HsJnesd»y. D.ccmber 12. 1956 \\'n r.oi.n PAGE TiraER JURATIC DRIVES FOR A BUCKET % |> lUd Juratic, huskjr'.senior center-for'the Elon Christians, is pic- Wfeil abrv- driving 'iiiiMd -Up to count a bucket against the High piiat PaWhcrs in the-;tliriUing battle staged here last Thursday li;hr a b,.ttle whtett High Point won by a sp.ine-tingling B3 to 82 hjrgin. Bobby Pharr (ll> attempts to block the Ju^atic shot for Puint. while i Paul iStantoa (16) looks h.elplessly pa r, .".-TPT--— !—~ ~ ~ Poiiitei*s Get Tlirillinw Win By 83 To 82 The lead changed hands twice in the final fiftee* seconds as the High Point Panthers eked a thriv ing 86 to 82 victory over the Chris tian cagers oi the Elon court last Thursday night. January 10th, The victory over Elon was the first recorded by the Panthers in four seasons and the first won by Ihe Panthers since Coach Virgil Yow returned to take over the High Point coaching reins. The last High Point win over Elon had come by a 66-63 count in the finals of the Conference tournament in 1953. The purple-jerseyed Panthers swung out i> front in the first half of last Thursday’s battle, mov ing out to a 48-41 margin by the half-time intermission. Elon ral- ! lied after the half and gained ' the lead at 54-52, and for several I minutes the rivals swapped leads I on almost every basket. ! The PaHtiiers moved out by sev en points again at 74-67 with-bare- ly six mmutes left and held that seven-point margin at 78-71 when Elon started a late push. Dee At- ikinson and Ed Juratic paired in I the Elon .rally that knotted the I count at 78-all with barely one and I a half minutes left. The Panthers regained the lead 81-78 on a bucket and free throw by Paul Stanton, but Juratic and Rick Turner paired baskets to gIVe Elon an 82-81 lead with fifteen seconds to go. It was then that Jack Powell, veteran Panther star, hit on a push for the winniiig 1t3- 82 count. .' . , . Dee Atkinson,. £lon forward, w^s top man toj- tjie night witl? 31 points, with DeRit*.. Juratic and Crump all hitting double figures, Powell led High. Point with 22 cA(;!:us atk^nson captain I rrr Wialkmg The Clialk-Liiies By BILL WALKK* counters. The line-ups Pm.—Eton S8> Hish P»int (S3) F—Atkinsoo 31 J...;..; Powell 22 F—DeBita 20 Staatoh 15 C—Juratic 1-2 Swell 14 G—J. Crump 10 . H: Crump-10 G—Turner 3- Huegeie 13 Half-time.- High Potnt 48,'Elon 41. Elon subs — Stone 1, Stout 1 Bulla 2, Carcaterta, High Point subs — Beauchot 4, Pharr 2,'Afeh dis 2, Williams, Thornton. It’s Captain Dee Atkinson now, followin? an election held last week by members of the Elon Christian cage squad, who chose the lanky jumping jack from the hills of Surry County to lead the Ma roon and Gold squad through-Jhe remainder of the hardwood cam paign. Atkinson, who lists Mount Airy as home, played his high school ball 'at 'Beufah High, where he won All-State hbnw and out played Wake Forest'S 'All-American Dibkie Hemt-ic in several cru cial games while Hehiric wa^j s'tiir at JonesVille High. The Elon star played two seasons for the Christians and then pulled a two- year’Stint in the armyKefore retufnhiig'to the Christian camp last year: He ha« topped the 500-point mark in two of his three seasons in an felon uniform. ' ’ Christians Orab Second I How many times ’ sp6rtswf Iters ' at tJon have Had to Wrijte on jubject of l.apk. of schppl SBifit ' almost beyond .count,-.and. the I Kay thiags look right' n»^ ‘ottieP l^ch comments arfe oiue no«^' aiid 1 the future. . - :.