fAOlTVO MAROON ArtP GOLD gATUKDAY. SIPTBfB ■. Maroon and Gold MiM ud priatod at Hob Cen«* ky rtadoM ^ jwnMttm. PubUiM bt-wMkly durta« Um eel- HMTOBU1. nArv C«UMTiA« Coop»r Ai*ocUU Editor BtJUNSM STATV zeaaas; ;t ::::"'""i!X"/SS; WKMtTCfTArr Em.rM> Wb*U« ***“ ;rS3£«I« A»t Bport. ^ Glrt.'Bpert.Id*tor HlWt BMTOM ^ KithleM Yo«M n«i« HtBiley BUI OlW . MtoDocnoH BTArr CkeriM ■"»« Dr. HirtM rimeta . ... Unetm Operetor Staff Pbotocrapber aTimMu Mn>TWHLH.V. THOUGHTS 1%t hen to be andnied heieafter, tt wUeh thnlagjr telle, ie M »oree tkao the hell «• laake fer eMiiehree in tu» world by hahttaaitf eweehree la tke «!«■• war. » *rw ^ —WlUiim jMMt I i wimm Wbeleeeier thloai are t(«e, wbataeeier “■‘nr are heaeet, whataeeier tUagi at« whalaeever tUafi ate pur>8. whataoerer thiagi ue tovely. wfcaHaeeer lkla» w t* *eed ne- »ott; If there be aay »lrt»» aad U there be mn p»lse, tklafc ea theee thiaiti. —PhlUVrlaaa 4:1 To The Class Of ’49 « I r Poem by "flalp’'aBd ‘’■oMt*' We think that we ihaU aerer aee A eoluaiB Irltb orlfaaUty For eoluaai are coaipaaad «( feoli Ilka we Bat oaly you eaa make It foaalpyl Goth! U lemebody doeeat take "The ealai Cme back to the library, the couplet will be forced to carry anchor* out to their r«epectl*e treea oae of tbeae nlghta. Advice to freaoMn: Boy your radiator ^ early and avoid the ru*h! WartUae ceadttloaa makt H a^ ^4) fttioB oo# to two fOOMnOlM. Soo lUiy to Watu for partlcttlan refatdinf prkaa aad the like. Double trouble; the Bea Klrbye! Tfcere «• more duett tUt year wflh the Wade twlaa, (B* Klrhyi', tw* Maiy Bmltht, and the Yarborough twlaa. Speaking of'doublet, briagi at arwnd to the wooeone-twoeomet ttlU going itroag alM Let‘1 tee. therc'i Betty Benton and Jack Burch (whew! wele glad they de«[IM ^’t to keep ^ Jew^. Sara Hanii and Bddle Mulfacd, Tom Botfmaa aad Jo Earp. Emerton Whatley aadWotha McDaniel, aad Mar guerite Hudtoa and Archie Brastoa. ' Another tamt old ••Btorey" la JMa TerreU aad * Neweome-twoeemet are Doa KeraoA a^ Aaae Byrd, Alien Stalllagi and Allea Paarte, Mary Jo Watta and Bea (doat aak me which) Kirby. ^ j , Who It that freehmaa girl teea with Prgiaatar B. p.? Could tt be "Bt«ath>a«”T - 1.^ »»••••• ■;••*• II* r-I " • ^ The kmgeet twenty mlautea ta ^ bow loag Lucy had to wait to tee Wayaa Tayte far tM tint time la aeren montha. Wayat. don’t yau kaaw the qutot hourt around thla placet • The r>e«-l«>U-g Iwnre) wat Teamiy aad U fiathmea. to yea eaa take It iaw. been raatorad you have »> f» g Wanna bortow Bnoopy’t toad ma»T He alw aella iae Walt Whltaum tald, "The whole earth aad all the rttrt arc for rellglaa’t take.” Perhapt the Me ef the ttrth and man do mold together lato one P«fPetaa1 p^ t«ra of religion, who kaowt? But at aay rate, rellglea U the caute behind a fftat aumher of efiecta, eae el »hlch wat the eetahlkhmeat U tkm Cellega hr the ChrMlan Charch In IMS to afford Inatructloa Uberal artt aad teleneet" under moral aad teUglout Influeacet. It It cnttoaMiy at thto tlaw for Um editor to wel- eom* the new itudcntt and to exhort with the old Uae ■bout "taklaf advaatage the opportunltlee which He before yon," Well, w* won’t get telf-rlghleout all of » (udden, tetUng ourtelvet up at tn example, aad whltper. “Pleate be a good Kttle boy lor girl).” But well thout tt from Alamance tower. Of UiouUl take advantage ot evety opptrtiinMy. That* 1» u excellent faculty ready aad wUllag to help yao- The iiMn. and other college offlelalt are well-tralaed for thdr fittWliat TW tpleadld