Wednesdajr, April 5, 1850 MAROON AND GOLD PAaS THREE Elon Ivory Rollers Expecting Great Campaign I'm Tel ting You By STONY SILLY-OH All-American Ace New Transfer To Elon From Hickey-Freeman U. For some time now the speedy the coach 1,000,0$0 yen and five matriculation and hasty departure of one Roland Yi has left us guessing and wondering. We learned that he could speak Eng lish smoother than many of us and rode American bicycles with the agility of a youngster, but that was all. So in utter curiosity, we dispatched LUIGI JONES, the the M&G affable and able feature writer to State College to get the true lowdown on our Chinese friend. Following is the priceless original manuscript of Luigi s re cent escape to said institution of lesser homework. Luigi (to a State student); “Hey, keed, I ma looka for small Chi nese boy. You tal me where hesa live?” Improperly escorted and direct- led, we now find our emissary in Yi’s private abode, a fashionable midget Chinese structure in the lieart of Women’s Square, built to suppress Yi’s burning desires. Luigi—“Wall, Rolando, how you feela? Longa time no see.” Yi—“Oh, Uigi, my Unamerican friend, I velly hoppy to see you. What a presant suprise. But wrat are you doing here?” Luigi—“Wal, I tal you. The bigga boss, you no Mee^ta Beard, wal hesa bringa me down here to get bigga story from you. Hor- kay?” Yi—“Ok, shoot.” Luigi—“Shoota? But I’m no wanna shoota. I’ma wanna talk at you. Why you leave Elona Col lege? Why you no stay some more?” Yi—“Uigi, my mission to Amer ica was a big secret, but I guess I can rereal it now. I came here as field scout for a few of the Uni versity of China. Gong Gong U. is rooking for yo yo prayers, and the U. of Goo Goo needs some touch football men.” Luigi—“So, you bigga tima scout.” Yi—“Yes, more or ress. Coach Fooey say I con’t go home tirl I fine some great prayers! And so far it has been a big disappoint ment. I think maybe courd rure Coach Marrory and some of the boys to China but everyone seeme the coach 1,000,000 yen and five bags of rice a month as athretic dilector of eeping State and Shang-Low wanted Sal Gelo and Bob Edminston for their vorrey ball team but they refused too, so I’m down here trying my ruck.” Luigi—“Wall, Yi, I’ma sorry sorry you no hava luck. But re member nonga be wisa guy. Non- ga botha gooda boys at Elona.” Yi—“No, I am through with Eron, and I don’t know what to do. Can you help me?” Luigi—Wal, I’ma gotta hidea Rememba keepa da shut up. You bigga scout, then maybe I be smalla scout, and when I finda boy I senda heem to Yi and you senda heem to China, howsa dat?” Yi—Oh, Uigi, that is a sprendid idea. You are so smart. You are signed as of today and ’Im sure you wirl have more than enough yen to eat the rice you are paid in.” Luigi—Wait joosta una minoots. First, rememba you gotta keepa da shut up. No tal somebody, and nombera to, I’in no wanna rice, I’ma wanna gooda pasta fazoola.” Yi—“Okay, Uigi, touch with you.” Luigi—Gooda by. Irisha dish, I keep in NEW GRID MENTOR iiO Burke^Pilam Bout Carded By TOMASO STANISLAUS ' ’!Hbe gridiron destinities of Elon College for the 1950 campaign will rest on the head and shoul ders of Coach Ruby Adams, who has been relieved of her duties as Director of Women’s Athletics to act- as mentor for the latest edi tion of the Maroon and Gold foot ball squad. (I’m no kin to Gorgeous”) Mildred Burke, who has reigned supreme among the nation’s wo men wrestlers for nearly a decade returns to Memorial Gym tonight. The champion of the feminine grapplers is to feature Promoter William Osborne’s weekly card in a main event battle, which will pit her against Matsy Pilam, of Nor folk, Va., a newcomer to local shows. Just as it is in about every bout that Miss Burke fights, she will be defending her championship. If she should lose, then the crown will go to the Buxom Miss Pilam. On the other hand, if Miss Burke wins, she will then meet Gorgeous George for the world’s champion ship The Burke-Pilam bout will be a one-fall affair with a three-hour time limit, and, after an interview with Miss Pilam, it seems that the title is destined to change hands. The challenger declared. I’ll show that gal something that she has never seen before.” Supporting the two • feminine attractions will be a bout staged by popular demand, a return en gagement between "Gentleman Bob” Edmiston and “Husky” Hall, both well known to followers of the grunt and groan sport on the Elon campus. Although outweighed by 230 pounds, HaU is not discouraged. When asked what he thought of his chances of copping the vic tory, the “Husky” one only re plied, “It’s not how much you have, but how you use it.” This bout will also be a one-fall af fair, but it will be staged with a 5-minute limit. It is expected that a capacity crowd of fifteen people will see the bouts, and officials have