SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 1. MAROON AND GOLD PAGK niRKE mg With CHICK DAMRON Off and on Klons’ oainpus — in faof overvwliere within three 'Ounties—there is talk that tlie Fi>>;htin!; ('liristians are aeliievini; ihf^ir hest season ot f(M)tball in many moons. Even Head ('oaeli Horace llendriekson fi'ankly a(hnits lie is a little optimistic. But he won't make anv predictions. Experience has taufjht him that. It will he re- ;aH(‘d when he was a Blue Devil at Duke in his senior year (1!)3.‘5), Dnke was headed for its best football year under Wallace Wade’s coach ins;. Christians Trim Saint Marys 21-6 Former Elon Football Star Hasn t Forgot Ol’ School Camp Davis, N. 0. — riayin^ football here nn'aiit one thiiifj; for ('orporal Stanley J. Yonkowski of That year the Wademen took a over-confident trip down South and met a f(K)tball eleven from Georfiia Tech in their final pune. The Yellow Jackets handed the l?lue Devils a fi-O uy)set, which kept th(> latter from enioyina: a undefeated season, and perhaps also receivin”- its first Rose Bowl invitation. Well, why remind our coach about that. iro\\’cv(‘r, from this observation, it a))pears, g;enerally speaking;, the C'annonade should capture the North St>at( crown for the first time in nearly a decade as a result of its inspired performance in the last few sanies. Elon was 1938 co-champion with Catawba. The fiii'htin^ Christians have accomplished victories over West ern (^arolina Teachers Colletre, Lenoir Rhyne, North State conference teams, and also over ilount St. Ifarvs, an intersectional team. Tn reference4o the srame with the latter team, Elon was playiny; a favored team, which has demonstrated plenty of nice playing in past a'ames in its neiji'hhorhood. Prior to last Friday's contest, ifount St. IMarvs had met only one loss, which was to a strouf;- Western ifary- alnd team, which edtjed them out by a margin of 24-21. ifount Saint ^farv's wins are over Potomac State and LaSalle, the latter having a re])Utation of a fine squad in its league. Elon Better Than Catairha On Paper As a result of Elons 13-0 win over Lenoir-Rhyne ajid Catawbas win over Api)alachian, on paper, the HeTidricksonmen ap))ear to be better than the Indians. Last Friday niirht Lenoir-Rhyne whipped Appalachian 20-fi un- tler TTickorv lis:hts, and the score in our triumph over Lenoir-Rhyne read 13-0, all of w'hich makes matters in the Elon camp appear opti mistic. There appears to be little doubt that this is about the most suc- -essful team Boss Hendrickson has turned out since he took over the •mentor duties in 1937. 1038 proved to be a fair year when Elon was Co-champion with Cataw’ba. Elon lost games that year to Wake Forest, V. T’. I. and Catawba. Tf the Christians, as is expected, bowl over the Panthers of High Point this week-end, they will face Cataw'ba next Friday on even terms. Catawba goes out of the conference this week-end to play Wofford. • of three con- t';e iMith ('oast Artillery (AA) re giment—it meant a chance to play against his alma mater, Eloii Col lege, Elon College, N. (X When that game was removed from the schedule it broke Y^onkowski’a heart, it made hard afternoons of vigorous practice pointless and what's -more it removed all the interest that Yonkowski had in ioothall. He is handing in his suit. Some l)oys play f(X)tball for shet'r love of the game, others re gard it as a great lH)dy builder, still others here go out for the team Ix'cause it gets them out of some afternoon chores, but up un til now no one has become a foot ball candidate here for the sole reason of playing against their college's eleven. Corporal Yon kowski went out for the cam]) team for that reason and that rea son only. The camp eleven had already opened its season when Yonkow ski learn(“d of the scheduled game with Elon and decided to try for the team. He worked hard at prateices and whipped his body into shape. He got into a few games and seemed headed for a major assignment against Elon before the game was cancelled. When he heard the news he was heartbroken and he admitted there was no longer any goal on the gridiron for him. He told the coach he wanted to cpiit the team and intends doing so, but the foot ball men here have been given spe cial privileges and Yonkowski’s services are sorely need(>d so he may be perstiaded to remain William Palantonio Is Ruled Inelegible Player William Palantonio, .star 20S jxuind guard from Wayne, I’a., was ruled inelegible for North State (’ont’erenee participation at a meeting of the conf«‘rence heads held in Salisbury Thursday night. Bill was technically three days late for rf'gistration. A peri(Ml of two weeks is allowed for such re gistration after the 0|)ening date of school. 