SATURDAY. REFmnnt It. IMI MAROON AND GOLD rAQB THUB What's What By EMERSOS WHATLEY W« pradlct. That the Tlgtrt wUl trin tbt pvnnant In tht American l4*jue. That the Cub* will ditto In tbt National. Tkat Duke will upaet Kivy. That Army will have the best football team on record. And that "Doc" Newton will demand a refund when he aeea the Elon baaketball team M the hardwood. It may be a bit early to itart talk- ill football with the teafou itUl three monthi off. but the abicnce of football on the Elon campua and the pneence of uveral new facet among Ike student body, we decided that it ■ifht be a good time to warn tke op-1 foiltlon of things to come. Among | the nevj faces, we can find several j that look like basketball players. i “Pep ' Watkins, the little 7S Inch | Wayne was co-captaIn of last year’l guy that came to Elon from Duke rdltlon of the Maroon and Gold bas- via Riverside Academy, looks a.i if keteen. ibe n»lght be able to sink a fair per-1 i d„n't know a dam thing to write, oentage of his shots. Of course, now, Somebody looks over my shoulder »e have a few boys like Perry Ayscue. I „nd keeps telling me that Duke It Don Kemodle. Kd Mulford, Al Bur-1 pUying South Carolina next Satur- llngame. Ronny Cafes. Dick York, day They aUo tell me that I should Uny Msctauli-y, Bill Thompson, and ' underline South Carolina. Sounds Piul Price, We iliiost forgot Fred nke a Joke to me. Who ever heard Register. He was our 1944-45 cap- tala. Then we itill have Bob Foust here. Some of the opposition last year decided that he was a pretty fslr ball player. Allen Whatley will handle all bets. For further In formation look at that silly article on the editorial page nf a football team from South Caro lina. Well we knew It wouldn't last long. Don Miller stayed otf the campus for almost two weeks. Looks like he Just can t leave the place. Next time I'll take back all those predictions. With Our G.I. 'luinni LBTTEB FBOM COACH PinCB Now that It la over, I am glad that I was able to participate hut I thank God that we escap^ uninjured and that the Cseless slaughter and dc* struction Is over. From the other side of the world I send my best wishes for the col lege and each member of the faculty and student body Sincerely yours. J. L. PIEHCE, Lieutenant. U.S N.R. S*pt«mb*r t. IMS U. S S. L Cl (M) -4M r, P, O. San FranAaco, Cal. Dear Friend*: I regret very much that I cannot be with you tor the beilnnlng of this school year, but hop* that It will b« poMU)l* next Septcmbar, Since I am unable to tell you my experl- aocea am writing the tollowinc brief summary. Following the initial invaalon of Okinawa we participated in six ad- Itlonal bombardments and Invaaioni In the «rea. The next aaaault after Tuskegce Army Air Field, Ala — the April tat Invulon of the Western, fjp,, Lieutenant Charles R Harden. Beaches was the assault on Tsugken was commissioned from the Jima, a »mall Island guarding the en-! Aviation Cadet Corps at Freeman trance to Nagagsuki Wan (now call- pipjj Soymour. Ind . was recently ed Buckner Bayl on the Eastern side p,„„ioted to his prerenl rank at the of the Island. This was perhaps our TuskoKoe Army Air Field. The new- most dangerous operation, since we p,.,,nioted officer formerly attend- had several shells to fall within a college. He is the son of THESTER HARDEN RECEIVES PROMOTION CAPTAIN JACK NEESE MEDICAL OFFICER ASSIGNRD TO CAEB FOR JAP STAFF ON LUZON Mr and Mrs Thomas R Harden of ■THINK” 8PIVEV WOl'NDED It was mighty nice to see W’ayne After all this is the next year **'''« 'Vo,.,”:, heivliv 'T fr, *r II s v: rrs::...';-. the lnformat.on of the freshmen, years, I ,, v„.. .viti ihsi i,. Girls Sports By BETTT BENTON lew yards of othe ship and to "whli" over the mast. As toon at thli l*l*nd North CaroUna Vi as taken K gave us an anchorat{e suitable to serve the fleet. Thli op eration took only a few days since it uas a small island. 1 The next operation, which was much e larger and perhaps the most Interest-1 p^., Herbert C “Chink*’ Spivey Th*t**l8'**a!l but*^on^ initial invasion April v^ounded tn the shoulder during I Isli, was that of the small island of German brealf-throu(*h into Bel- Ho has sorv» France and air ^trip. You will remember that cormany Pvt. Spivey*!