Page Three MAROON AND GOLD SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1945 What's What By EMERSON WHATLEY Thing’s you learn on a road trip: Harvey Rawls, believe it or not, can pound those piano keys. You should hear him on Tschaikowsky’s “To night We Love.” Danny Banks is afraid of the mountains. Wallacs Owen takes his text books along and studies while the other boys have a general rough-house. Bob Foust knows some rather rare jokes. Le noir Rhyne students eat like kings. Wayne Taylor is ready for anytliing that comes along except other women. Fred Register makes friends with half of the student body of the op posing school within the first half hour he is on campus. “Doc” Bowden is the best sport in the world. Bouquet: To Don Miller, the head manager of the basketball team, who always has everything ready for the boys. Before game time he knows where every man’s uniform, shoes, and other equipment is. He takes care of everything from the score book to lamb’s wool for Danny Bank’s poor aching feet. Don has had sev- «ral years of experience in this line and is always on the ball. More people drafted and other wise. Two men have left the Elon basketball team within the past couple of weeks and another is soon to be leaving. Fred Yarbrough recently en listed in the navy and has left school. Harry “The Secret Weapon” Turner left recently for the army. His ad dress is yet unknown. Wayne Taylor is the third member of the trio who will soon exchange his Maroon and Gold for the colors of Uncle Sam’s Air Corps. Taylor has been the and has seen more playing time than any other man. The best in the world to all tliree of you. Notice on the bulletin board at North the day after the basketball team returned from ts road trip; “The following articles were left in Dean Bowden’s Car; Weekend kit (tan) Safety razor A part of the roof of the gift shop at Blowing Rock. The owner may have them if he will come to my room. JUNIUS PEEDIN, President of the Senate.” Maybe they didn’t win any games, but it looks like they really did raise the roof. Tonight the boys go up against High Point in a return game. It would be mighty nice of the students could go up to the game. How about wheel horse of the Christian defense it? Where is that Elon spirit? Girls Sports By EDNA REITZEL Snce the May Court election, plans are being discussed in the physical education department as to the pro gram for the eventful day in spring when 'Liza and Gene are crowned. Each year the music department joins with the physical education classes to give this program. So far no one seems to be inter ested in the table tennis tournament! The team standings up to this date are; HaU Team Ladies’ East 3rd Floor West Day Students 2nd Floor West W. L. 0 0 1 1 2 Pet. 1.000 1.000 .500 .000 .000 Coach Adcox tells me that in his physical education classes he lets the group select their own activities for each six weeks. In this time they learn to do each activity well and the carry over value will be greater in later life. SPORTS EDITOR GOES BIG-GAME HUNTING ( This is a tale of derring-do in the fashion of ye nights (not knights) of old. Today being Whatmas day, our man Whatley, who hardley succumbs to any lure less than a forty caliber blonde, has gone wild turkey hunt ing with another heather-bloom cheeked miscreant, one Gene “Thanksgiving Menu” Poe. The danger to the local inhabitants in creases by the hour, God wot. As for the game birds, we dare not predict. Lady luck sometime! shows blind fa vor to beginners, piscatorial, natator ial, and cliuck-wagon amateurs. Yet we doubt that ye noble fowl will be caught off guard long enough for these marksmea to pull a trigger. The problem at this distance, would seem to be who is the wilder, the for est denizens or the pair of crooners who set forth from here at one p. m. today. We hope the turkeys car ry compasses, or they’ll get dizzy watching the whizzing evolutions of the twentieth century Boones. Tears, idle tears, from the depths of some divine despair call forth this moan, the idle product of a wit less moment. The fact is, that blank Emerson left his work undone, and with the sports editor away, we have to go to press anyhow. But this is news, b’gosh, and sporty enough for the page. Watch the next edition for a pcture of two or three (?) birds, depending on who catches who. ENSIGN JAMES F. DARDEN REPORTED TQ HAVE RETURNED FROM EUROPE Report was reecived recently that Ensign Jimmy Darden, Elon, ’43, of Suffolk, Va., had returned from a year’s duty overseas. Jimmy served on a landing craft in the Mediterran ean area