yyejitppdHT. February 25, 1953 has top scoring average for elon MAROON AND GOLD ^i{ . 5,, , ., ' V. w ^ M, .,J. ' - ■» 1-- 7JaO, \*n, PAGE THRE* Elon In Conference Cage Tournament p- Dee Atkiiisoii riee Atkin 5011, slender sopliom Lan cagei-3 in average per game ■ons, which ir,eluded last Wedn fct that time he boasted' a 13,9 a flayed two le-:; games ttian Jack ■jinli and sbo'.ved a 13,3 average liig!;, where he led his team to l:#wn in 1950, outscoring Wake ff the five games the ■ two playe ore center, was topping the Chris- scoring in the most recent tabu- asday’s victory over Lenoir Riiyne, vei'ii'.'j for each game having Malloy, who led the squad in total Atiiinson prepped at Beauiah the Northv.'est North Carolina Forest’s Eickie Heuuic in tlu'ee J ag;>iiist e-'oh other. SEEING SPORTS ■'m. with GdRY SEARS iVH.\T PRICE PUBLICITY —, lertainly hate to start off a col-' I lia with a complaint, but things |ave been building up for quite k'ine time now. First of all we pund our school rocked by an un- prtiinate incident involving some : our athletes. Not long after that t 'ituation of honor code viola- fv- iesulte(^ on the Duke campus, ^onight I was li'tening to tUe broadcast I learned cf . tlis P-e involving athletes at WilUam Mary College, in Williams- ' Virginia. Just what does all ■ iiieai! anti why ain I so con- fcned, I-T two of the incidents I was . closely associated with some the boys. Maybe they did com- * violation, but why should ' athletes be the only ones who ftflved the publicity about the ,^tomts. For instance in the case we students at Duke there four prominent football play- who-.e named appeared in bold f P* in almost every newspaper in f^sate. Howmany of you realize "ere actually eight stu- p 'ii'olved in the same case, ^nd no\v vvhat about the story & M. A news broadcast, an ^ ory and the names of six athletes are put before the I , story the num- athletes involved in tliis ''35 twelve, while the total ►liat 'vas thirty. Again, ^ other eighteen f-wns involved? up to a few simple ^ you’re per- ia the field of athletics receiving some good pub- Ut the minute you’ve been ,, * misdemeanor charge, [ splashed across the radio ^ '"“Papers as a “no-body.” hell athlete? " what happened to the four ^^ming names at Duke? What the other eighteen at W, & M,? While the ath.fctes stand up and take it on the chin,' the business majors, music maj;rs, social science ma- iofs and what-have-you silently pack thei/ bags and head for home unhc-ard a-;ou^. T’li price for being a.i athlete?—It’s a Cruel World! ! ! + » * BASKETBALL—What a thriller the High Point game turned out to be. Not only for the fact that Eton walK.ped ’em good, but did you notice the way our team played together. Really thin*i that Dee Atkinson found himself against the Panthers, I happened to .see both of the two previous games and it seemed as if Dee played “Tiny” Alexander in re spect to his points per game. Not io here at home. Dee was faking and hooking as if Alexander wasn't even in the gym. Most likely, at some time we'll run up against the Panthers in the tourn ament this week, and the team play is what is going to win for us. ♦ * * Give praise, where praise is due and that could mean to none other than to Jack Mitchell. He certain ly has come through in fine fashion in recent game^, and his hustle anti team spirit will keep the first five on theiitoes. * ♦ * Tlie North Statte Tournament gets undervv'ay ths week and lasts tor four nights. Our team should, as of this writing, finish second in the conference race and will find themselves standing a good chance to win. It’ll be hard on our boys as exams will also begin tlie same day as the tournament. This extra burden at Winston- Salem is going to make it tough, hut the sports staff knows that you will be trying extra hard and here at home we’ll be pulling for you, I (Continued on Page Four) Varsity Five Ends Regular