asked that the public come early so as to avoid confusion. Ticket sales have been extremely heavy, but plenty of good seats remain for the best show of the year. Barring possible complications, such as a raid by the F.B.I. or af filiated agencies, it appears now that opponents of Elon’s powerful 1950 crap-shooting team will have to get down on their knees and beg in pitiful tones for a “seven, come eleven,” for Coach Bill Sloan will floor one of the clever est quartets that ever rolled the ivories for the Maroon and Gold. Captain Jim Hailey will round out his career with the bone-roll- ers this season, and his backers hope it will be his best year. Coach “Bones” McKinney of the Wash ington Congressionals, speaking of Hailey after last year’s national finals, declared “He’s a natural. It was only a natural description of the Elon star, for Hailey had just rolled twenty-five “naturals” in a row, which was slightly un natural. And yet, it may have been natural enough, since he was using unnatural dice. Teaming with Hailey ' in the Number One pair will be Warren Johnson, who won All-American honors in 1949 while competing for Hickey-Freeman U. Rated as one of the greatest passers in the history of the game, Johnson made fifty consecutive “passes” against Proctor-Gamble Prep on St. Pat rick’s Day a year ago and then led Hickey-Freeman to a thrilling victory over the University of Al catraz in the Dice Bowl game last July Fourth. Sports scribes have been guess ing how and why Johnson decided to transfer from Hickey-Freeman CRAP CAPTAIN Jim “Natural” Hailey will round out four brilHant years as captain of the Elon ivory-rollers this sea son, and followers of the galloping bones are expecting great things of him this spring. to Elon, but that mystery was solv ed on April 1st when Coach Sloan admitted that the star passer had been given a full scholarship and the pent-house suite in the Old Power House free of rent. Asked how he could afford such a munificent offer, Coach Sloan stated, “Well, I know how good he is. 1 taught him all I knew while coaching him at Bon Ami Prep, and then, too, here at Elon he will have the advantage of us ing my dice.” Rolling No. Three on the team this spring will be Bill “Snake- Eyes” Sinclair. It appeared doubt ful for a while whether this husky ace would compete this spring, since he has been carrying the load for the debaters through the 1950 season. However, Coach Bill Struhs has agreed to release Sin clair from s,pring practice, and it is certain now that he will join the crap-shooters in time for the all-important match with the Team of Destiny from C.C.N.Y.. a team which trained on the side walks of New York. Questioned as to possible kin ship with the immortal Harry Sin clair, who gained nationwide no toriety while competing fro Tea pot Dome Institute in the early Twenties, the Elon ace modestly disclaimed any relationship, but he declared that he hoped to win enough to rival the “take” of that ace of by-gone days. Rounding out the deft-fingered Elon quartet, which will fling Elon’s chances to the floor this spring will be Jimmy Horne, that amiable red-head, often nick named as “Hobo” Home because he has ridden so many “box-cars” to victory. Horne hit his hottest streak last year when he paced the Maroon and Gold to victory over the Yale-Towne Locksmiths, champions of the Ivory League. Coach Sloan, who has decreed that each member of his squad must drink eleven bottles of 7-Up every day, appears definitely pleased with the prospects. He commented yesterday that, “Of course we can’t tell about the chances, for it’s all a gamble after all, but we hope to win enough to pay for the new gym.” the dope bucket By STILL BERN Bob Edminston, the midget blimp, who recently became a Fighting Christian for athletic purposes, was once turned down by the US Royal Cub Scouts be cause the gear of that organiza tion would not encircle the big one’s anatomy. ♦ ♦ ♦ Arlon Branfle, tootball brilliant of ’46 and ’47, is so small that he has sued the City of Reidsville more than once for numerous rea sons. ELON GETS NEW $500,000 SWIMMING POOL ♦ * * Coach Garli Wofle, our master ful phys-ed tactician, once wres tled Gargantua and is ready to admit that lingering bruises from that battle are the true cause of the gorilla’s recent death. And it is felt by many that since an Elon man did the job, that the carcass should have been put on display in the rotunda of Alamance rath er than at Yale University. Joe Deaton, the great muscle- bounded athlete from G’boro, once turned down an offer to serve as physical instructor at Women’s College. South Dormitory now has a spe cial scholarship plan for its ath letes and has a working agreement with the varsity sports enterprises of Elon. ♦ * * Alvin Pate, the great cartoonist and ex-footballer, turned down an