PA&E TIffiBE I a-^HOON AND GOLD SATUURDAY, OCTOBER 5. 1946 ' Day Student Sketch'Book Personalities CASTtfRA If yo« dom’t already know him, you ought bo. He’s one of Steti's most popular personalities, a soft-spoken, modest fellow Tjehind those “specs” in tlie classroom, but a whirlwind when he takes them off and climbs into an athletic uniform. That’s Steve Castura, 165 pounds of man, the g/iy with tlie crew-cut blond hair, the E-sweater, and the i half-dozeii boeks he always carries | around. j “Sure Steve,” as he's been tagged j ever since booting those two extra points in the A. Cg C. football game, conies to Elon from Hazelton, Pa., and is majoring in Englisii and Physical Eucation. He first made his appear ance heie in 1939( but from June,: TRAlNINGi.s part. 1941, until October, 1945, spent his j time serving Uncle Sam. Two of the air-nthuled dfndont:! Fisst of aH—here’s to the football team for the swell job they (Hd against A.C.C.: You really looked good and we are mighty proud of you. Edith Sharp and Polly Qualls were especi ally proud of and Bobby, but that’s easily understood. Polly, E. C.’s "kid sister." was heard to ask if Bobby were at the Soda Shop and would she be embaj’rassed to go down, but he wasn't with another girl, was h '■ 1 discovered, at the game, the reason “Peep-Eye” likes the food at that Graham cafe so well. Is it really the food. “Peep” or is that nifty lit tle wairess jcsju were with? Anyway, it isn’t hard to understand why you i have suddenly become so attached to Graham. Who says I'm dumb? (SI- 1,PLEASi.;) George Cross made a point to let •everyone know that Jack Moere has a toand. Is it really yours. Jack, and were you sincere about his making a aness of things for you? Anyway, he seemed to be doing a good job of see ing Ikat you kept things going. Lucy Truitt seexiis to like school ■“Moore” now than ever. Why, Lucy? But I can’t find out the guy's name tliat her “big sister,” Blanche, was ■ivith at the game, so how can I com ment, except that they looked good enough? Burch, one c» the boys told me that you liked “Peanuts” in all shapes, forms and fashions. I don’t get it, io you? I thought you would, but liow could I since I’m not “one of the boys”? Have you heard the little story of Jimmy Hines’ going to the Navy Band eoncert in Greensboro? How did you ieel when she asked if you meant it, >or was it just a pastime? Wally, you really didn’t mind his deciding to ■«lrive for you so suddenly, did you? Hal. what do you think about that •“little shadow of do^ibt”? And have you convinced Clegg that t4iree isn’t j tion of “Mr. and Mrs. North.” a crowd when you go to the swamps? i Lastly, but not least. Steve aspires (Somebody told me to say that, but | to do graduate work at Temple univer- •t still makes no sense to me—how i sHy, in his laotne state of Penwsylvan- about drawing me a picture some-! ia; and. if his quiet, determined na- time?) ] twi'e is any standard to j^dge by, we Wl>at happened to Jane, Howard? | don’t see what can prevent him from Wonder if she has missed seeing you around—her? Al! of you who didn’t attend the meeting of the Fine Arts Club at Miss Nev/man’s don’t realize what a nice time you missed. Get John Taylor to tell you about the time he was “Frozen.” Find out why Harold Walton was 10 Ill . Klon'b Aeronautics course, instructed by ■e, le.vtreme right) on flight line with a yoars were passed serving in New-1 foundland, and he eventually attained j the rank of ataff sergeant. The best ■ part of his army service, as he hap- ' pily recalls was tlie last two months,' during whicli he acted as a lifeguard. The date Steve best remembers, tliough, is not the day of his discharge, but April 28, 1945,w hen-—yep!