Season Play The varsity basketball squad, which has canried Elon colors vhrough a highly successful cage ;eason. closed its regular sched- ■Jle by defeating the Guiy'd'ot'd Quakers here last Saturday night, giving the Christian hardwood Jutfit a record of tweiity-two wins ind nine losses for the year. Hardest blow of the late season vas a decisive defeat at the hands if the Kast Carolina Pirates, which jame in a battle at Greenville on Saturday, February 14th. This de- -eat cost the Christians their last chance of copping top honors in he regular Conference season, ELON 67, GUILFORD 53 The Maroon and Gold squad A'oa a tight defensive battle from he Guilford Quakers at Guilford an Saturday night, February 7tb, aking a 67 to 53 decision over the )ld rivals. The game was close or three quarters, with Elon puli ng away late in the game, Pos. Elon (67) Guilford (53) ?—Malloy (18) Shoaf (18) F—Hall (5) Arm.strong (6) C—Atkinson (3) Godfrey (8) G—Musten (14) Callicut (9) (j—Hawkins (13) .. Hildobrand (2) Half—Elon 31,_ Guilford 26. Elon subs—Mitchell (5) ^ Gaul- lin (2), Maddox (5), McDaniel (2), Whitley, McIntyre, Packard. Guil ford subs — Mikles, Smith (1). Schorr (4), Buchanon, Osteen (5). ELON 69, HIGH POINT 45 Playing before a ‘‘High School Day” crowd of 2,800 fans, the Christians swamped the High Point Panthers 69 "to 45 here on Wednesday night, February 11th, The winners threw up the tightest iefense of the season, holding High Point to 17 points in the last lalf. Pos. Elon (69) IlieU Point (45) F—Malloy (6) Sykes (8) -Hall (8) Thornton (3) C—Atkinson (25).. Alexander (14) G—Musten Moseley (7) 3—Hawkins (16) Davidson (9) Half—Elon 32, High Point 28. ] Elon subs—Mitchell (11), Brown, 'Gauldin, Maddox (3), McDaniel, Smith, Whitley, McIntyre. High Point subs—Lisk (1), Hicks (2), Simpson, Frazier (1), West. EAST CAROLINA 91, ELON 69 The East Carolina Pirates cut loose in powerhouse form to de feat Elon 91 to 69 at Greenville m Saturday night, February 14th. The Pirates moved to a long lead in the second quarter and stretch ed the advantage in the second half. Pos. Elon (69) East Carolina (91) S'—Malloy 18) Russell (27) [,'_Hall (3) Huffman (5) C—Atkinson (14) Hodges (27) G—Musten (7) Heath (6) G—Hawkins (7) Thomas (10) Half — East Carolina 43, Elon '27). Elon subs—MitcJiell (12), Gaul- din (8), Maddox (3), McDaniel (5) Whitley. McIntyre (2«, Packard. ICast Carolina subs—Moye, Jones (7), Hayes (2), Carr (2), King, Hii- burn, O'Kelly (5). (Continued on Page Four) NORTH STATE TOURNAMENT BRACKET EAST CAROLINA Second Game Thui-s. Nile GUILFORD CATAWBA Second Game Fri. Nite First Game Weds. Nite HIGH POINT W. C. T. C. Second Game Weds. Nite LENOIR RHYNE APPALACHIAN First Game Thurs.* Nite ELON Championship Game Sat. Nite First Game Fri. Nite Football Sciieduie Amiouiicecl The EIou College football schedule for 1053 lists oniy eight gaiaes tha» far, but Coach Jtm Mallory, announcing the grid card far the coming: fall, stated that efforts are underway to fsU two ok>eo dates. There are three games at home and five away. The schedule m ide public this week by C*>acli Mallcry lists eight of the same teams that were met by the Christiai.i g-f.d- men last fall. The Norfolk Naval Air Station and Little CreeU AinpMbiou!« Base, two service elevens that were met last year, have been dropped from the coming season, which accounts for tlie open dates. The Christiaas wlU have six North .State Conference battles, meetiug Appalachian, East Car olina, Catawba, Western Caro- lim, Lenoir Rhyne and Guil- forde There are non-Conference tuts wiCh Wofford and New berry. The schedule follows: Sept. 19—Open. Sept. 36—Wofford, away. Oct. 3—Appalarihan, here. Oct. 10‘—East Carolina, away. Oct. 17—Open. Oct. 24—Catawba, away. I Oct. 31—W.C.T.C., here. Nov. 7—Newberry, here. Nov. 14—Lenoir Rhyne, away. Nov, 26—Guilford, away. ACTION IN VICTORY OVER HIGH POINT PANTHER.S SCORING (Through February 18tb) Player Gaines FG FT iMalloy 30 152 94 Atkinson 28 148 9d Hawkins 29 110 U(i "vlusten 30 ()■/ (it ’>laddox .. 