PAGE FOUR MAROON AND GOLD SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1944 k Yolith Steps Oat ISiJddhf S- 9. By Gene “Paradoxical” Poe BY GENE “BASCOPOLUS” POE Life at Elon is certainly different since the Bowling Alley, Theater, and Restaurant opened up in thedowntown section. No longer are our nights dull and unfilled because of the lack of Training Detachn^ent officers have something to do. All you oldtimers made continued efforts to produce The U. S, Aarar Air Force’s 32fVth College Training Detachment carries OB in a month which has seem the t'de of victory continuing to shape for thf> Allied Nations’ Armies. During the past month, our College come back to see the sight that we I’ere one time afraid was impossible. Aviation Students who are preemin ent as future Aviation Cadets. A plan The lights of the huge neon signs are • by which every student will have the quite a contrast to the few sixty-watt: opnortunity to act as a student officer bulbs that at one time lighted the met-1 and thereby gain valuable experience lopolis of Elon.. Can’t say that we was introduced by Lieutenant Simon- aren’t the voice of phophecy. | son upon his return from Randolph The Jive sessions in the book store Field, Texas. In the past only a few are really improving. The music is of the Aviation Students were able to take the responsibility because of the limited number of these positions. But I under the present set-up, the usual ' group of student officers is supple- Yes, spring is in the air these days, acting officers who hold None too soon either. There just isn t positions for only a few days— a thing around here that can take the ^ ^ days which are adequate to getting hotter and the lads and babes are swinging out to the true tradition of all hep cats. place of this campus with a little green grass, a half filled moon, and some charming co-ed to help pass away a few hours under our forever popular oak trees. Pee We Weston is some cat. He is about as keen as they come when it comes to slowing down a date. How in the world do you do it? Margaret Graves is certainly doing her bit for defense. With each one dollar’s worth of defense stamps you get a kiss. Meg, we congratulate you on your salesmanship. You could get twice that amount if you wanted to. Some times we complain about not having enough copy to go to press with, but we shouldn’t—not after what we saw the other day. We ran across a paper printed here about three years ago when football and social life were in abundance: and yet, one week the paper came out and almost half the front page was a dedicationto the Journalism Class, and the rest of the paper was apologies for not having something to write about. give valuable training to the men and to enable leadership talent to be dis covered. In addition to the new, temporary- student-officer plan, continued em phasis is being placed on military dis cipline. This includes emphasis on all phases of military discipline, but Avi ation Student will best remember ihat phase concerning cleanliness of equip ment and quarters. The reason for re membering that phase is that a short time ago, every man brought out the G. I. brushes, the yellow soap, and mostly the elbow grease and worked over the floors and furniture of the barracks until all traces of stain were gone and most of the varnish too. Old North and East shone like the Deep South. But lately it has not been all work for the College Training Detachment students. The usual open post on the w-eek-end still brings time for diver sion and conviviality. No small part of the credit for the fact that the men do enjoy their open post should go to ' .I- Pictured above is Madame Mari a Hussa, soprano, who will give a re cital on Wednesday night, February 9 in Whitley Auditorium. YdUR NE(6H60RS SI^CRIFtCES ARE NOT ENOUGH IWCLE sm NEEDS YOURS! 0uy more WAR BOMOS! fsar?. L^-sUe5 ru(2ue(t m T. M. REC. U. S. PAT. OFF. SS^COPR. 1943 BY NEA SERVICE. INC 1^1^“ CAPT EASY" PUBLISHING HOUSE, OR OLD SOUTH DORM It’s just too bad that Fred Register the very attractive Elon student body can't get around to dating all the girls, and to the generous Elon an ur From what we bear there is plenty linptOB townspeople. (?) of them h® could put on his wait-^ The sports meft of Satu’-dsv .Tnn- ing list. ■ narv 22. was another important diver- The other night we got off on a dis- jjon for the atr students, which, in ad- cussion of band leaders and started (Jition to being entertaining, was vaV rvaming,the ones we had heard. So uable as part of the physical train- far we can chalk up ten of the better- ine nroffram. In the tw« major events known bands, probably twenty five which drew the most interest, flight the small-timers. The big name bands B II won over A IT for the touch foot- we have heard are Johnnie, the ball crown, and flight B I won over late Hal Kensp, both from N. C., Lew- flight A I in basketball. B II’s foot- is Armstrong, Duke Ellington, Cab ball team was sparked by A-S Roth- Calloway, Gene Krupa, Benny Good- ermel and A-S Stout, but