eqalpmeat ef the tolUege It at yaur diapeetl—the laboratortet ft th# liifteteot tdeace departmeati; the gym, the bowllag tUeyi, tfic teaalt courtt, the athletic field for tparta, 1I7.S00 volnmet In the library; there are tweaty-two practice rooat la Whitley BuUdlag (mutic ttudeatt ttk* note); there are aueaeretit orgaalutloat an ea» l>ui through which you nUght become wellrtralaed la public leaderthlp; Hitt Newmaa It la *he art departmeat—aeed we tay more; there ata going to be teveral playt In the Uttle Theatre. Yea Intereeted? And laat biK net leait, thote who fouaded the college can rett In peace coacemlng the Chrla- tlan atmotphere on our With Buaday Oehool, Charch, Vetpen, Chrlatlan Endeavor, Student Chrla- tlan AttocUtlon, chapel tervlcee, morning wateh, aad donaltory prayer meftlnfi. we do reallae that God hat a place in our Uvet. Take advantage of your oppor^ tualtiee? You’re right you’d better, becauae If ya« don't H’t your own Uttl* red wagoa rolUag dawa tha hlU. T Don la the typleal tmaU eoUagt South wMh tha Meagltaaee of your hoaae and f/lth a tchool tplrlt that It iinti|iial>til aaywhera. You have thaaea Baa aa your callage. Hara yea may not only preface Jar a profaaaloB, kMt yaa amr alao overcome your tmtHf, develop your nladt, and evolvo yoar rellglout coavle- tiaaa. Baa la ywm. Help au*e the aaoat ef It. ScienGe hi This News Bf WIX CLAtf Maa haa wtaehad aad foa^ ever alaee “cMll- ■tlen" begaa. Btta daatraeUve pofrer reaahed a n^ high durlag World War n. large plaaae aatrled hi^ loadt of explotlvat, glaat guna threw teat^ ■ivae teveral milea away to hit nnaeen tugite. Than the atomle bomb waa developed. Aa iiglaitve teree two thoutand timaa mere powerful than Ttn waa aaaa. That let the whole world to thinking. BaUomla any- thlng Imptoved two thoaaaadfoM la aae *e», aat ev« tooU of war. Latoat taveetlgatlaaa thata*^^ foot depth crater la Mew Mei^ ***^,^ H!? actually puthed the earth dowa, miMag tha top quarter Inch of It to form a cnrt of lade and tur^uolae- *"**Tu/lW0 minioa dollar eaperlmeat paid war by Itt teeaK, aad many bebeva that ad^ ttoaal reeeareh wlU put the priadple to aaa far power ofacoaatructlveBa^ BtartMag at wy tMa yh^ meat, howevar, tt waa aa new Idea. S^tlata ha^ loag dreamed of putting the atom to aaeful w^. ^ their draaaii have reached coatMera^ taapetua—bat not tuUUlmaat ^ ^ Powerful though man’t deetiueUve power ^ aa- come, tt ttUl doea aot rival at — graph mar***"** far recMdlag earth treaaart ^ earth- quakee hardly detected the ezploetoa a Ilia deetructloa oaly approaahaa that at fleeda. hutri- caaaa, tomadoee and aarthqaakea in aaope. A BelgUa adaatlat tuppoaea that the eatha aal- vtrae la the reautt of oae atom. Two bUllen yeara he tumttt thera ealatad oae atom of laflatte comples- tty and havlag Inftatte eaergy. Ita exphMte pwdaeed tha itai aad planata of the ualveiae aad aibeeqaent changed them to aboat their preeeat rtate. The theoty alao ilatoe that the eaplealoa la roatto^ evea now, wtth tha atari tuahlng apart at tatrifle tpeede. Over The Shoulder WBATUT Am ALUM, laa •AartMM. Aarwkaia, Aajtkai. Aagtaw.* Wa a*fer our tervlcee In the foUowlag fMda,.