SATURDAY DECEMBER 13, 1947 MAROON and GOLD PAGE THREE SfiOAii ED MULFORD The football season is over and was not sucessful, but there is no sense in crying over it. We did have some moments. In particular there was. the Erskin game when the Christians really played inspired ball to win 17- 7 and there was that night when we frightened the “Mighty Mountain eers” being the “Big Bad Boy’s from Boone” as Jim Huyett raced all over the landscape on the end of passes from Jack Russelll and Fred Claytor before we finally bowed 13-21. Then loo, Claude Manzi was selected all- conference guard so there was some solace. Perhaps next year we will have more to cheer about. The Guilford game was close in score, but it must be admitted that the Quakers played all but a few moments of the contest deep in our territory. We noticed in particular that Jack Russell and Arnold Melvin were making a lot of tackles. The four small fast backs that Coach Doc Newton inserts in the Guilford back- field at certain times really went to town, and we wonder if Elon couldn’t use something like that. I defy any one to find more deceptive and flpet runners than Ed Ellis and Steve Walker. No Experience in tackle foot ball has been had by these lads, but they could be taught and used for just such spots as the Guilford “Pony Boys" are. We would like to see a little sparkle in the Elon offense next year, and perhaps we’ll get it. What was the greatest team ever •to play in the North State Confer ence? Catawba’s had some great ones and Elon has had four or five ter- ific elevens. But the finest team that ever played in the conferencs was the 1937 Appalachian club. This outfit roared through it’s season undefeated ond unscored on and later went on ot play Missippi, also undefeated in a post-seasoon game . Miss Wicker can tell you all about it. Ever hear of “Belus Smaw- ley”? Well he’s one of the greatest basketball players in the Profession- al League, currently playing with the I St. Louis Bombers and he too played at Appalachian. He may turn up as a coach in this conference in ‘48. Don’t say we didn’t warn you and don’t' be surprised if it’s awfully close to you. Jim Murrary is one of the “fighten- ist-’’ backs we have ever seen, just imagine what that that boy would do if he weren’t injured so much. He gets our vote as the best plunger around. Elon Eagles, basketball team composed of local day students, is doing well in the Greensboro Com munity Basketball League. Intramural Basketball is turning up- almost as much interest as the Vahsity. Oak Lodge defending champs, has lost three of the “Five Fast Fellows” who took the crown last year and has only Ed Ellis and Dick York back. Loss of Lyman Wilkens, Howard Wright and Pep Watkins wiU hurt. I.T.K. appears the favorite with with a strong group including Pete Marsh- burn. Arnold Melvin, Satch Paige, Fred Claytor Devard Hooker, Jack Russel, Paul Causey and others. That Marshburn is a wonderful ball play er. Sigma Phi also has a good outfit led by Lou Savini, Bob Harris, Dave McClenny, and coached by a good coach in Bill. Copeland. Kappa Psi has Billy Matze. “Stretch” Scott, Frank McCauley and Wayne Taylor among others. North Dorm should bo a strong competitor with Graham ' Erlacher, Pete Peters, those two fast j blonde boys from Roseville, Carr and Shearen and a variety of others. V'ets Court is a mystery while Alpha Phi has Jim Widenhouse, Max Garret, Duke Ellington, and Frank Roberts. I Down at South Dorm they always I come up with a good team and they ' will be- in there. In particular we ", I ■ nw I '! — Football History Shown above is the 1947 edition of E Ion’s Fighting Christian Football s quad. Thier season which was climax ed with the Thanksgiving game with Guilford showed a record of 4 wins as against ,6 losses. The best show- itigs of the season were agaiinst out of state teams from Newberry College and Erskin College of Southe Car olina. SHOP REFRESHED HAVE A COCA-COLA admire Rocky Sileo as a ball hand ler with “The Boys Accross The Tracks”. East has a good number of ball players to, so be on the watch for a good league with everybody in there all the way. This columnist must apologise for not being to well informed on our V arsity team at this writing. The boys scrimmaged Duke the other day and didn’t do too badly and will have al ready played the University of North Carolina as you read this. Everybody root hard and we’ll come out on top ofton. Leo Kampman has impressed us in particular as a ^ood man. We’ll dp a feature story on the Varsity men in the next issue. Last years intramural league consis ted of each team playing a full sche Elon fought hard but was ust out played. Score By Periods Elon 6 0 0 0 -6 Guilford 6 0 7 0 - 13 —oOo^ Oak Lodge East Tied Up The most evenly matched football battle ever played at Elon College, is still