paob roum MAROON AND GOLD ■ATBtlDAT UkXVtMt M. Dmar Dhry B, Muy Dmm* COLBNDA LIAVn KaOOL TO TAKE NATT JOB AaoUwr Boo nwa uuwan Um c*U of hU •euntry. Allan CoIwmU. * ophomaw at Don CeUagt, kw bam eallad far aarvlc* In Uw Unltad Statai Wa*». ialapJa wa* born In Morahud City. Nottk Carolina, whara ha lived until ka mada hli boaa at Oxford Mtaonie Orpbanaga. At ti>« oriwan' > ba atudlad printing and gradu- atad from blgb acbool. Ha came to Elon In ordar la furtliar hU ftody In Jouniallam. Kara ha did axeallant work In tba print ibop. WATBB SaOBTAOB U SBUOU8 riOBLBM Rationing of watar In the vicinity of Elon Collaga became effective the flrat waak of the naw year. Although Mayor Long haa not aa yet iuued watar ratlanlng itampa. he empha- tlied tha nacasalty of the conMrvation of watar. Thii ihortage came about when the pump, which furniihea the water tor the Elon community tanli. failed to produce an adequate luppiy. However, tba exact cauie of the >hort- •ge hai not baan diacovarad. Ai a result of tha ihortage. many people of the community as well as the roiiega are finding It difficult to iccommodate their dally work to the water schedule. The water Is turned off all day exccpt from 6:30-t:30 in the morning and from 4:00 until 8:S0 In the afternoon. Dean MIssIck said. "I ran t even get a bath." Mr Lovett, business manager states that investigation li being made by the chief electrician and plumber, and that he thinks tha watar supply will soon be Increased. January fovrth: WaU. back to achool va'ra coma, from ••• coantiy—bMk to dear old again Tonlgbt tha laa* arrtra. (?) alaitad drifting in. tlrad. bot ao »iad to gat back hare. All tbnm^ ^ night UgbU bumad In the dormltoriw and voices could be heard aa •‘bull aaMlons" drifted from one room to an other. Oh. how glad wa aU wars to ■ae our friends, professoti. and Joit areryone that belongs with us here It Elon! Isn't It funny bow In that ihorl holiday you can miss a place so, and the people and things concerned with It. th't you can hardly wait to get back? January fifth: Classes sgsin Will we ever get back to studying? We AND the professors wonder about that. The lectures seom so boring, while right across the aisle is S!o- and-so with a diamond—and we rr Just dying to find out WHO and when The professors are being so pati*nt with us: they understand how hard it la to settle down after being home and enjoying ourselves so very much Time is very precious, though, these uncertain days: so no matter what the tempatlons not to study arc. we’d all better try and settle down to learning, with a capiul L For wbo knows how long we may be able to further our knowledge here, or anywhere else? Let’s all try and take advantage of all our opportuni ties presented here, even if we do have to mias out on a trip to town or a good "bull session” once in a while And the resulU will be so much bet ter. and we and our parenU will feci so much more satisfied and proud January sixth: Today was the doomed day for all pledges of the so rorities and fraternities. For one whole week they cannot call their lives their own. Yes. Initiation Week started. Here's hoping everyone comes through with flying colors—and know they will! Now Orchids and ??* are thrown.^'^ Cleaner — Sce Will Dear DUry Hope you turvlve through ' it. and light both baa been used by the school and something’s got to be done—and in a huiry*^veryone‘s getting tired of taking cold>~I mean freexlng-* showers. When we start having to break the lelcles off one »4i(Kber— that’s too much. And alao bop^ the lights don’t have to start being eut off at 11 o’clo^ at night'*! don't think many of the professors would likr us not having our lessons done all the time. I think we all should cooperate with the situation and use a little thought in the matter when we for get and leave our radio playing at night, and such as that. We would aP benefit by it in the end. How about these new studying rules? If carried out. they will work wonders for every one of the girls’ grades. But will everyone cooperate? It’ll be a fight to the finish**-between the Council and Dean Boyd versus most of the student body. But I be lieve if everyone really thinks about '^hat a big improvement it would make, and what a big problem the people responsible for this are tryin? to solve. !