PAGE FOUR MAROON AND GOLD SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1944 Youth Steps CHRISTIAN SUN CELEBRATES CENTENNIAL ANNIVERSARY CTD SLANT ^^Day Student Doolings” yWusic Notes By GENE POE The Centennial number of THE CHRISTIAN SUN, official weeky or- ?an of the Southern Convention of Congregational Christian churches, was published February 17. Greet ings and special messages from ether T-piieious journals from lay and clergy ali'^'P were rontained in the issue. The CHRISTIAN SUN was estab- Did you hear about the corporal who said. “When I first came here, j h,-v,ph bv tbe Christian denomination, the captain got down on his knees and ' s’nce-the merger of the Conerega- tben the major got down on his knees, j and Ch>-i=tian denominations in Boy. did I feel great! What a wel- j 1930, the SUN has been the publica- come! What praise! What a crap tjon of this united bodv in North Car- game! ' olina and Virginia. Although the cir- Here, there, and everywhere in ' culation is concentrated in these two West Dorm. Now, who’s the popular states, the mailing list includes sub girl who has that Reidsvile guy on , scribers in the deen South, New Eng- the go. Seems it’s Elon, then Reids- land and the mid-West. THE CHRIS- ville, then Elon again. Well, all wo^'V tIAN SUN now has the distinction of | Alamance one would think the Avia- and no play makes Opal a bad girl, being the only publication for the ' But it seems she is working too hard entire denomination, on the weekends. j Reverend Robert Lee House has It’s rumored that Frances Winbon been editor of the oublication since does a little sitting up exercise every 1940, with him on the editorial staff night to keep her figure in trim. The are S. C. Harrell, Durham, N. C,; W. 1, 2, 3. 4. that she poos ~ - T. Scott, Franklin, Va.; F. C. Lester, ular sound to the girls that room near Elon College, N. C.; I. W. Johnson, her. Suffolk, Va.; L. E. Smith, president And now for Bonnie, or as someone of Elon College; H. S. Hardcastle, called her by mistake the other day. Norfolk, Va,,; Mrs. A. C. Todd, San- “Elondie” Davis. Just can’t see how ford, N. C.; Richard L. Jackson, Wav- she got that name. The girls around erly, Va,; and J, T. Kernodle, manag- her suite tell us that ail her quiet- ing editor, Richmond, Va. ness is just charm. It’s a great favor to have you give out ond of your TO SPEAK TO . most pleased smiles. They also say prottp i that West just wouldn’t be West if MINISTERIAL GROUP | they didn’t hear your voice echoing MONDAY j up and down the hall. Say, Emerson, could be someone’s Charles Apel. business manager of j beating your time. Just visit the li- the college, will be the principal ^ brary some night around nine. speaker at the next meeting of the , One of our ace reporters just came Ministerial association Monday night, j in and informed us that a new club February 28. Mr. Apel was instructor | BY “PEE WEE” WESTON Hoping this passes the censor’s of fice, we turn in inspection for a little more info on those devastating people, the Day Students. SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: The Day Student party is set for Saturday night at 9;30 p. m. YOU are invited. Selecting two more personalities from the Day Students, we went to a reliable source for some of dur infor- C. T. D. owes a note of thanks to ‘he Council members and day stu dents for their very generous invita tions and for a very enjoyable eve ning last Saturday, February, 19. Our boy, Bob Newton, stole the 'how again with his golden voice. Singing “You'll Never Know” in his own inimitable way he had the coeds ! swooning. The only thing Sinatra has j gjj,j—jganne Hook—presi- that Newton hasn’t, is a 4-F rating, ^ | pgy student’s organization Some people have it: some don t, j jga^jje jg one of our most outstand- Character Whitey Summers and Joyce ' students at Elon, She is rated, Matthews should be able to prove the rightly so, at the very top. Her merit of breakfast cereals. Never fgygrite sports are swimming and have I seen two people with so much g^e likes dancing, both P^P- ' smooth and jitterbugging. Dramatics Saturday, February 12 at the hotel always interest her, and her musical ability is well known, since her clear tion Students