2. 1956 MAROON AND GOLD PAGE TtlRER Christian Golfers Clinch Conference Crown Links S(|ua(l Nears End Of Undefeated Canijjaign Tlioinpsou Is Still Leading Elou Hitting UGHmo CHRISTUN BASi BAI.L SOLAlt OJ 10.>6 ^VeU past the midway point of the 1956 baseball campaign, little Nick Thompson was still pacing ,be atuck for the Christian regu lars on the basis of figures com piled after the Catawba game play ed last Thursday at Salisbury. The Elon captain had sUpped some what from •’is earlier, but he was still banging jway at a .413 rate with.twelve james on the books. The records showed that Thomp- had smacked out 19 hits in 46 )s to the plate, and only Bill ece could top him with a per- ect mark on one trip to bat. The ,nly players even close to Thomp- -n m the percentages were pitch- or players who had been to at only a few times in the early eason. The Christian squad as a whole anaged to hold the same .262 ercentage that it showed two eeks ago while winning three araes from Guilford, Atlantic nristian and Appalachian and roppiiig a contest to Catawba, hat loss to Catawba at Salisbury as! week left Elon with an 8-4 .ark in wii)s and losses to Uiat The results of the East Car- lina and Pfeiffer games were not nown when these figures were ompiled. In addition to pacing the hlt- ng, Thompson is tied with Bobby College, we can only look back V 'm Walkiiior The Clialk-Liiies By BILL WALKER The Elon College baseball squad which is nearing the close of its 1956 campaign, i.s pictured above, .viembers of the squad, reading left to right, are as follows. FRONT ROW — Joe DelGais, Don Lichok, Bobby Sharpe, Alton Myers, Nick Thompson, Homer Hohgood, Do;i Johnson, George Allen and Wayland Medley. SECOND ROW — Jerry Holt, Bill Ross, Corbitt Hartley, Gilbert Watts, Larry Sum mers, Jack Henderson, Vincent B ajan and Dalton Beamon. BACK ROW — Hilary Motsinger, Tony Carcaterra, Clem Johnson, Paul Watts, Bobby Green, Dean Robertson. Mack Paype and Frank Goss. tfeen for the all-important runs- honors. Each of the All- nference stars has driven 12 cores across the plate. Green osted his average better than hundred percentage points in e past two weeks and took over he homerun leadership with two ound-trippers against Catawba, reen is also tied with Myers for eadership in triples, while Thomp- tops the squad in number of ibles. The shortstop also leads stolen bases, while Homer Hob- ood leads in sacrifices. With the season record showing ight wins and four defeats up last Thursday, Jack Hender- n. Bill Ross and Gilbert Watts d chalked two mound victories ach, while single wins were cre- ited to Frank Goss and Corbitt rtley. Henderson and Ross had tiered two defeats apiece. The statistics through the Ca- wba game at Salisbury follow— ab r r avg. Ill 1.000 ... 46 15 19 .413 .. 10 2 4 With the 19^-56 sports season Both teams posted brilliant rec- drawing fast to a close at Elon ords this yea^. The basketballers, except for Ben Kendall, Ray Whitley and Hugh Citty, return almost to a man, and that means that the Christians will be plenty rugged back under the boards next year. It Coach Mathis can round up a couple of really good outside prospects, then we can only say that Eton's hardwood oppo nents should look well to their laurels come next December . . . As for the golfers, the famous "Four L's" will be around Elon for a quite a while yel, and the dope passed around at this time is that at least two hot divot-dig- gers will join the "L’ss for next year. That would mean a six-man team next spring instead of this year's fearsome foursome, all of which would mean slightly larger cores lor Elon. ompson . *ndersi>n edley ... Watts en olt obgood -reen xhok "ss harpe DelGais ''arcaterra ohnson .... "beruon 13 13 6 27 41 28 6 12 7 8 48 13 12 syne Hirtiey Goss ■'fitts Hotsinger Bujar, Sunmiers 12 ... 