A-S Badger man. Dean Hudson, Tony Pastor, and played well for the opposition. Out- Guy Lombardo. Of these we rate Cab ctanding for B I in basketball were Calloway as the solidest sender. A-S Balhorn and A-S Post. Under The regular Monday morning chap- the basket for A I. A-S Brallier, A-S el program was very good and showed Banes, and A-S Cain were brilliant in a great deal of thought for someone, defeat. When the results of the sep- At times, however, it got rather per- arate events were totaled, flight A I sonal and we just have to admit it did was found to be the winner of the cause us to feel a little uncomforta- meet. ble. Nevertheless, we congratulate In concluding the column for this Sheik, Speed, and Bunk on the fine issue of the MAROON AND GOLD, wa.v it was presented. A-S Henry Brevard would like to get The aviation students of the school in a “plug” for the U. S. Government apparently enjoyed the dance last Fri- and for its every citizen. For a safe day night. From all the compliment ary remarks that were made it ap pears that it was quite a success. We might add it was extremely thought- ' ful of the faculty to take such hand in helping the students further their plans for staging it. We quote one of the aviation students on what he had j to say about the dance. “E Flight had a wonderful time at the dance last Friday evening. The girls were solid, and I don’t mean Potato Salad.” Whatcha say we have a little cam pus chatter now? Well. A S Richards, better known as the Raven, received a very lovely valentine from the girls of the West Dorm. Nice going. Raven. A cadet named Joe wants to know why Helen B. from Ladies Hall breaks dates as fast as she makes them. Sorry Joe, we don’t know either. A S Joe Stonic and A1 Snizik told us the other day that they hated to see the day come when they would have to leave Elon. Well, fellows W’e’re gonna miss you but it’s mighty good to know that two Yankees feel bad about leaving all us Rebels. We heard Bobby Johnston say the other day he plans to marry a WAC when he marries. Well, Liza it looks like you'H be leitving for tbo W'AC’s pretty soon. Gosh, but it’s nice having you around here. Peg Lightbourne seems to be ir higher spirits since Corporal Smith returned from his furlough. My, but what a man can do to a woman’s mo rale when she gives him half a chance To Mary Lib Wright we say nice going and best of luck. Your friend A|S Mercer is “strictly all right.” investment, back the Fourth War Loan Drive and speed the victory.” Neal Wright DIAMONDS — JEWELRY Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches LUNT STERLING SILVER Watch Repairing and Fine Engraving 201 S. Main St. Telephone 2242 BURLINGTON, N. C. And now a word to all you girls who have been worrying about getting a date with A|S Stump. lit’s no use. He has a cute little wife back home. Tom Horner is on the ball these days. First in the heart of a home town girl and now first in the heart of an Elon girl. Hailey “Deaeon” Vickery is still liv ing a quiet eonservaive life. Come on Dea«oa, and give £*me of our iemale crop a break. It was a special treat to see the girls’ Physical Ed class have to go on the double while parading the other day. The cadets happened along right behind them, so Lt. Edna Rumley houted the advance on the double. That seems to be about all for this time so the old Pencil-Pushing Scribe, bids you adieu. Here it is 6:45 in the morning, and out of bed you come. It isn’t time to get up: just that early train passing through. Back to bed you go—but only to get up again because the alarm clock is ringing. In the wash room you go to wash the soot off your face with good hot water. Are you kiddin’? We haven’t had any hot water for weeks—well, maybe not quite that bad. Sometimes its thar, like gold in the mountains. Prospect, Buddy, pros pect and see. Guess who is the first one you’ll see? Righto! It’s Jack Sunburn washing off lipstick. Right beside him is Gene (I adore you. Luscious) Poe. Is he foami»g at the mouth? No, just shining up the pearls in the mid dle of that Dixie coBiplexon. WhaVs that we hear down the hall? The daily argument betwaen Register and Wayme abo»t who i* the prettiest girl on the campus. Connoisseurs, eh? That’s what they think. They take that argument up in the morning just where they left it when they ree-tired , in the evening. Ho-hum. Boresome, ’ to a man that really knows. Now, you ought to see my lonesom-blues de- Ipressant. No. No. That would be i tellin’. I Go to Gibbs for philosophy and log- I cabin foolosophy, too. Gibbs sez, sez- zee, “Ilik e Margaret Ann. What about you?” Biddix:“Just goes to show you. Girls can do more harm than good. Now, Gibbs, there, didn’t used to be ment ally unbalanced. From the second floor: Earl calling Bill. Bill (half asleep): “Yes, dear.” You see what he is used to. The bit ter half and the march of time lie be fore you, and a long, long time to keep on saying those two beautiful words. Well! Blow me down the hatch! “Take it easy, Meacham. Of course, she’s a wonderful girl.” Ali Baba. Bob Gaskins looks kinda sad. Trucks and truckin’ will get a man down. Shannon to Don: “Now what’ll we do fix it so we can stay a little longer at Oak Lodge?” Whatley trying to sell his room mate a pair of shoes. And Spike (Seven to Seven-twenty in the arms of Morpheus), sleepy old Spike. Well, well! Gettin’ up? Really, Bo? While .