■AivaoAY. urmiBn n, im MAROON AND GOLD PAM Uttk Wun's Ltttle BHs •••• Ol thi M®* JT^ewd - «u« «>o- Jittr It •ttppo.wl to * cohiM. .lirt lh»t I can w »x»*Oy wiMl I wlih ID Ion* •» • o***"** CHom.r. Dr n-jn Bowden, you. Mr. Apel. the tiM dining h«ll help. W jMBiMte which glvt* me «bout M M I could hqp* for tnt . -ThU 1. tntend«l •• «n totroductlon. pur«ly optical, which Seans >-ou c.n Uke It or loive It.) II you c»ii reid. you h»ve read the iBtioducUon which mean* that dont have anythin* elae to cto a^ thereby will continue readln* thli. no Miter how it *o«. « I taow I ^ Day Student Sketch-Book ■VANNMBOI Bobta]^«nl and flMMar (M. FrMli. man ymi aM altek, aophlaUcMvd Sen ior. caniwa woU and wohrarin*— they are all km la fen*. T« aay Socially Speaking * —- « —MB aww. «« It another way. troB alacka to swaat- en, tnm wlnMown bob to upawaep, from Burllttfton and Oraham. Oib- aoavllle aad Eloa. Haw River aad baxapahaw, and polnta north, caat, •outh ami weM. tti^'re her*. WHO? Why. of coorae. the Day Stoodenta. Why are they here? SUly qaeetlon. To itudy, of courw. Now left meet a few of tbeee foUa. First of all It la very much in order to welcome our trantfer itudent*. how » *o«. ~ I H*>«" Cobh from BurUn*ton. a re- ^ iMder bertdet me. who lovei li*lon major, cornea to ua from W. fcTiee my ituff In print. IC. U. N. C. We re pretty *lad to Here u a poetic Injuatice that I’ll, have you. Helen. Amelia Ann Flow- CD to you, becauae It ao well; era, the *al with the upsweep spent nmsset our lentlmenU these chilly her first two year* at Lenoir Rhyne. xiM title it "Ode To A After absence of one year which she spent at Catawba, we welcome Jo Nell Dixon t>ack. We re mi*hty happy to have Cath erine Cooper in the Day Studeilts' Parlor a*ain. The campus loss Is truly our gain. Lucille Truitt Is back with us after leavln* the early I part of the year for the Cadet Nurses' Corps. Lucy's sitter. Blanche. Is alao ,1 .i™.. I mun nave ' here Ruthle CUrk. after a wonderful A ttousand tlme^muK n^-~^ . Wyhln*ton. D. C.. for a year ’ il^? 'haa come back for some more Elon h*d! knowledge. The Day StudenU are ^ ... >hmit having a very well represented In the Mu*ie .i.‘^?!‘* , ,»lw«k^ll»I^~nt, 'Department by Wayne Moore, SaUor dedicaUon^f-tl^wwk ^ i WllUrd s brother, not to mentiwi S^.':^.t''^^S,^l«« to^wrm.*^ i ^^-.‘or from BurUngton. Dootay iwUy would like to dedicate a welt I Bo Bo. pUced kick to Je*»le Thurecht ^ j^is column has always had a hard MMiaret lUwU lor CAlliog tat rw j keeping Mp with Dale He^ey’s 1 think that 1 have never read A poem at lovely aa a bed— A bed where 1 may lie and doie As each fleeting moment goes— A bed that'* not too cold or hot. Although It may be Jutt a cot - - A thousand timet I mutt have aaid t* IM hittlac « . ptak aa tlM riwianrt chart wttk tha «reddln«i a( two •( Ha praaaat ata- denta, aad oIm «l laat jMfa grad- uataa. Mlaa IMan laa Mima, M Jackaw. N. C.. waa married July I to Jaaaaa D. Rumley, Jr., at Bloa CoUega. Tte bridegroom'a tatker aerved at baat nan. aad Mlai OoUla Horria, aa alumaua ol Elon aad aMer at bride, waa her oaly attaadaat Mlaa Ethere Florence Brastpa waa married to Eageae Pretton Poa, Jr., Augutt IS at the Peatecoatal HoU- nett ChuRh in WhltavUle. Tba Bar. Earl r. Farrell, a graduate ol Elon, performed the ceremsny. Maid of hon or waa the bridea altUr, Mita Ruby Braxton. Mitaea Joyce Smith and betty Sue Lloyd were attandanU Mlaa Maty Ellen McCanu waa wd to William Ellit Evane, on Augutt 17 «t St. Joha't MeUodiit Ckurcb la Anderaon, 8. C. Mlaa MeCanto wat the editor ot the Maroon and Cold laat year. Mlaa Martha McDaniel waa her maid of honor. Campus Personality Mltrre* Maude Greenfield. Dean o( Women, entertained the Pan Hell enic Council at tea, September IX at b:4S. Thoae attending were Mlaa Jetaie Thurecht, repreaentlng the DelU Upallon Kappa Sorority; Mlta \'irginla Ezell, repretentlng the Bata Omicron Bete Sorority; Mlaa Betty Sue Lloyd, rcpreetntlng the Pi Kappa Tau Sorority; and