4 - 17 . 32 33 .. 5 43 . 17 ... 3 2 .. 2 .. 1 1 0 .400 .385 .385 ,333 .296 ,293 .286 ,250 .250 ,250 .235 .219 .212 .200 .186 ,176 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 .000 w’ard and surmize that things dur ing the year were not quite as expected other than in basketball and golf . , , and possibly in track (that squad still has most of its season ahead). The Fighting Chris tians at this writing can be sure of only two North State Confer ence championships, with another hanging in the balances. The Christian footballers fared worse than any of the major sports squads, showing only three wins against seven defeats in a lO-game campaign. A glance discloses that the footballers worst luck did not come in the won-lost record . . , it came in the man-power column . the gridders started the sea son in the hole and never quite got out of it . . . the loss of Bob Kopko with a winter practice in jury . , , the illnes of Nick Theos . the departure of Quarterback Bill Snyder , . . All of these hurt, but the real back-breaker was the broken arm which Bob Stauffen- berg brought home as a trophy from the Mississippi Southern game . . . This is not an attempt to excuse the showing made by this year's footballers, but it is intended as a warning that, if these unfortunate incidents do not occur again next year, the Elon footballers may quite possibly pick up in '56 where they left off in '54. There is little to be said for the Elon basketballers and golf ers that has not already been said. Cinder Spiiad Impressive 111 Clialkiiiii Triaimle Win The Elon College track squad grabbed eleven first places out of fiften events in turning back Le noir Rhyne and Atlantic Christian ill a triangular track meet here last Saturday afternoon. The final .scoring showed Elon with 111, Lenoir Rhyne with 39 and Atlan tic Christian with 12 points. Eddie Bridges, who won both dashes and took second in the ^ Elon broad jump for Elon was indivi dual high scorer. Other double winners were Larry Gregg, who copped both hurdles for Elon, and Harold Bullard, who won both the discus and javelin throws' for Le noir Rhyne, Bridges had 9.8 for the hundred and 22.3 for the two-twenty dash, while Larry Gregg topped the high hurdles in 15.2 and the low hur dles in 25.2, in each case better- As for baseball, well things are . , ... * u ■ . *.u- • . # mg the Elon record. However, all not so bright at this juncture of _ . u.j\u the season as had been hoped The Christian diamond outfit has not fared quite as well thus far in 1956 as has been the case in seasons just gone, but there are some bright prospects for the fu ture ... Of all the Elon sports teams, the baseballers were hit hardest last year by graduation, and the same squad will suffer greatest graduation losses again this spring. However, there are a number of very fine young pros pects on hand this spring, and those Hoys may become the nu cleus for another championship baseball squad, a feature which (Continuea on Page Four) Elon Defeats Mountaineers As Rally JSeU 14-5 Margin ToUls 428 86 112 .262 417 60 84 .201 fiUNS-BATTED IN — Green 12, Mompson 12, Holt 6, Payne 5, ttnson 4, Lichok 3, Carcaterra • Hobgood 