were having a banquet, has been heard many times in The most surprising couples were phapel programs. For her voca- Mary Lib Wright and Dot Williams gj^g says there is nothing but being off campus. It’s been sooo long, teaching. SCRAPS FROM THE TABLE | .Jeanne has a few strange ideas Aviation Students Smith and Me- y^hich sometimes are For Cartt happened to sit opposite each instance, she likes to push little black other on Sunday and, as a natural biddies into the water just to see if Mrs. Lila Le Van Loadwick has been acting as organist at the Front Street Methodist church of Burling ton for the month of February, in the absence of Miss Alyce Smith, the reg ular organist, who has been spend ing her vacation in Florida, “Evensong” (Johnston), The final number on the program was Wag ner’s “Pilgrim’s Chorus” played by Eva Carpenter. The sacred cantata “The Seven Last Words” (Dubois) will be presented by the Elon Festival Chorus under the f^irection of Prof, Bartley Sunday eve ning, April 2nd, Soloists for the oc casion will be Miss Margaret Whit tington, Howard Cates, C. O, South ern, and James White. Accompanists will be played by Eva Carpenter and Mrs. Lila Le Van Loadwick. Earl Farrell recited the poem an titied “We Are Proud,” which deals with America's heritage and peoples,; at the chapel program February 14th, [ Members of the music faculty gave A musical setting arranged by Profes- j the second time this year that a pro- sor Bartley brought in various themes ] is the second time this ear that a pro- appropriate to the different sections , gram has been provided by the Music of the country as they were referred , Department, The program Monday to in the poem. Jeanne Hook render- ; was as follows: ed “By The Waters of Minnetonka” | Second movement of Piano Con- (representing the North) and one certo—Schumann; Mrs. Loadwick, stanza (rf “Home on the Range” (rep- i accompanied by Mr. Bartley at the resenting the West). Mrs. Loadwick ' organ. consequence the topic of home they can swim. Anything vanilla suits towns came up. Mr, McCartt hap- i her. but she does not like chocolate, pens to hail from a backwoods town milk, but not chocolate, and she in Tennessee and w'hen asked at what (joesn’t even like chocolate cake. One age he married, this was his thought niale seems to stand “Ace” high with provoking reply, Oh, I got married j j,gj. During the Christmas holidays at the age of twelve, my father made . ^j^g proved herself a very efficient acted as pianist and Mr, Bartley as organist on the program. Pierrot, Andrews; Oh My Beloved D^ddy from “Gianni Schicchi”—Puc cini; Comin’ Thro’ the Rye, Miss Whit- Mr. Bartley demonstrated the or- tineton, soprano gan to the first and second grade stu dents of the public school, Mrs. Gladys Avinger, teacher, Wednesday after noon. He showed the various qual ities of stops after which he played “Christ Church Bells” (Peele) and ley, organ. The Lost Chord—Sullivan, Bartley. Intermezzo—Callaerts, Mr, Bartley, organist. Festival Toccata—Fletcher—Bart ley, Mrs. Loadwick, piano; Mr. Bart- me wait” At Schuesler’s Table “Pass the biscuits . . . . by myself?” At Any Table . . . “What! At Ease! . . . now eat that way” a brooding' stillness falls over the , mess hall, broken only by the clat- ha-! been organized on campus. The in business subjects at Berea Col- ; dishes and the metallic “BPOC” which is the “best people on ]pge in Berpa. Kentucky, prior to his ' silverware. And there we waitress while working in the dining hall. Also, if anyone needs to em ploy one, she has had good experience as a woodchopper. All this aside, however, to meet' Miss Jeanne Hook is to find one of 1 the nicest and friendliest persons around, so for our rating, she is the head of the list. The boy—Granval “Bunk” Satter field. Have you ever seen that blond- ^ .. . . , - -- — haired boy who drives a green con- campus.” Not conceit on their part, commg to Elon . ! leave you gentle readers. ' vertible (when it’ll run), and who just campus pride, I guess. | The Ministerial association is a lit- , gjags student is diligently ^(,rks very hard in the nhvsic’s lab-> It just so happened that we oyer- tie noted, but essential, part of the a perpetual motion ma- | you haven’t? Well