PAGE TWO MAROON AND GOLD Wednesday, December 12 Maroon And Gold Edited and printed by stuiJeuU of Elon College. Published bi-weekly during the college year under the auspices of the Board of Publication. Entered as second class matter at the Post Office at Elon College, N C, nnder the Act of March 8, 1879. DeUverad by mall, $1.50 the college year, 50c the quarter. EDITORIAL BOARD liflrry Barnes KdiUir-/n-ChJef Chuck Oakley Assistant Editor l/ouis Campbell Stuff Artist _ Norman Riddle Staff Artist Kddie Robbs-.s SUff Photographer James Waggoner Alumni Editor I.uther N. Byrd Faculty Adviser PITSINESS BOARD James Biggerstaff Business Mgr. John Avila Circulation Mgi. Carl E. Owen Printing Advisor Robert Somers Press Operator SPORTS STAFF Walter Edmonds Co-Sports Editor Bill Walker Co-Sports Editor RETOETERS Dorothy Applt Jack McKee Joyce Barbour Shigemi Morita Ed Davidson Bobby Skarpe Bill Drummond James Taylor CJene Duncan Sue Walters Tommy King Shirley Womack WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1956 TO CATCH A THIEF A flagrant uprising of thievery has re cently reared an ugly head on the campus of Eloo. Books and notebooks have oiy- steriously “walked” away from the book racks in Alamance. Motiey and other para phernalia have been and are continuing to be missed in CaroUna and Virginia Halls. Emphasis is placed upon the girl's dormitory. It is time for something to be done »boot this wretched situation. There is nothing lower than a thief. We have beard many complaints dur ing the course of the school year. This Is nometbinc that we just can't let slide. When it gets so bad that one is uneasy •o lay a newly purchased textbook or pack of paper on tie bookstalls, then it is time definHe action be taken. It is only fair to state In all sincerity that certain peo ple on this campus are suspected, and If caught they should be convicted and kicked out of college. IJEB. MEMBER OE UIXERf Here is a ••little word to the wise,” alaied directly for those in the Student Ooveranaent Association. We feel it is in deed appropriate to a number of its of ficers. Below i( listed fen ways to kill any Association when you could or should be an active participant: 1. Don’t come to the meetings. 2. If you do come, come late. 3. If the weather doesn't suit you, don’t think of coming. 4 If you don't attend, find fault with the work of the officers and other mem bers. 5. Never accept an office, for it is eas ier to criticize than do things. 6. Get sore if you are not appointed on a committee, but if you are. don’t at tend committee meetings. 7. If asked by tiie chairman to give your opinion regarding some importi.nt mat ter, tell him you have aotbing to say. After the meeting tell everyone how things ought to b« done. 8. Do nothing more than is absolutely necessary, but when other members roll up their sleeves and willingly and unsel fishly use their ability to help matters along, bowl that the association is run by a clique. 9. If possible, get yourself on the nom inating committee, so as to be the ‘'power behind the throne.” 10. Don't bother about getting new mem bers, let the other fellow do it. SEASON'S GREETINGS The staff of the Maroon and Gold would like to wish e»ch and everyone of you the very best for the approaching yule- tide season. Remember as you travel th«' highways homeward bound Drive care^ fully— the liie ytou save may l>e your pwn LEB. Sounding Off By LARRY BARNES Christmas is coming And the goose is getting fat Please Santa, put a carton of Winstons In Square’s old mangy bat. With the above bit of poetry (?) 