WiVTTTRDAV XOVKMKKFJ 1.“., 10+1 Ramljliiig w.th CHICK PAMRON MAROON AND GOLD PACK TIII^KK Elon Gains 8-7 Dedsion Over Catawba L , , ' caitiinis ill this coiiiitrv rliis I a.-r wei k-cii, ■ Mii.l -V,. !1 l„.t ,mu- lasf .lolliir vo,i coiildirt lu,vc foniul .-MS •■:nuj,.is rhMt wa> (‘xppripnciinr more im|),.iii(.ss aii.l optiiui.siii tlimi a (>ortain coles.p .:nii,.us I.K'uro,] .lowii in Alania,ico comity, Xortli ^ aio.iiiii. Aiuiu'ly Klon ( I lie I'lditiu- (’hi'i'^tiaii'^' iii-cstiL--f now indicates tliat tlicv liavc y,(c..ica ,y chuchcl a Nortli State conferciicc tic an.l pr.,l>al>lv the Htle ,v,thorn ai.v ties attache.) to it. If Kh,n oses to Appalachian an.l l>cats (.niltnni it wotiIiI then lie cmlited with a first place tie Pro vide,! I..,u,ir Khvne Uhyne defeats (’atawba. If the fonirer would l.aiu! the lat‘,'r an u)»set. it wonld be co-chanu>ions with Elon. If the Indians ;ye victorious. I-]!,,,, would oain the title on percentai>-e points 111 MOW of the fact that Coach Hendrickson has every eleven scheduled 111 tlie conterence, while Catawba tan,£rles with every team excei>t one. Ill wever. wo believe then' will be no tie involved in the confer ence re-nlts. I he |,H-als should be victorious over Ajipalachiail when Mh* ('onics hero Xovouihcr 27. Ilejidrirl-siw /folds Edqe Over Kivkhtnd Tl'.' vicNii-v Satnnlav -ave C>ach Hendrickson the e.hre over iv n'kiaiid. ( jitji'Wm s iiicuf-or. since flu* foritH'r took ov(M‘ oonchiiiir dn- tu's hciv. |„ Klon has won three .iraines: Catawba two. Elon' H so lu.Ms the ehre since the two sr-hools started the annual classic in plaviier every season exr-eiit for a three-vi'ar laps" between lO.SO and ’:U. The ivconl leads Klon six wi.'s; Catawba four: and one s.'iireles> deailli'k. This season mentor TTendrickson ran up his hitrh- ( st score arainst anv omioneiit ever th( CONFERENCE CHATTER ( hri'tiaiis turned back Iliali Point with a 47-0 defeat. hloii He'tchpd I'eak Agaiii'tf fatairbii KI.'II reaehed its hiiihest oeak of the seascni Saturday against (''a- I he Cannonade oii‘;)hiyed the losers in every department l''^-i"ht Ilolshonser, candidate for litt'e all-American, and rated ,nie of the most acnrate parsers in the nation, faih'd to spot Imt three re ceivers out of 14 atteiniited tiasses. These three passv-'s netted a total of two yarils. Ike Creeii' contender for little All-American, was out- sMuiliim- tor the Redskins, but on a number of occasions, was stoiiiied ilead in his tracks by Klon linemen. Donato A (/dill In jured Charles Dr.nato, Klon's star 2()(i-j)(mnd tackle, re-injured his shoulder in the (’atawba ;>anie. l>onato first injured his shonliler in pre-('atawba practice, and it was believed at that time he wouldn't be able t(i see action. Hut when tin- openiiiir whistle was blown Satur day. ( harlev was at his old (losition, ]>layinf!: baiifj-np ball as loii>' as he stayed in the sjaiiie. ’ This season the C’hristians are proud of the fact that they have iiccomplislu'd a reconl of six vic- li'ries a^'ainst onlv one defeat, 'VTT!ll'"''''i ilfiTsitv is“flii' on]y f‘inn that has parked Klon's reciu'd v.ifh a l>nt the Calinonade decsn’t fiV s^o bad alnrnt that. The iriirricaif, at this writ-int>'. are niKlef'Mt.^, Saturday Xoveiidier I. they flocked 'I’exas Tecli out • of the #def(ated ranks with a ■ii-O setl^k. By virtue of an 8-7 dwisioii over the Indians of Catawba, tlu I'ii;litiiif;- Christians of Klon ed a stran}>l(‘-liol(l on the North State ('lianipionship last weekend, A safety scored in the iast tw( aiiniifes of the game bv Kj Shaw, end foi' the C'liristians, enablec flic ( annonad(‘ to tori^e ahc'ac into first place in the conference. Klon has now ci/inpiled the en- I viable record of six wins against one loss. Such a nvord is not t he ashamed of in any league.. Am, inirticularly we should not 'feel bad about the loss when \w re* member that it was to an uiibeat- t'li and untu'd Aliami Klev(^n. The t'hristians now have on!' to face (Jiiilford and Appalachian o end the fjrid season. 