CHRISTFANS PLAY AT BOONE TODAY! Maroon and Gold Published By Ai%d For Elon StudenU LOOK AT THE PRETTY PICTURES! VOLUME XX ELON COLLEGE, N. C., SATURDAY. APRIL 27, 1946 NUMBER FOtTRTEEN MAY DAY WILL BE NEXT SATURDAY Education Club To Hear Talk By NCEA Head Charles W. Phillips, resident of ho North Carolina Education Associa tion, and professor and director of public relations at Woman’s College in Greensboro, is to be guest speaker for the Education Club on Tuesday, May 7, at 7:30 p. m. in Society Hall. All College and High School faculty members and students are invited to attend. Education students in par ticular are urged to be present. RecenUy elected to his NCEA office at a statewide meeting of the associa tion, Mr. Phillips is active in parent- teacher work, is a past president of the State Congress of Parents and Best Students Are Picked In Superlative Contest The student body chose twenty- four superlatives in the annual MA ROON AND GOLD contest, electing Fred Register and Margaret Rawls as the best all-round students for the second successive year. Many of the results were close and in several cases the winners received a margin of only one vote. There were numerous ties. The results are listdi below: Best All-Round: F red Register and Margaret Rawls. Most Popular: Fred Register and Margaret Rawls. Best Looking: Calvin Milam and Elizabeth Johnson, Margaret Rawls. Most .A.ttrac/ive: Bobby Harris and Teachers and now second A'ice-presi- dent of the National Congress of | ^«“tty Engleburt. Parents and Teachers. A graduate of i Most Collegiate: Bobby Harris and the University of North Carolina, he i Elizabeth Johnson, came to Woman’s College in 1935 after I Best Sport: Steve Castura and Dale 14 years iiT educational work and in j ITensley, Elizabeth Johnson, business. ! Most Individual: Frank Roberts and All but one year of his business and Verdalee Norris, professional life Mr. Phillips has spent j Most Original: Edwin Daniel and in Greensboro, where he has been cor^iiually active in church, civic, and social welfare programs of the community. C. W. PHILLIPS Graham Elected SCA President Bob Graham, of Mebane, rising Senior, was elected president of the Student Christian Association for next year at a recent meeting of the Sen ior Cabinet held in Professor Barney's classroom. He will succeed Jack Sun burn, New Britain, Conn., as head of that group. Graham, who is a min isterial student, was a leader in the Freshman SCA two years ago, was secretary-treasurer .of the entire SCA last year, and this year has been an active member of the Senior Cabinet. Other officers elected v>| e Kermit Inman, Freeland, vice president; and Fleta Mae Moffitt, Greensboro, secre tary-treasurer. Inman was vice pres ident of the Freshman SCA last year and has been an active member of Senior Cabinel this year. Miss Mof fitt, a religion major, is well qualified to iferry out her new duties. The new officers will select a cab inet and outline their program of ac tivities for next year, sometime in the near future. Verdalee Norris. Most Versatile: Joe Golombek and Elizabeth Johnson. Most Value to College: Thomas Horner, Bill Clapp and Margaret Rawls. Most Dependable: Fred Register and Ida Marie Parker. Most Talented: Edwin Daniel, A1 Burlingame and Kathleen Young. Most Studious: A1 Burlingame and Ellen Parks. Best Actor and Actress; A1 Burlin game and Kathleen Young. Best Musician: Bill Williams and Lucille Morgan. Best Dancer; Edwin Daniel and Ruth Everett. Most Likely to Succeed; Bill Clapp and Louise Clayton. Most Talkative; Herbert Spivey and Anne Ashley. Best Athlete; Warren Burns and Marparpt Rawls Best Dressed; Heroert »ing, van Allen, Bill Williams and Jeap. Brow er. Wittiest: Stuart Casey and Helen Newsome. Laziest; Hal Foster and Elizabeth Johnson. Biggest Flirt: Herbert Spivey and Eleanor Argenbright. Best “Spanish Athlete”; Joe Gol- ombek and Mary Coxe. ' Daniel, Raiwls Will Rule Festiv^ As Kij^, Qu^^i MAY QUEEN, Miss Margaret Rawls, o f Suffolk, Va., who will reign with king, Ed Daniel, of Virgilina, Va., at next Saturday’s annual May Day Festival. Music Deportment Sets Forth Plans For Rest Of