^ home is in ; it was on this island that Ernie P^le Portsmouth. Va. His present address !vas killed. I had seen him on the previous day aboard the flag ship. pvt. Herbert C Spivey. Jr.. 33641817 ,The taking of this island gave us 4Ht)(h Amb Co.. Motor jour third major air field. One tifius- Canip Bowie. Texas |ing incident occurred while we were 'bombarding the beach for thit in-1 ^avis vasion—a cow came slowly down to Ll.TTER FROM GEORGE DAVIS* the water’s edge and-stood for quite . _ ►omo time with utter disregard for Captain Jack Neet\ formeily o( Reidsville and Elon College ia one of the youngest army surgeons In the Pacinc. In a recent letter he reports the following from Manila This past month has been a great one for all of us. We were ao hap py and proud when the surrender came that we went to the Chapel and thanked a meroiful God for sparing further bloodshed. It all had an even deeper meaning for me when I learned that I was to be in the task force that was to hit the beaches of Japan. • • * I am now physician for the Jap anese general staff on Luzon. I have about forty gene#als and admirals to take care of 1 treat them all like kids and they love it. Yamashita. "the tiger of Malaya." is in the group. These men are better than the class of Japanese I have usually had to Ireat—the average P-W’s. Altogeth er. there is an enormous amount of clinical material available. • * • The next ten years siiould show the groatosl educational advancc our country has seen I hope the re- turninK veterans will take advantage of the G. I Bill. It should be a help to all colleKes. With best wishes. Sinceerly. JACK NEESE 7 Sept., 1&45 Manila. rmt SEN10B8 DO PRACnCB TIACimiO Under the direction of Dr. TImo Dalton and Dr. Deaklns of the Depot* ment of Education, five of tho cot* lege seniors are obfervlag In tiM Elon High School preparatory to tlMlr practicc teaching, ^me are work* ing for North Carolina certificatM; this calU for sixty hours of practice teaching, and others are planning to teach in Virginia, a state which re quires 120’^urt of practice teaeh* ing and observing in a particular field. Those observing are Elizabeth Hoi* land, first grade: Elizabeth Parker* home economics: Margaret Rawls, bU ology: Hilda Malone, biology; and Betty Bob Stone, home economics. BOOKS — SCHOOL SUPPLIES GREETING CARDS J noiiana Qmmack Phytical Education clatses started lait week The wamen't program will include military drill, calisthenics, volleyball, bowling, tennis, table ten nis, badminton, and ihuffleboard. All dormitory ttudenti are requir ed to have two year* of Physical ^ ihe hundreds of shells that were fly- Pfc, Geo. L. Davis, 33896932 The purpose of theae groups |,er head. The Navy had Co. C. 135th Ord., 13th A, D, TO LOOK YOUR BEST BUY YOUR CLOTHES AT Sharpb Clothins Co. 106 W. Front St, — Burlington. N. C :08 W. Front St. — Bnrllncton, N. C. Flowers For All Occaiion* Mooretield Florist Phone 850 BurUn^ton, N. C. group. U to make the program at much as, Jppo.mon putting the troops camp Cooke, CaUf. possible the program of the itudenU, j,|,ore but more oppoiltion waa en- The Intramural Councils will form' cou„i,red as they croaaed the laluid. competlUve group* (nund the dorm- j ,j^ut Utfee week* tupport- Itories, claste*, day studenU. c«c, I ^,1* xiperatlon, -• Each competitive group will select .j.|,, fourth, operatibn waa about a a manager to »er»e for either one i*ter Ahen we helped to Uke season or the entire year. He (or island of Iheya which is north she) will be expected to organize and Shlma and Okinawa and waa enter teams from each group In the closeat we got to Japan proper. Aa leagues, tournament*, etc., and thi* ^ the bombardment was person *hould be a leader who will necessary tince Hie enemy had see that your group U always repre* from the Island. We sented. Leaders will be expected to *bout a week In and around keep up the Interest of the group and i,i,nd In support of the epera- notify It of the time, place, etc,, of returned to the main contests I anchorage off Okinawa, The all Intramural program will get | bombardment was ptr- underway next week with the men important and was pal ^.ipating In touch Jootball. vol- ^ sui/!)rl*e. The marinet had Education for graduation unleM they leyball. tennis and bowling. The i ^Hvanced to the northern edge of •- ... . . . .. ...lai —••aIIauKaII ' . . • -IA.. al.^ />lrt. have a medical excuse from a repu able phy*lclan. Clasae* meet on Tues day and Thuraday tor the girl*. The *ervice cour*es In Physical Ed ucation are planned so that each stu dent will not only receive the Fhy*lcal and Educational benefits, but will also ktm and develop akllls in activities of a phy*lcal nature which may he of recreational value after college. The Intramural Council* for ,men and women will be formed thi* week, and will aerve as advlaory groups for the director and his staff. The njem- bers of these councils will be made up of representatives from all class es, dormitories, and the day student Dear Coach; How are you making out now tha school ha* ttarted again. Sure wirh I could bt retumlac thi* fall, but I'm afraid It will be next September b«> fort- 1 don civilian clothes again. It really was swell seeing you and wal.'i- Ing around the campus again iDav s was here during the summer). Hope you find some good jnaterlal in vour Freshman boys this year. While I think of It I would appreciate it if you would give ray address to the edior of the M. Sc G. for the mailing llist. I really have enjoyed those past Issues although they did make me homesick. 