'I’he Eioii- ites are slated to easily walk awa\* I.enoir Rhyne was downed bv a I')-!) score at the hands of New berry last Kriday, liiit their team is expected to tread on victory i>round this week-end when tiiev meet Westi'rn Carolina at (’iillci- wliei" Ibis was two weeks aso when i ^ ^fi **Vi * t i witl, u dV.a .1,.^....* ■ Inrkey contf st and there that they will also be favored over the Uoonemen when they meet at th Klon Park on November 27. Day (luilfor . IS little doubt 'I'hc sta^:e will tlieii be set for lie ('atawba-Lenoir Rhviie strui>- Ic on next I'riday to deterniiiie v’hether Lenoir Rhyne will shart' lie title with Klon. Asstimiii; tliat he Rears will trim W. ('. ( hev will into the fi-ay with atawba iMiastinjx ot four wins nd only oiu> li.ss vvitliin the con- I erence, that loss In'iiii;’ at tlie lands ot the Klonites (’atawba loes not battle within the con- 'erence rhis wtTk and thus a dc- eat ot the Hears by the Indians vould iiivc the Triiie nmlisputed claim on second I'lace, provided of •onrse the Christians defeat (inil- Foi'il anil A))palac!iian. Appal.u-hian lost a e'ose lO-n Tame to Tamiia last week and arc -cheduled to meet the IIit,di Roim Panthers at Ilijrh Point todav. I he (Quakers of (Jiiilford lost a i-() decisioii 'o the Panthers last ■atnrday am'. c';ii(dicd the hottoni nil';- in tlie race. Cannonade Ekes Out Win By A Safety Scored In Closing AAinutes Here are inj>K to date lyir the first time of the season ( atawba was torced to (K!cupv sec ond position in the conference standiiifis this week. Although the Indians still have one conference foe to fa*e, Lenoir-Rhvne it will he imi)ossib!e for the Tribe to sain any part ot the (’hampion- ship which the.v hold from last, year, provnled there are no nps('ts Aiii/ilachi n in the remaind(‘r of the ganu's. So bv h'suiff a hard tought dc'oision to ! Vi’estern (’is-)!ir,i the Klon Kleven last Friday the' ' (’atawba Indians virtually bowed out of the conference race! (luilford thi' confi'rence stand- T(‘ain KLOX Catawba . . , . I.enoir R'lvne ;int w 1. Per 1 0 1000 • > 1 .7.‘>0 ;! 1 I 2 1 2 1 4 .200 0 • > •t .000 I’ailing to .score a touchdown on three late attcmpt.s. a bl(K'ked pnnt uhu'h I’csiilted m a safety, I'loved all that was ii(*(*cssary to give i^.lon an 8-7 victory over the ( at.ii\vlia Indians at Salisbury last .''afui'day. Aov(‘inher 8, before a eri'wd ot sjn'ctators I li«‘ ( annonad(‘, in'denionstrat- .ng its hesr performance of the season, outplayed the Redskins in {■very ilepartineiit. Klon chalked 1)1 n:ii(‘ tirst downs against ('a- tawha s h e v c n, | h(‘ winners amassed Ji;{ yards rushing to 101 for tlie loser.s. Th,. hn'.als wei-e charged with only three five- 'aid ^onaltif.s, while (’atawba lost :i.-) yards hecause of penalties. This triumph was the fourth conference win of the 8,.ason for Klon, who has yet to face Appa- laciiiaii and (iuilford. ( Jitawba s touchdown oceiiri’cd in the first half. Knd Don Dan- ley bliH'ked .Molly (’raft's punt on the S(*ven \'ard liiu*, and r‘(*overed the ball himself in thi. end zone t(.T the t(aiclidown. (j(‘orgiana*s .kick was good, throwing Catawba I in the lead 7-l. j Shortly after the second-half j kickoff- Roone snatched Hal Ro- I wen’s punt on his Ki and dashed , down the left sideline to mid-field ! where h(. reversed his fi(.ld, and with the aid of K(.aring and Agresta hliicking, raced the re.st of netted 84 yard.s. RcHine’.s placekick (or the extra ]ir)inf failed, and ('a- (awha was still in the h.ad 7-tl. I.ater in this pcri.;d, center .It'n- iiings Withers intercepti.d Hol- shonser's pass on iiis ;i:> which Itil to Klon's last (piarter scorin.' fhreat.s. With