SATURDAY, JANUARY 20, 1945 MAROON AND GOLD PAGE THKEE What's What By EMERSON WHATLEY Double Time ELONS LOSES TO GUILFORD IN FIRST CONFERENCE GAME The way things are shaping up now, it seems as if there may be only about five men on the Elon basket ball team when North State Tourna ment time rolls around this spring. V/'ith Bob McCotter and Willard Mar- lette already in the Naval Air Corps, Fred Yarborough expecting his call any day, Harry Turner leaving the 22, and Wayne Taylor on the Army Air Corps waiting list, the prospects for a large squad are almost nil. But then, only five men can play at a time. Dining hall oddities. Some of the waiters almost dropped ther teeth last week, when lo and behold, at F’'"mptly 7:19 (the very last minutei about six members of the basketball squad came sleepily into the dining hall for breakfast. For some of the 1 boys it was a new experience, for others, it was something that they | knew went on every morning, rain or shine, but they just hadn’t got around to looking into it. Anyway, | Coach Adcox has begun to enforce ' some of his training rules that the ; boys were taking too lightly. It will he a complete success the morning Don Miller and John Rossi, the up perclassmen managers, walk into the dining hall for breakfast. How about those new yells that the cheerleaders have now? Nice going | gang. And a bouquet to Frances | Truitt for helping them out with , those new yells. Mrs. Truitt, who ' was then Frances Creef, was a cheer leader here during the years 41-42. Those day student boys are really taking this intra-mural thing serious ly. They are out on the court nearly every morning for practice and it has been showing up. Monday night they took the upperclassmen for a ride when they threw in 14 points to the other boy’s 5. Shiek Riley and Tom my Hall stood out for the boys from Burlington as did Jim Bo Lyon Tommy Wolfe did an excellent job of stopping the shots of W. T. Walker. Sports By EDNA REITZEL hiOU(Z BeTvA/FEN full- T/M£ NieHT PLANTj class ANC> LEISURE MOMENTS' BcB OiLLBf FAM ILV man ANO In the first conference game of the season, January 6, the Guilford Col lege Quakers outpointed the Elon Christians in the Elon gym by the score of 43 to 36. The game was close up to the last eight minutes and j then with Farlowe tossing them in from all angles, the boys from Guil- | ford went into a lead that was never j challenged. Wallace Owen and Danny Banks, with 9 and 10 points respectively, led >he Maroon and Gold offense with Fred Register and Wayne Taylor play ing their usual good game on defense. Farlowe, with 22 points, led the Quaker offense with Captain Eddie Hirabayashi (it’s spelled right) stop ping a lot of Elon plays before they got started. HEY The Gang*s All Here Elon Soda Shop ELON DROPS CONTEST TO LENOIR RHYNE In a rough and tumble contest Friday, January 12, before the largest crowd yet to witness a local contest, the Lenoir Rhyne Bears defeated the local basketball aggi'egation by the score of 34 to 24. It was the second straight conference loss for the Elon cagers and it put them on the bottom of the North State Conference. Each team scored 10 field goals but the Bears made the most of their foul throws to sink 14 of 20. Baxter and Michael led the Lenoir Rhyne team with Owen and McEntire lead- ng the Fighting Christians. The intramural basketball tourna ment opened the night of January 10 and Ladies’ Hall defeated Sec ond Floor West by a score of 26-6. The losing team is to be credited with excellent sportsmanship—both forwards and guards, while Warren was high scorer. Ladies’ Hall proudly congratulates Helen McBain for her high scoring, along with Carrie Stan ford, Hazel Johnson and Iris West brook. Now is the time to sign up for intramural table tennis. Each team manager should see that there are representatives signed up from their group. Please hand this list in to the Physical Education Office by Janu ary 17. Practice table tennis during the intramural basketball games, if you like, in the east entrance of North dormitory. (Since bleachers have been put in the gym it looks as if you will have to wait until spring to pl*y shuffle- board.) At last we have two applications for Junior manager from the girls. That, my “'fellow sportsmen” is excellent sportsmanship. These two girls are Helen Newsome and Sarah Brewer. Both of these girls will be in line for senior manager next year. In the gym classes Coach Adcox has Point Panthers Outscore Christians TO LOOK YOUR BEST BUY YOUR CLOTHES AT Sharpe Clothing Co. 106 W. Front St. — Burlington, N. C. Neal Wright DIAMONDS — JEWELRY Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches LUNT STERLINp SILVER Watch Repairing and Fine Engraving 201 S. Main St. Telephone 2242 BURLINGTON, N. C. a very interesting system for the girls. He divides his group, each hour, into three sections. One section plays basketball, another table tennis, and the other bowls. Many of the girls in these gym classes are also on intramural teams, but some who haven’t ben heard from before, who are very good athletes, are Helen Boone, Ruth Breedlove, Sylvia Joseph, Margaret O’Brien, Jane Simmons, and scores of others. These girls show much interest, too. Girls, it looks much more stylish to wear gym suits or shorts to gym class- e;i Please do this