3, Robertson 2, Del- 2is2, Medley 1, Ross 1, G. Watts , J'^^®AGGERS — Thompson ■ ayne 3, Hobgood 2, Myers 2, _ 2, Green 1, Johnson 1. rWEE-BAGGERS — Green 2, 2, Thompson 1, Carcaterra ^ Ross 1. HOMERS — Green 2, ^1. Thompson 1, G. Watts 1. LEN bases — Thompson 6, 1, Myers 1, Carcaterra 1, Hobgood I. DelGais 1. G. Watts „ ^'^CRinCES — Hobgood 3, 1. Johnson 1, Ross 1, G. ''‘si 1, Payne i. BASE ON (Continued Oa Page Four) Eleven runs in a big sixth tail ing proved the feature of Elon s 14 to 5 triumph over the Appala chian Mountaineers here on Mon day afternon, April 23rd. It was the first meeting of the year be tween the old rival.s The Apps starting pitcher, Char lie Readling, was well on his way to a shutout win over the Chris tians and was coasting along with a 5-0 margin until that fateful inning when the Elon outfit put together six base hits with four bases on balls and two hit batsmen to push the eleven runners home. Coach Doc Mathis, pulling a typical Casey Stengel strategy, sent practically every man on the Elon bench into the game, but some of his moves paid off hand- (Somely. An instance was when Mack Payne, entering the game cs a pinch-hitter in the big sixth, pounded two doubles in that same inning. His two doubles plated four runs. The Christians also made the seventh a big frame by counting three times. Two of the markers came home on a booming triple by Bobby Green. There were four Elon pitchers sharing mound duties. Corbitt Hartley started and gave up three runs in the second. He was re lieved by" Jack Henderson, who was followed to the mound by Frankie Goss and Gilbert Watts. Don Lichok, Mack Payne and Gilbert Watts were the leading hitters for the Christians, each pounding out two hits the Appalachian 030 002 OOC-5 6 5 Elon 000 00(11)030-14 10 1 ReadUng, HaU (6). Lapish (6) McKee (9) and Triplett; Hadley, Henderson (2), Goss (6). Watts (7) and Hobgood. races on the straight-away had the advantage of a terrific tail-wind. Paul Watts set a new Elon record in the mile run with a mark of 4 minutes 59 seconds. The summary— 100 YARD DASH — Bridges (E), Richards IE), Steele (LR), Huffman (LRI. TIME — 9.8 secs. 220 YARD DASH — Bridges E), Richards (E), Huffman (LR), R. Smith (E). TIME — 22.3 secs. 440 YARD DASH — Newcomb (E), Faust (E), DeMatteo (E), Fish er (LR). TIME — 53.4 secs. 880 YARD RUN — Griffin (E), Hughes (AC), Martin (E), Crump (E). TIME — 2 mins. 11.4 secs. ONE-MILE RUN — Watts (E), Williams (AC), R. Bergman (E), B. Bergman (E). TIME — 4 mins. 59 secs. TWO-MipE RUN — Williams (AC), R. Bergman (E), Watts (E), Weaver (AC.) TIME — 11 mins. 21 sees. 120 YARD HIGH HURDLES — Gregg (E), Greenwood (E), B. Smith (E), Phillips (LR). TIME — 15.2 secs. 220 YARD LOW HURDLES — Gregg (E), Greenwood (E), Phil lips (LR), Little (LR). TIME — 25.2 secs. HIGH JUMP — Greenwood (E), Stephenson’(e'), Gregg (E), tie for fourth by -Atkinson (E) and Phil lips (LR). HEIGHT — 5 feet 9 inches, BROAD JUMP — Bradham (E) Bridges (E), Richards (E), New comb (E). DISTANCE — 20 feet 7 1-2 inches. POLE VAULT — CampbeU TENNIS Elon 3, Lynchburg 4. Elon-Lynchburg (Raw) Elon 2, A. C, C, 5 Elon 6, Appalachian ) Elon 2, High Point 5. Elon 1, East Carolina 6. Elon 2, Guilford 5.' Elon 6, Appalachian 1, Elon 5, Lenoir Rhyne 2. Elon 0, Guilford 7. Elon 0, High Point 7. (Remaining Meets) May 2—East Carolina, home. May 3—A.C.C., away. May 4—Lenoir Rhyne, home. May 10-11—Conference tourna- ment. GOLF . The Elon golfers, boasting the strongest combination of divot- diggers in