T Christian &FAROON AND GOLD PAGE THREE le Fakes North State Baseball Championship £ Ion Golfer Uunncr’lJp ! forCroivn smilli, Elon golf star from ' .staged a brilliant! north si Al t; co^i eren • r.rpcnsboro. c» . iLeback in the North State Con-. ence tourney to tie Claude | I rjjtf of Kast CarSTtna, ,for the in-, I . ,v„i.i crown. The two posted a j of 151 for 36 holes, : pijyed over the Starmount course j f p I Tli and "ll’'' The fv pl:v-'■' 1 jrf j toi ■ 1- ■ ! in t f ; ■ ^ nine hob' I Cli iJ'' The t' -ay, lay 6tn. '■n.niet in an 18-hole 't irclay. May St.j, ■ o:ie, .'.lot a 72 e t i..p Smith : for file title. Smith i ?a;' in the jiit ran into trouble :u' I' anrl 'ii.id a 76 . 1 ' play. ;t • Carolina four-man I team, which had won the regu- L lar season title, also gained the team championship in the tourna- [nient with a combined score of strokes. Elon finished second [with 688, trailed by High Point »'iih 691 and Appalachian with BJ'S strokes. P Eloii Licks Bruin Squad Tiviceln Titular Series _ ~ - J • m: 9 • ^ SFOKTS A La Rauseo r’‘;n t olle;;.;- ba:ebaU squ ul. wliicir defeated Lenoir Rhyne •: ■ 0 thampionship of the! Nojlh S!aii^ Conterence, is pic-n • '! noov ■ ’n each row, the membe of tho Clp’isti'in squad are as follnv,s: ■ •V’T \.{ T > cdpUire Reading from left ];i : ‘ —Ric’ard ,n. pitcher, Passaic, N. J.; Bill Snyder, 3b, Danville, Pa.; I) .-ik HamricK. p-.i, Diaper: M.-.-iS, Cb, U'xingtoiK Ron Mniih. 2b, Turlington; i\ick Thompson, ; . 13ur!iT't'Speech •n. lb, V S.C.: 'in.; ijii; Arml'.old, ui Ltakavir.i;. SEC'->:0 ;VV — T.ri.i> I'offle- T'i.JVa; M( Intyre, pitcher, Burlington; Paul Watts, of, Taylorsville; Char-lie I. pitc’.ier. I.e.Kingiciu U n I'ackard, of, Avondale; Ray SjoU, 2b, S 'agrovc; and liobby Drown Summit. BACK ROW —Gene Laughlin, lb, Gree'.h^oro; R- d McDaniel, catcher. .•Vrc’.iic V,'i!';orn. catcher. Tsicbane; I.uthcr Conger, pitcher, :nd Pat Chandler, manager, Fay 'tevilla. 01 :tls; Shcrill Hall, pitcher. King; Elon Track S(|iiad Cops Third Place The i;ion Christians returned to ■'.c b.i^i iiall tl. .ino c,l the North M.ite (.’.liifci'enijo wI.l'ii they de feated the Lenoir lUnne Bears twice in a row to take the 1954 loop championshiv), regaining a title whicii Klon held for tiiroe 'uccO'.‘!ive yeai's in 194!). ly.iO and lt»;l. The liea;s had (KItaied Elon in the finals in 19,''2 and 1953. The East Carolina Pirate, cop- vd top honors in the annualj.ion's ••BiR ^ ,o.th State track meet at High|,,y.^,. >oinl on Saturday, M i)th, wit!; | in the two games, and the Christian batters hit in timely fash ion to drive the winning runs jcrojs. The two wini came by cores of 4 to 3 nd 4 to 2. It was a booming three-run homer by Bobby Green, Elon out fielder, wiiich clin'.;h;'d thi' title in the second Same at Lenoir 18th. It is generally believed by most If the facUties and equipment students, faculty and many friends j were availai.le, there is no doubt ■ of Elon College that soon tho new j in my mind that many students tuilding will be erected. It is my | would ‘ discov-.-r themselves" in fondest wish that when this con-Uratk and .titld. struction tukos place, the archi-, Unless we are e.