PAGE FOUR Dave Maddox Maintains Lead In Var'^ily Seoring MAROON AND GOLD HONOu ESTS VI HOME EC PARTY Da\c Mu'M'ix. loul •*ho rtall; ■ P Th. f nr - li 'ni''■ Ml all ii ■ ith f Tl 'A'! I h lujt on hi ■W'lstirrK 1 n:Khi i.'n t'li- V .lii-.l ■ ' V r I k ( ’.J V It '1 ‘: I .:ni- ' '‘-'n (.,1 tai: (I , n t c ' ‘jn- • e'.indinrs with 6 4 r-‘ ord- t .II.-Han- a, . m ;1 t( jtii ' .riri{ :itly 1-1.ini' p'T but th r in th' last two arul aLloufd lU** -ip/ * chmb iiack to an : ‘ *' points i»'r U'liiK' LIIilLVRY NOTES iried in boiid , hp -il- thf j "■' ' ighl|r.ow fcoo!- atter sixteen !cge llb-ary. I The fc'li'tin h'.ird feature; .Uiree bo-k — on; in thi- itld jdf rc-liKlon. the little v .r- Adventure With ii„ir ! e”P!f'■ l'> """ - 69.8 una ■ nc! ntain* d hi; Maddiis. ..ill) position :a thi- top f'tht onnR column, itas > Kisu/r- d 240 points In 10 g.ur.c having hit 82 field ■ (.'•jaN and 76 free throws. Thi: pivov the l)ig Christian center a personal average of ixactly 15 points per . ime. a ’ain of mc-e than one point per game within one « i:k ' time He hit 14 of 10 free throws against \V" ?tern Caro lina. Four othi I V on the f'hrisUan roster an- now over thi. centurv mark in individual coring. Bobb\ Timmons trails Maddox with 135 points, while Jack .Mitchell has 124 point.s. Don Packard 119 point: and Ned Gauldin 112 points. Jack Malloy, Roy Kieval and Kay Whit ley are all within striking dis tance o:" the 100-point mark Nil •^s than lb different i:oys ha' r broken Jnto the -coring col umn for the Christians at one time or another thit season, al lhough a ciiuple of the jroup are no lonKcr listed with the varsity equad The individual coring, fig ured throuKh the Western Taro- IP. Intramural Cage Squads Showing Power In Race HcynoUlv one enlitied iii^ defen-f^> ^‘ory of pHintinK, ' by H. VV. and ,, ,.,.ks D'ira Jam- Jansen - another en- t'ljl'Ocd The Arab World.’ by Negla 73 .) 1 Izzedon. Thr; ► particularly intA-rcsting books are featured on the new ijool- tables and shelves. There is one entitled "The Civil War. As Told Bv James Street," written ... iby the author of a popular fiction, Honor guests at the reception for foreign students, which was series and one, called "The ponsored by the girls of the Home Economics Club on Friday evemn Traitor and The Spy," by James January 29th, are pictured abo e. The honor guests seated left Thoma“ Flexner, which tells the tc right are Laila Khury and Hilda Alejandre. Those standing, also story Of Benedict Arnold, Peggy; left to right, are Violet Zarou.Sylvia Hinnom and Oleg Panoff. Shippen ..nd Major John Andre , Misses Khury and Zarou are from Ramallah, Jordan, A e Finally there is "The Juurnal of jandre is from Havana, Cuba: Miss Hinnom is a native of s onia Lewis and Clark." by Bernard . and Panoff is of Rusuan descent.born in Shanghai. China, but now OeVoto. ‘'f S|x»rls, A l.a Kaii.sfo iContinufd From Page Three) IliPine Economics (Aith lias Party season showing of some thirty Christians, now participating in Our campus is loaded with \Yinter practice. Most of the boys. Members of the Home Econom- pro" baseball talent, both active f^oni last fall's squad, with Club, which is composed main- ind inacti\o. Bobby Jones, Boston year's freshmen not due to ]y students majoring in that Red Sox rookie, will report to report until fall. Winter practice entertained Elon student, )cala, Fla . for spring training hampered somewhat, by foreign countries at a de- and may hook on with Greens- inclement weather, but Coach ijghtful party held in the Music “Kjro. Bobby Stewart has signed varney got in no winter practice Listening Room on the first floor with the IJetroit Tigers and has Alamance on Friday evening, not yet been assigned. Jimmy Dal- 'january 29th. on. .igned with the Baltimore from last year's leading] students who were ground-Kainer, John Platt, the en- honored guests for the occasion tire Christian backfielcl will re- Two powerful boys’ cage squads' 3re ^till undefeated in Hie Intra-i. mural Basketball League, which: has produced some fast contests ^ :fhd some excellent exhibitions of j the hardwood pastime. wins and no defeats, with wins o\e.