27 42 34 Hall 23 3lj 23 Gauldin 29 2d 23 Mitchell 16 2'l 15 McDaniel 21 18 25 Brown 18 15 11 Whitley 17 14 3 McIntyre 18 6 Packard 7 . 1 4 0 Citty n. Smith 4 0 0 Rice Other players 174 120 Elon Totals . , 30 840 589 Opponents 30 679 (i'iU £ Annual Meet Will Settle Titular Race BULLETIN! The relinquishment of a game by Elon to Atlantic Christian in (ho Conference standings due to I he playing of Bob Kiir.^ess in a l>re-Christmas encounter was nullified in the drawing:s for the North State tournament at Green-shoro.. The luck of the draw save the Clu-istians sec- Oifd p^ace in the final seeding: and placed Catawba in eighth place, eliminating Atlantic Chris- lijn from the tournament. ♦ ♦ t With their regular basketball season a tiling of the past, the ;hristian cagers will compete tiiis veekend in the tenth annual ■North State Conference Tourna- ■nent, which will be played in the Reynolds High School gymn.Tsium in Winston-Salem. The tournament, which settles the championship of the Confer ence for the 1953 season, will be n.il^ing its first appearance in the win City, which has long been we of the hotbeds of basketball 1 North Carolina. It has been '.eld for the past three years in Statesville, and prior to that time t was held for several years in jlkin and High Point. The 1953 meet gets underway in Wednesday night of this week tnd will continue tor four nights, vitli two games each on Wednes- Jay, Thursday and Friday and A'ith a single finals battle on Sat- jiday niglit. The games will start it 7:30 and 9; 15 o'clock each evening, with the finals set for 3 o'clock. In recent years the tournament has opened on Thurs day afternoon, but the Wednesday iiight program was substituted this year in an attempt to boost ittcndance. Pairings for tlie cliampionship rilay were drawn in Green.sboro on Sunday afternoon, with the pair- ...(is meeting broadca.st over tele-- I vision by Station WFMY-TV. The pairings as drawn at that time are shown at the left. The Elon cagers won the North State tournament for the last time back in 1947, but they have been In the thick of the race for the past three seasons, going to the finals in 1950 before los ing to Appalachian, but they have lost to Higli Point in the semi finals for the past two years. The winners of the meet at Win ston-Salem will qualify automat ically for the Carolinas NAIA tournament to be held immedi ately after the North State meet. Elon came back after losing in the Conference tournament la.st year ind won the Carolinas crown and the right to play in the national NAIA tourney at Kansas City. Elon Cage (»aiucs Some of tiie action in the “High .School Day" victory over the High Point Panthers is shown above, with Elon’s Dave Maddox (15) up for the tip off with High Point's Tony Li.sk (23). Other Elon play ers are Jack Mitchell (4) at the left and Billy Hav.’kins (5), while other Pantiier player? shown are Kent Moseley (12) and Bobby Davidson (10) at the right Eloii swamped the Panther:: C3 to 45 in the battles. Elon 70, I/ynchhurg 65. Elon 73, Va. Tech Cl. Elon 95, A. C. C. 56. Elon 76, Lynchburg 64. Elon 81. High Poiui Y 69. Elon 63, Guilford 48. Elon 78, High Point 80. E:ion 73, Pre.sbyterian (?7. Elon 62, Erskine 74. Elon 47, nigh Point Y 55. Elon 64, Appalachian 61. Elon 76, DuPont 43. Elon 73, Presbyterian 48. Elon 75, Ea.st Cart>lina 76. Elon 68, McCrary 77. Elon 69, High Fomt 79. Elon 83, Catawba 65. Elon 74, DuPont 78. Eton 86, McCrary 77. Elon 82, Lenoir Rhyne 69. Elon 90, W.C.T.C. 87. Elon 79, W.C.T.C. 87. Elon 88, Erskine 67. Elon 86, Catawba 69. Elon 86, Appalachian 57. Elon 67, Guilford 53. Elon 69, High Point 45. Elon 69, East Carolina 91. Elon 80, A.C.C. 49. Elon 87, Lenoir Rhyne 63. Hon 76, Guilford 71.

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