Merry Christmas MAROON AND GOLD Happy New Year ;0l,( iMt; THIRTY-TWO ELON COLLECa N. C., WEONEJiDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1952 WEDNESOAY, I I o i‘( ro^vil i U lleiitlilioii 01 ^Messiah’ Tiie El-)n festival cUorus ami ists Uu-illed a capacity | Stiuleut Wtdts In Vain For Arrived Of Santa gue^'- f-uw ' in Whitley Auditoriiuu d;i . .-veiling. December 7th. | . , . ... ..>t*nlietti aniiUii’i presen- .. :!,\iuiol's iiii'u.ii;;(i ()!.)- Me.-jiah." ... , ■. I i', .-1 F'. of. J 1 W C' I” ui ^ ‘ '.-.-ir.:; of ' tii.'v^ ct i:;em .i:e'*7 I'H ti'P C-iiiipus ■ i:... fourth a n!om'.;v=-.- of the i. nui>ic’ f.uuliy, 1 include^ ,j Gi-ii u. t;;i ,i iiculty: Miss Cliock- - contralto, of Chicago, III; H’i 111 Haugh, tenor, of the Uni- 'nsit;. lit Michigan; and Roljerl Nicliolson. bass, a native o£ Aus- ; . -Aho is now a resident oT V.ingi'.n, D. C. T: entire prograrii was mag- in its giai'.tl.-'Ui'. v.i'.h the : in- recitalives, the arias ; i',- ciioi'Uiji gripping ..t! ■ mc-iencp. ma.i.v of the I.,-, .i.'r^ ijeing porsun^ wh.; return ;n V.'liiiii-y yv;ar after jja.' to hear \rv‘-' Yule .-?a.sun production. The Festive Chciu.s, Vt-u;..- uum- (1 iiioie th.ip jone hundred ,i-. was hardled ^.uperbly by ,i Westinorel ind, who raain- r! the peritict control tliat is !-.j.--ar> for Kie iiio^t effective ej.uition of the Handel master- ; iei.'; and Prof. Fletcher Moore, .ill - took a break from hi? gradu- . vork at Columiiia University V: return to Elon for the event, ; .idd, i much to the p\easure of the • i ilit nce by his work at the organ, .'uu- than 'eventy-five mem- of'the cl!oru;> were regular I -.ludent.s, but thoy were , . I i au a'.^mni a;id guest . n:p th::t included Mrs. Belva M Mrs. Eljz'ibeth Russell, M:-> Harolyi Hanford, Miss ■ ■ Rader. Mi.'is Peggy King, ' • !)!it\i')iith Wa;d. Willis Bo- .: i and Wayne Mocre, of Bur- ■ ' I) . and D. J. Bow ■’I . Mi-. Edith Brannock, Miss ^u’h Dunn, Mrs. Ann T\\'iddy, Sarah White, Mrs. W. W. ‘^loaii and James White, of Elon cU-jge: .Miss Norma Jean Ed- .'iil .. and Wallace Owen, of Gib- vilie; Charles Lynam, of Wake Fuif Miss Emma Jean Clayton, Dll ',1 and -lack Castle, of Dar .il),.. \’a. Fi,; -, Mi-.o up the presentation ■ • the (anipu.i. the Elon Choir "The Messiah" on its '"'il tiu'r of eastern Virginia i end, u'-ing st3ent so- I'!'ls ih the fejtured roles. The '.Ttorir' was “ung four times on -le trip, with appearances in South Go ton. \ a.. at Bethlehem Church i'€, r Suffolk, Va.; at South Nor- 'Va.: and at the Christian ■r- ;)le in Norfolk, Va. le.i.’-i; or.-: ;.l ;n stuien.f now l/io\vs wh.'t it i.- to v..ii; in vain i'lr a visit from Santn Clau-il Cletis Peacock, s'lfeial >tiuU;u ;;; Jo.’.:‘iiall'Ui at Eiiin, wlio i.-i a ;-;gul&! member of the photo- ::aphiL of tlie Greensbuiu i’’aily \cv.’3. did ju.'-l thai on Mon- xiy «iien he waited for Santa i;; •'•e niid.-t of a driving j-nov.'sto":-i liat pelted North C-5i .slirio's f:i- iricus "Lost Cove." Jolly Saint Nick hon pu;nne(* to pay a helic-jpter visit i,: "Los: Cove" as part oj th-; .