*r I, iThe classic ^xamflle P®Pf (chool spirit occurs when .one goes I a game played Hn our own gy®' 1b the middle of th'e 'week,-‘■With oui- own team going in^ the game »! defending,, champio^. ip. \he I North State Conferance. with a -9-r record at the time,- "meeting a team that has beeft beatett' only toce in thirteen starts and com- ta" from thjrty-fiyp mit?s »way, pr. arrival and during the game, tindo Elon crat-number^ in Indent fans 'and’ '■ out-cfl>eered hro«ghout the game". There you have the stage setting, .for l?st ^tck's game between Elon and j .High Point. - ‘ i • Let us recall ; . . it wars'a game played in the middle of the week when nobody ,should__pr .i^ likely go home and, .played here at rlon and not 150 miles'away.-The jring lead was continually chang-; Ing hands, and yet the majority of Elon students sitnpjy sat. quiet- io stands aad. acted there were an epidemic of laryn- ;His in progress. ,. If it had not beep for the cheer leaders and a vecy.acamt .and select Ifew others, you would', have sworn |he game was being played be- ft*een High Point College and the 'iiversity of Edinburg, on ,St, 'Pa- Itrick's Day. If the-final. scQre tiati *een as one-sided.as was the cheer- ln.i, then Elon wpuld have beenj shut out. 5n the college itself, but if those same students would do as much to. build up the school spirit as they do to teat it do«fn, they woiild certainly find what' they say they dt-e' looking for. True, the college may be partially, blamed^ but most Qt. the blame should be laid to the students. There has been created recently a Student Complaint Committee in ,case the students have any legiti- ’rnate grips. So let’s try to change an unbearable situation here in stead of just doing a lot of Aise- less' talking that does only evil and no good. Let's get beliind our team and give the players the sup. port they so richly deserve. It is true that there was a slight pick-up in school spirit and stu dent support during the East Car-, olina game, but^ it was stiU no where near like it should be. How- .•Ver, each improvement is a step tor the better,-.so let’s keep it up Maroon Quint •- • Defeats Apps. In Close TUt The Elon Christians chalked. a well-earned 78 to 76 victopr over ttie Appalachian Mountaineers in a North State Conference battle at Boone on Tuesday night, Jan uary 8th, but ,it required a de termined stand in the final mom ents to fight off a raUy by the home-standing Apps. Jimmy Crump, Elon free-throw specialist, was the top man for the Christians tin tha victory over the Mountaineers, regaining his accuracy after missing- three of five against Lenoir Rhyne. Crump dropped in a perfect 12 for 12 against Appalach'rah and added lour field buckets for a total of 20 points. ■' Three other Elon stars hit doir- ble figures for the Christians, with Frank DeRita getting 18, Ed Jinra- tic hitting 16 and I»ee Atkinson Unleashing a hot 60 per cent shooting barrage in the ' .second half, the Elon Chrlstiart'j came froin, l^ehind .h'ere' oh December }8th to defeat the sertii-pro Mc Crary Eagles 94 to 7t» in a battle which proved close until the final six minutes. The ganie proved a rugged one under 'the backboards, wifh a ten tal of 49 fouls called against the old rivals. Ed Juratic, Earl Stone aiid t)ee Atldn.sOn, three of Elon’s lowering veterans, went but by the Cagers Down* Belmont Five The Christians combined a stfca- lt;wa.s^ Elon’s fourth straight win of 'tlie year. r'"-;-- Dee Atkinson led the Elon 3-toal foute; Tony ^94^ - ,„iAts through anrtthjir Elon tall boY. finished with _ ® Elon Downs