-.posed to new tcct will be instructed to make'experiences, we cannot familiarize loora si.,acv,iieie for track and ourselves with them nor appreci- fielil ev iito. ‘-te them. Over a million high At the present ti ne Elon Col- school boys and girls, at least lege cannot claim one single item 750,000 college students and po - €f track and field equipment. Yet sibly a larger number of element- "ry children, participate in track and field events each year. These small additions to our in tlie recent North State Confer ence track meet at High Point we finished third behind East Caro lina and Lenoir Rhyne. How was it possible for our boys to make ® great deal of prestige to suchT'credYtaWe showing with-1 our school, and. to quote an oft- cut equipment and facilities? I used saying, “it doesnt cost much Simple enough. Every day the: 8° cla^s. boys travelled to Burlington Mem- j ,1. ♦ * I orial Stadium, where they used the j in the world of sports today *'igh school equipment. | there is a great deal of skepticism Aside from the fact that Coach and doubt '.vhether baseball is still Varney had to practically bribe the national pastime. Last week! ^ i^moir Rhyne 3. and threaten to whip some of the in Atlanta. Georgia Tech played, Lenoir Rhyne 2. participants in order to get them an intra-squad football ’ to train the^e athletes have a fore 14.000 paid customers at £1,25 , , ** ■„> , . x, , v.i '.reatlove foTthe sTort. Sd. as per head. That same night the teams in ^‘J, roint h^ ^ result, they were able to get .-Atlanta Crackers, leading the AA a_lmost Bayard Hovdesven, of Elon Baseball Schedule j El-jn 4, Uake Forest 2. ;;]cn-Wake Forest (lain). Elon 3, Guilford 3. El>n 5, Williams 6, Kioii 1, Williams 0. L’lon 0, East Carolina 2. riim 2. East Carol-na 1. F.Ian 3, Keidsville 6. Elon 2, Lynchburg 4. Klon 17, Guilford 0. Elon 14, ACC 0. F.lon 1. ACC 0. Lion 5, B-ar-Gra 7. Elon 2, Hampdea-Sidney 8, Elon 7, A.C.C. 1. Elon 10, A.C.C. 0. tion 11, Gu Uard 0. rirn .5, Guilford 0. Elon 10, High Point 2. Elon 3, High Point 2. Elon 4, Guilford 5. Elon 8. Hish Point 1 Eion-liigh Point (rain). Elon 5, Lynchburg 2. Elon 4, East Carolina 0. Elon 2, East Carolina 1. Paiitliers Aiul Pirates Win Tennis Meet Elon Gels Seven All-Slar Bertlis M •onoir Rhyne secjiid a:id Elon 1 ■> tli-'d pltioe. Team scores in- ■ludecl Ka.,f Carolina 4d, Lenoir (nyiio 34 1-3. Elon 29 1-3, Guil- uru 2': 1-3, High Point 22, and .S';‘.-;te! :i Carolina 8. Ttt1, 'v. rc2,;; Js were set and ,i!e tied during the meel, with ohn Platt bringing a new pole .ult maik to Elon with a leap if 10 feet 6 inches. Francis, of 'i-.iUord, set a biuad jump mark ■I' 21 feet 1 1-2 inches, and Perry, )f Ea.st Carolina, tied the 100 ard dash mark of 9.9 seconds. John Platt was also the top in- lividual scorer in the meet with lirst place in the high hurdles, I tie tor first in the pole vault, ■c^oi.d in the k)w hurdles, fourth n lh« shot and a tie for fourth in he high jump. The summary: 100-yard dash—1. Perry (ECCI, !. Hayes (ECO; 3. Amorgnos (LR); I. Richards (Elon). T-!).;). 