Mita Marjorie Wright, repreaentlng the Tau Zeta Phi Sorority. htired. but 1 fear that wouldn't be I friends, but yours truly did no- aUowed; so I'U be nice and dedicate a • - - vote of thank* to the dean of women. ui«« Greenlield, lor that hot cho- coUte and hot coffee on these chUly night*. She'* tiii* week's nomlnaUon tor "Mi** Morale Builder of 1945." Now 1 know why *o many people died with their boot* on—they are to bard to get off. My roommate and 1 let our dftily doien In rainy weath er by tugging to get each other i boots olf. Seemed like the good old days witn Bobt>y Johnston and Ellta Boyd on eamput funln* at each other and not metnin* a word of it. The stars in their eyes belle their words The ettratl struggle on campus nc most nearly equals their* it the one Benton and Burch keep yp Somebody thould sponsor a beauty contest for the girl most beautiful- on-a-rsiny-day. or “Miss Stormy Weither." The winner thould get a Hollywood contract becauae rainy weather reaUy beata a glrl't ap- petrtoce. Walter Winchell carried thit in hit column sometime ago; but hearin* about that freshman boy who wan dered in on the girlt' physical edu- ciUon cIass 4fid thought he was on a ranch because he never s*w so many calves in one place before, re minded me of It. Her^ ’tis: Girls who ride horses have lep like ( ); girls who didn't eat their spinach have legs like this ) (; but glrla who took lhei( cod liver oil have legs like this !!. uivti aaa^tsw, » v —— tice that ahe wu particularly elated when Billy Tapacott unexpectedly came home thia past week-end. Maybe I'm behind time, but what happened to BUI Crenahaw. Dale? The one and only Leon Hinton 1* sUll »*th ui. but for how long, only Uncle Sam can tell. At the time of writing tt la an open question wheth er Jack Storey. Mac MacCalloct, Bill Clapp, Jutt to mention a few. will continue with ut for the taaie rea son W* want «a alaft «k* ymr rigM, wa are glad ta aaalMla Mlaa EU— beth Parkar, talUarty kaowa aroiiad campaa aa ‘‘Uk," at ear IMt eaaa- poa petaonaUty al tkt jraar. L|a, a aenlor, ta Iraai Saakaijr, North Caro lina. (It aaaaa that a M o( aw« people coaaa boat that fart a tha coualiT—It aaat ba baeaaaa tt la aa cloaa to tka VlrgtaUa Uaa.) Ska aenrea at prwrtdant d tka wiaartl, tha wtm- en'a Judicial kady, aa a ayaker ol the Beta Oataraa Bata aaaial aatarl- ty; a' ■amker ol tka PI Oanuaa Miii national aodal tdaace tratemity; on the Student CkrlaUaa Aaaodatloa Sao- ior Cabinet; aad aa a member ol tha Houtehold Atta Club. After a gnrt deal of mental effort Lib arrived at the conclualon that aeema inevltakla In lettara and cob- vertation—weatker. Hot weatker and rainy Elon waatkar aaea to be her only ditliket. Her likaa were net ao bard to deeeribe. Friendly people head the liat Than come good food, good time*, and aport. (And we for got to mention alM alao taid aome- tbing about liking men. We warent ture which keadlng it came under, but probably It comes under the 'Liket' column.) The Frcakmaa at well aa tka ap- peiclasunen kaow her. She waa one of the firat Elonltet that the Fresh men girla met, aad we are aurc that ahe helped to make them Uke our college. Her own (riendllneaa nuiat occation her Uking ot other friendly people. ELON SODA SHOP ‘WHERE THE GANG MEETS” You Name It-"We Have It Or Wc’ll Get It! GX COUE8PONDDKNCI Saturday night, September IS, ao Informal get-to-getber waa held in Alamance Parlor apontorad by the Student (Council. Miss Lucille Morgan received a dia mond from Wayne Taylor, a member of the Elon student body last year, while he waa home 'bn a furkNigh. Wayne hat now reported back to Scott Field. 111. Here't hoping they can toon be together ag^. Lib wont be with ua but one more quarier, then ahe plana to teach achool. However, at long at the la here and whenever ahe retuma you can be ture when you meet her you will get a warm amlle and an ex- urberant "Hi, there!” Mitt Ida Maude Greenfield aerved coffee September 13 at f:*# to tka I Junior and Senior glrla who will I serve as hostesses at the teblaa in Sheik Belly a alater and Pal Faul-jt*" toner's sla are two cute girli. with I «rr words The *" The Pan HeUenic CouncU haa la- ‘SLprnowthatlj^^trlSSde-^t^y'S.e-^.