East Carolina By Decisive 77-59 I\lai*gin Strtking back with terrific pow er after trailing at half-time, the Elon Chrisians shellackcd the East Carolina Pirates 77 to .59 h»re last Saturday night in a North State Conference batt'e, which vas witnessed by an estimated 2,000 fans. The first half was a oKsso affair, with E'lon holding a two-point mar gin much of the way. jlthouJh F.ast Carolina tied the count seve ral times before taking a one-point lc«d at 34-33 ju.st seconds before Ihe intermission. The second half was barely u«- derway. however, when big Ed .luratic hooked to send F.lon ahead. Joe Plaster sank two free throws 10 regain the Pirate lead at 36- ■IS, but Juratic hookei again, and the Christians were out front tor keeps. From that time until the end the white-jerseyed Elon quint sfradually stretched the spread. Ed Juratic was the pace-maker during Elon's second-half drive but he reciuwed' able ai>sistance from Dee Atkinson and Jimmy Crump, each of whom had appar ently regained his shooting accu racy after a slump in recent games. Crump, the senior guard from Aberdeen, put On another fine ex hibition from the charity line, sink ing eight straight free throws with out a miss. This ran Crump’s mark in the last three games to 24 con secutive free throws, a mark which equals Molodet’s consecu tive free throw record iO the At lantic Coast Cotiference.' The Christian defense effective- ^ halted Don Harris, East Caro lina’s fine senior forward, who could manage only one field goal ind two points. The outstanding threat for the Pirates yvas Charlie Adams, soph«more guarci, who had 19 points, including seven field (Continued on Page Four) Eloii Cage (iaiiies Terrier Quint Is Defeated In Tilt Here Opening with some ' e'agle^^ye ihootipg, .the Rlon hardwood ar « , K Wofford Tef rty attack with a rock-nbbed d^ ^ Saturday fe'nae to defeat-. the Belmont Ab^ . . 1 fhalr bey Crusaders in a kome game night,. December 15th, for their r ,1 tZ straight win. Led by Ed Jur here on Monday. December 10th. ^ Atkinjion ahd Jimmy Crump, the Christians gained a 12-poiht lead bv half-time. the hoop, nine of them coining from the charily line. Backing him up‘were Ed'Juratic 'With 17, Earl Stone with 15 and "Jim Crump with 10 points. The first half proved a dlose -I- • contest, with both teams playing til five minutes the end oth. er’s defense. The team.s were knpt- ied at half-timCj and the lead ^.• :iawed until Elon ipoved ahead tor keps at 53-S2, four personals. 'The Eagles had 25 foiiU, but they were better di vided and the only player loss.t^ey suffered on fouls was Sammy Ran- ,zino, former State College ace. Dee Atkinson sltjb^''ar0Uiid^.Ut»?. racking 15 points in the night's at- ,nd contributed 25“'i>oints to the Elon attack, which-^howed Jitnmy Crump in the leading rote, but Juratic and Stone igot four foul^ early and spent much time cu» the sidelines before making thwr final fouls early in the second half. T-o^>ping both teams.in scorinig was 'Jimmy Crump. who hit'for 26 points. Included in his effort was a pertecl free-t^row^ mark. of. 12, for . 