FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1949 MAROON AND GOLD PAGE THREE Big League Stars Drop Suit To Join Eton Club Canoe Team Gets Dunked In Haw Haw River Races Chills and spills featured the final tune-up of Elo’s entry in the third annual Haw Haw River Re- getta. Tie courageous canoers, cox swained by “I Have Returned” Gero, were bucking a six-foot wave when their 50-foot cocoanut shell capsized. On board the O. H. Never Sail when she upset were Lief Erickson, “Tippy” Canoe, “Ey'fe” Ayscue, “Kno” Sparks, James Splash and “I Will Balance It” Clayton, who was brought along to add weight and experience to the youthful crew. The accident, it was learned, was caused when Chief Steward’s Mate Gero shifted his position in the boat trying to get a megaphone out of his pocket. The seven drips, all un-injured but soaking wet, were picked up by the Ancient Mariner, Josef Tomenchek, doing shore pa trol duty for the Scandanavian Government. Elo may be forced to withdraw from the regatta, since the canoe, when last seen, was well on its way upstream, possibly in tiie direction of the Harlem River where it is assumed that it will enter the color ful Sunshine Splash with its phan tom Elo’ crew. I'ma No Gonna Say By LUIGI JONES no get together, but I’ma make no What I’ma was gonna tal you, . , I I know why the tennis and golf I’ma no gonna say, joosta because . ■ ® teams gonna make a bigga trip it’sa no you beesinis-.... I’ma was with the bisball team, but I’ma no gonna tal you why we no hava good gonna say and I know why Chub- baskabal teama tis years, but I'ma | by Clayton no want to makea tis no gonna say.... 1 know why Jack trip... but I’ma no tal you. Andrews no play baskabal tis years | I know why Vitooch Hopkins, and why Lacy Gane no want to but Elon’s besta baskabal man from I’ma no gonna say.... Hampton, is runaroun lika chicken Do you know why they gonna Sota head deez days... and builda gym for two years but no do nuthin’ until tis weeks... ? I know why, but I'm no gonna say. I know why Jerry Dominick, Elon’s best football center and big gest La sagna, chicken cacciatore and spaghetti chowhound, was sent home and why he probably will not be allowed to come back, but atsa my beesinis. I know why Coach Mallory moans every time he forgetsa his iner tube to sit on, but I’ma no gonna say. Thatsa his beesinis. I know why tlte grass no wanta grow up in. the Ujdl park, but I’m why bigga Bobby Harris no maka goK team tis year... but I’ma no gonna say. I know why to mucha ball play ers no can maka bigga marks ina school work disa years... and I know why Coach Mallory no can give futbal team Tea formation.... I know why... but I’ma gotta keepa shutup. I know why Russell Lucas, besta damina dandelions picker ona bis ball team disa years, getta fire be fore seasona start... but I’ma no speek.... And dis'pasta weeks In tramural Departamento builda backastop on softaball lots.... I no gonna tal you... and I’m no | know why deez peeple do so mucha gonna say why Coach Hal Pope no work so fasta but I’m no can tal have a handkerchief... or why Coach Garland Wolfe isa no help with the bisball team, for atsa my beesinis.... I know why Hoyle Paperweight you nothin’.. atsa no my beesinis... I know why Phil Cothran, South’s besta softaball players hang aroun Elon one weeks-end ina sted of go home to Lurham lika alia time... Bruton gave up boxing for fun, but j and I know why establishament I'ma keep shutup... and I’ma no j lik^ Sportsman, if put up inna gonna say nuthin’ abouta Athletic place of new Booka Store, wooda Departmento which one time looka keep ala younga boys and gals ona so confuse an nexta time alia snafu campus... I know why.. but I’ma I know why why deez people, no gonna say. Elan Alumni Are Lousing Up The Innocent World Of Sports Lanier^ Owen, And Gardella Head South By LUIGI JONES Right smack in the middle of baseball’s most devasting legal at tack, the claimants up and dropped their $3,000,000,000 suit today for greener pastures. Max Lanier, Fred Martin, Mickey Owen and Danny Gardella, top figures in baseballs biggest legal showdown, were last seen headed for Elons verdaiit campus, thanks to Coach Mallory’s intimate ac quaintance with the erstwhile major league stars. The bad boys of the big leagues, who went south of the border years ago in quest of some of the Pasqual trillians and received a 5- year suspension from organized baseball for their nomadic esca pade, are expected to give a ter rific boost to Elon’s hopes of win ning their first North State confer ence baseball crown in years. Lanier, the great left-handed spokesman for the group, said, “To h - -1 with professional baseball and Sad-puss Chandler. Thanks to my buddy Jim, Dr. Smith has as sured me I can make as much money while at Elon as I received pitching for the Cardinals, and I’m sure Dr. Smith will take care of the other boys as well.” “Martin, also a former Cardinal twirler, will be used mainly in re