SATURDAY, APRIL 19, 1941 Christians Sigma Phi, MAROON AND GOLD Will Get Second Alpha Pi, And PAGE THREE Crack White At Duke Wednesday Sox Lead Rambling With yOCK MALLOy All Three Undefeated y^j Net Team To Start In Respective Leagues 10 With th6 advent of warm weather, the softball season swings into full play when seven games were played within the The E Men’s Club has grown in the pasti ^ two years lo become one of the most powerful faTtLTays. organizations on the campus. It is one group | A11 teams entered in the two wnerein co-uperation exists, no matter what year have gone into other affiliations interfere. Fraternity differ- ‘^e results were pretty ences Mave disappeared under the guiLnce of "adtrs^^fTsl'Tear-s'Serrftj Its two hara working officers, Jack Boone and won their first Bernie Daher. , J.1 • I In the non-fraternity league the YOU can see this group represented at all white sox, also as expected, are athletic contests. The members who arp not victories as TO LOSE IN CONFERENCE Day T lip Sunday The Elon College tennis team has dropped two consecutive I matches since their initial vic- Coach Horace Hendrickson,s tory over William and Mary, baseballers opened their defense j Norfolk Division. Their antici- of the North State Conference' * j ^ i_ Championship by trimming the^ Guilford was Lenoir Rhyne Bears, 3-2. The game, which was played in | second game of the season Burlington, was a beautiful pitch-, resulted in a heartbreaking loss Lenoir I to N. C. State. The Christians Tal Aberneth/^of'Elon."^^^^ fought hard, but they dropped the With the Christians leading 2-0, j douT)les match to lose 4-3. 1 irHpinnfino- ir^ against no defeats. The fresh-'Sisk clouted the ball outi'Cessna and Lightbome had pre- ;.i , „ *T 3,rG on tnG SidGliriGS men, with a 1-1 record are their park with a mate on base viously won their single matches i Ving that lamiliar nrv. “Ppnnnfc r>QnrlT7 closest rivals. j to tie the score. Late in thejand Lightboume teamed with Here lhe„ a„ b*t 'J'^ , iving that familiar cry, “Peanuts, candy and >lt drinks, aren’t you thirsty or can’t you eat!” TViic! ^ ''' .7'^'^ of the gamcs played to date I j ^^^rned run to clinch the win 1 his organization first saw the light of day T. K. formally opened the season entering the game, Aber , tr.ree years ago through the work of such in- psi s-5, but to ir ^as with the'^nd far bItween. Afaybe^tirey wiii IVjental athletes as Art Lea, Ben Hurst, John iVd't kC/^“4:“'"i “ brr!.r'DT‘ *" Henry Pearce and Archie Israel. But at that ‘h' oI ineligible playe„. I TJe pri.ii™ Jumped «„ thrcej«>re ot 5.2. The o„ly lhl„g Ih. 3 '^ith the only, s..™ pm w.™ ‘S SX S%'“d‘U^SlS^rtre™^^^ X(Jj rn.d.i lunCLlOn OI tnG group bGing* the iniation Sigma Phi took the first game were holding the High Pointers Cessna and Billy Johnston. cer 'u.ollies administered to the “new e-round- to two runs. The team as a whole I The team will meet Guilford, £-.T>v^ ’ highlights of the game happened hit well and after the first inning Catawba and Atlantic Christian m the third inning when Shaw the Panthers were never in the Colleges this week and then Last year under the canablp 1pnrlpr«>n'r^ r,f prepare for their road trip, which T lovH WhifloTT- fVizi • i- ^ f ^ second game with Le- will take them through Virginia J^ioya Whitley the organization started to gather f*eld which was errored, allow- noir-Rhyne, the Christians bext- Washington. D. C., Maryland and' The Elon Slufieers met two ^f niomencum. With the permission of Mr. West scores. ed the left hand slants of Johnny Pennsylvania. the Southern Conference’s best they took over the candv and soft Hrink pnnppc mmng Kappa Psi comers of the lot So far the team hasn’t been teams in the same week when 4- VL Ii i f- arinK conces- attempted a comeback with one a"d decisively defeated the Bears able to hit its full stride 'Tho they defeated Sion at ^e athletic contests. With the Jnoney base. John ll-2- As the High Point game, play to date has been very spot and dropped a ]-eallZed from this enterprise they held a SUCOP=;q- Pearce, f.rst baseman, 't was ^ easy victory with Tal ty; the boys look very good a1 Duke, 6-1. ful shindig at the V. F. W. Lake in Graham. rd^erSerrre. rSii.r" „r„rL7re:^tf:'i' T.;\?e'„ir; Sr^S IhlS year the boys got an even better start, -^^pha Pi took I. T. K. 5-4 in a ” a two game senes the Chris- members of the team played the hooked up in a pitching duel for and with the aid of all concerned they drew up m .'