PAOE .FOUR MAROON AND GOLD SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1913 JOLTS AND JARS John “Pidnves" VoUard It's at tiini's like tlicsr that oiir tliDU^'lits ttini to iloflicr Nattiv little playiuatfs. P.,y tlie way ^lotluT A’aturo is I'cally woiulci- ful; a mill ion years a,"0 she didn't know that wo were !>oiii”- to wear ulasses yet look whev(> she put our ears. We’ve known (luito a few of ^Mother JVature's pets. 'I’hey were and arc very interesr- ins fellows. Pirst there was (V- driek, the fish, he was a very aris- tix.‘ratic fish. Veali, his ancestors Bwani under the ilayflower. 'I'hen there was Klnicr, the elephani, who liked his drink. That was ali riii'lit but every time he not drunk he saw v>ink Prank Pucks. And there’s Ilessie, the hen, a very easy •loinj; chicken. Hessie was always very cooi)erative, hut last week she lialked when they tried to make lier swim in hot water so she'd lav liard-boiled ec'^'s. Xow .1 iirss, the crow, always had a hard time. Thinii's never came easy for him. "Whv last year dun to the drouj>ht the coi'ii was so low he had to knee! down to eat it. Xow we’ll sum Ti]) this little lesson in “Xa- nire Study” with the basic diffei^- ence between a flea and an ele phant. Did you know that the l)asic difference between'the flea and the elephant is that the ele- jihant can have fleas but th(> flea can't have elephants. However if you didn’t know that then nniybe von know what assets are. Assets are little donkeys. We could tell you more 1)ut it would onlv lead to bloodshed and more Senate ineetinj^s! Did You Know Shiff That Rudy Va'tev recently ce lebrated his twelfth consecutive _ sponsored year in radio, or that he inaJe liTs radfo debut iii I-ondon while still a student at Yale^ That Wimffon (^hurchill is a recording’ fan, and that his favo rite album is on(> by the “South- ernaires” ? That Pennv (Joidman buihls miniature homes in his si>are time ? 'i'hat James ilelton, Hell Te- le])hone Hour, collects old hats? That Pea Wain collects restau rant menus ? 1'hi^t Prskine Hawkins is a gra duate of Alabama State 'I'eachers (’ollcfie, or that he taua'ht drama tics and niusic Ix'fore startinji' his band ( That the Andrews Sisters have sold over 7,800,0lKt recorils, or that Patty was tai) dancing; champ of ^linnesota, or that I,a\ erne won acclaim as a concert pianist, or that -Maxene handh'S theii' bus iness and personal affairs? 'I'hat Hob ('hester was once a star pitcher on the Pniversity of IJayton nine, or that he luid offers from the Detroit Tif>ers and the lioston lied Sox ( 'I'hat Walter Gi’oss, C1!S stu dio band leader, has five fire places in his home ? 'I'liat Xavier Cujfat's three nick names are (’ooj>ie, the Xinj;’, and ‘■X” ? Cetrainly wsh we could get some mail. 'The situation is so acute that last ni^ht we wrote a letter but forgot to >i,irii so we don't know wlii) seiit it. Alont>- with the millions of others we’d like to encouraae you to buv War Ponds and Stamps. Py all means don’t be as tifiht as tlie Scotchman who took his kills out of schcx>l because they had to ]>ay attention; or the f^ny wlio’s so stingy that he looks over hi? glasses, to keep from w'earin.i^ them out. Well so long we’ve gotta go. We have an appointment with Charles Poyer’s brother, IJfebouy. Rut he’ll probably be late though, the only thing that he ever did on time was to buy an automobile. Trollingers Puy Din'ct And Save ^Mendii'rs Florists 'I'clegraph Delivery Best In Flowers Purlington, X. (’. Best Quality Best Service Best Prices PHOTOGRAPH DEPT. CITY DRUG CO. Burlington, N. C. Formal, Business Or Sport Clothes * * * LetlUs Do Your T. N. BOONE Tailor For Elon .