^ work givea undivided attention: Falk lore, peaaat ha^ baadty, bate flthlng. female eecortlag, mlad laylag. aetenaatlet. rowboat capalilng, batterfly targety, chlck- aa pariolalng, entertaining teala, aperatk agaaallag, dough-aattlng, date-making and breaklag, ale. In Daeember we will be la a poaltloa to haadle ma jor aurglcal operatlont, groundhog ralalag, oyttar ahaU- lag and tafe cracking. In January we will not be In the public atarket, at wv with to memoriae the completo wortt of Swift, Bhal -t- paare, Milton, HaoMr, Addlton, Danto, O. Bearr. Maa- aham, aad Farrell, with perhape the laat tea mlaataa: devoted to the playt of Beatoa. Later we will take and exaeato erdera for Meal brldgee com eribe, rack cruahera, tky tcrapara, uader- ground railwayt, and love neeta. Addraea ua care of the preeldeot of Ha Beto PI PI Fraternity, Box 2MWT3S, Eton CoUege (1, N. C. Caah aaly. No checkt. E. Whatley aad L. Alln. ■*- member, ’’Hooetty it povetty’t mother-la-law.’' but Thlrd-flnger-left-hand de^ Mrt. Eugene ^ Virginia U wearing “a rock H. leepaw aathoritlet ata golag cna* tr^ag to deelde wiat her middle aanw It. um Allea. laat tt a Mudeat? Doat toD ua you eaa atudy hattar la aai^ Hagtoa. f Saturday night _Mk atfi-M‘"g to Margawt Bawla. CBaar ap. mai^ jSltStogg -m *• Goorge Bullard one of theee weak eada. Oh. Mlat Jemle! Ata yau a collector or It t^ tha riag-arouad? Jumping Jlautyl Abb la golag craay If freahman Initiation im’t toon over to the eaa coattoue that 'Loag" atory. ••Buak" Satterfield bretaed la the and Ub Hollaad turely had a "Hou^lag" proMem. Halp! We’ve been dltUlutlooed! . „ tho^ veteran Perry Aytcue ^ it juat ti^'a Northern accent to bring him oat, huh, Veraa LaeT ttmrm Coxo It yelling "Bay” for Duke thla faU. NIae that McDonald la one af the Ho* claa. uaivT Jimmy. Mary aomebody waa US they aald l*ry waaa’t In the other Friday alght It’t ”Slmp-ly” wonderful that that day itudwitia bay friead It coating hoom before ChrWmaa. Look, freahman. Ftad Regltter and W, D. L^ « let’t tee If yea can do batter thaa the ap- SuStaim m^ ‘"'SiriJl'^t mutler It a boy or girl, but that tauw « Norfolk cetlalnly doeaat travel an the way to Eloa *“%I^uSJJ?damm~ glrla are aUH tolktog a^ that CAP dance, and Verdalae Norria ^ ata wondering what age limtt Ul, “not everybody laa t to aagallc” aa they aay. ^ “Cuddtea” Thoataa It tha h4ad at Bara Biawtr’t teble la the hafl. la thla a permaaea* thiagt The operator In OBaaevffla la aB la a dUhaJaiart a pratUeal taka eaa ga tar aaMtfil Sara Yariwrwigh aad Kathryn •atod hi tha n M>wa daya. Bara a geet back to SSmar achool dayt when Tliomp^ waa a newcomer, but Kathryn’t la a fairly taeea* affair. Coming dowa to aomethlng aiore eapptahe^bte te «2er to aacept. we bear t^ aaamtaatioa a* •Mth,wermt ahowa them to be twelveeer •■at If we ata ever abort ol faod, chemh^ nioperlT prapatad aarthwaram might be lood, high la pratala coateaL It ml^t be adM that the two adanUate who ^ ^ anaae. They called atteattoa to the high protela coa- teat of theee eqalrmlag Uttla anlmala. nCBVT nOH “TMl P1»BBAL IMABT” A Ma« Orlaaaa l^ryar aaflad^al^ nnanee Corperattea to *‘S^US'^'STto £ wat toW that tha laaa weald be okayed II eto ta w ^opaity waa goad aad MtfOelaat metivalamlwfe and ayurato ai^^ ef title br ^ail to BFC.f' Saoa he taeelved thle laiaart "We iact«vad to»r raw tlaa lar loaa far yoar aUeat. Mtto L*t aa iimiT* * raa ea,tha tUe way m whiea demeaHtatoa that yea we aot wlthwt to thla llaa e« aiiMvad. hawevar. that raa have not chalaed the a( the year IgOB aad, befota final approval :Tha"TUIli?n«I?raa.e.aary that the tttU be .M that BP. He dletatad the followiag reply; LOST. Several pouada. Flader plaaae kee*L Jane McCaaley. * * * IF YOU HATE MEN—Pleeee aead thirty eeate aa« receive a aubacriptlon to the active paper o( the "We«- en Mutt Rule Movement” Beet-edited paper in the South. Eaidaaively high brow. Mka Verdalce Norria, editor. The Woataa’a Caaa- panionleea JoumaL * * * WANTED; One man, Elinor Argaabrl^ • • • KELEASEO. A good eook. Wlahaa higher aalary and tlx atomingt and aevea aftenftona olt. Laat eat- ployae cried at parting. . Harry Lae Tbomat. aee NEEDED. Someone to explain the trend of tha pugnattlc tsUoglttic tuturiatic Daralnian Spenceriaa awakaaiag whkh recently took plaM at Eton Callage Patay Wtann. • * • MOflSTKS WISHES JOB. Any danominattoa Any aalary. Holy Jumpert prefatiad. Have eoata for all oceaaiona. Tom Homer. Box Bent Doe. Elan e a • WANTED. Someone who ti Interaaad to orgaala- lag a bridge toutaament. Muiti be able to tgaak Ga^- maa, French, Greek, Syriac, Armealan, rblwaat. Maty Case, Baalntet Manager of the :‘4atlonal Buttatat Maa- Poet’s Comer pwtba-a by the Unltod land waa acquired by .kAtTfMaaueal ftam Bpaln. Tha laad came Into t^ riS of a dkcavary made la I4gg^a gpaajah-Pcrtugyaa a— «ho iMd bof« froBtod tho priTUOft « SSSTJTJUto to India by the then talgalag moa- haing a pieut womaa and cara- W about title, (almort aa to hala Cohuahua. Now the Pope aa yaa kiww, la tha LlSL^nile* Chriat, who la the Sea ^ Ood, R la aommonly aacapted, made the i?*SiIo ^ T tkAt lt*li Oi^O ^ ••WOO tkOt BO ilOO SSi that patt ol the United Btatea called LOUISIANA —aad I hope to hrtl yoa*ra aatlalled. QUHBIBS: ». WHADDtUH KMOWt »d vaa kaaw that to aadeat Scandinavia Harald BtaM-Taath had a aoa called Bvaa "Noagle- tkat a buBth of keyt waa eoce called a “Noggia- “^^aa ABiaay (N. Y.) paper headlined tta ryrt tt a apaech aa raforaetatloB, Hwanlana Hear Tree in the teventeenth century, egette^^ ■■jLiujralttaa reckoned that there were nine ffaet o^w ^ 4ar(k; aad that they tabnlatad gOl, gBi; IT* ragl- oMO wtate: “I dedteate “s kI imIMv—tha ♦—«*«g el the velldtty of kaawladga yd *‘Si2'l5^1rtIIISd12l2remi aavar Hady the ■Ty, ^STapMU-the gtaat riiat Cmm, m or the ead of Me? Onto latateattea and raaaartag about theee thlagi. limy will not eeaia forth fram aoa- crate lakaratarlaa. anolotbh Yoa ataad upon the hill, a tolemn guard. Your aging limba extended to the tky; Your tkin no longer toft, but rough and hard; Your head now bowed where once held proudly high. r- *1 The wreath of leavee that once adorned your brow Baa loag tince gone and thall return no more; The neat once thaded by your bougha ia now Dialodged and ttrewn upon the toft aarth-floor. Your time It near, for yean have awlftly flowa; But though your watch ia ending, do not mount— Yoar aeedt into the valley have been blown. And there a thoutand you't will be reborn. —A. W. Burflngama HEOmONS ON A JUMEaCQ Little green bug wit ahlny wingt. You doo’ know whar you a-goin’. Ain’t no ute to' you t' bum aroun’. Ain’t no clubt fo’ you t’ )oln! You ain’t got no place t’ go. You got no kinfolkt, neither. But you got tompln’ wc ain’t got— A heart wlf no caraa t’ bender. —T. ■. THE MEM IN THE SnEET Bt Joaeph’a Cathedral to ttotoly and poud It’t beautiful tpltc riaing Ugh Mutt look cruelly grand to the hurtylng crowA Of poor hungry men pataing bv. They walk In the thadow of Hie holy craaa Ta their hamea in the teaemeate aaar Aad aa one who aeea them can reckon the leea Of toult that to Him would be dear. i Whyaia wa all ao anxloua for templaa to hold The richee we lay at HU feat Whaa the treeturtt atore precloua to Him tham. our gold Ata the toult of the ama la the atraatf —Vlalet Halfmaa