7’AOK F-'OT'It MAROON AND GOLD JOLTS AND JARS According to our calendar and to the editor it’s time to start fill ing up the space around tlic ciggie nd8 again. ISo stick around and we ■will see what we can tliink ot tu fill in. 'I'o start things off, we'd like to say that wjiaetning oiight to tw uone aoout tiie "ueek-eim ' situa tion heer at Eloii. It lias been es- tjinated tliat apf)roxiniateiy iiaw the student body leaves on tile NMi'keiius. \\e v.ould suggest tliai a group of the tacuity uieniucrs and students meet to Help reneve tins suuaiioli, uut.we iiiuUi»Lanu that liie aaiiiini.'Uaiioii euii t KuK iH-eiiiise tile saideuis leaving helps eui down tin' eiionnous co.->i oi un liiea^s wliieli we ri'ceive. but tliai still doe.sii t relieve uie “aeua \\eck-eiiiis iiiat are ao prevalent on llie eaiiipiis. jia_>i)e *.i- u* tell you tliat it wasn't our idea to rue liiis, uut mat we did at tne rr(|uest ot the I . ri. ( onservatioii .'M-ruee. l liev reuiusieu us to ix- e.iii.M- sonic (Hie was killing me trei-s by wi‘aniig an tne liaik oil aiid tiuit unniA- a levv Vveeti-eiid parties or dances (sii! siil) w’ouid iKtlp rchi'\c iiic snuatioii. ./acksoii li.i.s a.so coiiipiailicU. Orson vwoc s .s now making I reparation tor a iicvv movie, liiia November 10. Hr. Dcilille plays—you guess ed it—the role of a motion pic ture producer! New Defense Show On Network The Mutual network pn^sents a new defense show, “Keep ’Km liolling” which liegan Sun.- No vemlxT !». Clifton Fadiman, of “Information I’leasc” fame is master of ceremonies on the new program wliich is to jiresent aii impn-.ssive array of gnest stars each week. The “Keep ’Km Koil- ing-” writtn esjMKiially for the new csri(*s and Maurice Kvans iu a twelve - minute dramatization of ‘Vailev Forge.” •Mrs. Holloway Kw-ps Her Word When CBS s*rii>t writer Jean Ilollowav was a student at San Jose (’oll(^e in California four cars ago, she asked her mother for a new drcFS to wear at a soro- I ity dance. Mrs. Ifolloway refus 'd (he mpiest but told Jean that if she ever wrote a script for Ger trude Lawrence, who was then a)>- nearin'r in San Francisco, she would buy her the finest dress in ''an ['rancisco. .I(*aii forgot alHjut, lie incident. But last year J\I ish the “Kate Smith Hour’’ in a radio olay called “Ap]K)intment With Destiny.” The author; Jean IIoI- received a large jiackage with the dress and a note—“I’ve never had more pleasure paying off a liet.” HRIKFS When Bob Trout left for Lon don recently to relieve C’HS coi-- res|)ondent Kdward K. JIurrow', le included onion and radish seeds, cans of jirepared coffie, canned butter and vitamin i)ills in liis luggage. Friends advised him they were “musts” . . . When iN>l- lege students selected by their fel low students to represent them on [•'red Alin’s “Star Theater’’ pro- irram, arrive in New York, Fred's right blind man, Jim Hawkins 'iieets them at the station. There is no way for Jim to recognize the winners, but he always returns with his man. He ap))roaches everv voung man who ajipears to be twenty or twenty-one, softly calling out th(> name of the week’s iiuesl’. It has worked so far, but Jim fears that .some week the name the student-wiuner niii>ht be Smith and he will have diffi- 'ATFRDAY-NOVEMBER i1941 k'liiilii iiim 111 >>111 iiavt. n Lawrence apixvired as a guest on ' ciiltv ■retting the ri;ht iK’rson IT’S TURKEY TIME Farmers nave been fattening up their turkeys that “weiis^isfied” Thanksgiving Uay. EFIRD’S have fatten d up their stocks of col- 1 \m vMi(» s;i\v iiizi'U ivaut; ' know lliiu It nothing else tlic pic ture will Ih‘ ditlcrent. Icddy i’K\ell has written iiis'i • j , , tirst song since he turned Dand j -wear in Order to give you that “well saticfied” students, who are smart- aiiioiiiit lie lost iR-fore iiis band | ly and warmly dressed these brisk fall days the in stalled to click. I -Vote to trcshnien; (i eipials •tl.lHMI.OU. ilicciitly Xavier Cugat was I'rc'cnteil ('uhas iiighcst awiira, the (iraiul Cross of ('arlos .Manuel !