\ii Force - annual "iChrist mas," but Sant;:'s visit there v is olockc-’ wlien hU helicopter crackoe up in making a landing near Black Mi:::;.':,in in bli .diiig snow. One of the most isok.ied Si..)ts east of the Rockies, "I os; Cove' | is located in Yanct-y County, about! thirty niilis noii!v.U--l of Burr, ville. beinj! home fi. coiiimunit;. ‘ of les; than If.t' per^jiis, and; one u' Pefc-Jek's jobs was to pre-! p.jre the chil(?:-en—ann adiili- t')0[ -for Santa's aerial call. Tlie Elon student went ,' l)y car to Burnsville during the week-j end, carrying photographic and! sdund equipment to record Santa'b' jvi-it. and at Bui.i-vilie he was mi:; |i>y the 'sci'.jol nia.,tei ni Lii-ii |C'Jve,” who made the le t of thc-| ■trip with Peac.;ck. U uas nec; s- jSary for them to park-the ciir at the littls village ot Peplar and tiiiish the jouiiiey on foot, hir- (Continued on Page Four) VACATION PERIOD STARTS ON FRIDAY The Christmas varatior. for Elon Collece students . will get undenvay at uoon on Frida; of thi^ week, according; to an an nouncement from th^ office of Doan D. J. Bowden, and the en tire campus is a^o: »ith an air of excitement and expectation. The Yule season holidays will continue for two full weeks, with classes scheduled to be re sumed at 8 o'clock on Monday morning, January .'ith, the extra weekend stretching (he rest from studies to sixteen full days. The exodus of students from the campus will hcgin as soon as each student is throu;;U ivitb classes Friday, and many of the faculty will also get away for visits with the home folks or friends. Phi Psi Cli WillJSanie Party Toniyrht 'Miss Elon’’ In Contest The Pii: 1''‘- Cli Ii.e- nounced plans to srlect a Mi-, Elon,” whoso picture v\;l! be pub lished in tiie ly?;3 college annual, selection to be made i:i tiiO !>e -.uty con\''t 'it fye r. in recent vcai’j. In ' iiie:- yf ars organi.ia- '.ional head' \>ei'e all nVed to pub lish photos Ilf their sponsors, but that was dlsci'n>Wnued in 1943. Each class has named two can didates f.)r t!ie "Mi-s Elon" iionor, iMcludi:i“ Jean Tew, Durham, and ^ :iriey Cox, Elon College, fresh- m-'n; Natalie Toms, Burlington, atid Patsy Summey, Dallas, sopho, mores, Betty Thompson, B^rling- tcn, and Rachel Matthev>s, Ports mouth, Va.. juniors; and Betty Van I s!i:u'pe, Burlington, a::;! Alea le iOrnliv, Ti;n‘>ei':ikf, siniie.s. Four cf tbe-e ^ri-. oik- fr.e i , t li r'ais, will i;. ih.i-ea by S;:.'c- juoU,^- ,.t Yi'e -e.i-i'P. ua:ir.'. !li; be h.»ld ir .S" t ii-ty ll:ill TI:;ii'-- ni'-jiit. December i;;tli, iin.iK-- (iiate'v after tl'.e ann'.i •! Cliristr-' (linru) f':r et ^n; ,1 u-r,: I is to be st-.-vi’d ii' tile dii. il 'I ill tliat nii’ht. j I Phot ;s of the foi:r reniain;:i;j ;contestai;.ts will be made .-Md sent 'to Kay Ky-fer, faim ;, band le '1- 1-1, who ha; o0'etd to pick "J.!i';s I'’Ion College," Tiie win.i-i w ii! jieiiiain unknov.i u-".til the Pi.* Fsi Cli appears next spring. For Childr eii Of Orphanage I iiuie Boleyii Life \ f PJaypr Shoiv ' full-lengtli play to be by the Elon Players '' "-Anne of a Thou-2.''J ''hiiwell Anderson's dra- ' - ' ;y of Anne Boleyn, s.;c- - ;i>: wives of Enfjland's i.