^ndes sings “Close to you, Catherine, ’ we’d betetr sign off. If Spike is up, it must be late. ' Day Student Doolings* THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS HI YA! NICE PEOPLE! “PEE WEE“ WESTON Ya! All getting along fine? If so why? This is me writing and I’m gonna tell you a little about the day students. Yep. the Day Students are those people that come (driving?) up I in the morning making a lot of noise ' and most of them late for class. I First we’ll look at means of convey- ; ance they use to get here. Some walk, others take the bus, and the rest of them come in (cars?) About the most outstanding car of all is a neat, speedy, green convertible limousine, owned by Bunk Satterfield, about the only thing that tin car hasn’t done is explode. (Mine even does that). There are quite a few other traps, but they all are pretty nice ex cept for a maroon and tan, Chrysler club coupe that looks like and runs that way too. Wendell "Goah” Isley, please note! These day students are a funny lot buf*they’re the finest bunch of fellows and girls you could ever meet. May be youd be interested in learning something about them as individuals so we’ll tell you a little about two very nice ones, a boy and a girl. For the girl we’ll whisper in your ear about Mis Faye Younger. Faye is about 5’ 2”, has deep brown eyes, and dark brown hair. (That’s enough description). She has made a really outstanding record for herself. She was one of the foremost scholars dur ing her high school career, president of the student body, and graduated with the highest honors possible. Faye likes music, both sweet and hot, and she likes to dance. She is a most in quisitive person and anything new in terests her. So we say, “Hats off” to Miss Faye Carolyn Younger. Now the boy. One of the swellest and yet craziest fellows in the male Day Students group is L. W. “Shiek” Riley. For him everything goes. He’s I as much fun as a barrel of monkeys and sometimes comes pretty close to being one. (Excuse please). He’s a smooth dancer and one of the few [ jitterbugs. His preference for music I is hot. With B. Steed and G. Satter- I field he helped put on the biggest Student assembly program of the year now; as for girls—Shiek prefers blondes, brunettes and brown-haired angels. Looking up his former record we find he rates tops and he’s still up there in our little black book. Speaking for the Day Students this little column will continue, (we hope), so let us in on what you want to know and we’ll do our best to find our for you. Keep smiling always. ’Bye for now. In a survey we found the subject of physics has been taught at Elon College since the beginning of the in stitution in 1890. I Between the years of 1890 and 1915 only one course was offered per year. Since 1915 a major has been offered I in the department of physics. I With the advent of the 325th Col lege Training Detachment of the I United States Army Air Forces it was j necessary to increase the faculty in the department of physics. The CTD curriculum requires more hours in I this field than any other one sub ject. Below is a Ifct of teachers of physics ^ at Elon College: 1890-95 Profesaor 1890-94, President W. S. Leng, Bible asd Physics. * 1894-97, Professor S.A. Hollerman, Mathematics and Physics. 1897-99, Dr.W .C. Wicker, Natural Sciences (including Physics). 1899-04, Professor P. J. Kernodle, Commercial, Astronomy and Physics. 1904-09, Dr. W. C. Wicker, Natural Sciences. 1904-14. Dr. N. F. Brannock, Chem istry and Physics. 1914-15, D. T. C. Amick, Mathe matics and Physics. 1915, Professar A. L. Hook, Physics. At the present time, in addition to Professor Hook, the following teach ers are members of the Physics fac ulty. Professor M. W. Hook (Elon and University of North Carolina). Professor C. C. Hancock (Appali- chian State Teachers College). Professor F. W. Burton (Elon and University of North Carolina). I . Professor A. V. Coble (Elon Col lege). Professors Leonard and Stoudemey- er taugh physics during the summer of 1943. SMART SPORT SHOES ♦ LOAFERS * MOCC — OXFORDS ♦ SADDLES All Sizes / r* a • if; Front Street Burlington IF YOU WANT TO EAT DROP BY YOUR College Bookstore Flowers For All Occasions Moorefield Florist Bnr’lingtoii, N. C. f atronize Maroon And Gold Advertisers Betty Lou Shop DO YOU KNOW THE AD DRESS OF AN ELON MAN IN SERVICE? PLEASE SEND IT TO THE MAROON AND GOLD AT ONCE. CUT OUT THIS FORM AND RETURN BY MAIL OR PLAGE IN OUR CAMPUS BOX. NAME ADDRESS NAME ADDRESS SENT BY ADDRESS “Popular Because Of Style And Value” Women’s Apparel Millinery Accessories BURLINGTON, N. C. Elon College Students’ Headqarters For Pipes, Tobacco, and Cigarettes City Drug Co. BURLINGTON, N. C.