^Students SINCE 1914 Styl Quality Economy tCleamng|& Altering « ^ « Blalocks Tailoring Shop Across From Paramount BURLINGTON, N. C. For Genuine Satisfaction ■ WEAR LAMMS VALUE FIRST CLOTHES LAMM CLOTHING COMPANY, Inc. taste the quality of° | the real thing"k BURLINGTON, N. C. HEY The Gang’s All Here Elon Soda Shop Flowers For All Occasions See Our (\un|)us Agent ‘‘Puster’’ Pufler itr Moorefield Florist 'J'wo l^oors Pclow 3’aramoinit Burlington, X. ('. Ice-cold Coca-Cola is re freshing ... refreshing as only Coca-Cola can be. In its frosty bottle dwells the quality of genuine good ness. And taste... a taste delicious, exciting. Thirst asks nothing more. Pause' Go refreshed You trust its quality BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY PPULIXCTOX ('()(’A-(’OLA P()TT!J\(! CO.AIPANY PTJPLING'rO.V, N. (\ V-7 Recruiting Unit | At Elon Last Monday I On Moday April '20 a comidete V-7 Kt'cruitiui; L'uii was on lin- third floor of the Uelifjious K(hi- cation buildinjj. 'I'he T'nit con sisted of a d(X‘tor from the Navy ^Medical Department and other ot- ficers to furnish api)licants a com- lilete ])hysical examination. Il the a))i)licant was ahle to present all of the necessary papers he was sworn into tlie P. S. Naval iicserve, Uefore this time the ap plicant had to s'o to iialeigh tr. take the examination for tlie V-7. Since the V-7 is closiui; on Mav 1, this was the last opportunity to ii'ct in fraininf>' as an lMisi_;>:n in the P. S. Navy. In this i)rof>ram there is a 30 day elementary training period at Notre Dame Pniversitv. Ucr" an insight into life aboard ship is fiiven and the fiuidamcnfaIs of military disci])line and of naval customs and usajje. 'I'hose who pass this elementary trainin;; are then sent to one of the Reserve ilidshipman Schools for thi'ce months of intensive study. At the end of this p(“riiMl, if still (pia- 1 ified, individuals are connnis- sioned an Knsifjn in the Naval Re serve and s\d)ject to active dtitv immediately. Klon is well represented in this branch of the navy. -I ack Fotishee, who };raduated in l‘.41, left last week for Notre Dame for the pri\ary trainin;;-. Other.- who have (|ualified for this branch but have not vet }jone for train- inii; vet are: Richard Casey, Her- nie Askins, Kent J)ennan, lioyd ('lajip, -lack Poone, Ed Shaw% I.ouis Adair, Kd Watts, ^lollv Craft, and .Jimmy Darden. 'I'hese will be calleil as soon as they ^■aduate from Elon. J’//ANA'S 'I'hanks so very much to the )K-r- son who was •responsible for the return of the* Maroon and (Sold dictionary to the Print Shop. 'Fhe dictionary disappeared se veral weeks a>>;o and returned one. day this wek to the spot where it had perviously rested. The ex treme kindness of the person re- turninfi: tlie dictionary is appre ciated by all those associated with the Maroon and Gold. thanks again, The Maroon and Gold Staff yAore^/easifre There’s satisfaction in knowing that the revenue tax you pay on every pack of twenty cigarettes is doing its bit for Uncle Sam And you’ll get complete smoking satisfaction in Chesterfield’s famous blend of the world’s best cigarette tobaccos. This superior blend is tops in everything you like best in a cigarette. It is definitely MILDER, far COOLER and lots better-tasting, j Try Chesterfields today. See why millions J say/‘You can*t buy a a better cigarette. ’' I ^'Ooo oqZ"^ .4\ ^ CAROLYN CASSIDY, Miss Am^ri- con Aviation. From coast to coast our country's air lines are playing o major part in Notional Defense. From coast to coast Chesterfield gives smokers more pleasure. (?// , _ fi/fif/oNS rnoA/r WE WILL WIN. We did it before and we'll do it again. Once a smoker has enjoyed Chester field's cooler, better taste he smokes them ogoln and ogoln. WHEREVER YOU FIND A BLUEJACKET YOU’LL FIND CHESTERFIELD. On PT-boot. sub or bottle'wogon, they give smokers a lot more pleosure. IM. Chesterfield Cofyfifht 1943, iKAin * Mmi Toiacco Co,