PAGE FOUR MAROON AND GOLD FATURDAY. TSCEMBER 9, 194^ Youth Steps Doolings IPersonahty By GENE LEMON-PIE POE Part I You are about to read some of the rare conversations that have been overheard on campus. | Harvey: “My car has an indifferent i liovn.” I Tela: ‘What kind of a born is that?" Harvey: “Oh. it just doesn’t give a toot, Senioi; “How many subjects are you cairrying this quarter?" Freshman: '•Carrying one and drag ging three.” * * * Mr. McClure: “Now, Johnny, what do we mean by pUiral?" I Johnny: “By plural we mean it’s the same thing only more of it.” And this is what Don Miller says a jv;idern girl is; ”A vision in the eve ning ar.d a siglit in the morning." * * * Miss Bowmer: (after trying first l;our cl2ss): -'Sometime ago, my cioctor tcld me to e:ercise every morn ing with dumbells. Will the class please join me tomorrow before break fast?” ♦ * ♦ Fit'd: ‘ Who is the laziest one in your class?" Wayne: “I dunno.” Fred; “Oh, yes you do. Wben ev- nvtoi'y is busy studying and writing vho s.I iJly in his seat and watches the rest work? Tell tne truth now. i "The professor ■’ » * • Prcf. Ba-.K.y: V.’iiat pan cf speecn is pants, Bill? ’ Bill Copeland: “Singular at the top and plural at the bottom. ’ ♦ * * Prof. Hook; 'V^hat happens when a tody is immersed in waterf ’ Lois Dean: “The telephone rings." • ♦ * Mrs. Smith: Lem. name two pro- rciins.' Lem: “Who, meV y.TS. Smith; “That'S covrect ” Pedagogue: “Do you serve crabs here?" U£jtej: “\Ve seive everyone. Sit « » « Aichie; “1 r.fe»er kr.ew love was like this.” i»la:feuerite: "Neither did I. 1 thought there were more chocolate and flowers in it. ’ Edna Ruml^y “Mom, what’s the best way to make Ted stop spending so much money on me when he takes mp out?” At last those terrible things tha! professors call evams are over, and I can breathe easily again. Well, at least until grades are out. and then T il have to go into solitary confine- I ment or somethirg. It's lucky for me that they’re over, because 1 was ?b0Jt out of Scotch tape for pasting j -ny eyelids open while "burning the midnight oil." 1 haven't c'-'Osulted my little blac’‘v cnk i:i evt‘1 ‘o long, so I should re veal seme mighty tasty morsels of .pr Pe-^ove 1 get on with my i dirty work. I’ve just gotta welcome i Kowai-d Black to Elon Howard, bet-! ter known as “Peep Eye.” is from Burlington, and is entering as a fresh- inan this Quaitei'; Loads of luck, Peep Eye.” You’ll love the place, I m sure. Shiek sort of played 'Lone Wolf” .vhile Bonnie was sick. They must have it bad. Hal Foster, can't you make up your nii’.d? Do you like the whole East dorm? I ll have to ask Betty, nave you ever watched Simpie un- .oad her car in the mornings? If you naven t. you’re missing something, mind’s me of a circus—people just to pile out until you wonder where she puts them ^11. 1 would too. if I didn't ride witlT her. 1 know just how a sardine feels. The spotlight personality this week l5 Hook. You know her. .-^rofesscr Kook's third daughter. We ijive^i’t seen much of her ti'.is yeai as she has been practicing teaching, but now she's back to stay. In case you haven't guessed, yet. Jeanne is the president of the student body • this year. I had a time finc'ing her— .he’s a busy person, but 1 finally caught up with her in the music build- | ing. Jearii^e tells me what she likes j test of all—“Ace.” All cf y^u upperclassmen rememb er -A-ce Haricll. And what do you know? He’s Private First Class, now “Hookie" loves dancing, too, and her only dislike is ctcctl?.te. V/onder I dioppeJ into the book store a Lttle