—he got married. Proud Papa Castura (baby Diana is four and a half montiis | old) and his attractive Georgie (he met her in Washington, D. C.) have turned one of the new Vets’ apart-1 ments into as cozy a little iiome as you’ll find at Elon. j Besides his family, sports in gen- j eral are what Steve is most interested in—swimming in particular, even though he has letters in basketball, baseball, and football. He doesn’t have any pai'ticular dislikes. ELON OFFtRS FUTURE IN AVIATION FOR STUDENTS By AI.KX St'KiFFKLBl.iV Regular uoursi;; in atMonaulics as part of the sludeuts' ciiriculiim in the secondary school systems appear likel.v in the near liUure. according to Professor A. I- Rook, head of the De partment of Physics and Electronics at Elon College, Uevealing in. a re cent interview that approximately .i dozen states already oiler such a (>ro- giam as a safety niea^we (it educa tion of the student, froiessor Rooic They are: Thomas Burton, Reidsville; lohn Cobb. Liberty; D. B. Harrell, Jr., Mount Olive; John R. Hill, Elon Col lege; Gerald Hook, Elon College; Vincent Long, Burlington; Paul Ply- bon, Elon College; Wayne Taylor, Ef- land; Jack Walker, Burlington; and Alex S. Schiffelbian, East Northport N. Y. The Veterans Administration pco- gram, listed in the Elon College cata logue as “Aeronautics,” includes three quarters of a college year devoted to a study of general serviee of aircraft, meterology, navigation, and Civil Air Regulations, and, in additio.n. Seeing all these unfamiliar faces around the campws mahes us won der where they oame from and what kind of an impression Elon is mak ing this year. Hence, we are asking both newcomers and returnees this question: “What do you like about Elon?” Doris Peedin—I like the student body, particularly the male following, (me!) Dalton Harper—The cute sweater girls. Ray Day-^-That spirit that grows on you; friendliness, the fun of a small school, and the chance to be a part in the student body. Jes^e Ree Doughtie—Van Johnson is here! “Nose” Cornish—Sports, speaking, and spooning; also the well-develop- ed personalities! Dave McClenny—Just the redheads. Tommy Burton—Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights. Ca/alyn Tuck—Where else can I have a wonderful English teacher like Dr. McClure. (Jane was present at the time!) “Peanut” Bain—Oh, the “vittles.” Anonymous—No Apel! John Watson—The centipedes of South Dormitory: of course we can always pour hot water on them. Miss Brown—East Dormitory, “Drummer” Snyder—Beryl, my girl. Ted Parker—The new “High Point” touch! Frances Branson—The atmosphere of the soda shop after dinner! Framk Roberts—The girls over at Ladies’ Hall. They are aU so good- looking! COMPLIMENTS OF ELON SODA SHOP CHRIS^SCOTT CLEANERS EVERY CUSTOMER A SATISFIED ONE ELON COLLEGE, N. C. CO-EDS! WE HAVE MOCCASINS, LOAFERS AND SADDLES Burlington, N. C. H PresidetTt ef t;his year s Se»ior class, ‘'credited World War II witli brin...!ing Steve also is newly elected head of aviation into the spotlight, tile E Men’s Club and a member of j In the spring of lOHVi, tiiiiteeu state the Sigma Phi Beta Fraternity. He j colleges, includiiig that of JMortii Car- aoted as sports editor of the Mai'oon l olina. were selected by the federal and Gold last spring (journalism is 1 Govtrmmeiif tn an e.xpt i Kneut to train'flight training is given by the Bur- ene of his side interests), aHd will be! civilians lor private pilot ii!-e%ses. | Ungton Flying Service, which has its remembered for his part of Buono, the I So successful was the initial experi-1 temporary headquarters at the Fair- janitor. in the Elon Players’ produc-i ment that the program was expand- child Air Field, located on Route 70, ed. In the fall of 19L'.9, Kion College ! east of Burlington. Upon completion became an agcat toi i Pilot; of new runways at the Burlington Mu- Training. Wil-h T'n»; :Jdvent o-f Worki | nicipal Airport, the Flying Service War II, the War rramispij was v/ill resume operations at that site, instituted, foiioved bj ihe Army ,\ir To date Burlington Flying Service Foree program Since the close of | has a i)ecord hard to surpass. Among GLAMOR SHOP Burlington, N. C. “We Have a Complete Line of Ladies’ Ready-To-Wear Apparel" H3HSMSS43HXH3HSHSHSH3HS;393HSS43HSHXHS»XHSHZHXHBMSHSHXHXM OPPOSITE MAY MEMORIAL LIBRARY realizing that and all his other aspira tions. ^ MORGAN Lucille Irene Morgan: a small, charming. wavy-haired brownette from Hampton, Virginia, and a senior majoring in Piano. Lucille simply can't wait to tell late t-o class if you can—he just won’t! y„u how she loves—musio—and even tell me. j her music professors: and she has Flash! Take all your medicel prob- j sp^nt a great deal of time studying both, and enjoying music. Classical the war, fix' V.'