right where it started as the Maroon and Gold goes to press. Oak Lodge and East Dorm have now played 14 tisht quaters and the goal line still has not actually been cros sed. The playoff series is 2 out of 3 dule and then a big tournament at and it iseagrly hoped that the teams the conclusion. The scoring record for an individual player set last year was 207 points. Scoring record for will get together and play the thing off. First game of the series went to Oak Lodge when Ed Ellis passed to in ^ sX: one team was held by Oak Lodge ^ Del Brown on a sleeper play for a which scored 634 points during the ^ t.D, and a 7-0 Oak Lotige win. Act- season last year. The boys who have^ually Brown was tagged oon the 2 pafticipated in the football playoff yard line, but the offical did not see between East and Oak Lodge (what it. Since the play would have given are they at it again) really deserve j Oak Lodge a first down on the two a lot of credit. Actually 14 quarters yard line, chances are Oak Lodge passed without a man crossing the would have scored anyway, so East goal line. made no comulaint about the occa- Next home game for the Varsity gjon.. The second game was a thril ls with McCrary on Thursday night, jj^g o-O tie which saw both teams threaten but fail to score. A few days later the two clubs went at it again. Again four quaters went by without a score and two additional quaters were played. Finally East marched to the three yard line from where Steve Walker kicked a field goal to give East a 3-0 win. Both teams have fought hard and both have shown fine qualities or sportsmanship. oOo—" BASKETBALL RESULTS In basketball games played rec Good Luck Christians! —oOo— Elon Loses To Guilford One of the most disastrous seasons in Elon football came to a close Thanksgiving Day when the “Fight ing Christians” dropped their sixth game of the season to Guilford by a 13-6 score. The Eo una J V’a by thirty to forty nine. Elon led by A-rn.ld Melvm Jack Russel. ^ Lou Savint. and Jim Murray, but it .r^welrv bv tangles with the McCrary Eagles here. The McCrary team is doing very poorly so far, having been soundly whipped by Chatham which in turn lost to N.C. State by 100-35. MfcCrary also took a betating from Davidson by 68-50, so the chances are the Eagles could be upset by Elon. PLEASE return empty bottles promptly BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COLA COMPANY BY BURLINGTON COCO COLA BOTTLING COMPANT © 1947, Th« Coca-Cola Company was to no avail as Guilford scored 17 first downs to oijr 7 and rolled up 247 yards to our 107. Murray and Savini sparked aa opening quarter drive of Elon’s in the first quarter that functioned perfectly for fifty three yards but that was it. From then on it was all Guilford as Joe Winner passed to Bob Gordon and Tom Riddle for toachdowns in the first and third quaters. Big break came in the first period in . one of the most amazing plays ever seen at Miemorial Stadium. With the bail midfield in Guilfords posse sion, the pass from center was bad and went sailing clear back to the Guilford 20 yard line. Elon linemen came tearing out to recover but Gor don soniehow kept his head and calm ly scooped up the ball and tossed to Winner up on the Guilford 34, still 10 yards from the line of scrimmage. Blockers appeared from no-where and when Winner was finally pulled down the ball was on the Elon 18 yard line. This wide open play was the most exciting of the fray. Doc Newton unveiled something j that Elon found baffling in the the I use of four small fleet backs for brief periods of time whose deception and speed gave the Quakers plenty of yardage. Newton calls it his “Pony Backfield” and the crowd seemed to like it. The victory for Guilford was Captain Jack Russell, of the 1947 Christians, capably led the squad from the quaterback position. He hails from Alt»ona, Pa. and was a member of the Championship squad back in ‘41, This Jack’s last year at Elon. Elon town topped Fines Jewelry by 27-26 and Omega Beta Club bowed to Leaksville Y by 50-60, —oOo— Elon Varsity Opens Season Stepping out of their class the Elon College Christians traveled to Chapel Hill Monday to engage the White Phantoms of North Carolina Univer sity. The Christians bowed by a 74-22 score as Carlson paced the University with 16 points. Paxton scored fifteen •nd John “Hook" Dillon 19439$EA2 and JJohn “Hook” Dillon 1945-46 All American clicked with a couple of his sensational hook shots. Jack Andrews paced the Elon scor- Iri" with 7 points and John Clayton chipped in with 6. Other men who saw action for Elon were Yost, Kamp- nien, Lentz, Gaines, Smith Kemodle, Thompson and Caviness. It is ex pected that the Elon team will im prove as the season progresses, but in it’s first game evidences were shown that the Christians will ser iously miss Roney Cates, star of last year, who