offer to work for Walt Disney, only because Dr. Smith bettered the cartoonist’s bid. “Choo-Choo” Stanley, in his first time around Starmount ten years ago shot a birdie. In fact, he added a skunk to complete a successful day of golf. I Elon Chess Star Named By GORGEOUS STANISLAUS I * The Class of 1950 has just announced its graduation gift to Elon College in the form of a $500,000 swimming pool. The pool, finished in “Muddy Tile” to harmonize with the new gymnasi um, has just been completed directly north of the new tennis courts. One hundred twenty-three seniors contributed $4,065.04 each to make the gift possible. FACULTY FIVE US CAGE GAME (Sub-Assistant Sports Scribe) The greatest basketball attrac tion of the year will be reeled off on Commencement Day when the faculty and officers of the college will meet their wives in a cage, contest, which may determine the answer to that old debating query brains or brawn is the more pow erful. Every member of Elon’s alum ni is expected to return for the great game, and the administra tion has announced to proceeds will be used to install slot ma chines in the rotunda of Ala mance and also escalators in all By GUISEPPE SPIVAK classroom buildings and dormi tories. Pre-game dope now is leaning slightly in favor of the wives, since members of the faculty and administration team are having trouble catching their practice sessions, due to “Inside” activities that demand their time. Presiwent Smith has not been to practice since the ball park burn ed, having been busy in an at tempt to “put the building bee in the bonnet of the Bees.” Dean “Pass-it-to-me” Bowden is also having difficulties He gets to practice, but he has to leave fre quently to check class and chapel cuts Prof. “Double Dribble” Red dish may round into shape, but he disappears too often to check on Biology experiments. Rounding out the faculty five will be Dr. “Hook-Shot” Doug lass and Prof. “Flash” Hook, who will serve as playjng coach. Since no smoking is allowed on the floor of the new gym, Douglass was not expected to play until the game was moved to Mooney. Coach Hook, despite all the difficulties, is optimistic, for he has worked out all formations by the formu las of physics and mathematics. (Sports Editor, Junior Grade) Athlete’s-Feet-of-the-Weak hon ors go to Elon’s own Roger Wil son, the internationally known chess player, who has just been acclaimed champ of the Eastern District after defeating ten of the best players from the New Eng land, Fiddle Atlantic and South ern States. The tourney was held at the Alamance Round Garden. What makes it more spectacular is the fact that Wilson played all ten men at once. As the ten men pitted their brains against Wilson, 20,000 fans roared their applause for the Elon star, who roamed un perturbed from table to table, making his moves with alternate hands and feet. The easier ffoves were made with careless ease, Wil son raising his feet to kick the men from place to place. It was apparent from the start that Wil- sbn had his opponents compeltely bewildered. The Elon star, who trains daily on a diet of chess pie, won the hearts of the fans even before the tournament started when he step ped from Elon Cmith’s Sadillac in front of the new delapidated arena. The champ was nattily at tired in purple and gold trunks, combined with a cerise Tee-Shirt. Embroidered neatly on the back of the shirt was an advertisements for Tony’s Pool and Lunch Room. As he entered the Garden the up roar from the fans was so loud that it echoed to the plush-lined parlors of East Dorm. The chairman of the Elon Ath- eletic Bored, which passes out the honors here, commenting on the choice of Wilson, said that “upon the shoulders of Roger Wilson rests our hopes that Elon may produce a National Champion. We would like to say to Roger that we have complete faith in him and for that reason have fult elected him as our Athlete’s-Feet-of-the- Weak Number 3,000,001.” ♦ ♦ * Frank Malinouski, 15-man on Maryland’s freshman tennis team last season, was pried loose from the University only when assured of No. 10 spot here at Elon. George Shakelford will join Mel Allen in broadcasting the NY Yankees baseball games in the near future. ♦ ♦ * A seeing eye dog and cane will be normal football issue for Cou-. sin Weak-eyes Ludwig next fall. * ♦ * Coach Mathis sought police pro tection during the North State basketball tournament when ar dent female fans haunted some of his cute cagers. TO COACH CHESS A shake-up in the Elon coach ing staff on April 1st has materi ally added to the chances of suc cess in Conference contests. Coach Jim Fallory, who was un able to win more than eight games out of ten last season in football, has been relieved of his grid duties and will chess team next fall. direct the

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