(tr:!ns Admlui.stJ ation'• all the students who have received I uc«‘'ssiul j flight training, not one accident has | has carried on the tiislil.^^ work. I occurred involving other than minor Aems to Dr. Jimmy Westmoreland, i Pay your life insurance first.) Al says this has to be finished in A hurry, but I’ll be back and tell you all the “dirt” I hear about. See you around— DALE. €AIXING ALL CAKTOONISTSi Elon's Civiiiaii Pilot Training pro-; damage to aircraft, gram instructed iunety-fi^-e yersoiw | “The only hazard in flying,” says in groundworlv. Ihe War Training | i>i-ofessor Hook, “is the pilot himself, Service instructed loriy. and the | who often becomes over-confident and Army Air Forces, six-liimdred aud ; careless.” seventy-two. Couni inc; the twenty-! Regarding (Jie fu\ure of flying, iPro- seven studcul:s novv enioNed in the j fessor Hook believes that within the /lime Phone 473-474 “Get it at Acme” Burlington, N. C. iiniXHXHXHXMXHXHXMXMXHXHXIHSHXMXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXHXIICt' MAKE SELLAR’S YO UR MEETING PLACE aeronautics coursc at the and twenty-four civilian.s in tiio Veierans Administration ^roundv.oric course, approximately eiglU hundred and fif- next twenty years owning an airplane will almost be as much in style as owning an automobile today. At present, plans are under consideration With the thought in mind that “pic tures speak louder than words,” the Maroon and Gold editor is looking for a first-class cartoonist, to brighten up the page's of the paper with an occa sional drawing. If you are an art stu- ent (or even if you’re not), and youve got the knack of cartooning or carica turing don’t waste any time—hotfoot it to the Print Shop in Duke Science Building and show “Ye Editor” your wares. EAT AT THE ELON GRILL STEAKS — HAMBURGERS SANDWICHES music comes first with this Cavalier belle, next “Night and Day,” and then anything by Perry Como. Roy Acuff? “Good heavens, no!” Dixie born and true to her state. Lucille appreciates fried chicken, lemon meringue pfcs. :tnd anybody from Virginia, especially anybody from Norfolk. Favorite color, blue. Nicknames: Lucy, Lucifer, Bette Da vis ihave you noticed the resem blance?). Member of the Early Risers Club. No-likes: catty girls and cow boy music. Nothing said about the cowboys, though. Her timing sometimes goes wrong when she is cooking—one half the egg goes on the floor, the other lialf sticks to the shell. Try us with a piece of cake anyhow. Shortage on cake? always, with the M. & G. staff. V/e wouldn’t hint to Lucille, of course. Or to you, gentle reader. Miss Morgan is a member of the American Guild of Organists, the fa- moBS Elon Choir. Tau Zeta Phi soror- tiave received ground-; for a Comtmercial Pilot Training pro- under the iastructioHs : at Elon. as the college moves ' forward in step with one of the boom- -aviation. ty individual.s work training of Professor Hook. During the past year te:i .sludeiits ! jng industries of our time- have complet-;d their ground courses and have aeiuiod their pilot licenses. SHORT ^BJK.S£LLAHSLSOMS,im^ ity. Pi Gamma ’vTu. ihe ■pdueatiou Club, the Baud, and the French dub. During her sophomore year she was i secretary of the Student Bod;y and a council representative. For two years she was president m the choir, bhc* was presented in piano recital in 1945-46. and will give her “raduating recital soni? time diiring the. present year. They (Who?) say she lives «t; third floor West. Could be a practice room in th§ Music Buildin?. .\h! But most of the time she isn’t there either. Several daiuyankees have a.sked us about har and one of these times we may tell them who that swell little brunette is The Quakers are quaking, o-oh! o-oh! You can say that again. It’s an old Scotch chorus, and thats the one game we want. BURLINGTON, N. C, - ' i $ i 4 Betty Lou Shop BURLINGTON, N. C. [ELON DRY CLEANERS IF WE PLtASE YOU TELL OTHER,S TF WE DON' T TELL US. 1 Champion Variety Store M. C. HOLT GROCERIES AND HARDWARE A New Store WHh New Stuff -So Come On In And Look It Over FROM. A TO 7, IN NOVELTY ELON COLLEGE, N. C. ELON grcx:ery OflOGERIES AND S«HO®T. S: You trust its quality lOmED U)«>ER AUTHOMIY OF THE COOMXXA COMPANV IV BURLINGTON COCA-COLA BO'n'LLNG COMPANY