220-yard—1. Perry (ECO; 2. laves (ECO; 3. Moore (LR); 4.! Chambers (ECO. T-23.3. Coming as a fitting climax to their victory in the North State Conference title race, the Fight ing Christians placed seven men The Hiih Point Panthers, and; on the All-Conference baseball the East Carolina Pirates split lionors in the annual North State Conference tennis tournament, .hich was held on the Elon courts ,-,n Monday and Tuesday, May 3rd ;ind 4th. Carlos Horcasitas, High Point ^tar, carried the singles title back .squad for 1954. The honor squad was named by vote of the coach es of the loop and with advice from major league scouts, who followed games closely. The Christians .placed all their ‘‘Bis Four" pitchers, in- rluding leather Conger, right- for the Panthers as he defeated ] harder from Scotts; Sherrill Baker, of Appalachian, by 6-2 and 6-4 in straight sets. It was the fourth successive year that High Point has won the singles crown, and Horcasitas took his all the way in straight sets. Cameron and Williams, top doubles pair for East Carolina, car ried off the doubles honors by defeating Frazier and Eller, of High Point, in straight sets by I scores of 7-5, 7-5. It marked the first time in four years that High 75 to 100 heads at any of the varsity ball games played here, j Ceitainly the inclement weather les reached the semifinals in the sing and Charlie Schrader and has been a tremendous influence | Russ Borjes, Elon doubles team. in fairly good shape in spite of Southern Association, placed be- the ritual of travelling to and tore 1,400. ‘ fron^ Burlington. | if you a-a looking for that kind Generally track and field events of evidenco to support the same ^ jh crowds at homeU^irted the semi-finals in that dl- wll for endurance, speed and I theory, you will be amply supplie ' skill, including over thirty differ- j v. ith it by studying the attend- Mt events such as walking, run-lance reco' ls of Carolina League *>'ng, jumping, throwing and]teams. In ^iie immediate vicinit>. climbing activities, which offer the best Illustration I know of Hall, righthander from King, Hank namri>.k, icrihaadcr from Draper; and Charlie Swicegood, lefthander from Lexlngten. Elon plard three pitchers on the honor team in 1951, but this was the first time in history that ore team had landed four pitch ers in one year. Other lion stars who were Rhyne on Tuesday, May Green's homer, whicl' travelled an estimated 430 feet, came in tho top of the sixth and sent two run ners home ahead of him. These three runs broke a 1-all tie and proved the deciding factor in the game and sei'ies. Lenoir Rhyne had scored first when Mark Lyerly homered in the first, but Speedy Langston hit for the circuit in the fourth to tie the score and set the stage for Green's mighty blow. A second Bruin run scored in the eight);, but it v.as too little and too late. The Christians had grabbed the .'eries opener on the Elf.,, field the previous day by a 4 to 3- score. This win came and a wild-and- 440-yard 1. McKeithern | ^ooly eighth inning that saw the !. Brown (LRI; 3. Pickett (ECO;i I. McLean (LR). T-54.6. 2 to 1 going into that 880-yard-l. McKeitliern, 'LR'Ijframe, but Lenoir Rhyne got to 1 r .. ... A ..4 //Ml Q ' Wf ' M k 1 !. Haworth (G); 3. Frantin'j KCC), 4. Martin (Elon). T-2;ll. Mile run—1. Tuten (ECO; 2. Campbell (LRI; 3. Davis (HP); 4. viorrison (Elon), T-5:20.8. 120-yd. high hurdles—-1. Platt Elon); 2. Bennett (Elon); 3. Mor- tz (LR); 4. Francis (Gl. T-I5.7. 220-yd. low hurdles—1.Bennett Elon); 2. Platt (Elon); 3. Moretz LR); 4.^ Dasher (LR). 