'I’his has long lK:en a conference ruling, but at a meet ing last DecemtMT it was decided to apply leniency to cas(« soncern- ing the draft. Palantonio’s late re- ture to school was caused by a rul ing of the draft board in his home town. Simon .1. Marion, of Lenoir- Rhyne, for years commissioner fer the North State (\mferen«; had previously refusel to rule Palan tonio inelegible. However despite llarion’s decision and the ruling last DecoTnber to apply leniencv to draft cases, the commissioner was over ruled in this decision Thursady night by a 4-3 vote. At lantic (’hristian, ('’atawba, Guil ford and High Point voted against the commissioner’s ruling. Zilu- rion's resignation followed. Kill was elegible for participa tion iji the game against High Point'last night, but he was not played. R. Hinshavv of iligh Point was (‘lectcd to suec(‘ed .Ma rion as conterence commissioner. The in-eles'^bility of Palanto nio, All-C(mfercnec, guard will be greaty felt by the Elon Christians. Palantonio hiis be“u a major key in the Cannonade’s victorie.s so far t';is year, and had been count ed on heavily for the im(K)rtant tilts on schedule for the Christ ians. Elon Eleven Shows Fans Some Fancy Passing Downing St Marys Paying a whale of a ball game on defen.s(>, and, in addition, hav ing a brilliant passing attack clicking, th‘ insiiired Flon Fight ing Christians turned back Mount Saint Marys’ f(X)tball eleven of Enimett.sburg, Alaryland, Friday night, Octolwr 24', in Klon’s dust bowl by a 21-(i trium))h. Des])ite the fact, that the hx^als were tinderdogs in this game, they lost no time in capturing the lead, scoring once in the first |K'riKl and twice in the second. 'I'he Marylanders, whose pass ing attack featured in wins over Potomac State and LaSalle, failed to prove effective against tlie Can nonade’s (lefeTise. 'I'hey complet ed only nine out of thirty-one at tempted passes. Meanwhih', the Hendrickson- men, who had bei'n conc(“iitrating on a pass offense for two w(H‘ks due to last w(>eks’ ojK-n date in [ schedule, completwl six out of It) tosses, good for 78 yards. Mount St. Marys rei-orded 11 first down?* against eight, for Klon. 'I'he latter siiffereil 114 yards of pen- alti('s. The losers amassed 11-'J yards rushing against 101 for Ehm. Prior (o tlu'ir only scoring fallv the Marylandeiu threatened mly once which (K*r\irrcd in the thirl jH'riod when they drove to Ehni’s 20 where they weri^ stop))cd on tour incomplete piiases. 'I’his victory marked the third win of th(‘ season for Elon and th(^ir first interscc,tional win. Their oyly other intersectional tilt was with Aliami University. The Fighting (liristians lost this game 38-0. This contest also was the se cond home game of the season; the Klons o])cnel their 1041 sehi*- dule h(‘re five weeks ago with a 28-7 defeat over W.C.T.C!. Intramural Roundup You students have probably can. Kappa Psi lias lost thre( th( Elon with a total ft'reucc w'ins and no losses vs Catawba Indians, w;ith the same rnocrd. That will be a game worth walking to see. When Elon meets ('atawha for an athletic contest, there's some fur going to fly. The krfnest type of competition has grown up between these schools in r.’cent years along athletic lines. Whether it is football, basketball, .,r baseball there is always a good ..■rtuie. Well do F’lon students re member how on several occasions,- they ha\e bc'en cheated out of a conference victory, by a suri>rise (h'feat at the hands of the Indians. \Vc do not have to go any further into the ]>ast than th(^ hi>t basket ball season to find one of these oc- cui'enci'S. 1 hese I>lon bo^s will rcmeniljcr this when they travel to Salisburs' iK^Kt week-t‘iil to. tangle with tiu' t'atawbst.eleven; Cllancea •iin- tliey will also remember the ^Irfeat handed down bv these sanu^ Indians on the gridiron last fall. seen that Iwautiful trophy in the book s‘ore, well someoiu" is going to win it. We aren’t saying who, lint it looks as if there will be some mighty close competition going on. 'I'here arc* three outstanding ■^eams that are reallv fighting for ^he championship. I. T. K., spark ed by the brilliant playing of Casev, Beeman, and Malloy in the ■ackfield with Towns, Perkins, & Beane standing out in the line. Sigma Phi is led by four stars in its hackfield, (^laytor, O’Conner, Culbreth, and Phillips. Three out standing di'fensive men in their line are Ferris, Walters, and Dun- games but (hat is a minor item, for they have; a tough foam, Ka|>- pa Psi is fighting and they won’t give up until the last whistle is blown. 'I'hey have a gHKl offenst* in Charlie Mann and Bob Iat. 'i'hey have Imilt their defense around Darden and Watts ami this team shows improvement hi every game. 'i'cjim . L T K. . . Sigma Phi Kappa Psi North Dorm w L T . 3 0 1 . 3 0 1 . 2 2 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 Out On A Limb^ And Howl You -can't always be right, but thev tell me; that you are supposed to be right more than seven times out of ten. Last time we stated that that might be our Jast attempt at i>redicting, but we’ve changed our lyind. We have taken quite a beating because we took Carolina over lu- lanc, but Carolina- is going to win one sooiiv-r or .lately so, along with (Carolina oyer S.tate; vfC again pick: , ' ■ KLOX over High Point. Catawba over Woffard. Leiioir-Rhvtie over Apprentice. Aiipalacliian over Camp Croft. llaverford over Guilford. Duke over Cleorgia Tech. Wake Forest over ^^larsliall. Y..M.I.'over Davidson. Navv over Penn. THE SMOKE OF SLOWER- BURNING CAMELS CONTAINS 28% Less than the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes tested—less than any of them—^according to independent scientific tests of the smoke itself! • BY BURNING 25% SLOWER than the aver age of the 4 other largest-selling brands tested — slower than any of them — Camels also give you a smoking plus equal, on the average, to - EXTRA SMOKES PER PACK! B. J. Haynoldi Tob*ccoCompany, WiiuU)n-8»l«n, N. C. THE CIGARETTE OF COSTLIER TOBACCOS