just open your heard a 'Utle conversation like this campus activites^ It is an organiza- Definitely officer material. , gyg^ ,gause he’ll turn up some where, thp other day. Lonesome Peggy In- tion composed of those students who | “Bunk’s career so far, you gold and her roommate seem to be intend to enter the ministry or some g^g^^ at Elon don’t know ^ave to start wav back all of—(sav putting their whole heart into play-field of religions work. The group ^r, Melone’s if t start counting the years. I’m gonna mg cards since the news tHa n,eets every Monday night, and other at the Burlington USO have to take off my shoes, and that the air cadets are leaving. Wonder if students mterested m promotmg the an angelic ^ too many people asleep), they couldn t find something more in- religious atmosphere of the campus ^his can be heard has one of the finest scholas- teresting,to do? Personally. Peggy nfe are invited to attend the meet- ^SO center almost every Sun- ^ic records vou can find. He was out- and her roommate don t appear so jngs, and also are urged to partici- lonesome at all when they are around pate in the programs, campus. Not nearly as lonesome as ^ some other people, we know, j Miss Whittington you certainly have ^ * j a handsome brother. We j “Th-y just make my heart stand the girls would have liked it if you , still, could have had him stay longer, 1 Here’s a word to those of you who John Pollard, pardon us, Lt, John I ”’»uld like some good reading mater Pollard, is the same old John—ex-; ial. Don’t miss Patronize Maroon And Gold Advertisers DO YOU KNOW THE ADDRESS OF AN ELON MAN IN SERVICE? PLEASE SEND IT TO THE MAROON AND GOLD AT ONCE. CUT OUT THIS FORM AND RETURN BY MAIL OR PLACE IN OUR CAMPUS BOX. NAME day, I standing in taking part in his school Overheard at the last USO dance, activities and held many class offices. “Well, my definition 01 a gentleman jjg likes all sports, but chooses foot- is 'a patient wolf’,” 1 ball for his favorite. When music I starts, especially hot, his feet natur- The “Wolf” likes his women 1 e g^art moving. All girls interest ^ a cigarette. him, but he chooses no particular one. : Thin, trim, easily set aflame an seems hat he prefers blondes, bru- i ADDRESS the complete descrip- just as easily discarded. cept for a little weight. It was mighty | tion of the war in general and a per- likes his good to have him back on campus with us for a few days. John w'as kidding us about using some of the angles that he used in the newspaoer business. Well. John, if we ever find a kid who thinks as much of our sonal touch on army life by Ernie Pyle, found in all large daily papers. Ernie is a little guy who doesn’t weieh but 105 pounds, but he is one of the most brilliant newspapermen of this day. It can also be said that the column by Dorothy Dix is always worth reading. The “Man-about-town, wom-?n like a cigar. Full-bodied, enjoyable, expensive and impressive. The “True-to-the-end” fellow likes his women like a pipe. A thing to caress in a dreamy sort of a way. Something he can knock ^ gently, but fondly. Put on a shelf vriti'io a: this ki'i does of vours. wp won’t mir'd at all if he follows that same pattern, Joce Smith and Ruby Braxton were telling us about a navy cook, the other day, that made a very interest ing story. Time doesn’t permit us to N. C. last Tuesday night. print it (or the censorship) so ask 1 His music was terrific, num uie | THE POET’S CORNER them about it sometime. applause the audience gave out with, ambitious and I never The guy that’s pecking this type- they definitely agreed with us. Dean j yearned to be I The Group Commander or even boss nettes, brown-haired ones, and red heads, as far as the girls are con-! cerned. Take any food, put it in front i of him, and he shows you one of the | best disappearing acts you’ll ever see, “Bunk” also likes games of skill such !' as bowling, or the little green tables, j Putting this part of the information 1 on the shelf, we find “Bunk” to be ' one of the finest fellows ever. In the ! NAME ADDRESS Here’s that man again. Yes, it is and feel confident it will be there future, he plans to enter the armed , Dean Hudson. Dean was featured on when he returns, service and is already a reserve in