Term The Department of Music annouc- es a full schedule of events for the remainder of the quarter. Graduation recitals, a symphony concert, the May- Day program, and the State Music Clubs conveV-ion. together with the choir’s appearance at the Burlington Festival singing of t/.e “Messiah” on May 1, will keep everyone busy in deed. Easter week was given added beauty and meaning by the special music i provided. Choir and organ numbers added much to the spiritual portent of the occasion, and were rendered with exceptional clarity and excel lence. Juniors Are Host To Seniors At Annual Spring Banquet The Junior Ciass entertained the Jr. Decorations, Lois Dean, chairman. Senior Class at the annual Junior- pred Register, Bob Graham, Jimmy Senior Banquet last night at 7:00 in t> u * j tvt t j th« Roberts, and Nancy Jordan assistmg. A Pan American invijie wab useu, - , . . carrying out the Senior Class colors, Helping were Tom Hoffman, and red and white, in the decorations. I Verna Lee Ayscue. Program Book- The program opened with the in- lets, Dale> Henseley, chairman. As vocation by Dr. L. E. Smith, followed by the welcome by Betsy Smith, pres ident of the Junior Class. Bill Clapp, president of the Senior Class, returned the response. Dr. Paul Reddish, class advisor introduced the speaker, Mr. George Colclough, Elon alumnus and secretary of the Burlington Chamber of Commerce. The program conclud ed with the college song, “Here’s to Dear Old Elon.” Committees for the banquet were: Pi'ogram, Louise Clayton, chairman. Others were Virginia Ezell, Joe Dunn, Verdalee Norris, Mrs. L. E. Smith, sisting were Ruby Braxton, Helen Cobb, Margaret Webster, and Anne Rader. On the food committee were, Marian Griffin, chairman, Pat Hook, Betty Sue Lloyd, and Hilda Neese. Entertainment committee was com posed of Steve Castura, chairman, Special Services Commemorate Holy Week The first peacetime Holy Week in five years was observed ^n tH? Elon College campus with three special services of praise and devotion. The services were conducted on Wednes day, Thursday and Friday, April 17, 18, and 19, withparti cipation by mem bers of the faculty, student body, and Community Church. In the initial service, on Wednes day evening, four speakers discussed the different phases of prayer life. Dr. G. O. Lankford spoke on “The Prayer Life of Jesus”; Dr. D. J. Bowden, on “The Prayer Life in the Church”; Fred Register, president of the student body, on “The Prayer Life of the Youth”; and Dr. M. B. French, on “The "Prayer Life of the Disciples.” Special music was con tributed by the choir. On Thursday night. Dr. L. E. Smith and Dr. Bowden led the Communion Service. The music department’s par ticipation included a solo, “The Com munion Hymn,” rei f ered by Miss Dor othy Shepherd, and a trio number, “If With All Your Heart,” sung i>y Misses Lucille Morgan, Violet Black mon, and Marguerite Hudson. The Good Friday service was held during regular chapel period, at which time Dr. Smith read the Easter Story. The choir sang “The Lord’s Prayer” and two numbers from Handel’s “Mes siah”; “Behold the Lamb of God” and "Surely He Hath Born Our Griefs.” Miss Elizabeth Johnson sang “He Was Despised,” and the same trio which had sung at the Communion Service repeated “If With All Your Heart.” Th^ choir closed the service with the Thee.” MRS. HELEN P. CANNON ANSWERS APPEAL TO AID VETERANS Mary Coxe, iVlen Newsome, and Vio let Blackmon. Clean up committee, Jimmy Westmoreland, chairman, Mar tha Franks, Opal Stout, Lorraine Waugh, Mack Welch, Anne Strader, James Langston, and Dot Salmons. Afterwards the group met in So ciety Hall for further entertainment. Two weeks ago an announcement | was made through “The Christian ] Sun” of the government’s allotment of I 30 housing units for married veterans | enrolled in Elon College. Attention I v/as called to the fact that these units COLLEGE GRANTED MORE HOUSING UNITS THE CALENDAR Tau Zeta Phi Saturday, April 37: Banquet. Sunday, April 28, 8:15: Joint Re cital, piano, organ. Violet Blackmon and Lucille Morgan. Wednesday, May 1: Choir concert in Burlington. Friday, May 3: Pre-Medical Asso ciation