bit ago, and who did I run into but Ruby Dale £!id Howard Black ■ffcepEye’ is cfctcbr.g cn faU. I Somebody ought to break down and 1 lell us whose wings Dottie is wear- 1 ing these days. Someone has sug gested that they are St. Peter’s. Gotta run now. but my liiUe black 1 book will be back again next time, il i someone ducsu t murcer me t.efort [then. See ya'! Tliat “Handsome ’ senior who al- | ways greets you with a smile aiid a joke is Getie Poe of Rockingham, i»orth Carolina. This week’s MA- UOON A>iD GOLD honors Gene as the personality of the issue, for Gene really “gets around,' as you shall see when you read his column. I Since Genes eniiy at Elon, he has been a popular t.gure ui campus hie. He has helj many oiificei: r-i ts- Attention! All People Interested in Foreign Languages! Have Y'ou Ever Seen or Looked at a REAL FRENCH NEWSPAPER or a GERMAN MAGAZINE The Elon Library has subscribed to both. You will find one on the newspaper rack and the other on the table Come and read them, it is fun! And don't get discour aged if scmetLmes you get stuck. (Dictionaries a.e not far away and ready to help you!) :-YEAr>,LD .MEN CAN OLUNTEER FOR NAVY GENE POE irient of the freshman class ’42, presi- itypE?fTlES On Turkey, ONE WEEK EVERVVR., ALL LETTERS MUST CARRV THIS RED STAMP. TURKEY'S "RED CROSS IEaptain IKI.TF. (DlCK)MtRRILL ' WAS FIRST TO FLY THE ATLANTIC BOTH WAY5;THE FIRST TO FLY IT ROUMDTRIP WITH A PAY LOAD; AND HAS TO Hlb .CREDIT OVER IPisTOL Packin' k ARRlER OF MIAMI. FLORIDA | " ^ _ -I I laruff Uu. U, S. Pal. Olii« 3M-SM. Hat S, 1W. b> KalHTnl fedmim olToil OllUe tleifci k Nil dent of the sop'nomos'e class '43 presi 5ent of Doctor Joh^isoD Literary So ciety ’43, member of the Senate ’42- active member of Uie Student Chris tian Association and Student Service Organization, managing editor of the MAROON ANP GOLD '43-44. b’JSi- ntrs manager of thei Pliipsicli 4o-44 secretary of the Senioi Student CfiHs- tian Association ’4S-4. editor cf the ^H-\JJTICXEER. tne sum.n;er schoo: ■ewspaper. and treasurer of the stu- .=iit body '44-45. Gene is ahVcys cd the go; wherever here is action on the campus, there you will find Gene—especially if it is in the vicinitv of Laaies' Hall. It is a known fact now that his preference is blondes, and one of his favorite past- times is eating a midnight snack in Tto :’:v’ ?nrounc>*d recently that 17-year-o!d men and m.en within the draft age who have passed their pre- induction physical e.'iamination car volunteer as trainees In a $12,000.01.’ coui'se that equips them to be radai operators. All applicants will be given the Eddy Test, which determines their qitalificalions for this training. If a ' a'icfactoii' it made, applicants arp accepted by Ihe Navy and enlisted as seamen first class, paying-$65 00 per m.onth. Applications can be made to a Navy recruiter or Et one of the following N'svy recruiting stations in North Car olina: 'Asheville, Charlotte. Greens- Loro New Bern. Raleigh. Salisbury. or Winston-Salem. These oifices are located in the post office buildings. tS'lE'B O' .iB 'ra I'B;'® lE I?*- 1'S Patronize Maroon And Go!d Adverfkers SPIKE HARRELL WILL ENTER SERVICE As yet unassigr.ed to a definite branch of the service. V. B. Harrell left on Monday for his home at Suf folk, Virginia. Hi will have the usual 21 days before being called up and „,ov thp merchant marine. PARK CLOTHING CO. PORT COATS C^AFE TROUSERS Single and Double Lreatted. SPORT SHIRTS 1 Button Roll and TTE5 ?:'d SHIRTS Thunderbolt Models DFu.AFE SUITS TRY PARK FIRST 109 W. Front St. Alamance Theatre