lief roles along with Art Fowler,” Malory stated. Owen, probably one of the best catchers the major leagues they have seen come and go in the pas^t decade, will immedi ately take over the No. 1 backstop assignment over veterans Billy Matze and Hank DeSimone and rookies Harry Frazier, Fred Paul and Roily Ellis. With the addition of Owen, the backstop brigade now numbers six, a far too inconvenient total which led Coach Mallory to at least hint that two of the rookie catchers would probably be farmed out to Burlington High School for the balance of the season. However, placing Gardella has proved Mallory’s biggest headache The ex-Giant, a former outfielder- firstbaseman, clown and more re cently a bed pan operator in a New York hospital by trade, may prove to be Elon’s biggest drawing card since Jo-Jo, the only white gorilla in captivity, roamed its campus. The Giants war-time colorful clown, who hits an exceptionally long ball, has been known to do hand-stands on first while making catches and careen off many an outfield wall head-first to make an ordinary play spectacular. A PAID AD Men!! Are you weak? Do you look like a scare-crow? Does your girl friend frown upon your frail frame? Do you find it hard lifting text books? Lei me build your sagging shape to bulging biceps and strengthen your weak back to cope with the stiffest ussignments. All my work la guaranteed. I promise to make mountains out of molehills, muscles out of pretenses and bodies beautiful out of the frailest specimens within your six- :year stay at Elon or bust a bar- Jjell over your head trying. Two of my latest and most suc- cesful pupils are Muscles Costello and Fillup Coughin. I — Bin Claytor North Dormitory appointment only By GORGEOUS STANISLAUS Gertie Goosegrease, class of ’31, is now coaching at Red River Gap. She scored 46 points in a single game while playing with the Elon College varsity in 1928. John Bolshooseky, triple-threat back who performed for the Christiar.s in the 1927-32 era, scored 75 TD’s and netted 8,000,000 yards rushing during "his five-year stay at Elon. He made Elon All- County first team one year, and All-Skunk Hollow second team. Ray “Stinker” Sewer, who nevei graduated but was very prominent on campus during his nine-year stay, won chess, tiddly-wink, pi nocle, mdnoply, checker, and mum- blety-peg medals while here. The last word from '‘Stinker” was re vealed that he is president of tht Last National Bank in Hock It N. C. Jack “Dead-Eye” Hopeless, clas; of ? ? ?, won much acclaim while on the campus as a bombadier ii the Water Bag Corpse. At present The baSeball world may have provided dear ol’ Elon with an A1 Schacht, who will keep the fans in stitches and Doc Smiths pockets jingling. Move over, Bobo. Meredith Is Signed With St. Louis Blues Of No Grass League Andy Meredith will report to the St. Louis Blues of the Desert No Grass League in June, according to a statement released by the Elon College Daily Bull-Session. Meredith, an intensely feared switch-hitter (side-arm and back hand), who trained with the Elon College nine and helped tutor its outfielders earlier in the season, is reported to have signed yesterday, Terms of the contract were not disclosed, but it is a safe guess that Meredith received around $2 in oonuses for signing a contract call- DeMarco Shows Faultless Form Elo’s DiMarco Will Be Diver In ’52 Olympic “Gurgles” Demarco, Elon’s na tionally famous high-board, deep- sea diving ace, will represent the Swimming Christians and the United States In the 1952 World Olympics which will be held on Melville Land, north of Greenland, it was disclosed recently by Col. Bathless Stooplow, United States Olympic Committee chairman. “Gurgles,” America's greatest high board, low board and no board diver, and the only entry listed in his specialty, is an early favorite to cop the event. “Gurgles” was the top money winner while performing for dear ol’ Fish Haven High School and established the worlds prep school diving record while soaring through the air for Deep Sea Diver’s Trade School back in 1940. Asked of his chances to cop the Olympi laurels as he emerged from the tank after his latest venture into the aqua, Elon’s pride and joy optimistically replied, “Gurgle, gurgle.” Justice To Come To Elon If Coach Jim Can Use Him It can now be told that Charlie “Chug Chug” Justice is fed up with the hard life at Podunk U. located in the flats of North Carolina. He has written to Elon asking and pleading to officials for en trance into this great football minded institution, but it has been reported that Head Coach Mudbath hasn’t decided yet whether or not he can find an opening for the former Podunk ace, but will make his decision after the spring drills. Justice, it is reported, couldn’t stand the grind at P. U., and, hav ing heard of the Elon Country Club, decided to come here and thinks he will like it here without Saturday classes. Too, he added that he thought it would be wonderful