^^^ ' ‘ :—■ “ .Iri sued mviuuont to an informal tea u- with. dance to be held in the RecepUon Hall with Biddy Fauiconer ^ ^ of Wett Dormitory tonight with Biddy Baukoner U Rose Braxton from Burlington. You're THK PBpr SHOP First there’s Tom. He’s always wor ried about enough copy. Then comes Verdalee. She's worried i%:riod. What ley never has his stuff In on time. uses words only he and Web> Bter can define. Brownie over at the prett, wants to go to a ball game but that dumed sport page came In late ao it doesn't look as if he can nake iL Benton comes wandering in and aasrv she has to go meet Jack. Mary*Coxe ^^>okes drawling in and says that that dad blamed man Wouldn't give her because she had the wrong klad permit. What we want to know “ how this paper gets out anyway. YOU WANT TO «4T DROP BY YOUB College Bookston wclcome. boys! If any of you dont know Bill Staf ford yet. by all meana get acquaint ed. Hit cheerful tmile will make you feel good for a week. Hear ye! Hear ye! Did you know that M»ry Li». aliat "Simpie.''Simp- son. is a dignified Senior. WfcU—a Senior anyhow. U you ahould aee a cute blond ap proximately five feet three from Gra ham. the name U Jane Whittemore. Remember, atoodenta, you dont loiow your Ekm if you dont know ..our day ttudenla. ao keep «P BiU CUpp. preaident ot the D. S. O^, and follow thia column for facta, fig- urea, Janciea. low down, and other- viae. Bye now. DR. JOBNION SOCBTT TAM8 THUS MWMW elon PLATERS MAKE PLANS FOR TEAR The strangest things continue to turn up in the mail. Lateat contribu tion to GI Joc'a humor, aa somebody Uie to somebody, waa aonething like tkla: My Dead Joe; The next time 1 want to be la data R—Be there when tkey go, and Be tkere wken they get back. re cruiting officer a'>"’'l me If I waa an Alien, and I repi. “No, I feel line." The doctor aaid he had ex amined 140,000 men and that I waa the moat perfect physical wreck be had aeen. Then he handed me a card —Claaa A. Then I went ofi to camp, and I gueaa they didnt think I’d Uve long ihe fellow wrote on my card—flying coTpa. Then they gave me my uni form. They have two alaea, too large ana too small. The shoes arc to big I turn around three times and they don't move. And what a raincoat. It strained the rain. I paaaed an officer all dieaaed vP. and he called after me, "Hay, dldi\t you aee what 1 have onT” And I aaid, Yomr Inqutrirg Reporter ta on the ' What are you kicking about. L«ok 'looaa again. Tkta tlaM ahe aaked tke »bat they gave me!” I Preahaen wkat they tiitna of Elon and Three daya later we aailed for received the following lepliea; lAuatralia and then we went to the Ittenchea. The cannon roared, and - --— — Well. I'm craiy the ahella fell. I started shaking with about it Worda Juat doat expreaa patriotiam. I tried to hide behiad a my iaebnjp. jtree, but there werent enough for Mary Loalae Ftn—l lib It better | ^ •v»rv Lv I *•*“ •* “• •“ *ooklng f5adJa*iOo—I think »fi a eary * •*«' nice place. | j ^ ^ ^ mlttake. I'm not dead.” And tkey aaid. "Lie down: do yon want to nuke a fool out ol tke doctor?" Next time. I'm taking a crack at tke Navy—The Johnaonlan. CONTRnCTED It la rumored that one ol tke Freak- man thooght that a war bond waa a marriage Ucenae and that anotber moron thought that Pitching Woo wat a Chlnete game. Short ttory: But darling, it wouldnt have happened II you kad waited until after I anaead to klaa aic. The Elon Player* met laat Thura- day morning in the Little Theatre and made plana for the year. Kathleen Young, preaident of tlie organiiatlon, presided, welcomed the new mem bers and reminded all of their respon sibilities. Varioua commltteea have been appointed fo{ the work on the Players’ next production, “Moor Bom." which, is now being