1 scrit>- ble off my last column for the year 19.56. Since Christmas is so near at hand, what could be more appropriate than discours ing upon this seasonal subject? Saint Nich olas' cherubic face can be seen in almost any dtpartmenl store window. Wisps of artificial snow cascade all over the Yule decoration.s. Dear Santa, 1 am writing you this letter In hopes that you will bestjw the below mentioned gifts on the Elon family. Arthur Pitts informs me that he is desirous of a teddy bear for Christmas. He already has the name picked out for it — Foo Fool . . . Vince Bujan relates to you his best wish es, and he wants another hotel to go along with his first. He calls that, one Hotel Heartbreak. Soon he hopes to give Con rad Hilton competition . -- , The Fighting Cnirstian net s-wishers would like another North State championship. See if you can help them out . . . Charming Chuck Oakley would like some lavender sheets to match the medal he received in special cere monies last week. Oakley, who covered the old Ladies Hall beat, was the recent re cipient of The Hoyal Order of the Purple Lance . . . Dick Guite wants some aqua viva to keep his eternal smile . . . Shirley Sorrell would Hke two-way locks on all the doors so that she can get out when locked in . . . Wayne Taylor would like a bigger pait than he played in “Moby Dick.’’ Maybe you could work him in on Edna Ferber’s film, “Giant” . . . Mike Erlich (who is being schooled in the fine arts of bummiog by the old master biin> self, Walt Edmonds) would like some more cookies arid milk ... Let all the seniors who take the Graduate Record Exam on January 19th pass with flying colors. Dit to: Comprehensives . . . Bring the choir a bigiger and better tour than they had last year . . Professor John Foster West i* coUecting donations iOr the Hungarian National Council. Let all who will make a contribution to this worthy endeavor to benefit the courageous people of war- torn Hungary . Bring Elvis the Pelvis a voice so that be won’t bother us any more . . . Hank Carmines says all he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth While I'm asking good ole Saint Nick for all of these things, I might as well Include myself. Santa please bring me a 1957 Cadillac, for I’ll probably need it U) make a fast getaway after ibcs* people lead their names. Hurry! C«oeer»inf The Baecaaeer* East Carolina College and her ambitious fcotball program has greatly lowered the prestiige of college football in the North State Conference. For a number of years now the Pirates have tried desperately to enter into the Southern Conference. This year they met and were soundly trounced by two Southern Conference aggregations. One of these, VPI, ranked as a good team in that conference's circle, but Ifee other, the University of Richmond, was an also run. VPI thrashed the Bucs to the tune of 37-2 and the U of R ''edged'' them out by 43-6. Yet we continue to hear voices raised Down East way shouting “l.,et us in the Southern Conference!” After the beatings East Carolina took, you would think that they had had enough. Head football mentor Jack Boone had this to say after the opening game loss to the Gobblers of Tech. "Football at East CaroUna is progressing about as fast as possible, and we were not embarrassed at aU over the first game.’' Now that the «ea.son has been concluded, I wonder if Jus face isn't tinged with just a little bit of red. After all the Buccanecrs weren't exactly a Lenoir Rhyne during the just- concluded season, although one of the ■SQhool’s officials stated. “We have one of the better teams we have had here in a long time. I think the fans will see this whe» we get into our conference games.” . frabarrassing to go home to Virgmia and be a.sked “What kind of football teams do you have in the North State Conference’” It is difficult to con vince people that East Carolina is an also ran that is tooting a mighty big horn, a horn too big for them to carry. If the Pirates can't win in their own conference, how can they expect to be admitted to higher classified conferences? Let them clean up the good old North Stale Confer ence before they attempt bigger under- takings. The> do have cnc oonsoUtion though, they receivc a big "E” for Effort LARRY BARNES Portanouth, Va. JEANETTE bASSKX Dorhaikk, M. FRANCES CARVER Sanford. N. C. DOC ALSTON Reidsville, N. C. BEN KENDALL Kokoate, Ind. EARL GRANT BarUDttOD. N. C. Gallery Of Who’s Who Brief Hketchcf ef each ef Eton’s