until your suits, which have been ordered, arrive. With The Armed Forces JACK NEESE PROMOTED , Elon in the class of 1941. Both were Captain Jack Neese, former Elon ■ members of Alpha Pi Delta fraternity and Duke student, was recently pro In a thriller played January 16 be fore the largest crowd yet to witness a local game, the High Point College Panthers outpointed the local cage aggregation and came out on lop by the score of 41 to 30. The game was close until the last few minutes when Sheek, star Panther forward, started rimming the basket from mid-court to score 6 quick points. The Elon team, with a half time lead of 16 to 15. began to come apart at the seams in the last few minutes. I Teachy, with 9 points, and Sheek with 11, led Coach Virgil Yow’s cagers on the offense and Hix, lanky center, was sudden death on anything that came under either basket. Coach Yow substituted at frequent intervals ^id ' no man played the entire game. Bill McEntire led the Elon scoring with llpoints, 9 of these coming in the first ten minutes of the game. Wallace Owen played a good game at forward for the Maroon and Gold boys and tossed in 6 points to add to their cause. Fred Chandler played his best game of the year as he came down with a large per cent of the re bounds from each basket. The lineups; High Point EG FT F P >R2EMSBORO ORD M.P.’S IvFEAT CHRISTIANS Tuesday night, January 9, the ORD I P.’s of Greensboro brought a pass- !g attack to the Elon gym that just louldn’t be, stopped, and they walked iway with the game by a score of 50 I 21. The game was never close -ifter the first few minutes and viUi Eiermann too hot to handle the ■olicemen pulled away from the col- cge boys to lead at half time by 16 o 8. Giei mauji was easily the outstand- ng player on the court. His 16 field goals and 3 foul tosses made a total ■I o5 points, 14 more than the Elon boys could gather all night. Jackowitz, le otlier statring forward, was out standing on defense and also managed to toss in a total of ten points. Every jnan on the Elon squad saw actWn. “Shoes, Hosiery and Shoe Repairing” Foster Shoe Company 111 E. Davis St. Burlington g M S E4 S M WELCOME ELON STUDENTS! CITY DRUG CO. Burlington, N. C. ^3 School Supplies, Books of all Kinds, Fountam Pens, Greetmg a I Cards, Gift Bibles, Metal Ring Covers, Office Supplies. s i Alamance Book & Stationery Company ea I Across From Post Office Burlington, N. C. SMSMSMSsasEagBasKigeasMsisscasBasKiBGasMSKiSMaMsisscagMSKisGasesscssisg C A. LEA Phone 777 Burlington, N, C. I muted to his present rank from first lieutenant. Neese has been in the South Pacific theater for some time, serving there in the medical corps. Blonde and brown eyed, and popu lar on the Elon campus. Jack was I ^graduated in three year s time taKing his pre-med course here, and con tinuing at Duke, where he completed his requirements in three years also. He served his internship at Duke Hospital, prior to his induction into Ihe aimy. , After his basic training, Captam r.eese was sent to a base hospital in the South Pacific, "and is recognized as the youngest doctor in that area. Aucliess: Captain Jack Neese 0440371 174 Station Hospital APO 926 care PM San Francisco, Cal. Lacey Hagood 12L’0th Engrs. C Ba. APO 17567 care Postmaster New York, N. Y. John G. Evans, R. M. 3/c Special Projects S-14r^ Naval Research Lab. Washington 20, D. C. F—Sheek 4 F—Teachey 4 F—Byerly 0 F—Walker 0 C—Hix 4 C—Tilley , 0 G—Sullivan 1 G—Foster 1 G—Mackie 0 Elon Cpl. A. Dickson 14101438 Weather Sta. H A A J fieiiryton, Kansas \Cpl. W. J. Piekielniak, 12013334 Sec. K-4, Class 44-44 I Bks. 763 L A A F i Laredo, Texas 2 i 1 0 1 0 3 3 1 11 9 4 ! 0 8 2 4 3 0 FG FT F P i!' 1' oust 0 —Owen 3 S'—Ilegister 2 F—Banks , 2 C—Chandler 0 G—Taylor 1 G—McEntire 5 0 11 JOE WHITAKER VISITS CAMPUS LT. JAMES W. PARKER RECENTLY PROMOTED Lt. James W. Parker of the class of ’39 and son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Parker of Portsmouth, Va., has re cently been promoted to the rank of Lt. Commander in the United States Navy. His address is U. S. S. Kansaan Bay CVE 69 care Fleet Post Office, New York, New York. Lt. Parker had a brother, Charles W. Parker, to receive his degi'ee from Miller Basnight S 2/c Rdm. U S S Harrison care F P O San Francisco, Cal. Pvt Clayton L. Gibbs, 44014760 Co. I' 202nd IIB—IRTC Camp Blanding, Fla. Pvt. Joseph D. Franks, Jr. 14205757 Co. D 2nd Pit. 10th Btl, IRTC Camp Wheeler, Ga. Joe Whitaker, S 1/2 A.M.M., has been a recent visitor on the campus. Joe finished Elon in the class of ’43 and received induction papers on graduation day of that year. How ever, he did not actually enter the service until the following August. He has spent many months train ing in different states. Joe is now stationed at Municipal Air Port, No I, Jacksonville, Florida, where he is ■ studying operational training for PB4Y as an aircrewman. “Buy an Extra Bond today” \1N1TED tVEKYWHtRE BOHD 1\ up our fighting men by keeping in there pitching till the thing is cinched. Victory something extra to win. Make it an £xtra War Bond . . . Today. . . Nowl Burlington Coca-Cola Bottling Co., Burlington, N. C. With Victory cornin’ our way let’s make it swift and sure. Instead of letting up, now, above all, is the time to give out— with extra dollars, extra effort. Let’s back