rehearaed. Mra. L. E. Smith, Jr., sponsor of the Playert and college inatructor in dramatics, told the group of the Dra matic Department's plana to preeent miniature ''Oacart" to tlM beat actor and actreaaea, and the l>e*t aupporting I actor and actreaa for the year. A faculty committee wUl be the ludget. The Dr. Johnton Uterary S«^ K- three new member* into “organiiatlon. Carl Neal. P™^‘ Claaa wa* elected »t a recent meeting. He replacaa Bob Grlli^who will not return jmW ttuTnSt oarter. Ea>eraon Whatley waa elected to be parllamenUrlaa The tocfcaty to plannln#« itM to be held in the near future. PHDIN TO lEPRlW** CAROLINA COACH COIiPANT juntai Peedln, a domUtary aealw. haa aoceptwl a P«»U»“ ol the CaroU ta Coach Ctmym ^ and lumaanlty. Mr. JSdla hiworkad wlth-tlte oo..^ al tke Paion B-Ja Termfiial In fta^ ettevUle lor tUe P*»t He wlU not have an otOtt aera ^ studente and townapeople W tocuie bua tlckete by contacting him. SBPTEMBRR SUNSWNI The big raina brought flooda to many parte of the Old Nottth Stete. But here we are relatively lucky. About the only indication of the high water that haa been so damaging elae- where haa been the Seaboard tralna rolling by on tne bouthem Railroad, fnat long Whoo-Hoo from tne atraaaa- lined enginks fi a novelty to u« It naa become a current dlveraion to leg it to tke aouth aide to aee the extraa travel through eaat-or-west bound. Claaaaa aeem to have a brighter air BOW that the aunlight haa etumed. Brighter atudente? Well. i. >w, tkat dependa, aa they aay in Boaton. But ■nyway, we daat kave those terrible Florida hurrlcanaa; nor do we worry about the weather, as tke CalUora- la do. Oeoerally ipaaklng. Caro lina weatker-la a Uttle better tke yaw round tkaa any other aUte can ooMt. Folka IroiB Virginia may kave a dilfamwpiniao, but tkey Juat cant help tkair native prejudlcaa, and we never hold it against them. Francea Glenn—Well, I like it OJl. Orrtlle RoMaaoo—It’a a twell place and people are very friendly—aoiae- thing unutual and we have very good instnictort, too. Clcu MlUei^I like it very much becauae tke people here are ao much friendlier than they are In tke North. Jack Foater^It'a O.K., but I kave my doubts. Marjorie Msoro—I love It! Sarah Dickeiia I really mean tkla, I dont think I could have come to a better place to take my pre-nuraing course. Donald Kemodle—It’a OJC.—a fine Anne Byrd—I Jutt love all the pie—etpecially Betty Benton. Jean Weal-I Uke tt brt I kMW M like it before I came becauae I’d been here betoia- _ Aoyd Biyct—u a'k very nice place -very friendly. Bette Murray—I think tt’a alts aad 1 prefer it to a larger achooL ^ _ Jack Holt—0*e thing I notice about itj it't one of the friendlieat placet I've ever aeen. AmeUa Flowers—1 dont even think about it, I )uat go. hoapltal they told me I wat going to the Morgue. I taid, "There’t aome Two soUiera were atanding on the d^ ot a ahip diacuaaing tkelr pre war occupations. One ol them said that he was a lamier and could make anything grow. Tke ether aaid that he wat a magiriaa. “What can you do?" atked the other. “I can make thlngt ditappear," waa tke reply. At that aecond, wham, bam, bang!— a torpedo hit the ahip. Sometime alter they both found themetlvet alone on a raft ., . .'the ahip, the crew, and everything bad diaappeared. “I suppoae,"’ aaid tke fanner-aol- dler, ‘that you think that waa funny.” Curious fly. Vinegar Jar. Slippery edge. Pickled bug. School SuppUee, Books ot all Kinda, Fountain Pena, Greetl^ Cards, Om Btklea, Metal Blag Coven, Office Sufpttas. AUmancc Book A Stationery Comp Acroas Fran Pest Offics •any Burliagtoa, M. C. ! peo- Neal Wright DIAMONDS — JRWELKT Hamlttoa. Elgin Wa»ha« Watckaa UJNT STERLING SILVER Watch Repalrlag aad Flaa lagravtig Ml 8. Mala St Telsphooe IM* bubunqton. n. c. MAKE SEiXAR'S YO UR MEETINO PLACI BURLINGTON, N. C GLAMOR SHOP Btirliogton. N. C “We Have a Complete Line of LadJet Apparel MaiWIMIMmMSII OPPOSITE MAY Phone 4TS-4T4

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