(s ( Vspadcs, which carries with it the title ot ('oinendatone. Hut to show his boys that he wasn’t proud, Cugat told the Ixivs, “inin',-. call me ('omendatoiie — it will .'•"iiiid like .I’m 'howiiig oft'—just keep culling iiic Killer'." '■ I Don’t Want to Set the World )n I'irr*^ IS the most popular tunc in juke bo.\es, pi‘('olos or what liave vou. Well that’s alxiiit all we can think ot right now s t ^uess we'll close Uut iH'fore we do- we’d ike to tip you off to the lunv for mation that (ioldbhnu and his ITK'S arc going to n.se in the next game. I he cottee tormation, its ^trongcr than the “1 tormation -they sav ! Sorry but we don’t furnish clothes pins or rib tickliTs. Unc Now. expensive EFIRD way. Topcoats, Sweaters, Reveisibles Shoes, Hats, Shirts IN FACT You will find evnrything you need to fill that win ter wardrobe, end do your allowance a favor. Step around the corner to EFIRD’S DEPARTMENT STORE Davis St. Burlington, N. C. Along The Wave Lengths Sterling Ilollowav Joins 'I'aniily Hour' Sterling Ilollowav, the screen ‘oiiiic, is added to the increasing list ot inoN'ic stars appcariiig re- L'ularlv on tin* an* when he loin." the cast ot the t'oluiiibia net wtu'k'^ ■■|'aniil\ Ilnur" Suiidav, \'ov. !l. Sterling, \nii will reiiieiiilier. is the coiiiedian with the sheep doi; hair cut and fin' woeitegoiie drawl. Atfer appearing tai l>roal\vas' in (larrick fiaitics he went to IIoIK'Wood where he ap))ear‘d in ‘ounlIess tilins. ilis latest screen effort in Walt Disnev•'Dum- I"'- lie did the sound track for tile stork. Il»llowa\ attracteil the afteu-I (ion ol I1oIIvwomI with his siiiir-1 ing in imiisi-al comedies but tin (iliiis never ntili/ed this talent. He h(»|M's lo have thi‘ opiwirtiinitv to siiur on the "Fauiilv Hour" although his lir>t appearance is in the' title role of n dramatizeil life slor\- ot Franz Schnln'rt. De.Mille ,\s .Vn Actor C-ril R. DcMillc, tntuinii pic- lure ^ produ.-er and dirc-ctor of II-’> "Lux Rad io riieater" irmkes one of his rare appearances as an aTor when he joins Charles Hover and l*;iulefte OiKhlaril in a railio iidapiation of the movie, ‘'Hnlil Hack the Dawn,” Mondav, LET US FINISH YOUR CAMPUS SHOTS RKST IMIfCKS FOi; PHOTO SKRVICK CITY DRUG CO. j BEST FRIEND I • 9 • of the well grrcomed is I the Cleaner — ."^ee him I reg-ularly. I Blalocks Tailoring: Shop I Opposite I’aratiKfuiit Tlieater For Genuine Satisfaction WEAR LAMMS VALUE FIRST CLOTHES LAMM CLOTHING COMPANY, Inc. BURLINGTON, N. C. T N. BOONE Tailor For Elon Students SINCE 1914 Builinsto Out on the range it’s ‘‘Howdy pardner, have a Chesterfield’* That’s true Western hospitality. For bringing smokers together, giving them exactly what they want, Chesterfield’s RIGHT COMBINATION of the world’s best ciga rette tobaccos is right at the top. There is more downright pleasure in Chesterfield’s COOL mildness and better taste than in anything else you ever smoked. Make your next pack Chesterfield A World Champion Rodeo Rider EDDIE CURTIS CTop^pflit |941, Liccmc A Micjia Iumacco Ce m Each time you taste ice-cold Coca-Cola, "you are reminded that here is tlie^quality of genuine goodness. Experience ... many a refreshing experience... has taught people every- tvhere to trust the quality of Coca-Cola. SOTriEO UNDER AUTHOHITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY iu'ri,ix(;tox co(\\-(’ol.\ hottli.vc compwv BrRLlXGTO.V, C. | Turkeys We Ha ve None But NX^e Do Have JUICY " T ” BONE STEAKS CAMPUS SANDWICH SHOP

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