT SHOP ELON’S NEAREST SPORT STOHE o- 1 lanccs who has just ^ gs if it’s jVo,,. f . ;.cd err.bto dering a pillow °V. p .R c' io. She sr d she caught the buf. from Gladys Wright who has T : ^,7 V r u T l i_ . f u j I 1 IS going on. We l^ock but ther > \t,«t • oui.e a bit of hand work laid ® l4CW 131111. For av.ay fijr a rainy day. And speak ng of Hope Chests, t' at br.nss us to Room 24. Lib Armfield is patting herse.f on the back for having finished painting tlie cups for her china set. Judy’s art runs along another line. Like Narcissus, she is looking in corrting from that room right there. Let’s go in and see w/iti is going on. We Ifnock but the is no answer. Cosh but the* must be engrossed in something: let’s see. Well have you evev There sits Lura Mae Green f.ncl Bernice Bangle listening to th^ “Mountaineers” and clapping thci’ hands. It must be wonderful (o have such a sense of apprccia- mirror. Peeping over her shoul- dor, we are astounded to find her picture in her little art book, too. What's this we hear coming f-om Room 29? It’s Verona Jest Hazel _ McIntyre, but_they n tion. And that just about covers ali our floor. We have everythin from “Scholar Ruth” Mart'n to in ;he Drape Styles and V Nsc’is. Colors Assorted. ; styles and per fectly balanced. 1.95 and up Ph?ne 864 Special to Schools. Meet Your Friends at— SHAW’S SODA GRILL « # « Here You Can Enjoy a Tasly Lunch or a Crisp Butier Toasted Sandwich with Your Favoriie Drink. , « * « Next to Paramount Theatre Burlington, N. C. TA'i’rHDAY, MARCH 8. I34I Pipes and Pouches We Carry A Large Selec tion of fine Pipes as Well As Other Smoking Needs! CITY DRUG CO. ON THE CORNER BURLINGTON BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA ELON’S NEAREST SHOPPING CENTER all fun and we hope that i feel better for being swept. TROT.LTNGER’S Ij^ad^nT Florists —o FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS STORE Daniels boasting that her basket- ball team in gym class is going to win again. Verona is a cap- ta n. you know. Just as we are about to decide no one is at home in Room 32, we hear Mary Walker chirpinf* from across the hall, “Hey, Hey.” Rtary's head is all in soap suds L b Newton is on an off-campu.s date. Some people get all the breaks. Sarah Phillips is by hersslf studying English History. “For get the future and live :n the past for awhile” is Sarah’s m.otto. Jolly Sarah Lou Warren is at ease, glad to be rid of pip-tails and initiation. Her roommate, Mary Jewel Porter, is at the regu lar dancing party at the other end! of the hall. I We rush into the CrovirelI-1 Earp room (so as to catch them I off guard *, ofily to hav^ them | look up from their primping and studying .respectively, and say, “well, what do you want?” Byj this time we re u.sed to that ques tion so we just ignore it. By the way, Rachel, did you ever f nd that weekend bag that you and Mary Claytor were looking for? Rountree we go (not really) and| whose room is this we "Ayscue’ ? »*» ! These bright students must be . i m m • cl “commercial zing’”—at least that’s KlaloCKS TailormST Shop, a different “izing” from what; ON MAIN STREET PI, one 931 BurJirglon, N. C. HAVE Your Wardrobe Ready For The Spring Hollidays « » • ^ Carry Dry Cleaning Travel Trailways AND YOU WILL ALWAYS GET THE BEST IN TRAVEL Whf tlicr it’s a trip home for the holidays or a short week-end trip Travel Trailways for Economy and Convenience UP NORTH DOWN SOUT TRA'LWAYS is BEST -o- most people seem to be doin^^ around here. Nobody is at home, but there is Katherine Rimer’s coat so they must be around somewhere—and in all probability Harriet is laughing. There’s a sign on that door across the hall. Let s see what it says. "No visitors—mumps’.j You don’t have to worry, Mae Stem, because we sure don’t want, sore jaws. M. H. Roth lives t.iere too. Gosh, we wonder what she is doing. And over there is where that cute Nancy G'Boyle lives, and she prefers to live alone too—with no less than a half-dozen pictures scattered around the room. Nancy got results from her knitting: | some boy in Panama saw her pic ture in the paper and wrote -ler. Nice work (or should we say knit-j ting?), Nancy. | Next door lives another lone wolf, Lillian Walker, She is down, the hall in the Newton-Walker! hangout, as usual. You should- hear Lillian tell about that home, town of hers: Milton. We might also add that LHlian is one of the quietest and sweetest girls we've met in quite a while, > Did you know that Elon had suites? Well, come right in and we’ll show you around the Hous-i er-ScHok-Sumney suite. It’s a nice affair. Louise immediately starts tej'.ing us about Greens boro and her cute girl friend. ■ Mildred is sewing on another] dress—she is smart and really) gets things done. Between laughs, 1 Nora is telling some joke while! she beckons for us to come in.- No thanks, we’re afraid we’ll get; mterested and want to stay. We’ve; got to turn in copy on this article, j Next we go to see Millicentt Brittian and Eunice Hawkins.! Eunice is exclaimng over the- pK)unds she has gained since she; came to Elon. Elon must be) agreeing with you, Eunice. Mil- licent all astir over next years^ football team, and we can’t! imagine why. It's a cinch that we won't find any one at home, but here is tbe j room of Margaret Morgan and [ Burlington, North Carolina Opposite Paramount VIRGINIA TRAILWAYS Charlottesville Virginia When problems get knotty...pause and Take a minute to relax, and things go smoother. Ice-cold Coca-Cola adds refreshment to relaxation. Its delightful,whole some taste has the charm of pur ity. So when you pause through out the day,make it thepause that refrethes with ice-cold Coca-Cola. YOU TASTE ITS QUALITY Bottled under tuthority of The Coca-Cola Company by / r..O '-J1 V 'OMPAhY BURLINGTON, N. C. Here's the real smoker^s cigc>refte ..jLe fop o' good smoking for smokers like us Ch«»t«rh«(d t own PATSY GARRETT of Frod Wonng't "PI«osure Ti/na with PAT O'BRIEN Amarico's populor tcr**n star CvVrHgbt 1941» Liccm A Mtim Totacc* C*. Do you smoke the cigarette that SATISFIES Take out a Chesterfield ...and light it. You’ll like the COOL way Chesterfields smoke.. .you’ll like their BETTER’ll find them DEFINITELY MiLDER-not Strong...not flat. You can’t buy a better cigarette...