■Wednesday, May 21, 1952 MAROON AND GOLD PAGE THREE Spying On Sports by JOE SPIVEY ELON COLLEGE BASEBALL CONCLUDES SUCCESSFUL CAMPAIGN - i-jiie end of another school year iV here and the athletic record book is about to come to close on g p„,y set of records. So now tfill be a good time to turn the Sp.'ing on Sports telescope around Md talve a look at the past. Dusting the vvoi’ii glass oii, we »ee the Fighting Christians on the gridiron as they for.glit to a cred itable record of six wins and three losses, losing only two con- f(jreiice games. Lenoir Rhyne still there to be the big . sfejinbling b)ock, as they took the ^'a.impionship. And who will ever forget the big up.«et the Guilford Quakers pulled in the last game oil the season? |Swinging the glass around to another quarter, we see the Fight ing Christians on the hardwood of the basketball floor. The Elon made us forget the lean when High Point and other schools dominated the cage scenes. It was a great Elon squad thJlt piled up the records and wins tof)e on top at the end of regu lar North State Conference play. The picture blurs again as the Bears from Lenoir Rhyne again cop the crown in the Tournament in |this field of play, but things Ijo; brighter for awhile as the C|r: itians win the N.A.I.B. cham pionship and move on to Kansas CH;. They lost to a top-seeded teani in the first round, but it was our Christians that carried the North Carolina and South Caro- Un; colors to the mid-west. Spring blossomed forth and so did the Elon baseballers. Losing 6j;. three games in the eastern dijiiicn of the Conference the freshman-studded Elon nine came through in fine style. Displaying a|)citent hitting attack and field ing in veteran form, the Christi ans can hold up their heads and ret|ei,e a deserved “Well done.” phe minor sports clan faired just tolerably well. High Point g%. ered the tennis championship for, the tenth year in a row. ^ave Mondy lost his golf crown, bat the Elon linksmen put togeth er Jume fine shooting to take the taA: championship. Christians also faltered in track,as Lenoir Rhyne again dom inated the scene, but individual firsts were won by several of the Elon entries. in all, not a bad year for the Fighting Christians on the athletic fields. A salute from the Fighting Christian muskets to all the champs, players, and also to .^palachian which won the Mes- Sportsmanship trophy! is customary, your reporter wfc bid farewell to the readers ot|lhe Maroon and Gold, tl can count at least four readers—my '''#6, brother, mother and father.) Wf only hope that we have bijpught you some pleasurable nioments and an insight into the Wp’ts realm here at Elon. 0 our very good advisor, Mr. (Continued On Page Four) M//\OR SPORTS GOLF TEAM (Conference Champions) 1-2. Elon 21, East Carolina 6. Elon 20, East Carolina 7. Elon 18. Guilford 0. Elon 23, Catawba 4. Elon 4 1-2. Carolina JV 22 Elon 18, Guilford 0. Elon 26. Catawba 1. Elon 17. High Point 10. Elon 5, Carolina .IV 22. Elon 14 1-2, Hieh Point 12 1-2. Elon 2. N. C. State 25. Elon 9, N. C. State IS. (Won 8. Lost 4) TENNIS TEAM Elon 2, Guilford 7. Elon 0, N. C. State 8. Elon 0, Catawba 7. Elon 2. East Carolina 7. Elon 2. East Carolina 7. Elon 5, Lynchburg 4. Elon 2, Lynchburg 7. Elon 3, Guilford 6. Elon 1, High Point 8. Elon 0, N. C. State 9. Elon 2j Catawba 5. Elon 2, High Point 5. Elon 3, Lenoir Rhyne 4. Elon 5, Lenoir Rhyne 4. (Won 2, Lost 12). \ 1* The El :n College baseball 'quad of 1952, which chalked a record of 16 wins in 26 starts du ing the regular season, winning the eastern division crown in the North State Conference