- luta Tau Kappa, East One ; md Nortli One during the past two weeks. The win over Iota Tau Kappa was the only loss suffered by that strong fraternity combine ■,hus far. -Also undefeated, with four Ains and no losses, is the strong Sigma Phi outfit, which has vic tories over Vets and -\lpha Pi during the last two weeks. Iota Tau Kappa, with four wins and one defeat. to North Two and Jefeated Footballers and Kappa I'si in recent games. Outstanding individuals in re cent contests have included Bol Welborn, of North Two, John \Ve(x>m, of North Two, Jbhn Platt, of Sigma Phi! Carlton Lang- ,ton, of Vets; Billy Cobb and Russ McGhee, of East Two; Bobby Rice jf tfappa Psi; Charlie Michaux, of Footballers: and Sammy Nelson, of Alpha Ph. The strong Day Student girls, with a trio of ace forwards in Martha Walker, Nancy Kernodle and Polly Payne, have been run ning rough-shod over all opposi tion in the girls’ league. STANDINGS (BOVS) Team W L. Pet. North '2) 5 0 1.000 Sigma Phi 4 0 1.000 ITK 4 1 .800 Day Students 2 2 .500 Veterans 2 2 .500 East i2i 2 3 .400 North 11) 2 3 .400 Kappa Psi 1 3 .2.50 Alpha Pi 1 3 .250 'footballers 1 4 ,200 East (1) 0 5 .000 (GIRLS) 1 Team W. L. Pet.! Day Students 3 0 1.000 Delta U 1 0 1.000 West Second 1 2 .333 West Third 1 2 ..333 Tau Zeta 0 2 .000 . PL.4YER SHOW (Continued From Page One) Douglas Edwards, George Starkey, Adolph Mellberg, Ken Lambert, George Spelvin, Ida Jackson, Wright Williamson and Connie Harriman. Wednesday, February 10, I954 j Plans Discussed I For Spring Dune I The price of stag tickets ^ I the winter dance, a request ft — [record player and consideratioi. a dance committee for the spr formal took the spoUight at ' student legisIatiiTe meetinL February 4th. 'The legislature, realizing that e purpose of the dance was not from the previously specifiei $1.50 to 75 cents each. Diane Maddox, chairman of the entertainment committee, re quested the legislature to >ppro- priate money for a recoi.' player for student use. The matter was deferred until financial returns from the winter dance were known before action was submitted to the legislature by the student body president, but it was re jected after a heated discussion, and a new list of names was sent back to the president for his ap proval. The legislators expressed ar- prise to learn that changes in the student constitution, voted in by the students sometime ago, had not yet taken effect because they had not yet been submitted to the board of trustees. 1 na k;iini- at f’ullowbee a St Sat- unla\ night. s a follow Player Camrs If; KT T|. Maddox 16 82 76 240 Timnii.ns Ifi -A) 35 135 Mitchell 16 48 28 124 ’’aikard 16 43 .33 119 Gauldin 15 'ti 24 112 Malloy 16 30 28 88 Kieval 12 35 16 86 Whitley 15 30 , 22 82 Hamrick 16 10 22 42 King 8 8 5 21 Stone 12 4 7 1.5 Mclntsre '1 4 4 12 Crump 5 2 6 10 Brown .5 3 0 (i naltiin 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 3 (jtllT )".|,.,-| 7 4 2j F.I.OV Totals — 16 403 311 1117 Oppori' M' - 1172 were Laila Khury and Violet turn for 1954 duty. In the quarter- Ramallah, Jordan back -slot is Bill Snyder and Jerry Akromas, and fullbacks Revell .’VIorrison and Glenn Beal are look ing good. W'hitney Bradham, Ker ry Richards, Eddie Bridges and Paul Watts are among the half backs. I )riole!>. played last year in the Iri-State league. Jack .McKeon, Fred Biangardi and Billy Cayavec have all signed the dotted line with the Bur-Gra Pirates, affili ate of the Pittsburgh Pirates. Jack Mitchell hill signed with Shreve port and will train with that club Alex Morrow is back with the Washington Senators’ organization "2 for the third straight year. John Brady, a big right-hander, will go **6 to Phoenix, Ariz., with the parent **2 Giant club for spring training. Nel ooper, now coaching Elon High 21 School, is set to go with High IS Point in the Carolina League. 1 12 will keep in touch with each of land guard. Tackles in action in- 10 tiiese boys and pass on the new^dude J. C. Disher. Jim Hawkins 6 (if their prccjre-s, and Pat Cafasso from last fall'.