led the south in scoring and was one of the top scorers of :he entire nation with 457 points Christians Win First Game Showing a good deal of improve ment over their initial outing at Cha- ple Hill, but still leaving something to be desired, Elon’s basketball team r:ing up its first victory of the season Saturday evening. The opponent was the Greensboro Y, and the score was 47 to 38. Leo Kampman and Lacy Ganes led the scoring for Elon as each rolled up 10 points. The Greens boro team seemed extremly weak in the first half, trailing by 21-10, but came back better organized in the second half to sink some nice swishers. The preliminary game saw Elon’s J.V. team win a thrilling 22- 19 contest from a good Burlington High club. Fesmire was the big cog ED MULFORD This short summery of football in Elon’s past was first presented in the Homecoming program but has since been requested as a reprint and as thus we oblige. The first team Elon ever had was back in 1919, Two games were play ed, Lynchburg beating us 23-6 and Guilford 6-0. A mistaken impression on the Elon campus has been that Elon never has lost to Guilford In 1920 Coach Corboy, who had coacli- ing experience in he army previous ly, took over the position here.. The first victory was over Atlantic Chris tian and the team won 3 and lost 3 in their first full season. Came 1921 and the team tied Trinity, now known as Duke University. L.J. Perry, today’s coach was named captain in 1922 and, selected All- State quaterback. 1923 saw us lose a heartbreaker to Wake Forest by 9-7 Mr.B arney was made -graduate man ager of athletics in 1924 and we lost another tough one, this time to Duke by 6-0. A new coach took over in 1926. A. Van Cleave .from Indiana. Although beaten by N.C. State and Guilford we scored two toachdowns against Georgetown, one of the country’s leading teams that year. In 1927 “Pea- head” Walker, now coaching at Wake Forest, and justly famous, became coach at Elon. The very first year he tied the Deamon Deacons and they never forgot it. The years rolled, ‘28 was a fair season, ‘29 a fine one,| as we lost only to Davidson. Pete Will iams, a great fullback, was virtually a one man backfield, and continued to run wild in ‘30. In 1933 the team marched to the Little Six Title”.' The- “Little Six” being the forerunner to the North State Conference which was formed the next year. Led by Jack Stallings, of Riedsville, Elon became the first North State Champs in 1934. In ‘35 Elon again won the championship, but did not get the trophy when “Catawba, (the bums) beaten 42-0 protested an ineligible player The year 1937 saw the arrival of Horace “Horse” Hendrickson on the Elon campus as coach. His first team, with most of the material moulded together for him by Walker, was a honey. The team won 7 and lost 1, that to Appalachian. Outstanding vic tory was over Catawba by 22-0. Gar land Causey, today’s fine line coach was at taclde and Jack “Rabbit Abbit was the backfield .star. 1938’s team won five and lost three, up.set V.M.I. and tied for the Confer ence crown w’ith Joe Golombek being named “Little All American” full back. ‘39 was a five up aad five down year, but the 1940 team showed a real improvement v/innirg 9 and los ing 2. Causey and Jack Boone offen sive star were named all-conference. Stan Yonkowski, a great back, led scoring with 36 points. He later gave his life in the war. 1941 siw what was probably the greatest team in Elon history. Nine wins were rolled up and only one game lost, that to Miami in the Orange Bowl, when the heat wore the Christians down. Football was then discontinued for the. duration, being reinstated with four wins and five losses for ‘46, and this year see ing Elon on top for 4 but down for 6 Nest year -■ who can tell? —oOo—, Recent findings in the religion de partment indicate that the trouble in the Garden of Eden arose not from the consumption of an apple, but from a green pair. —oOo— Anthony, in a bit of a hurry, dash ed up to the door of Cleopatra’s ap- '"pSgilnTed the Greensboro ^ I artoenrand demanded to • « 5n the main event with 12 i “But she’s in bed with Tonsilitis i ZLi. John Clayton ^ 1!- rcoreS°Oto?r MaJron^'an^ Gold men | Greeks anyhow” roared the infuriated who saw action were Drew. Hopkins , Anthony. Thompson, Andrews, Yost, Lentz, and , Kernodle. With the team I Catawba by 67-43. Dissension is the chances are ga- rumored to be prevalent in the Mc- Thursday night with the McCrary ^ave gles on our home court. Heav y ^ assortment of “name” play- 1 ored at the ® miser- i ers. they will go into the Elon game Uknt"The“vTctory for Guilford was clies will see action against the the ™ ,day‘they bowed at even money, their first in fifteen years over Xlon, Christians .ext Thursday when Elon | able year. Last Thursday

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