and the right to meet Lenior Rhyne in the Conference tourney last weekend, is shown above. Left to right in the picture, the players are as follows: FRONT ROW—Bobby Jones, Billy Byid, Jimmy Dalton, Larry Dofflemyer, and Carlton Roberts. SECOND ROW—Bobby Rogers, Gene Laughlin, Jack Musten, Dean Uobertscn, Don Packard and Richard Smith. BACK ROW—Husky Hall, assi .'ant manager. Captain Billy Ralces, Sherrill Hall, Luther Conger, Ben Kendall, Carroll Reid, Bobb Stewart and Tim Holt, manager. W hillin'^ Sixteen Awards Given Elon Athletes Thirty-two Elon athletes were iwarded athletic monograms for service with Fighting Christian iports teams during the spring cason, eighteen awards going to members of the baseball team, .dong with seven Ifetters to mem- i)ers of the championship golf quad and an equal number to the tennis team. Baseball letters went to Cap tain Billy Rakes, Carroll Reid, Bobby Stewart, Ben Kendall, Bobby Rogers, Bobby Jones, Gene Laughlin, Jimmy Dalton, Jack Musten, Henry Perry, Larry Dofflemyer, Don Packard, Charlie Swicegood, Carlton Roberts, Lu ther Conger, Sherrill Hall, Rich- :ird Smith and Billy Byrd. Rakes, Reid, Stewart, Kendall and Rog ers had won letters in previous seasons. Tn'pJily-Six Games . . . Elon Nine Closes Regular Season The Elon College baseball the Panthers 11 to 10 in a hittinf •quad turned in six victories in battle, played here on Friday af- its final nine games to round out ternoon. May 2nd. a regular season mark of 16 wins [ R. H. E and 10 defeats. This record in- II. Pt 030 110 005 00—10 17 5 eludes all games played prior to Elon —. 061 003 000 01—11 12 4 the North State Conference tour-| Mabry, Popp and Wrenn; Swice nament in Hickory last weekend, gocd, Roberts, Conger and Jone.' and the total included a mark of 12 wins and three defeats in reg- ular-season Conference play. The records since the last issue of the Maroon and Gold show a ;plit in two games with Norfolk Navy, t\’0 victories over High Point, two wins over Guilford, an even break in two tilts with At lantic Christian and a loss to East Carolina. NORFOLK NOW 5, ELON 4 The Norfolk Navy Flyei'S built up an early lead and held on to their margin to defeat Elon a to 1 here on Tuesday afternoon, April 29th. This was the first of a two-game series with the Sailors on the local field. R. H. E. .Mor. Navy.. 220 100 000—5 6 1 Elon 003 001 000^ 9 3 Fahrjnger, Hall and Graham; Conger, Swicegood, Roberts and Jones, Musten. ELON 8, NORFOLK NAVY 1 The Christians gained sweet re venge in their second game with Norfolk Navy, pounding out an 8 to 1 victory here on Wednesday afternoon, April 30th. Billy Byrd let the Sailors down with one hit in the first five innings to gain The seven golfers who earned pitching victory, letters this year were Captain Bill jj g ;i,yler, Dave Mondy, Hiram Coble, I qqq goi 000—1 5 2 Elon 400 130 OOx—8 9 0 Petersdorf, Fahringer, Dott and Terry ,Kelly, Carl Coley, Irank Ward and George Meena. Hyler, Mondy and Coble had won golf letters in previous seasons. Tennis awards went to Captain Frank Tingley, Bill Blackstone, Johnny Howell, Charlie Johnson Hiram Greene, Bob Peters Page Painter. Only Captain iuig-| •ley had won a ‘ " tennis play. Torker; Byrd, Smith and Jones. ELON 11, HIGH POINT 10 T'le Maroon and Gold ball toss- ers moved out front in tne eaily and! innings, but a High Point rally ninth to Only Captain Ting-.netted five runs in the letter in previous!tie the score, and the Christians ELON 15, HIGH POINT 4 The Christians moved over to High Point on Monday afternoon, iMay 5th, and unlimbered all their heavy artillery to swamp the Panthers 15 to 4 in their final meeting of the year. Luther Con ger pitched all the way for Elor, and scattered nine High Point hits well. R. H. E Elon 320 200 350—15 16 0 H. Point 010 003 000— 4 9 2 Conger and Jones; Frazier, Popp and Potts. ELON 10, GUILFORD G The Christians hit in timely style to defeat Guilford 10 to 6 at Guilford on Wednesday after noon, May 7th, with Richard Smith and Charlie Swicegood dividing pitching duties. Smith was the winning pitcher. R. H. E. Elon 002 010 430—10 12 3 Guilford .. 