‘m almost sure that every thing will "work out all right.” t^t's hope for the best, anyway. So much for the news and propa ganda. Got to close—see you later. dear diary. BACK VF TUB MAlt Dt VNVOIM 8ATB CHBBTBBPtBLD WBWS- PAPBB AD BUN IN TUB IBSUB **8Urt the N«w Ymt Bight,** says the headline “With Um Bicbt CMsbi nation for Mort Smoking Pleasur*.*’ The eurrent ClwfterflekI theme Is eoaUnued In Um copy whkh polaU out the iBsportaace of pro^ Mend ing in giving snokers a milder, cooler, and better>tafting cigarette. The advertlatment U llluatrtted with the picture of an attr»eUve young j woman dressed in the uniform of the American Women's VolunUry Serv ices. In one hand she holds a aheaf of war bonds and stamps and' In the other a letter and a carton of Ches terfields. Reports from the n«eh in the Serv ice indicate that no gift Is more wel come than cigarettes. On distant fronts, like Africa arfd the South Pa cific. next to a letter from home there is nothing the men would rather re ceive than cigarettes made In the U. S. A. Chesterfield pointa this out In its newspaper and radio adver tising and urges its readers and lls> teners to send cigarettes regularly to men In uniform. Flowers For All OccmIom WE AFPBECUTE TOVB PATBONAQE Moorefield Florist Two Doon Below Paramount BurlinKton* N. C. MUSIC DBFABTMBNT MAKES PLANS FOB PBBSBNTATION OP **THB HOLY Cmf*' On Tuesday evening. January, 6th. Mr. Bartley announc^ to the Col lege Choir that "The Holy City." sa cred cantata by A. R. Gaul, would be performed this spring by the Elon PesUval Chorus. The exact date of the performance has not been set, but it will doubtless take place in the month of April. Any singers who are interested in {singing in the Chorus are advised to ‘ see Mr. Bartley as soon as possible. WANT A PIPE? WE HAVE IT CITY DRUG CO. BurUafien. N. C. SHAVE HITLER SAVE AMERICA buij WAR 5TAMP5 Hood Sporting Goods Co. 205 Wert Front St. Burlington N. C. SCHOOL SWEATERS AND JACKETS TENNIS RACQUETS AND BALLS TABLE TENNIS AND BADMINTON SETS SOFTBALLS AND PLAYGROUND BALLS QYM SHORTS AND BASKETBAIX SHOES FOOTBALLS SpaaUI Pftaaa U High Sehaal airf CaUage StirfaaU Maka 0«r Stara Taw Haadvaartafa While U BarllngtM BEST FRIEND • • • of the well groomed is Cleani By the' wayrwiiat about this water | i light situation? Too much of j • C* Ut«a ij • Blalocks Tailoring Shop • • BURLDCOTOH. N. C. Acxeai Fimb ParmBOOBl Ca Aa LEA Plione 777 Bus and Taxi Servico Gll 777 For Q lelt, DtpcndtbU T«*l S«ivic« To and Frcm B« lin|t n And Elg^wlitit West Front Street Burlington, N. C. Trollingers Buy Direct And Sava Members FlorlaU Tategraph DalWeiy Beit In .'lower* Burlington. N. C. HEY Tlie Gans'i AH Here Elon Soda Shop T. N. BOONE Tailor For Elon Students SINCE 1914 Styli Bur'Inston Quality - Economy WHAT CIGARET7C GIVES SMOKERS WHAT THEY WANT HAYES SELECTFD FOE NAVAL TRAINING Frank Alfred Hayes. Jr.. “Hunky” to Elon students, has been selected for training as a Naval aviation cadet and will be ordered to active duty shortly. Hayes, bom in Raleigh, graduated from Elon High School and also grad uated from Elon College with Class of 1M2. While in College Hayes was s member of Its boxing team and par ticipated in Golden Gloves Tourna ments held in Charlotte, Greensboro. High Point, Raleigh. Burlington and other sports centers. He has approx imately fMty hours' flying time pro cured uiider the C. P. T. program, and Is now Instructing Elon’a C. A. A.-War Service TraiiMM In their physical ed- ucatioo program. When ordered to active duty. Hayes »U1 report to the U. S. Navy Pre flight School, either at the Univer sity of North Caroliiia, Chapel Hlil. North Caroliaa, or UolTtnttsr of Georgia, Athena, GeorfU, for three mMithk of physical conditionlnc. In’ structlon In Naval eaaentlali. military and gr««ad auhjocta. After completing this mune Im wfll atnt to oae of tlM nW*! wm—roiia rwanrt Wh far priMry OI0A tralataf- start the year RIOHT WlTHTHi OMBIMATIOH FOR r\GHT C . 1943 O Ch X^t why, buy • — yOft nof* nuv SaMTV' „.4J1««aW>» hmwv j***** CBItla«aa> Wlin lETTIII