t'retday, April 23, 1848 MAROON AND GOLt> t>AGE THREtJ Elon Trounces Appalach'n^ 6-2 Netters Drop I’m telling you. Three, Win One Three earned runs in the first inni'ig jM'Oved to be enough to defeat the | ,ou a'i'i'cr ; f o’-i Appalacl';! 0-. I in a Nortli State Conference tilt Tues- | day aftornoon at t.ie Elon College 1 1 iic victory was the third ini rn- fcrenc'" competition for the Fight- | ing Christiatns against two defeats and the i.inth in thirteen games to date. Dick York wa'ked after Billy Matze f icd out to start the bottom half of the firs‘. Ed Ellis drove a single throuTfh the ho'e between first and second and York scored as second '•’s''m'\n Kirkp'>*rick dropped Gene Caviness’ pop fly. Kirkpatrick then tiirew’ wild to first and Ellis dassed home with the second run and Cavi- L- s : toppe I at econd. The big right- f'elder went to third on Steve Walker's lo g fly ‘o ri^ht and scored as caicher T'oii'' allowed a pitched ball to roll to the screen. Co ch >'r^l'or'’'s cre'v ad''ed t'-o more in the fourth on singles by Billy "ta'.ze and Ed Ellis, a walk to Gene Cavi'ie s and at’other error liy Kirk patrick on Walker's grounder. Elon scoed its final tal'v in the sixth on '■ ork’s single and t-^len base, a long r'Tht Elli ', prd a " a k t' Walker after Caviness reached safcl. The Mountaineers reached Andre” ? for a run in the se\enth when the prn f T p-|itbn v l-i' went to second on an infield out and scored as W'ithrow drove a sharp single to left. They scored their sec ond and final ru” r.o-t on a walk, two infield errors and a Last week was quite a discouraging one to the Christ an racqueteers, who dropped their first three matches. Losses were suffered at the liand of Guillord to tiie tune of t>-3, and to Oak Ridge Military Institute 5-4 t'laying on the home courts for the first time, the locals were swamped 9-0 by tne powerful aggregation i.om Lynciiburg Co.legj. n was a roug. ueek—^.o rav the leist. On Tuesday of this week, however, the team bounced n to tne \.m coli.i.i with a 6-3 vicuory over Oak R dge ii their return match. 'i o 1: te, tlie consistent winners for the home s|uad have been Bdl Win- st'-’d in I I’edro Co'win who h colLclively garnered 8>/2 of the team’s Ij poii.t iota!. In addilion ot par- ticip.-t.i'.g in some doubiCs victoiics bo.h of tliese players have won t in (f t'.’:ir four siig.es ma,clics. thu far. fiel'hr’s choice. Jack Andrew's looked very impres sive, racking up his second victorv o t'-n cTmpiign ag in:-t a lone defeat The big righthander gave up five I'it and a lone tallv i-i Iv'f seven 'f-'in' mous’d chore. Bi'l Anderson fin'shed up relinquishing a single run while ho'ding the Mountaineers hitless in ’is two -ta-za trick Our Fighting Chr’sti^ns vere jo-'b able ot muster seven h'ts from thr itierings of t ''o Api'’l”c'’i >n rh”rko-^ E'hs and pitcher Andrews pitched i vith tvo apiece, Xp'ialachian ooo^'^ollo El"^n ,^oo2o1oox 67 'rd'ews Ar'd'”'‘:on 'o) aid Frown ^ye'■s. Ceyxr (.S) ard Hope. Jmpire's: Riber and P,.iderdiour. STUDY REFRESH HAVE A COCA- BY ROCKY SILEO Hustle is playing an important role in the successful j,.ui,t of our Fight ing Christians. New Co.ich Malio.y has taken this more or less sluggi: h term of last year and has prodrced a reckless l*mch of daring l a erunne c and hustling ball players ... a la Gashouse Cardinal . , . iN'i '. lO mci - tion Chnb Clayton, who has done a great job assi t ng Coach Ma'lory. Heretofore in ( ur wiiteups of the bal games we al vays ,‘^t cssed t’le hittii g stirs of the bill games ie»'er me t’O' if'^ the grrat p ay ct our ^plendid i^fiel 1 of El’s Wak'r, Matze and McSwain. Billy Matze, the T .ly ncwcomer to t ,ij veteran i.i- liel 1, has done a g.cat job filing tie ' second brse gap. A certain young lady wants it knov\n that her ido , tlK- phoi.oiiien lidc' t sl'o-'r'op. r'!,:) I,' all Yankee batters in the Grapefruit eague witli a lusty .-tOO ,..u, . .'f the 1 t e o e cordd oi Iv contira-e t'n's tori id pace in regular ;ea;,or. play! • Gene Cavincfs conti;’.u;s 'o po.vJci ha bal! " rhamoions' mi sty' ■. 