101 000 130— 6 12 5 Smith, Swicegood and Jones; Lapham, McKeown, Leary and Lambeth. A.C.C. 9, ELON 8 The Atlantic Christian Bulldogs staged a sensational ninth inning rally to defeat the Christians 9 to 8 here on Wednesday night. May 7th, with Go-Go Jackson, Bulldog pitcher, hitting a grand-slam home run after two were out in the final inning. R. U. E. A.C.C. .... 000 040 014— 9 12 0 Elon OOQ 003 320— 8 9 1 Ferrell, Jackson and Hebbe; Byrd, Roberts, Swicegood and had to go eleven innings to defeat:Musten. EAST CAROLINA 11, ELON 4 The East Carolina Pirates halked their second win of the ear over the Christians at Green- «lle on Friday afternoon. May 9th, batting out an 11 to 4 decis- on over the Elon squad in a cru- ial North State Conference game. R. H. E. Elon 000 013 000— 4 9 4 i Caro 100 004 51x—11 10 0 McIntyre, Roberts and Jones; ?iner, Byrd and McSwain. ELON 8, A.C.C. 3 With the championship chiip- >n the line and needing two wins :o clinch the title, the Christians :opped the first of the needec ^'ictories at Wilson on Saturday May 10th, when tiiey rolled ovei Atlantic Christian 8 to 3. Luther Conger worked a four lit game on the mound, whik Carrol Reid banged a perfect fivt for five, including two doubles, ti lead the attack. R. H. E Elon 201 311 000— 8 14 C A.C.C 010 200 000— 3 4 o Conger and Jones; Ferrell and Hebbe. ELON 17. GUILFORD 0 Charlie Swicegood worked a beautiful two-hit game as his Fighting Christian teammates pounded out an overwhelming 17 ,0 0 victory over Guilford here on Monday afternoon. May 12th, to clinch the eastern division ciown in the North State Confer ence. Carroll Reid and Jack Musten each had a double and two singles and each drove in three runs to li-ad the Elon offen.se. Swicegood had a no-hit game for seven in-1 nings until Venuto beat out a bunt In the eighth, R. II. E. GuiITord 000 000 000 0 2 4 Elon .321 140 OOx—17 16 1 McKeown, Lapham, Leary and Venuto; Swicegood and Jones. Elon Golfers Capture Eooj) Team Crown The Elon College golf team which swept through eiglu ■•traight ConfereHce matches to •linch the regular season title in he North State Conference, added to its honors by clinching the team championship in the annual lonference tournameht played at Starmount on Monday and Tues- jay. May 5th and 6th. However, the individual cham pionship in the loop tournament ■/ent to Carl Tharin, Guilford Col lege .senior, who got hot in the tournament to clinch the crown with a total of 148 for the 36-hole route. Frank Bowers, Catawba ace, copped second place in a sud den death play-off with Dave ■V'londy, of Elon, who was defend ing the individual title he wor ast year. Mondy entered Ihe tournauieni •s favorite to repeat his cham pionship, and he shot his usual steady game to chalk a 152-stroke •.otal for the 36 holes. This tied Bowers, who won the runner-up po.st on the .second hole of the playoff. The Elon boy had a 77 for the first day and ran into trouble for a 41 on the first nine the final day, only to hit his stride ■md chalk a 2-under-par 34 on the back nine