°o“nf™“L?"mii'ihI-,5; i"“e 'Si TheVLrto” '';'’:.';'.';'’"'’" “ and accepted a constitution. With such a g:00d inning, when Alpha P1 came Pitched the Christians to a „jp starting thlL week winlurt beginning the club is now functioning along "'“J LenrLr.S' =^2 i •“"> to gam thei. smooth lines. Their latest achievement has b»-n the bairS„e" > maieh ,or Etald “,”‘0,''™/“”“''"" ™ the ordering of white sweaters with gold “E’s” seventh, Alpha Pi came for the senior lettermen. Bernie Daher, sec- Tp'ftr'ba"°T.'n.r"o“ifnd After entering the game, Aber-! other Elon point. I Me Cann May Pitch Again For Devils One week ago, after much com ment and rain, Elon and Duke finally played a baseball game. Well you know what tlie outcome was, Duke 6-1. The Cannonade gets another chance at the Blue Devils Wednesday, and you can bet a bag of beans that the men of Hendrickson will be out there hustling for a victory, just as Duke did when they were here. Coach Jack Coombs of Duke is a very smart man and so it would be difficult to say who he will start on the mound, but it will be either McCann or Mock. Coach Hendrickson has not yet made a decision who will do his twirlinp Last year at this time they were hitting the ball with plenty of power and regularity, but this season our hits have been few Jtilon Whips Wake Forest But Loses To Devils Wake Forest 4-3, listless game to series, was belted early in the Jame. In the second game Elon came from behind with rain threaten- 1 U It- 77“"'"’ game. Garland mreaten- Snow Hill will not have a tean I eI,ar>-treasurer OI the club, says that he expects ^ausey worked on the mound for pushed over a run in the in the Coastal Plain league this the awards any day now, and that thev will bp ^ ’ “p ® Bob Jast half of the seventh inning to year 1 . iivvv, aiiu uiau uiey will oe Wingard for Alpha Pi gave up the score at 5 all. Jack Card- her presented to the seniors in one of the student lo'hits chapel periods. The men who will receive these wwte sox win awards are: Waddy Saecker, Jack Wilkerson, The white sox over ran the Carlton House with a five 10 one score. Captain Johnny M.t chell and John Fowlkes came Rocky Mount has bought pitcher Bill McCahan, set franchise. Elon College Elon 6-1. McCahan gave 2-1 lead. In the seventh, Bay, becoming tired, gave way, and the home club jumped on the Deacons for three runs to clinch the win. The whole team played well behind Abbie anxl proved they could rank with the best in the State. The Duke Blue Devils, Jed by back Elon ctj-c. rvauuj^ oaccivei, UctCK VVllKerSOn, Garland Causey, John Henry Pearce, Ed Potter, Koland Longest, and Jimmie Rumley. .... cam. ihe club holds iniation three times a year f-^rough with home runs. Bohen ™ce after each major sport season is completed! Siro„‘rJa't';;,e"°“5„g“hl: in the new constitution, unlike the old, it is not pi icaer lor Carlton House, necessary for everyone who earns a letter to ' join._ Recently they completed initiation cere- ed for Jour^^'"® m.onies for the new ,men who earned their letters The Freshmen ■Jake ’ ivIcL/uf was toucjj during basketball season. Waddy Saecker. Ber- P^^’^'^hing House - ’ worked on the mound for w A. fcJOVc rjlOTl ner scored the tieing run. As bought the lights that Snow Hil, only two hits, one by Gardner :, ardner scored the i-un, ram and used last year for night baseball and one by Daher. Abeinethy J ^“rted pouring on the field and they will be installed on the pitched a great game, but «rrors and the game had to be called. new baseball field. and inability of his teammates to hit kept him in a hole most of SO n Y D I A I knocked only • Ky K I W K I A\ L out, of the infield. The Christians were not playing TP A r’TT 'T'TT' A n/r P'ay- -* 1 HiAlVl ed Saturday. They get another ,— chance at Duke next Wednesday '‘^¥hy don’t we hav#» a .11^ UUIl I we nave a rracK team; I'or revenge, be in