1' Sas c.opjpi'e-l a ’usty .420 average i' t'-e first twelvf gani’s Affr ? slo' dismal start. Dick York h’s fou- c' ri i ev'’, b t 'ng Pt a .'''9 c'ip for tlie last six games. Over.-'H a\'er~ge 'he flct c’i.‘erfielder thus far t!iis season is .390. lC'o-1 lo,'^ a great spo t , comp"tit ii n El IM'ilford, t'le fo nrer fpo-^' "t 1 t' 0 '^'r n- 'M,,' r-, 1! H was chiefly responsible for the or zi ;■ tie t s >f bail teanr t'lei ■ succe 'sfu' North?rn tour twc '''''■,'S ''go a”'' in t ,e same direction come summer. Quoting spT't' r'l'im-’- t Hu'''h "rrlle 'or Jr., ^ u G''mbino, f.Iaryland's notably br 1,1 footbad st ir, wants to I 'oi' lie FBI after he Laves college, I ''^•’y! ' he's hopii'g for some hair 'rrising experiences. Up New York way, tliey arc crle- br-ti g the Silver Anniie:sa y of th( liui di r of t’le la'ikee Stadium—th ’’i-'g- ificf”it home of the Bronx Bom bers, which was bui't 25 years ago tosi $J,5oo,oo^ and required e'ever •’lo’itl s of 'abor. But ince, undei tire export guidance of fir't Col, T-k^ Runoeit, and tjien Larry McPhail modern conveniences and equi- ment ; the beautiful, new' lighting sy t*m which l a\e been installed m:’ki •he Y'nkee .' tadiuni one of the to] if not best ball park in the cour. ry. Ewell B-kf'r, Jolinry Zurl's and ; few more go’f ert'msia ts are tiyin! their darnest to get a golf team or- ^ani/'e ' here at i.lor, liere’s hoping yon fel'ows meet w'tli success. George f tai Ly, Greensl oro's g'f o F'on ' ^outh Dormi'.,''ry’s gift to Sigma Phi, has joined the M and C as As.-'i tart .Sports Editor, and an other Dan Pa’‘ker ic hoT, SAY IT WITH FLOWERS GuilFord Rallies in 9th to Win, 9^6 Guilford -tallied . five times in the pi .t I inning to upset the F'ighti.ig Cirri tians 9-6 in a conference tilt at the Co'lege Park, Saturdav afternoon. Our boys started out like a flash, j > irtng tirree times in the very first iiiiiing as Dick York singled, Ed Ellis doubled, Steve Walker singled and scored as Lou Savini reached first on an error. The Quakers came back with two in the second on a walk and two hits. I'itcher \,'olfe paced the attack with a long tripL. They took a 4-3 lead in the next inning as Ralls walked awd Leonaid slapped a itng homer to the center field corner. . F'lon canre back in its half witii two . ui s on successive sir.gles to Caviness, alker, and Savirri and a fielder's -'-P Greggs. I'or the next five innings Frank Roberts did a nrasterful job of pitch- ■ r,. p lo hnt one lone bingle; in fact, for tlie first eight innings Gnil- . VI s Quakers mustered only five hits and four runs off the Elon ace. But the roof seemed to cave i'l when the Quakers came to bat in the h. al ruu id, Fou,- hi s, tw'o errors, a ' mo trer'f’rv m-’ital laiis" suited in five runs, which spelled vic tory for Coach Newton’s visiting c'ub, 11 y Matje, first batter in the last of the ninth, stirred the sparse crowd V ith a 'ong honrer ijo right field, but ''''ork, E'lis and Caviness all swinging tor t'le fences went out in order, f.y- ing out deep to the outfielders, , C'' ■ a'l '* ''Hi." * 1'l;n'r ■''in of the Fighting Christians, had t'lr''" singled a,-.1 uu . c . to ' is homer irr a f^ne d-iy the p’at '. I oi k also ronnert^d f ■- two singles 'I- t'nue his torrid hitting pace. It was the first loss for Roberts,- w 1 : s t 'ing for Iris hftli conse- cuti' e win. The loss gave the F'ighting Christians a 2-2 record in c\)nteren(_j tir'is f '!■ this season, Guilford o22ooooo5 9 9 3 Elon 3o2oooool 6 1.1 4 EAT AT THE ELON GRILL STEAKS — HAMBURGERS SANDmCIICS FROM ■T” II* ' 1 rollinger s t BURLINGTON, N. C. PLAIN GROCERIES FANCY GROCERIES rRIEND, WE GOT ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES HUFFINES GROCERY for it either way ... both trade-marks mean the same thing. B I U Ofe R S BULQVfls • eLGi ns ■ bmmonb^ cokmflin Sc froht sts BOntED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COU COMPANY BY BURLINGTON COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY @ 1948, The Coco-Cola Company Burlington^ N, C.