Wbo's Who stodentc are pre^Dtcd «n Page F«or. ...y EVELYN FRITTS Lexington, N. C. AL HASSELL Dnrham, N. C. MARGARET PATILLO Borl'nglon. N. C. JERRY MOIZE Gibsonville, N. C. JOYCE PERRY Siler City, N. C. -'I m BILL WATSON Sanford. N, C. JOE RYALS Dunn. N. C. mike tunnicliffe Flon College, N. C. under the oaks With CHUCK OAKLEY Hi Folks! Once again we’re under the Oai; A new quarter is under way; Unfortunately, everyone couldnt stay. A new atmosphere develops undp the Oaks As Ladies’ Hall fiUs up her rr.oa-,; They happUy move to a renova.ei nest To settle down for a long winter') rest. . Live it up girls! You’ve got the iiear The Yuletide Spirit has fiUed the dorat tory parlors as students gather around the pianos and sing Christmas carols wiUi much gaiety. Decorated trees and the dn». ing of names added tremendously to *1k spirit around campus. The Oalts Clirist. mas spirit is also present—as couples he« and there chat about their plans for tb* holidays, which are just around tlie cor- ner—and somehow they will manage to Jet in a hint for what they would like !ot Christmas. The Junior Chamber of Commerce «f Burlington is sponsoring a drive to aij the Hungarian refugees. Anyone intereit- ed in making a contribution should ooo- fact Prof. West. The Holidays mean home for the first time for many, and also holiday fun tcr the basketball players who gave up their Thanksgiving Holidays for basketball p^l^ tice. Speaking of basketball, it looks as il we’ll get a repeat performance of !na year. With such veteran members is Crump, Dee, Ed and Frank and a stub born reserve ready for a chance to sho» its stubborness, we’ll settle for nothing less than the North State Conferenct Championship. With newcomers such as Larry Bulla and Marlon Hargrove, we at assured of a good future. The Elon College Choir returned Mot day after presenting the “Messiah” on tbi annual Virginia tour. Participation in Religious Emphasis Week’s activities was highly successful Everyone seemed to enjoy the talks «ivai by Chaplain Cloma Huffman of West Point. This and Hut There’s a rumor going around that Marie Stone likes her Stauffenber.gers witi let tuce and tomato. But lately it looks like she’s on a strict diet. The moral to this story is: Beware of Stones in your Stauf- fergers! Why does Tony Carcaterra’s face turn HED every time Joyce Perry flashes hin a big smile? June Driver purchased a new type of perfume that' came in the handle end of a blackjack — Her wedding will t«kt place on Januai'y 1st, (Hope you get a lit tle '••Beetle” 46r Christmas next year, June!). After a honeymoon in Washington, she and Nick will reside at 124 E. Holt Street in Burlington. All visitors are wel come. Pat and Norje’s- favorite juke box tune is "Time Will Tell” — in the meantime it will be pleasant to get ‘Lost In Tbe Shuffle.” Wayne. Taylor gave Mr. and Mrs. Job" Carver an ironing board for a Christmis present'— To the surprise of the Career's he took it back after having dinner nitb them. It belonged to the .school — '‘Okl" replied Wayne as he left the house, rub bing his. stomach, "Anything for a raeal." Dot Ward will join her husband, Gor don, in Oklahoma City for tbe Christmas Holidays. Gordon Is now attending R«- dar School there. Tau Zetas and their b,rothers, Kapp* Psi Nu, plan to go Christmas Caroling next Monday night and put some Christ mas Spirit in ole Eloo College. Chowhound of the week: Ed Davidson. There is no question in Gregg’s miixf anymore as to whom the outcome "'•II be — Teddy or Betty? An in-befweeii from Burlington decided for him. Louan Lambeth has switched from 'toothpaste to her former brand, which patenfed seven years ago. Steve Mauldin IS having difficulties spoi ling new taler;t. 11 seems that sonicone else is always a step ahead of him- Jane Davis, weighing. 95 whole poufld* on the scales at the Grill, insisted th** they were broken, but after weighing s dozen or so downtown she is finally convinced that she actually does weish 95 pounds! By the way Jane, how is "SdcsIW Pete?”