for the best nine holes )f the meet. Bill Hyler, Elon ■antain, took fourth place m the meet with a total of 157 strokes The Elon foursome, composed )1 Dave Mondy, Bill Hyler, Terry Celly ami Hiram Coble, combined lor a low team score of 635 tor the tv;o-day meet. Kelly finished (Continued on Page Ftuir) Track Squad Flaees Tiiird In Loop Meet The Fighting Chritlan track squad copped three first places and tied for another in the annual \orth State Conference track meet, which was held In the High Point High stadium on Saturday, May 10th, but the Maroon and Gold outfit could do no better than third in the meet in competi tion with balanced outfits from Lenoir Rhyne and High Point. The Lenoir Rhyne tracksters ■ omped to first place in the meet •vith a tolal of 50^ points, while High Point gained second place ,vith 45 points. The Elon team counted 28 1-2 points for third, while Guilford trailed in fourth position with 30 1-2 points. Elon lad won the big meet last year, •vhile Guilford claimed the title 1950. Don Wilson, speedy Elon fresh man, raced to first place in the 220-yard dash with a time of 24.2 leconds, while Pete Garber cap- ured the javelin throw with a heave of 144 feet 11 1-4 inches. Dave Mondy and Dee Atkinson, joth of ^lon, tied for first place n the high jump with leaps of 5 eet 7 inches; and Charlie Gibson, )f Elon, gained a three-way tie for first in the pole vault at 9 feet ! inches. 100 Yard Dash: Robinson (Le noir Rhyne), Gilbert (Lenoir Rhyne), Kirkpatrick (Lenoir Rhyne), Swinson (Elon). Time; 10,2 seconds. Mile Run: Holland (High Point), Armstrong (Guilford), Danley Lenoir Rhyne), Popp (High .^oint). Time: 5 minutes 11.6 sec onds. 40 Yard Dasli: Broadway (Le noir Rhyne), Collette (High Point), Male (Elon), Atkinson (Elon). Time: 55.1 seconds. 120 Yard High Hurdles: Moretz (Lenoir Rhyne), Frazier (Jligh Point), Holland (High Point), Jones (Guilford). Time: 16.5 sec- cnds. 220 Yard Dash: Swinson (Elon) Gilbert (Lenoir Rhyne), Kindley (Guilford), Hummel (Lenoir Rhyne). Time: 24.2 seconds. Javelin Throw: Garber (Elon), Watchman (Lenoir Rhyne). Lowe (High Point, Pringle (Guilford). Distance: 144 feet 11 1-4 inches. 880 Yard Run: Redditt (High Point), Gaither (Elon), Beatty (Lenoir Rhyne), Keegan (Guil>- ford). Time: 2 minutes 10.7 sec onds. ^ ■’ 220 Yard l,,ow Hurdles: Eury (Lenoir Rhyne), McCoy (Elon), James (Guilford), Pringle (Guil ford). Time: 29:4 seconds. Two-Mile Run: Holland (High Point), Danley (Lenoir Rhyne), Vrmstroiig (Guilford), Popp High Point). Time: 12 minutes 13.6 seconds. High Jump: Mondy (Elon) and '\tkinson (Elon) tied for first, Kindley (Guilford), Topping (Guil ford). Height: 5 feet 7 inches. Shot Put: Sykes (High Point), Egelsky (Lenoir Rhyne), Venuto Guilford, Ludwig (Elon). Distance 17 feet 11 inches. Pole Vault: Gibson (Elon), Lakey (Guilford), and Topping (Guilford) three-way tie for first; Elkins (High Point). Height: 9 (Continued on Page Four) 1952 TTtHeT^RIED elon COLLEGE COLORS IN GOLF AND TENNIS.. ..1952 H mm The Elon College golf team, winners of the North State Con ference linltts title for 1952, is shown at the left, while the Ma roon and Gold tennis team, which showed steady improvement, is shown at the right. The golfer.^ (left to right) in the picture are George Meena, Joe Harvey, Cap tain Bill Hyler, Dave Mondy, Ter ry Kelly, Hiram Coble and Frank Ward. . Carl Coley was absent when picture was taken. The ten nis team members (left to right) ill picture are Captain Frank Ting ley, Charlie Johnson, Johnnie Howell, Bill Blackstone, Page Painter, Bob Peters and Hiram Greene. t S-:- 14