-'i' y VIII. '' ehoice of the new play I'nred by rvlrs. Elizabeth. ’ director of the Players. ' '.eithat it will be pres-erit- ' ;n m;d-February. Tryouts for • ' re now in process and will tomorrow from 3 to 5 c ilock. . more dramatic stoty can be •'liid in English history than that ’ e tempestuous love story of ■ Tudor and Anne Boleyn, " ell Anderson makes the ' ■ -t js his play carries right w Anne's tragic death on Special Delivery By Reindeer Express .... Old Santa Claus Answers Appeal From Boys Of East Dorm... Old Santa Claus has a place in the mind-, of college students as well as ti.i- si-.-ialler fry, a fact tha'. wr.5 proven '~:y ti.e letter tliat "tlie boys of Eas. Dorm" wicte t.o the jolly old fell j'.v, and Santa himseli tiiinks of coiiegc pe7.;le. loo. for he wrote bac’. a* once to the boy.s ov;r in East Doini. The return letter, which cai.-.e by Reii-f^-er Exnres’., wa.s intercepted by ope of the secret operatives of t!ie M. and G. staff. Both letters foil iw; East Dorm, Dec. 9, 1952. Dear Santa Claus; A lot of people say that jou don't exist, but we think thi.s is just heresy. We are writing to remind you of what w« warn for Christmas. First of all, Shaw is no good; thc;e''>re, a new janitor sure would be nice. Next, tlie age-old request that you haven't granted yet. please use your influence to eliminate e:ams. These were requests everyone would appreciate, but there arc a few individuals v.ho want .something in particular. Bob Mercier would like to have two new front teeth.. His ,',ie false you know. An easy-to follow reducing diet wi'uld be appreciated by Gordon Hanford's bed for its occupant. It has so much to bear. Just fill George Barron’s stocldngs with Bertie Lewis, and he'll be satisfied. Joe Bage wants a kerosene lamp to study by when the lights go out, for he always has a test tomorrow. We know you will look out for the rest of us, so good nrght and Love, The boys in East Dorm. AND THE ANSWER . . . North Pole, Dec. 19, 1952. The Boys in East Dorm. Elon College, Elon College, N. C. Dear Boys; Y’ou may fancy that Santa Claus is an imaginary character. Many have expressed such ideas. I resent such opinions, for 1 am really a personality, and I do exist, even though I iijve never been touciied or felt I am liere, there and everywhere. As for your first request re garding one Shaw, who I under- / stand is a janitor for your dorm, 1 have no authority over adults. 1 only deal with children. As for examinations, I shaiil see that your requests are grant ed for all who are "A-plus ” stu dents. The matter of being ex empt from examinations depends on two tilings—your ability and your willingness to apply your self. Santa deals justly. With regard to Gordon Han ford's bed, I do have sympathy for it. Tlie best way to make it , easy for the bed is to stop the "big boy" from eating. That will do the trick. With reference to , George Barron's request, I am afraid that if you filled his stockings with Bertie Lewis it would take more than her feet, which v.ould be bad judgment. I It is encouraging to know of Joe Bage's studiousness. I am sure that Santa Claus v\ili see to it that he his plenty of liglit on the outside to matcli his light on the inside. Please be assured that Old Santa Claus will do the very best he can for the boys in East Dorm and all others on the campus. Keep your ears stop ped and y»ur eyes closed on Christmas Eve night, for I shah be coming arouad. If J see you looking or listening. I'll not stop. —SANTA CLAUS. l.ii ' I’.: -i i--..! t :iri,--imas giv- ; 1 I: ; 1 ': t .jUfge tt wiii-ii llie members '. r-i'ci' Join once S.'nt;; '^Iniis to ^ i..