1-27.5. Shot Put—1. Smith (WCTO; 2. Lee (ECO; 3. Younts (G); 4. Platt (Elon). Distance— 39 ft. 4 inches. Conger for two runs to move into la 3-2 lead. However. Elon bounced right back with two markers of her own to cop the game. As it the play oil the field v. as not action enough for one innii. ■„ tragedy .struck the Lenoir Rhyne squad during the intermission when the Bruin shortstop, Billy Pharr, was beaned and seriously injured by a wild throw of one of his own teammates, who was warming up far down the left field foul line. Pharr was rushed to a Discus—1. L. Reddick (HP); 2., hospital for treat- Smith (WCTO; 3. Wolverton ■ECO; 4. Yoilhts (G). Distance 1114 ft., 8 inches, j High Jump—1. Moseley (HP); 2. Mosteller (HP); 3. Maddox (Elont; 4. Platt and Bennett (Elon); jtie. Height— 5 ft., 5 in. ment and was reported still in serious condition at the time of this writing. Luther Conger scattered six Lenoir Rhyne hits in this opening I game, fanning eight and walking four. Sherrill Hall allowed the FIRST GAME I K. II, E. ''PPortunity for every type of in^ ■iividual to particpate successfully. would be tur Figiiting Christians V/e have one of tiie be't c.:iMe?f viewing television, and the fa'l'■ ^,ision. Hovdesven had chalked up ing off of attendance is the reason ^ Williams, and .or the rumor or belief that base-* ^ , c- u ^ i oall is looing its status. Hildebrand, of Guilford. Schrader j Actually, if at any time you were (Continued On Page Four) and Borjes downed the Appalach ian pair in the doubles opener. Pole vault 1. Platt, (Elon) and fjyg fj,e second Hurst (ECO tie; 3. Bliss ®"d striking out five and allow- named to :he All-Conference list Campbell (LR) tie. Hgt. 10 feet., walks, included Co-Captain (Red) Me- e inches. | Daniel, a senior catcher from Broad jump—1. Francis, (G); 2.' Kinston; Nick Thompson, a Moseley (IIP); 3. Perry (KCC); 4. sophomore shortstop from Bur- .Trafford (Guilford), Dist—21 ft., L. Rhyne 000 001 020—3 6 2 lington; Lnd Bobby Green, a \ i_2 inches. ' El,on 101 000 02x—4 9 4 Mile relay—1. (LR.. 2. (Gi; 3. Barker and Bost; Conger and (Elon); 4. (HP). T—3:50.5. .McDaniel. Two mile run—1. R'ibeits (ECC);' SECOND GAME i. Dixon (IIP); 3. Ha'. orth ((i); 4, K. II. E. Tuton, (ECO. T—11.56.5. Elon 000 103 000—4 7 2 .lavelin—1. Nielson iGt; 2. Hayes L. Rhyne 100 000 010—2 5 1 ECO; Hurst (ECO;' 4. Bennett Hall and McDaniel; Peeler and Elon). Distance—158 ft., 5 in. Best. outfielder from Mon- sophomor. ticello. It marV.fd the third All-Con- ference year for Charlie Swice good, and the second time hon ored for Sherrill Hall, Hank Hamrick and Nick Thompson. It was the first time on the se lect list for Conger, McDaniel and Gret . 1954...THEY CARKIEU ELON COLLEGE COLOUS IN GOLF AND TENMS ..;1954 1 The F!on College golf and ten nis te:\ms, which carried Elon col ors on links and court in 1954, are pictured here. The golfers, read ing left to right, are Tuffy Bow man, Wytheville, Va.; Bowman Small, Burlington; Don .Smith. Greensboro; Roy McGriff, Win- ston-Salem; Joe Harvey, Greens boro; and Jimmy Leighton. Dur ham. The tennis squad, also left to right, are Jimmy Luke. Holland, Va.; Kuss McGhee, Franklin, Va.; Bayard Hovdesven, Elon College; Charlie Schrader. tVinstOn-Salem; Cen Barr, Norwich, Conn.; ami I.eslie Johnston. Holland, Va. Two of- the tennis team were absent when the picture was taken. They were Russ Borjes, Portsmouth, Va.: pnd Richard Ceake, Great Bridge, Va. 1 •: -If