the the Coca-Cola Spotlight Band Pro-' ^ man will give you a cigarette^o - ^orps. If we wore a hai, ffram from Camp Davis, Wilmington, fer you a cigar, but he will NE- ^ake it off to him any day. SENT BY lend you his pipe. ADDRESS I From the writer was sleeping peacefully and will also take part in Ralph Edward’s mindina his own business the other Truth or Consequence Show on Sat- night when he was suddenly awakened urday. February 26th which will be by a bang bang on the door. After broadcast from the stage of the Adams one o’clock mind you. Like a good Theatre in Newark, N, J, All you fellow he gets up and goes to the “Hep Cats” listen in and see if you r^rior to fird none other than Joe don’t find it ^rorth your time. The Liverman standing there. It was three official members of the Elon good to see you again Joe. It would College Swoon club, namely Ed Dan- Well, be good until next time, and if you have anything special you want | to know about the Day Students, just ! let us know. All questions will be ! appreciated, if not answered. Bye. be swell if more of the fellows who ' iels have left could drop in kinda unex pected like that. Too bad Rodney Southerland and | Fred Yarborough don’t give the un- : dated co-eds a run for their money. All the girls are just on edge to date you two. J. C, Smith, and Junius Peedin say that the Hudson music is a solid sender and a whale of an uplift, . We have before us a news article or a clipping that Leon “I love to dance” Gibbs handed us on “The Art of Kissing,” We can truthfully sav Why one girl even said, that it is unusual and rather interest ing but it seems that we won’t have the sr>pfe for it this time. Just wait until the next edition of the M, & G, comes out and see if we don’t have it here for your reading pleasure, M^e know we had something unusual to happen to us the other day, A little boy dropped a nickel in an air vent down town, and before we had gotten down on our knees to help him about fifteen people gathered around. Most of them thought we were trying to take the nickel away from the little boy. Well, we weren’t. When we got I it out of the vent, we gave it back to him. Now don’t ,you say you don’t believe us either. Congrats to the Day Students on the posters you have put out in re gard to the party tonight. We are sure you have lots of fun in store for all those attending the shindig. This is enough for one night—let’s call it a day. of Squadron B. The Supply Captain's job seems such a lot of work. And I never was anyone to shoulder anything I could shirk, MAJOR GILLESPIE RETURNS TO UNWED STATES Major James N. Gillespie, of Haw DEAN HUDSON But mavbe someday soon, my worth River, N. C., who graduated from will enable me to get the gun- pion in the class of ’39. arrived in New ner’s job at the coed’s table. York last week, flew from there to Roscoe W. Sams was having a time p^pe Field, Fort Bragg, and is now in the library the other day. I wonder visiting his wife and young son in if his notes to and from Edna had virgilina. ] anything to do with it. Major Gillespie has been on active ; Has anyone seen “Bristle Noggin” gs head navigator for the entire [ Boston lately? What was it ol’ man, Eighth Bomber Command and assist- something you ate or just an old felec- gnt to the air chief in bombing raids tion bet? Did your trip to Raleigh over the continent. He has also seen have anything to do with it? action over North Africa, Germany, A S Stump wishes to express his and the Ploesti oil fields, thanks to the girls for the beautiful jg hoped that Major Gillespie will Betty Lou Shop “Popular Because Of Style And Value” Women’s Apparel Millinery Accessories BURLINGTON, N. C. Valentine. He is extremely glad they know how to appreciate talent. Flowers For All Occasions Moorefield Florist Burlin"ton, N. C. find time during his leave to visit Elon and give us some first hand in formation on some of his experi ences. IF YOU WANT TO EAT DROP BY YOUR College Bookstore Elon College Students’ Headquarters For Pipes, Tobacco, and Cigarettes City Drug Co. BURLINGTON, N. C. ACME DRUG CO. OPP. MAY MEMORIAL LIBRARY BURLINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA PHONE 474

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