-nv !_ii:ig at tlie ^h:n i-I r e CiH'isfi.^n U:'i>iianagc, ?> - .i;i:u; p-ciy sei.eduied C. ■ i-e' lK tiiiiiiiit ::i tlie ' .leir, L'ni-n. T; '. C'ir:-:ni,.- p..i(y for the 0:;';i;i.. L tiiM>»- ii .s iioL a new .me i.e e. tu. tiie l U-at marks s xi. --ive ,'ijt the ■ i-ili : e siutv-nl-. C!.;, 1 taiiied i':'! cniiuien ui ti.,' Mrphmago i.iiii!'?. :.-.:iii -i.ii ■ i.a-.e pioven ihe col;-' :j .-ti ,i .1- have as ^ ■ : 1. tl.a li... . ; ; V: ,, _| . ■ } wii'' a: u.e.i; anticipation I - 111. tilt- yjuti/ul iJi.ists. T:.e pi.ins Were orisinated in 1017 under the -pon-oi-^hip of the I A!.).:,! 1‘, L '.:.: fiaten..:y. uilh . e i.-dit f»j;' Ihe idea go- ' pn:- te Ilaipli «ho vsas a I ti'i- ft:Ue;‘iu:j at tliat ipre-iiient of tiie : ’.u.ient ,:.'iiy tiuit year. ' All- .1 Pi Delta buys have ■; u> -puii-ur tile Ciirist- - ;n;t> t .a ■. year, although the ‘ letter organizations I:.'ir lu-artily. and tiie great ma- '.V •- t: c studeni body tails in Ait . the id.:-., and "adopta" one of ; ' ■ " . d;vn, for wthmi gifts are I :--ed, 1 Tli?re 82 children now liv- I ", ;i! ti.e li.; ::.,ii.ii,e, according ';o : announce iient ia^t week, in i'- forty 1: auj forty-two tl-;ii- ,-e, ranging from Jm r to -»--vi>iUe-;n A list of 'ihei: names, with age.- given, has --.1 -'A.:ilalde at the _'oliege Book '~e fc_ lie. eral C'ay;, and stu- ■ .1-; bi-n "ad..;,iing" them V sigiiin;- on blanks beside the 5 • 01 !!ie children. ---- for eacli cliild are tc be ';i;nelhing of ai>- ■ -' ' s'' Nal'ie. and in many ' * •' • " mure college stu- It.-- will ilii in prouding gifts ! '--r ct rt iin ch;i.!. The gifts will i'-; :''-!ri')ul;d ijy cld Santa Claus I 1': rsjn tu iir.iit. I Pun - Htllcuic Council, j -- ■■ incluJo-s tile fuur fraterni-* 1iiiici fi'iir suronties, lias al- i ready made plan? to provide once | -ij-o tvvv nt\\ bic^.ie., one for a I and one Cot a girl, with recip- ■!'*' of these sliiny gifts to be ! 'irna'ed iiy tlie orphanage au- i;'i'i'ies. . .Icmbers of the Pan-Hellenic 1 -I'ni’il, which is t!ui- cooperat- ■iig will; Alp',a Pi Delta, include l.c-'.vis W niston. of Ka])pa Nu; v'!’ »rlie Ci,of Alpha Pi Delta; Lairy Xi4 :;;.n,er, of Sigma Phi ■jcta; Ned Gauklin, of Iota Tau '■ ppa; Ward, of Beta Bela; Jane fioone, of Pi Aai-pa Tau; \ ;.:;inia Jcrnigan, of - :u Zr-!;, PI,;; Carolvn Abell, ■I Delta Upsilon Kappa, 'Opnii llousc^ Held Siiiiday Afternoon The membeirs of the Freshman Sunday Scl.ool Class of the Elon Cot;ii:iunity Cliurch held "Open House" from 3:30 until 5 o’clock last Sunday at tlie iiome of their teacher, Mrs. Leon E. Smith, Sr., and were hosts at that time to many rrl'.'mljers of the student body and faculty. Officers and members of the Sunday School g^'oup w-io welcom ed and directed the guests ' in cluded Gerald White, Terry Emer son, Ann Ke?rns, i'.!a;io Weldon, while other members of the class ■erved in th:’ beautifully decorat ed dining room. .\fter refreshments were served, nany of the gue-^ts cnjoy'ed the inging of Ciirislma:; carols, with •iob Phelps and Susan Fuchs ac- ■umpanying at the fiiano.