Banquet. Saturday, May 4: May Day and Delta U. Banquet. Sunday, May 5, 8:15: Joint recital, Voice and piano. ..Elizabeth Johnson and Wayne Moore Dr. Arne Hovdesven, head of the department, played with Miss Eloise Fischel in her recital on Thursday, April 25, presenting Mozart’s Concer to in Major-Allegro. Miss Fischel played numbers from Bach, Beetho ven, Dohnanyi, and Lecuonia. Recitals to come include those by Miss Violet Blackmon, piano, and Lu cille Morgan, organ, on April 28; and on May 5 Miss Elizabeth Johnson, voice, and Wayne Moore, piano. The Burlington Times-News on April 26 received a Washington re port, later confirmed by the college administration, that 37 additional housing units had been authorized for Elon College. Approved for the use of veterans whether married or single, these prefabricated dwellings are al ready allocated and will be moved as soon as possible. This additional grant will make a totalof 67 units, previously in use at government or military establish ments, to be set up after sfilpment here. All preparations to get them into use immediately after they reach Elon have been made. It is probable that the college may thus provide new quarters for over one hundred per sons by next summer or fall. “PRACTICE HOUSE” GIRLS ENTERTAIN J. Kimball Harriman, conductor will bring his Greensboro High School Symphony Orchestra to Whitley Audi- Wednesday’*May 8,8:1 5: Joint Re- torium on Thursday, M^y 9 Professor cital. Jane Lewis, Ann Strader, and Carrie Stanford. Sunday, May 12, 8:15: Joint Recital. Voice and Piano. Lucille Morgan and Violet Blackmon. Wednesday. May 15, 8:15: Play— Clubs, Junior Division, John S. Westmoreland, of the Elon Faculty of Music, will appear as guest soloist for the performance of Grieg’s piano Concerto in A Minor. The State Federation of Music will hold its “Passing of the Third Floor Back.” Thursday, May 16, 8:15: Play— “Passing of the Third Floor Back.” Friday. May 17: Players Banquet. annual convention on campus on Sat urday, May 4. Watch the bulletin boards and chapel notices for further information concerning the program. Taylor To Head Veterans Club Election of officers of the Elon Vet erans Club for the coming year was held Thursday morning in Profesosr Barney’s classroom. Wayne Taylor, of Efland, who has served as the as sociation’s secretary-treasurer during the current year, was elected presi dent to succeed A1 Burlingame, of Cambridge, N. Y. Vice-president for the new year .will be Thomas Foust, of Liberty, who succeeds Floyd Boyce, of Jackson; and the new secretary- treasurer eelcted was Bob Harris, of Wilson. The newly-chosen officers Resident work in home management is being conducted in the West End Apartments by Miss Lida Muse, head of the Department of Domestic Sci ence. Ttiis practical and interesting course is given annually, and was be gun on April 6. Instruction will con tinue for six weeks. Anyone fortunate enough to be in vited to dine with the girls at “Prac tice House” will discover how effici ent they are in the noble art of cookery. Misses Hilda Neese, Mary Elizabeth Simpson, Betty Sue Lloyd, Doris King, Jean Brower, Marion Grif- fm, and Margaret Rice, are joint hostesses this spring. The duties assigned in rotation in clude a/.in\as hostess, assistant host ess, cook, assistant cook, and maid. First formal dinner was given on April j 19, with Miss Lloyd as hostess and Max Neese as host. Dinner guests were Dr. and Mrg. L. E. Smith, Sr., Professor and Mrs. A. L. Hook, and Mrs. C. C. Johnson. Regular meeting of the Household Arts Club was held at the “Practice House” on April 24. Miss Hazel Cole, Mrs. Verna Lee Ayscue, and Miss Ella Mae Morgan appeared on the program. ‘ VALLEY OF DECISION" AT WHITLEY TONIGHT would not be furnished; that the College did not have necessary furni ture; that many of the veterans would not be able to furnish their apart ments; and an appeal v>as issued to any who would help provide the neces sary furniture for these apartments. Mrs. Helen Parkerson Cannon of Burlington, alumna of the College, has donated $200 for this purpose, as an expression of sympathy to the family of, and as a memorial