to sleep every day until noon as* he did in the navy. He’s looking forward to com ing here because of the rumors he has heard regarding the good food, excellent gym facilities and the dances that are held every Satur day night in West Dormitory Par lor. In order to make Chug Chug feel at home, a party of beautiful Elon Queens will meet him at the station, along with the 76-piece Elon band. The welcoming com mittee includes Marie “The Body” Kennedy, R. “Tiny” Roberts, “Bub- Big Eddleman Bejects Pro^s To Join Elon enjoy his last year of school. Herbies” Jones and Mabela O’Tootle. Coach Poop Gets Ken Alessi, Nation’s Number One Scorer Football Coach Books Hawaii And Yokoshuka The football schedule for the forthcoming season, reportedly the toughest in the school’s history, was announced by Coach Mallory early this week. The schedule shows an addition of two teams plus an early season practice tilt with the combined forces of Women’s College and Greensboro College, who are re ported to be loaded for bear. The schedule is as follows: Sept. 14 Gilbsonville ♦ 21 Pigh Hoint College (at St. Nick’s Dwight “Dike” Eddleman, Illi nois great athlete and target of of fers from football, baseball and basketball pro clubs, coudn’t de» cide on his sports future until Coach James Malady contacted the much sought star by phone last night. The fast talking mentor of the non-combatant Christians c o n- vinced Eddleman that Elon was his Utopia. So the 6-2, 190-pounder immediately shunned all pro offers and accompanying fat bonuses and is expected here in time for the West State conference opener with Lower Slobovia on Nov. 32. Eddleman, whose athletic achievements 5re unending, de cided m favor of another yc»ar of amateur sports while pursuing an education at this great institution on the Haw Haw River. He plans to major in religion, after which he is expected to assume command of his own synagogue in Illinois. 28 Noter Dance Arena, N. Y.) Oct. 5 U. of Hawaii (There) 12 Open 19 Yokoshuka Naval Base (There) 26 Mud Hill Prep 32 Vassar and Bryn Mawr (Homecoming) * ♦ Indicates double-header Ken Alessi, the nations No. 1 basketball scorer will be at Elon come fall, according to a bulletin released by the Gibsonville Daily Sentimental. Alessi, a 5-7, 145-pound star for ward at Porkville High (Martins Ferry, Ohio) scored 870 points in 27 games this year for an average of 36 points per game. Coach Haverford Poop plans to give the diminutive star, who tallied 70 points in one game this season, three years of seasoning with the freshman squad before unveiling his new prospect. The signing of Alessi to a long term contract is another milestone in the athletic achievements of Athletic Director Jeep Parch. Top flight schools professing intei-est in the high shool star were, Cor nell, Vassar, Ohio State, Bathmore, Bym Mawr, Bathless and North Carolina State. he is working with the MudvilU ng for $12 a month plus room and Fire Department. a case of dog meat and Wheaties.. DeSimone And Beard Snub House Of David And Extended Tour Hank DeSimone recently re ceived a letter from the House of David with an invitation to join the bearded beauties on their annually extended tour across the country. According to reports Herman Rabinowitz, youthful House of David catcher, was clipped on the chin by an opposing pitchers scis sor ball in a recent game and will be out of action for at least six weeks or until another plate duster can be raised. However, DeSimone, expressing contentment with Elo’ and English 12, reluctantly turned down the promising offer. Ferneyhough In Win At NCAA Swim Meet Toddy “Fish” Femeyhough, rep resenting Elon in the N. C. A. A. swimming meet at Choppin Hill last Saturday, won first place in the breast stroke event. The “Fish”, the only entree in the event, was never headed during the course of the race and has now won 42 consecutive Inter-collegiate meets while a student fish at Elon Melvin And Fruh Star In Practice With Track Team The Elon track team is rounding into fine shape as they work out daily on the newly constructed track.’ Athletes who have already cinch ed a position on the team: Arnold “Fleetfoot” Melvin, Heinz “Flub” Fruh, Cluadia Manzi, Marion “Slim” Adams and Lou Costello. Flub Fruh, the iron man on the squad, is a favorite to cop his specialty, the mile run, in the com ing Penn Relay. Fruh is in fine shape, and feels confident that he will clip the 20-minute record for the race. Special event at the Relays will be a weight lifting exhibition by Muscles Claytor. Joe Magarats, internationally fa mous cue-ball champion from Alta mahaw-Ossipee, recently refusec the challenge of Elon’s Shue-Bal McClenny for fear that he would be outshone by Elon’s star. The OAK Club Newly Decorated Dining - Dancing - Cocktails featuring NAUGHTY CHRISTI Fan Dancer DOC HAFF Snake Charmer JOSH COLLEY and his psychopathic rhythms Ground Floor Shows 8-10-12-2

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