and, we suppose was in the From left to right, first row; Wallace Owen; Carl White; Bill McEnti re; Wyane Taylor, co-captain; Bob McCotter: Fred Yarborough. Second row: L. B. Adcox, coach; Jack Stone; Fred Register, captain; Harvey Rawls, Harry Turner; Don Miller, manager. Danny Banks and Bob Foust are not pictured. Yarborough, Turner, and McCotter are no longer in school, but are serving with the armed forces. ELON—APPALACHIAN On Friday night, January 26, the Elon Christian journeyed to Boone to meet the Appalachian State Teach ers College Mountaineers and were defeated 51 to 33. The game was the fifth conference loss for the Maroon and Gold cagers and left them only one game out of the North State cellar. Owen led the Elon aggregation with 10 points, all of them coming in the last 7 minutes of the ball game. Bob Foust played his usual good game and tossed in. 8 points for the Elon cause. Danny Banks and Fred Register played a good floor game as did Har vey Rawls, who got almost all of the rebounds for the short tjftne he was in the game. The big highlight of the Appala chian game was the man to man de attack on southern France. 'We hope ^lon cagers by he will visit campus soon. It is re ported that his wife, Virginia Jef freys Darden, Elon ’44, has joined him at his port of landing. ELON—LENOIR RHYNE Attention team managers: Helen Newsome, Marie Garner, Margaret Rawls, Hilda Malone and Iris Boland will you get your teams signed up for this? Now to our intramural basketball tournament which has been going ■along without any interferences. In the game between East and 3rd floor West last week Erma Canady led her team to victory by a score of 17 to 5. Erma was high scorer that night. (Maybe we should add right here that Fred Register is doing an excellent job of coaching for East!) In thenext tournament game 3rd Floor West won over 2nd Floor West by a 31-9 morgin. Rawls won high score with fourteen points and Brew er was high for the losers with four points. Last Wednesday night Ladies’ Hall met the Day Students to edge out a 14-11 victory. Helen McBain tossed in ten points for the victorious six while Rumley shot six for the de feated team. Boland, Apple, Ricker and Helen Morris displayed excellent guarding. HEY The Gang's All Here On Saturday night, January 27, the Lenoir Rhyne Bears administered the worst licking of the year the Elon five as the Christians were raked over the coal 64 to 34. In going down in defeat however, the Maroon and Gold cagers scored more on Lenoir Rhyne than any other team has been able to rack up during the year. Foust, with ten points led the Elon five and Danny Banks was close behind with 9. Wallace Owen scored seven for the Christians. Fred Chand ler was ^ood under the basket and the Mountaineers. The defense stop ped the fast breaks of the Christians and held them well in check especially in the first half. Lacey was easily the best player on the court that night even though he scored only 6 points. His coolness and floorwork kept the Elon team in the hole after the first few minutes of play. ELON-CATAWBA On Saturday night, January 20, the Elon cagers met the highly favoreri Catawba Indians on their home court and were defeated 57 to 37. The Catawba team, which has been de feated this year only by the Univer sity of North Carolina, showed too much experience for the younger and lighter Elon cagers. The Elon team WITH THE ARMED FORCES took an early lead but the Indians Harvey Rawls threw in those two i took over after the first ten min- points that he has been promising his girl. Armstrong, dimutive Bear guard, led the Lenoir Rhyne scoring with 3 field goals and 4 foul throws for a total of 20 points. Cline, a sub for ward got hot during the first half and ended the night with a total of 10 points. « * * Elon Soda Shop WELCOME ELON STUDENTS! CITY DRUG GO. Burlington, N. C. imw r.LON-McCRARY HAWKS On Monady night, January 22, the Elon Christians met the McCrary Hawks of Asheboro on the Hawks’ own roost and came out on the short end of a 58 to 38 score. Max Lanier, who helped stop the St. Louis Browns in the world series last year, showed the spectators that he knew some thing about basketball also as he tossed in 14 points to lead the Mc Crary team. Routh, the lanky Hawk center, aided and abetted the cause as he got ten points, four of them' coming on foul throws. Captain Fred Register led the Elon five with 11 points and some fine fJoor work and Danny Banks took charge of the scoring as he tossed in 4 field goals a)i four fcVr throws for a total of 12 points. Jack Stone and Harvey