Fighting Christian his tory, ran their consecutive victory string to ten by last weekend and I maintained their undefeated rec ord to that date for the 1956 sea son. With only two meets remain ing, they were assured of the Con- ierence cnampionship as they op ened this final week of play. The Christians victories within he past two weeks included tri umphs over Appalachian twice by . ounts of 13 1-2 to 4 1-2 and 15 1-2 to 2 1-2, over High Point twice by scores of 15 to 3 and 15 1-2 to - 1-2, and over Catawba for the second time this year by a 15 to J margiti. The tournament for both I individuals and teams is set for Starmount next Tuesday, May 8th. Elon 13 1-3. .Appalachian 3 1-2 The Elon linksmen turned back Appalachian 13 1-2 to 4 1-2 over a windswept Alamance Country Club Qourse on Tuesday, April 17th. Bobby Loy, of Elon, wa.s medalist with a 75 score. The sum mary— Lloyd (E) tied Beck, 1 1-2 to 1 1-2; Loy (E) over Green, 3 to ); Lloyd and Loy (E) over Beck jnd Green, 3 to 0; Leigtjton (E) over Broyhill, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Hall (A) over Landress, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Leighton and Landress (E) over Broyhill and Hall, 3 to 0. Elon 15 1-2, High Point 2 1-2 The Christians made it seven wins in a row for the season when they defeated High Point 15 to 3 at High Point on Wednesday, April 18th. Bobby Loy had a 73 tor med alist honors. The summary— Loy (E) Over Powell, 3 to 0; Lloyd (E) tied Bledsoe, 1 1-2 to 1 1-2; Loy and Lloyd (E) over Powell and Bledsoe, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Leighton (E) over Farley, 3 to 0: Landress (E) over Rutledge, 2 to I; Leighton and Landress (E) over Farley and Rutledge, 3 to 0, Elon 15 1-2, Appalachian 2 1-2 The Christians trampled Appa lachian on the Mountaineers’ home course at Lenoir on Monday, April 23rd, by a 15 1-2 to 2 1-2 count. Freddy Lloyd posted a 71 for med alist score. The summary— Loy (E) over Green, 2 to 1; Lloyd (E) over Beck, 3 to 0; Loy and Lloyd (E) over Green and Beck, 2 to I; Leighton (E) over Baseball Schedule ] Elon 4, Williams 3. Elon 13. Williams 3. Elon 6, Wittenberg 4. Elon 2, West C,arolina 9. Elon 1, VVest Carolina 5. Klon-L^nolr Rhyne (Rain) Elon 9, High Point S. Elon 8, Guilford 9. Elun-Lenulr Rhyne (Wet Grounds) Elon G, A. C. C. 2. tUun-Iligh Point (Kain). Elon 11, Guilford 1. Elon 8, A, C, C. 3. Elon 14. .Appalachian 5. Elon 3, Catawba 8. Elon 11. East Carolina 5. Elon-Pfeiffer (Kain). (Remaining Games) May 3 — Appalachian, away. May 8 — Catawba, home. May 10 — East Carolina, home. May 12 — Pfeiffer, away. Broyhill, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Landress (E) over Hall, 3 to 0; Leighton and Landress (El over .Broyhill and Hall, 3 to 0. Elon 15, Catawba 3 The Elon golfers got their sec ond win over Catawba by a 15 to 3 coutn at Salisbury on Tues day, April 24th. Freddy Lloyd had a 74 for medalist honors. The sum mary— , Lloyd (E) over Kelly, 2 to 1; Loy (E) over Harper, 3 to 0; Lloyd and Loy (E) over Kelly and Har per, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Leighton (E) over Long, 3 to 0; Landress (E) tied Carter, 1 1-2 to I 1-2; Leigh ton and Landress (E> over Long and Carter, 3 to 0. Elon 15 1-2, llifh Point 2 1-2 The Christian linksmen made it ten wins in succession by down ing High Point 15 1-2 to 2 1-2 at Alamance Country Club last Tues day, April 26th. Bobby Loy and Freddy Lloyd were co-medalists with 73 scores. The summary— Lloyd (E) over Powell, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Loy (E) over Ward, 2 1-2 to 1-2; Lloyd and Loy (E) over Pow ell and Ward, 3 to 0; Leighton (E) over Finely, 3 to 0; Rutledge (HP) over Landress, 2 to 1; Leighton and Landres (E) over Finley and Rutledge, 2 1-2 to 1-2. 