Durham to back years ^.jis question has been circulating about Horseshoe And Ping Pon^ 1 o Start Soon defeated th 8-1. Peeble: ni(! Daher and Bernie Askins w7re“ta chlrgrof Sment^i'vtngTp"™?' the ceremonies and they carried their jobs out hits. Bowden worked for th( VerV nicely Publishing House. T / \ IT TV’/ ^ A TTT7' A TA ^ high scoring, hard hittin; LOOKING AHEAD contest. Alpha Pi took I^ppi The club is looking forward to bigger and 1 ° .J, T . -1 1 TTTi , Nance was removed m the third better success next year, if such is possible. What with the score 3-0, and from v/ith the new stadium meaning more football P’’® a feames at home, the boys are looking forward to evL,^Kappa^pJ! le’^d^^rAtk^iTs adding more articles to their stock. So remem- ^ee, and Blanchard watts hn ber, when you hear the chant of the “E” Men Tn'' though they scored 9 1 J J? i-i, J. J?- / • 1 . ’ tallies, they were still 7 short reach down for that iive cent piece and enjoy a ah the Alpha pi’s hit safeiy a cold drink or a piece of candy. Because you are staten, ciapp, .^nd thirsty and you can eat. outstand- Q u I c ^ I i-nt£r this vca^’s'miet— "" BASEBALL: Hugh Mulcahy, of gers this year except that the FOOTBALL: Elmer Layden is n- j x ° chej^ and “Gorgeous’' George t!.e Phillies, who was about to be rule about the pennant winner moving up in Ihe football world OlUdentS, thls is yOUr ChanCC. In all Droha- ^eena has been prart'c- sola to the Cubs for $75,000. This not buying players for the next He quit his job as a coach to he’ b'^l^V fl tmrk tPTin will Ko J u j. secret, but his irianagsrs purchase might have made the season. Now Lewis is about to come commissioner of Nat^na . C ICam Will be established here Hext inform us that he knows a kft Cubs a telling factor in the Nat- be taken into the army, so kiss pro-football. Now the off ce .-f ' \ ooys WRo enter the meet make a de- hook unmatched by any. - ’ - ■ • ■ ' cent .“hewing. Anyway, it'll be lots of ;''un. All *x J. 1 • 1 « • Come out—all next week and y\. J tnn ,e interested in tra-^k, should report watch the boys y,o. C^ach Rninansky at their earliest C'>r! ‘ ilie Elon campus. It has been the subject of iTiany open letters, it is one of the favorite topics in bull sessions; in fact, it is just about number one on Elon’s question parade. ^ r, Ai I , Coach Brunansky and Jack Al Jast, aspiring trackmen, you have your Boone have announced the inlra- chance. Coach Hendrickson has stated that if mural Ping Pong and Horse Shoe enough interest is shown in track, he will enter a .T'" tesm in the North State Conferenc Meet to be cipate'and the^sch'^duie'^has^S'n neJd m High Point, May 10. He also has prom Is ^o™P^®ted. The Ping Pong tour- ed to place Coach Brunansky at the helm of the E^„'ld^,“ho"d"be team. ter this year with sucii stars as m,. Mf V®''’' 8®«' Of vvinnin? the Sey'T’^'i kT^’bLT/'Z"'- ini.L 11 a,i the boys who can run, jump, hurdle, or ticipatmg. tiiiow weights will show some interest and are Horse shoe toum'"T n‘ willing to get into shape for the meet Last year Ttt ShoS cne boy entered the meet and took two first champion, John Fowlkos, favcr- p’a?es. This boy is back again and is willing to „, so kiss pro-football. Now the off ce lonal League race. But now $100,000 good bye Washington. president ha^ been added to his fTtigh is a Buck Private at $21 a BASKETBALL: Long Island U. duties. Layden gets $20 000 t-r inojuh. The Phillies and Mul- really goes in for basketball in a year for his dual io"b - ’ y sure do hate this. b^g way. They have just Leonard Darnell, former Duke ’Vashing'.on was offered $100,- ed a tough sea.son and t!ien the footbail star is really in for son-e 000 by the Tigers for Buddy coach gave his players a few stiff competition now. He has J.'-vis last year and the' Senators days rest only to call them cut entered the Naval Air Corps v> Ji*ld have sold Li.'.', to the Ti-.Ior spring practice. tr^- for his to V.- nr,3. TIT . I Intramural trnn\s i-as I- w(^u’id like to see all boys working out bv indefinite y j^.,k UUI UJ Boone annnnn-c-d thal. the trnn’!? courts would have to be niit ,-n'o T'“r. 1 })£ there? shape before the touinanK-nt I could be run off.