to, the late Seaman Watson D. Lambeth, Jr., of Brown Summit, who lost his life in a typhoon off Okinawa on Septem ber 28, 1945. The apartments to be provided by the government for married veterans consist of kitchen, dining room, liv ing room, and bed rooms, some hav ing two bedrooms, some three. Furni ture is sorely needed for both these apartments and for the sixteen rooms in the newly constructed Veterans Court for single veterans. Assistance in this urgent and worthy cause is again being sought from churches, Sunday schools, organized classes, mis sionary societies, other organizations, and individuals. It is hoped that others may be found to follow Mrs. Cannon’s generous example; but any article, a table, chair, dresser, bed, or any other piece of furniture, can be of help to the veterans. The annual Elon College May Day Festival will be observed next Satur day afternoon. May 4. with a gala program of ceremony and entertain ment. Festivities a/e to begin at 5:00. following the home baseball game be tween Elon and Appalachian State Teachers college, which is scheduled for 2 o’clock. Reigning over the spring festival as king and queen will be Edwin Dan iel, Virgilina, Va., and Miss Margaret Rawls, Suffolk, Va., who were chosen in the midwinter student elections held to determine the 1946 court. Both the king and queen were junior at tendants in last year’s coi*^^ and both have been active in all phases of campus life. Daniel is editor of the 1946 Phipsicli; Miss Rawls is co- chairman of theStudent-Faculty com mittee. . Attending the queen as maid of honor is to be Miss Elizabeth Holland, Slielby. She will be escorted by Ger ald Hook, Elon College. Senior at tendants are to be Mrs. Florine Brax ton Poe and Miss Joyce Smith, of Whiteville; Jack Sunburn, New Brit ain, Conn., and Bill Claytor, Hillsboro. Junior attenjjants will be Miss Dale Hensley, Elon College; Miss Verdalee Norris and Fred Register, Sanford; Steve Castura, Hazelton, Pa., Jackie Newman and Buddy Bowden will be train bearers. Miss Rawls, as queen, will be at tired in white satin, with full court train, and will carry a bouquet of white roses. The maid of honor will wear light blue marquisette and will carry a mixed bouquet, and the four attendants to the queen will wear 'Ifi’U" J fPta and ot Miss Holland. Following the entrance of the court —junior attendants, first, then senior attendants, maid of honor, former kings and queens, and the 1946 king and queen—the new rulers will be crowned and the court entertainment get underway. Entertainment will consist of folk and interpretive danc ing by selected numbers of the girls’ physical educatipn classes; feature dances by Miss Graydon Butler, Strat ford, Conn., and Miss Gloria Ander son, Hampton, Va.; and vocal music by the college small ensemble, with solos by Misses Jessie Ree Doughtie, Doro thy Shepherd and Marguerite Hudson. Numbers to be sung by the ensemble include Romberg’s “Will You Remem ber,” from “Maytime”; “Mayday Carol,” by Deems Taylor, and Irving Berlin’s “A Pretty Girl Is Like a Melody.” Direction of this year’s May Day festivities is by Miss Anne McClenny, John Westmoreland, and Fletcher Moore of the Music Faculty. ‘The Valley of Decision,” starring Greer Garson and Gregory Peck, will will assume their duties at the be- j be the feature movie at Whitley Au- ginning of summer school. ditorium tonight. PLEA MADE FOR STUDENT SERVICE FUND Miss Judith Austin, executive sec retary of the World Student Service Fund, in chapel on Friday, April 26, made an eloquent plea for support for the worthy cause of aiding European and Asiatic students who have been forced into Sire straits by the war. Miss Austin cited many examples of fortitude and need among foreign students. Dean Bowden announced that action would be taken to organ ize the effort here. IHIS IS TOM HORNER, folks, who’s been hiding all year behind editor’s desk of the MAROON AND GOLD. Now that he’s turned over his job to the new editor, he’s finally come out into the open, as you can see. To know Tom better, turn to “Person alities” column on pace fir«.

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