only a f(*w ininiiteii left to play in the game tackle l.odv (ilenii r(.covered (ireen's fumble on the hitter's 41. After 'I'onian- (•hek made one yanl tliroiigh cen- er, I )aher shot a pa«s to I’.oone who ran to the 18. On the next f*’'"" 'lowii.s, Klon was just short )i a first down, with Tomancliek .'arrying fh. mail. (leorgiana, on two line bucks, failed to gain tlirongh the lin>. On the next ■^>^.n .oiiard Curry lirvan rushed throngli anl hlix'kt^d (ii'oj'giaija'rf onnt. The latter, tli,.n, attempted to run the ball out of the end zone and was stopfx'd by big end Kd Shaw giving Khm a .satViy, mak ing the scoreboard read h-7 in Klon’s favor. I'ullback 'r)nian.hed, on of fense and defense both, was the most outstanding gridinan on the field. Ills lim* pitiwiiig prov(‘d a major factor i ntlie victory. On a nnnilHT of rxicasions lie broke ftironsrh and spilled Ike (Jrecn, ( atawba’s star 1 (J.'cpouiKl bac]c tor no gjiins. A lot of credit should be ^iveu the way for the first six Klon i to Rrvan and Shaw who c inie w'^'tilent T‘"l' to contribiitV' Klon’s win- . lit an hulian un ing a hand ; nni- i.oints. (Jr.rn, Ilolshonser, m ' .t ''"'t «'-l Hanley were ontst;n..Hng for mi ,t s.intai'iilar plav o+ the game, ' the Indians. XSB2C-1—It’s the Navy’s new dive- bombing sensation -> Test Pilot Bill Ward at the stick fill isvl p( edi V Intrc mural Roundup T. K. fraternity t(«ik over place in the intranniral h'a- this week by defeafing Sii;nia Reta 12 to 0. I. T. K. show- bi'illiant rnnning and iia.ssing atfck in ilowning tlie Sigma ' s’. .Malloy and Reaman were! oifstanding. Sigma Phi showed a 1 defense in the line and back- fieia. T. K. intercepted a pass in ktlj/ earlv minutes of tbeir game \i:b Kavjia Psi Xu Fraternity :yd‘,:iie folowing ))lay Evans lat- tAiVk;d to jMalov who scored from :?0 yard line. Kaiiini Psi .showed their defensive HOW DOES IT FEEL to dive straight down from several miles up? Bill Ward knows. He’s the test pilot who put this amazing new Curtiss dive bomber through her paces for the Navy. That's Bill fm th, pktur, at th, left, above} smokmg his (and the Navy man's} favorite cigarette. He’ll tell you— YOOR EARS CRACKLE and pop. You think,” says Bil! Ward, “the whole world’s trying to squeeze the daylights out of you. You think maybe it bas, jf things go a little foggy or dark when you’re pulling out of your dive. After a ride like that, a cool, Cavorful Camel tastes mighty welcome. bi'-V^i t h .streii^tli kec))ing the 1. T. K. men fron scoring again until the game v/as^j^.arly over. With about three miiiu,s of plav left, Rea man passed Ip Hobson for the fi nal score of ti. game. Final seore- lioard reading vas I. T. K. V2— Kapiia Psi Xn^. In a more evei^y matched game the Kappa Psi’s md the Sigiua I’hi's battled to a Vg tie until the last minute of plaving time. 'With tlie score thus tied aud seconds to play O'Conner to heave a 30 vard pass Culbreth in the end zone for tli» winning talv. The conversion made j,cood by Phiiliiis. Final siore-'l3- C. The smoke of slower-burning • Camels contains 28% LESS NICOTINE than the average of the 4 other largest-selhng cigarettes tested-less than any of them — according to independent scientific tests of ^ smoke Itself i m£yk£/VllU>ERsyf^^- - a eU ot tbew Test Pilot Bill Ward shares the Navy man's preference for Camels SPEAKING of tests, Bill-Ward adds. "Those recent laboratory tests showing less nicotine in the smoke of Camels only go to prove what I’ve always found in my smoking—Camels are milder in lots of ways. That’s what counts with me.” Light up a Camel yourself. You’ll know in the first few flavorful puffs why, with men in the service* with the millions behind them...it’s Camels. {*Actual sales records show the favorite cigarette with men in the Army, Navy, ^iarines, and Coast Guard is Camel.J