AND GOLD Published By and F or Elon Students VOLUME 12 ELON COLLEGE, N. C. Monday, April 5, 1948 NUMBER 11 Fred Sahlmann Jane Lewis To Appear With Gives Recita N.C. Symphony FRED SAHLMANN Fred Sahlman, pianist, will appear as soloist in the Grie- Piano Concerto in A minor with the North Carolina Symphony Orchestra under the dir ection of Dr. Benjamin Swalin in Whitley Memorial Auditorium on Thursday evening. April 8,at eight o'clock. Fred come.s to Elon from Charles ton. South Carolina. This is Fred’s second appearance as soloist with a symphony orchestra, having appeared during his junior year in high school with the* Charleston SjTiiphony. One is always aware of brilliance as well as sensitive artistic playing v.'liien listening to Fred. Admission to this program will be by tickets purchased at the door for $2.00 or by student tiickets purchased in advance at $1.00. Veterans’ wives may attend on tickets purchased in advance at $1.00. Dorothy Jones iis in charge of advance sales. Tlie program will include the Beeth oven Seventh Symphony and a group of lighter numbers. This musical attraction will be one of the highlights of the current sea- JANE LEWIS Jane Lewis, soprano, was presented in her Senior Recital by the Depart ment of Music yesterday afternoon at four o’clock. Jane has taken a most active part in the music activities on the campus. As soloist with the Coll ege Choir, she has became one of the outstanding voices on the Elon Sun day afternoon program over WBBB. During her junior year,, Jane ser ved as president of the House Coun cil for Ladies’ Hall. She is a member of Pi Kappa Tau, social sorority. Jane possess a very promising lyric soprano voice. The natural qualities that produce well controlled tones are at her command and give to her aud ience a very pleasant musical ex perience. Jane presented songs from a num ber of composers, including Mozart, Puccini, Strauss, and Schumann. She closed her recital with Rachmanin off’s “In the Silence of the Night.” Wayne Moore acompanied Jane at the ipiano. Debate Team Places High In Grand National The debate team returned from the Grand National Forensic Tournament at Mary Washington College, Freder icksburg, Va., after hanging up a very creditable record of victories over sev eral colleges and universities, some of them much larger than Elon. The affirmative team, consisting of James Cook and Kenneth Jacob, de feated Wingate Junior College, East ern Carolina Teachers College, and the University of Pittsburgh. They lost to Mary Washington College, Westminster College, and the Univer sity of Pennsylvania. The negative team, James Widen- house and James Washburn, defeated Middle Tennessee State Teachers Col lege. Westminster College, the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, and the Univer sity of Vermont. They lost to Central Michigan (state champions of Michi gan), the University of Cincinnati, and the University of the South (run- ers up for the Grand National Award). Baxter Twiddy entered contests in dramatic reading, poetry reading, and impromptu speaking. James Wash burn entered the contest in after din ner speaking. There were 67 colleges and univer sities represented in the tournament. Of the more than 150 debate teams entered in the contest, only 50 were eligible for the finals (Elon was one j of these). The first debate of the Elon , affirmative, which was with Middle j Tennessee State Teachers College, was won by default, because of the, failure of the latter team to appear. Other debate activities for the year j included debates here with Pfieffer Junior College and Lenoir Rhyne Col- Elon Loses To ACC 7-2 The Fighting Christians tasted the dregs of defeat for the first time Sat urday afternoon, when the Atlantic Christian Bulldogs clubbed Anderson and Andrews for 11 hits to win 7-2. This was the second victory of the season for J. D. Thorne, who hurled a brilliant four-hit masterpiece. The winners scored in the first stanza, when'"they touched Ray And rews for two bingles for two runs. The Bulldogs led from that point, and it was not until the eighth inning that the Elon team was able to break the scoring ice, when the Christians com bined a hit, three Bulldog miscues, and a fielder’s choice to tally twice. ELON ODD 000 020-2 47 A.C.C. 2 4 2 0 1 0 0 00 -7 11 5 Batteries: Anderson,, Andrews and Griggs, DeSimone; Thorne and Ay- cock. lege; the Appalachian Mountain For- ensiic Tournament, where James Washburn won first place in after dinner speaking and second place in poetry reading and Baxter Twiddy won first place in impromptu speak ing; and the South Atlantic Forensic Tournament at Hickory, where James Washburn was in the finals in ex tempore speaking. James E. Danieley is coach of the debate team. Davidson College is to debate one of the Elon teams in a public debate in the near future. A definite date has not yet been set. Don’t take life too seriously. You’ll never g^t out of it alive, anyway. Debate Team Lavalle Auditions Held in Whitley The Paul Lavalle Scholarship Aud itions for North Carolina were held in Whitley Auditorium, .Tuesday March 30. Jack McFadyen, baritone, student in the Music Department represented Elon. William Kirkpatrick of Burlington placed first and will represent North Carolina in the regional finals to be held in Atlanta on Saturday, compet ing for the national prize of $500 and an appearance with Mr. Lavalle’s or chestra. Diplomas Given By Pi Gamma Mu Pi Gamma Mu diplomas were awarded in Student Assembly last Monday by Prof. C W Paskins to Paul Brown, Arthur Dickson, Ralph Ed wards, Robert Ellis, James Leonard, Paul Plybon, Dorothy Shackelford, Wayne Smith, Carolyn Thompson, and Alton Wright. Pi Gamma Mu is a national honor ary fraternity in social science, cor responding to Kappa Delta Pi in the field of education. Elon College has the distinction of sponsoring the North Carolina Alpha chapter of this fraternity. Requirements for membership are a “B” average in twenty semester hours of social science. The candidate must also be either a junior or senior.' Front row, left to right: Kenneth Jacob, Norfolk, Va; James Cook, Meb ane, N.C; and C. Baxter Twiddy, Norfolk, Va. Back row; James C. Wash burn, Elon College; and James B. Widenhouse, Kannapolis, N.C.