Rawls ^howed up well for the short time they were in the game. ules and were never headed after that. Register and Chandler led the Ma roon and Gold quint with 8 points each and Bill McEntire trailed them closely with 7 pionts. Bob Foust and Wayne Taylor were outstanding on defense as was Danny Banks who en tered the game late in the last half. Marklin, a reserve center, led the Indians as he tossed in 18 points from under the basket and on re bounds. Van Hoy, half of Van Hoy- Bowen combination, followed close behind with 17 points and Bowen came in a few points under his usual average as Fred Register held him to 12 points. Le Feavers played a good defensive game for tlie winners. LETTER FROM LIEUTENANT POLLARD IN ENGLAND Writing with his usual verve and sense of humor, Lt. John F. Pollard has sent his compliments to the M. & G. and we find the sentiments so interesting and cheering that we’re sharing with you. The following ex tracts were lifted from his letter, which contained a small photograph of John mustachioed like a lesser Mephistophel^s. . I maintain that being stationed with the RAF accounts for the smudge on my upper lip . . . Having once (by accident I think) made an “A” in math( I have arrived at the sad deduction that you are in arrears in our correspondence . . . send an old worn and torn copy of the M. & G. anyway, or get a “ghost writer” to drop me a line. (Ed.’s note: The V-mail will carry our reply. We owe nobody, envy nobody, and are sure that our letter to the Hon. Honey- Boy went out on time. Maybe it “got straffed on the way, John. But the rest of you mark the address at the bottom of this column, and write him the letter he has earned twice over.) I managed to meet and spend some time with F/O Fred Gilliam ... a real treat . . . We intelligence officers work slow but sure, it says here in fine print . . . I've been trying to get out of this place and at the moment have a fine chance of doing so if the “powers that be”—who have no idea of what I’m doing—don't decide as they have four times previously that I am too valuable at “what they have no idea of.” My spasmodic informers on the proximately two and one-fourth inches long with a diameter of one-fourth inch, and that they taste wonderful when set afire at one end and sucked at the other ... Is that so? Tell Dr. Hirsch that I wish I had taken German instead of French. Take it easy, and my regards to everyone, sincerely, Lt. John F. Pollard, 0-869054, 8th P. T. S. APO 634, care P M New York, N. Y. CAPTAIN AMOS R. SHELTON IS PROMOTED Selman Field, Monroe, Lju—Captain Amos R. Shelton, formerly of 705 Tipton Place, Greensboro, N. C., has been promoted to his present rank at Selman Field, a u|iit of the AAF Training Command, it ^fras announced by Col. G. B. Dany, commanjiing of ficer. He attended Elon College and prior to entering the service was credit manager of the Commercial Credit Corporation, Greensboro. Captain Shelton received his com mission in the Air Corps in October, 1942, and is now serving as test pilot and Group Aircraft Maintenance of ficer at Selman Field. CORPORAL JOEL SCOTT ON CAMPUS Corporal Archie Joel Scott, of Northport, Michigan, who was a stu dent at Elon for three years, leaving in 1942 lor the Army, returned to the campus Monday afternoon for the first time since his departure. “Scotty” has spent two years in the Aleutians and admits to us tliat sun- home front tell me that Liza is editor | shine in those parts is rarer than rain of the annual ... Do you think you ; in sunny Cal. And from what we could arrange for her to mail me a | gathered, it seems he much prefers copy all wrapped up in things like American girls to Eskimos. chicken, cakes, cookies, candy and a package of cigarettes. They tell us these last are paper cylinders pack ed with tobacco and measuring ap- He is now stationed at Camp Butner and it is our hope that he may visit the campus often while he is in this vicinity. Neal Wright DIAMONDS — JEWELRY Hamilton, Elgin and Waltham Watches LUNT STERLING SILVER Watch Repairing and Fine Engraving Hood Sporting Goods Co. IS ELON COLLEGE’S NEAREST SPORTING GOODS STORE SCHOOL SWEATERS and JACKETS BJICYCLES and BICYCLE REPAIRING (Bikes Painted Like New) PADLOCKS KEYS MADE FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES LOCKS REPAIRED 201 S. Main St. Telephone 2242 BURLINGTON, N. C. BABY CARRIAGES TENNIS RACKETS RESTRUNG FISHING TACKLE HUNTING CLOTHING IRONING CORDS POCKET KNIVES BUY A BOND And Spend The Difference HOOD’S Where Your Investment Pays Most in Health—in Life 205 W. FRONT ST. OPPOSITE FIRE STATION