1 haven’t been here long enough to tell you much about the camp. We are only 150 miles from Los An geles and Hollywood so I guess I'll spend my passes there. Write when unts this year. Sincerely, GEORGE. women will participate In volleyball, the principal city In the Okl- tennis, and bowling, Inawa area, and were balng held up An Individual and group scoring received orders late one plan will l» uted «* ^ night to prepare for F. S. (Fire Sup- trophies will be made to Individual to rende*voui at a certain ^ and group winnen. | _oint before day break. At flr*t we *■ The program wUI be planned and | t,,oug(,t It wa* to take Kume, an- conducted with the as*ls»anca of you i uland. but before dawn we went and your representative*, therefore. I harbor of Naha and began your lntere*t and desire* *hould be | f„^ bombardment* dur- made known In order that the pro-1 .jhe bombardments were gram may be at near what you want jy^^tly affective as the Marines as possible. Remember, the pro- be sent back the next grm is YOURS! I since we had expended all of Margaret Rawls and Jane Whitlock , ,n,rounltlon and there wa* no will be Coach Adcox' student j „ore available at that time In the area w* did not return. It wa* for Hood Sporting Goods Co. 13 ELON COLLEGE'S NEAREST SPORTIMa GOODS STORE BASKETBALL GYM SHOES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS Sizes 3 1-2 to 12 SCHOOL SWEATE5* and JACKETS BKJYCLES and BICYCLE REPAIRING (Bike* Painted Like New) FLASHLIGHTS and BATTERIES KEYS MADE LOCKS REPAIRED TENNIS RACKETS RESTRUNG FISHING TACKLE HUNTING CLOTHING Where Your Investment Pays Most In Health—In Life iOS W. FRONT ST, OPPOSITE FIRB STATIOM JOE GOLEMBEK RETURNS TO CLON COLLEGE AFTER FIVk lEAtS IN THE ARMY Joe Golembek, of Portsmouth. Vir ginia, former Elon football star and Golden Glove* champion, has recent ly returned to the campus under the I. Bill of RighU. Rated by many »• the beat player ever to don the Elon moleakiu be waa given honor able diacharge as a ataff aergeant after five years of service In the Pa cific area, Golembek was at Pearl Harbor when the Japa atnick. He I* re ported to have eacaped the initial attack in which many of his com pany were wiped out, by reason of Ms being on a condititlonlng run at U>e time, Joe aerved with the 24th Divialon lo Um South Pacific, Cei^- tral Pacific, and AaUtlc Pacific cam paign*. embek made All- Conference rating during hi* *econd year at Elon, alao placed on the All-Southern, and won honorable mention on the Little All- American team. In basketball, he waa reported to be one of the beat defensive play ers ever to wear the Maroon and Gold, He should brighten the chances of the 1945-46 squad. By winning his way Into the Madi son Square Garden flnaU of the Gold en Gloves Boxing Tournament, Ser geant Golembek ahowed himself to be one of the nation's top amateur heavyweights In 183#. We welcome him back, and hope that as Eloni athlrtlc program retuma to normal we may again see him on tlie grid iron and the hardwood coorU. CapUIn Paul Plyboo, who wa* aI*o in Hawaii when the Jap air fleet came over, and who alao a«rved in the South Pacific, aaya that he remember* aeeing a heavyweight fight In Hono lulu In which our Joe hung a hajf' He waa hampered by Injuriea Iji lulu m wnicn our - •- ■u, fir*t year at Elon. but made th. ^ hThi en^.h of All-Conference team, Previoualy Iw W been on the championaltip bw KiMiol team which gave Portamouth *> meh latar-Mctlonal tame. Gol- the war*, and that he will hare to have good reaaon before he goea b»« to thrawtng iMtter in th* ring again thi* operation the commanding offic er* were recommended for the broni ftar. The last operation lasted for two days during which time we made four iKimbardment runt. The surviving Japs had b^n pushed into a small »rea on the'extreme southern end of the island of Okinawa by the last of June. They ordered ua to lie-off beach on the southern Up and bomb ard the area as our troop* advanced. At the end of the two days our troops hrd taken the rest of the Island and ii was declared secured except for a small pockeU In aeveral place* which were *oon eliminated. Vhis ended the struggle for the control of Okinawa and adjacent Ulands. The periods between tke operations and after the ialand was secured were spent In convoy duty, anti-aircraft patrol, eto During the enUre opera tion we have been to practically all area* In the ImmedUte vicinity of Okinawa. j j , Since the Japa have surrendered. 1 suppoae I am permitted to tell you that before we left the We*t Coa*t we were converted into an L£l (M) with the (M) indicating Mortar aup- hn*b«*n • ntthar trylog e»p«ri- ence but at Urn* rallier latwMtlDg. home Tastes like IQillllp UMMi aUlMOWV Of IH* COCA^OIA COMMNV I BarUiiCtM BoKIlM C#^ N. C.