1-2. Elon 12 1-2, Guilford 5 1-2. Elon 17, Catawba 1. Elon 17. Lynchburs 1. Elon 14. Guilford 4. Elon 16 1-2, E. Carolina 1 Eloa-Lynchburg (Rain) Elon 13 1-2, Appalachian 4 1-2 Elon 15, High Point 3. Elon IS 1-2. Appalachian 2 1-2. Elon 15, Catawba 3. Elon 15 1-2, High Point Z 1-2. (Remaining Meets) My 1—Ea^ Carolina, home. May 3—A.C.C., away. May 7-8—Conference Tourna- meat. CaUiivba Jolts Elon Title Hopes With 8 To 5 Defeat TKACK Elon IS 3-4, Raanoke 114 1-4 (Semaining Meets) April 21—High Point, home. April 28—A.C.C., home. May 1—Lynchburg, home. May 4—Lenoir Rhyne, hooM. May 7—A.C.C., away. May 12—Conference Meet. (l,R), tie for second by B. Smith (E) ^d Murphy (LR), fourth Mar giotta (E). HEIGHT — 9 feet 6 inches. SHOT PUT — Stauffenberg (E), Newcomb (E), Cafasso (E), Ray (LR). DISTANCE — 39 feet 3 inches. DISCUS—Bullard (LR), Sives (LR), Newcomb (E). Ray (LR). DISTANCE — 119 feet 9 inches. JAVELIN — Bullard (LR), As ton (LR), DeRita (E), Cafasso (E). DISTANCE — 160 feet 7 inches. MILE RELAY — Elon (B. Smith, DeMatteo, Bridges, Newcomb), Le noir Rhyne. TIME — 3 minutes f 40.7 secs. The Catawba Indians used one big inning to turn back the Elon Christians 8 to 5 in a North State Conference baseball battle at Sal isbury last Thursday. The victory, which kept the Indians in conten tion for the Conference crown, proved a severe jolt to Elon’s ti tle hopes. The Christians broke away in front in the first inning when Bob by Green, Elon's husky All-Con ference outfield star, singled sharply to drive two runners home. Green later hammered two hom»- runs to claim hitting honors for the day for both clubs. The Elon outfit was coasting along with a 5-1 lead when the Catawba crew came in for its big seventh round. In that inning the Indians used three bases on balls, two Elon errors and a pair of hits to push five runners across the plate and clinch the game. The Elon pitchers were plagued by wildness in the game, with three Christian^ hurlers issuing a total of six free passes to first. Three of the charity trips came in the seventh and figured in the In dians' winning pally. r h e Elon 201 010 100—5 11 2 Catawba 010 000 520—8 8 3 Henderson, Ross (7), G. WatU (7) and Hobgood; Duncan and Lee. Eloii Topples Bulldog Nine The Elon Christians chalked their second win of the year over the Atlantic Christian nine, cop ping an 8 to 3 decision in a well- played battle at Wilson on Fri day, April 20th. Bill Ross, Elon's freshman right hander from Reidsville, scattered ^even Bulldogs hits along the nine- inning route as he turned in a neat mound performance for the Christians. Ross struck out seven and allowed only one walk. The Christians jumped in front with two runs in the first, added a singleton in the second and then plated three more scores in the third "to clinch the game. Single markers in the sixth and seventh were just so much frosting. Nick Thompson, Elon's All-State shortstop, was the big knocker for the Christians with two singles and double in five trips. Wayland Medley had two singles for the Christians for punnerup honors at the plate. r h e EUon . - 213 001 100—8 11 4 A. C. C. 101 000 100—3 7 5 Rora and Hobgood; Perry, Nor- ville (2) and Fulghum.

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