- • i • outfit, reinforced by Eddie David Coach S (l Varney and some able issistants, among whom 1"^ ,1,....,. .. . I widdifield IS still recuperating Owi.jht Dill m. last year', co-cap-^ operation. Returning ^2 1172 -ain, ai- «ell pleaft-d with the off-|ends include .Mai Bennett, Archie Wilborn and Bubba Barne.s. Homer Hobgood has been es pecially busy at center, with Bob Kopko still nursing an injured knee. Guards include lettermen Chuck Maynard, Joe Smith and Glenn Varney, with Nick Theos likely to alternate between tackle son, who becomes eligible for ac- Ition next September. Veteran Joe Hilda .'.lejandre, of Havana. Cuba: and Oleg Panoff. now of New ■york, but formerly of Shanghai, China. Also present as a guest was Silvia Hinnom, a native* of Estonia, who is employed at the Carolina Biological Supply. Crepe Paper Poster Paper Points, Brushes Canvass Board V C A M M A C K Office Supply For All Decorative Occasions '2.')1 W. Front .St. Burlington. \. C. Outfitters for the Stiidtmt SPORTS SHOTS — Can anyone im:i >ine Don Packard, our fast- breaking eager, as a daddy? . . , We might ask Don wliat ,kind ot j «ater Bill .\rmfield is drinkine ' Thev tell me around the gym ' that C, K. Siler has one of the | '.fi-t hook-shots since Kieval . . 1 My vote goes to Dave ’ladt! | -jumping center, as the most I impi/.»ved player on the squad i in' e arriving at Dear Ole Elo i . I TK. had a rush party 1;, I Thursday, and you can still , ■ the results of it walking arounc' jti.i- campus . . . Going out on a ■ im - to pick I.T.K. as Intramural ■'..iketball champions . . . Nothing in*r:>onal. you understand . . . .-\ny- or.i- Know v.'here Coach Varney ;can pick up a couple of big. rug- ' c* ;in,.rnnd tackles? . . , Varn*“y • i-inr T ur-.d !';, *he day t;, ■ III nil:: and wires hot in >1- .search . ?ec-ns as thoui;)-. * I- Chr; tian c.^;jers win 'em V ■ Nuf ^td' «, ;■ vou isu-! W.C.T.C. GAME (Continued From Page Three) in the second quarter which saw each team hit 18 points, but the Catamounts held a 14-point mar gin at half-time, and they boosted that lead to 20 points by the three-quarter mark to the final margin of 26 points by the end of the game. The Catamounts had four men hitting double figures for the night, with Shamel, Martin and Simpson giving Jordan plenty of help. iMaddox led Elon with 22.1 and Roy Kieval chipped in 13 points. EAT AT THE NEW ELON GRILL Steaks — Chops — Hamburgers Sandwiches Complete Dinners Sea Food Is Our Specialty Faculty Meinhor Pos. Elon (61) F—Malloy i3) J, I F—Gauldin (2) Has Poem C/o.spii c_Maddox 22) Mrs. Bessie P. Sloan, professor!^ Timmons i7) W.C.T.C. (87) Ray (13) Shamel (13) Jordan (29) Martin (12) Simpson (14) Half—W.C.T C. 46. Elon 32. Elon subs—Mitchell 5, Kieval 13. Garrett 2, Stone, King, Whit ley 3, McIntyre 2. Hamrick. WCTC I subs—Pulliam (U, Williams 3, SWIFT CLEANERS ELON COLLEGE Alterations — Laundry — Shirts HUNDREDS OF GIFT ITEMS Visit Our Gift Shop — Burlington 220 West Front St. (0pp. Fire Dept.) BROWSERS WELCOME of Spanish, has just been notified'G—Packard i2) that for the second successive year one of her poems will be included in the National Anthology of Poetry, " published by the National Poetry Association, Her poem, “Drums Over .\frica, " was chcsen ^ last year, while the one named Shields, Swaitzel, Maga- this year is entitled "The Builder." licla 7. ATTENTION, (;iKLS» GOLDMAN’S SHOES For .VII Your Campus And Dress Footwear Featuring f’appzios • I’own ,and Country Deb e Carnielletes )*i iina Covers Girls • Footflairs Front St. Burlington, \. C. Mr(,KKGOK Sl’ORT.SWEAR CURRIN & HAY "Men's and Students' If ear'’ HOST(f\U\ SHOES I)a\it St. Burlington « FOR YOI FOR YOU BILLERS Invites you to call for your FREE copy of this famous booklet SC'Sk >L •iHSHlP '‘ ■'n.inucd f:nra P.^e T", H untree, of Greensboro diam6nd rings '' J B Newman, ol Burlington; I’ Eaton, t.f Burlington frank Suencrr, of the Winston- '.alcni Journal; Carl Jeffrey.-^, b.' G'eensboro Daily News; and O H. Allen, of the Burlington limes-News. VOLK CREDIT Ls (;ooi): J e tu E L e R § CAMERON Also $100 1o 2475 Wedding Ring 12.50 COCA.COI* COMPANY ,Y cok.- u ^ COCA-COLA^BOTTIING COMP.ANY »oreg.«,redfroa*.mork. ^ . ^ ^ IVj3, The Coco-Cc.'o Conpony /