12. which ran the, Aberdeen la«i'.s ^season record to ‘35 tor 86 frorti the charity Wne. The' lanky Atkinson finished the night as Elon’s top scorer as he .bucketed nine field goals and a pair of free throws, but he‘ was pushed by fed Juratic with six lield goals and five free throws tor 1’? points, Jimmy Crhmp also hit double figurfes with 12 jjoints; Top scoring honors for the night, however, went to Woffords Doti- hie Fowler, who used a variety of shots in, sinking 12 field goals and 11 of 15 charity tosses for a total of 35 points. Tli,e free throwing of' Jimmy Crump, Elon’s ‘ senior guard, is of strictly the sensational variety. The'charity shot:artist ran UP 35 of 36 up to the Lenoir Rhyne game ^tfd'then had a-slight lapse as he made only 2 of 5 attempts. How ever, he has been strictly on the '.beam in the three mo^t recent .games, hitting on 24 of 24 tries.. That mark of 24 -straight free throws equals the Atlantic Coast Conference record, which was set by Vic Miolodet, of N. C. State. It is quite likely a North State Conference mark, although no po The line-ups: ■pos,—Elon (6T) F—Atkinson ,21 F—Stone 15 . -0—t^Juratic -XT G-7-Crump 10 . G—Bulla ; tatk;'''f)ave Abefnathy was thelL.^rrJ' ’Bulla and Hick .Turner leader tor the Appalachian ’ Elon freshnien. who divjded time The Christians started strdng g^ard; accounted .for. 18. poin^ between them. the contest and rolled to a 38-^29 margin by half-tirtie, but the Mountaineers staged a detefiliined rally in the late moments of the game and came within two points at a terrific upset: The line-ups; It itive records are known for foul Some students seek ^ the blam« for lack 9f sctiool spirit, shooting in the Belmoot Ab. (58) Mead 10 Stewart 12 Lenahan 7 '.. Marcil U . Tagller.i" 11 The line-ups:. Pos.—Eloo (87) F—Atkinson 20 F-r-Stone 4 .. C—Juratic 17 Q—Crump 12[ G—Bulla 4 Half-time ' — Elon 28,, Belmont Abbey'28. 'i/;"-' . ' ■ Elon subs — Rickover 1, Tur Wofford (69) Templeton 8 Carpenter 8 ..- Jenkins 2 .:Fowler 35 Earle 10 Half-time. — Elon 47, Wofford 35. Won suhs — Rickover 2, Har grove 1. DeRita .9, Way 4, Carta- - .— terra 9, Turner 5, Stout, Robert* ner 3; Carc^terr.a, Stout,. Belmont ^n. Wofford, suljs — Barbee 4, Abbey sub — Ross 4. ‘ Reitzel 2, Hart. . Eton 85. Pfeiffer SI. Klon 98. Wofford It. F.loa 81. McCrary 76. EI*b 67, Belmont Abbey S8, Elon 78, Gnllford S4. Elon 87, Wofford 69, Elon 94, McCr»ry 7*. Eloa 53, Leaoir Rhyar 39. Elon 7S, Appalachiaa 76. Eloa S'!, HiKh Point 83, , Elon 77, East Carolina 59, (RenainiHc Games) Jaa. l«—A, C, C„ away. ( Jan. 19—CaUwba, away* Jan. 23—McCrary, hame. Jan. 24—Hi«h Point, away. Jaa. Z6—Went Carolina, awar. Jan. 3«—A. C. C., home. Feb. 1—Hampden Sidney, heme. Feb. 2—Catawba, home. Feb. 4—Pfeiffer, away. Feb. 6—.\ppalarhlaa, home. Feb. 7—Belmont Abbey, away. Feb. 9—Went Carolina, ttoae. Feb. IZ—Hampden Sidaej, away. Feb. 16—Ba»t Carolina, awar. Feb. 21—Lenoir Rhyae, kome. Feb. 23—GuilfoM, away. Lenoir Rhj^ne Hands Elon First Defeat. In.a battle .which featuf?l de fensive play by both teams, the I«ooir Rhyne ^ars hand^ the Eton ChrUtians their first, ^efeat of. the 195R-57 campaign, ro*li“e late in the game for a 59 to 5S victory in a crucial North ,State battle palyed here,at Elo’i op Sat urday, January 5th. The tilt was the first for each team after the ChcisUnaj holidays, and each squad showed the e;£fects of the holiday lay-offs in the,, rag ged shooting that was. showa in the early portions of the gamf. In ^ fapt, Elon never, gained its normal ^hooting accuracy, managing ,only 33 pe;r cent from the floor for the game. The Bears hit 42 pe»; cent for the night. , The Elon squad dlspUye^- »“e of 'te ' finish defenses of ri^ent years in holding, the power-loaded Bears to 59 points, but they gould never effectively solve the d«^o»‘ thrown up. by the Lenoir,Rhyne cage;rs. The result was^tbe ,^9;»est score made by ,an Elon teanj,,»ias^ a 68-50 ”los^ to Presbyteriapiifajf years .ago this month. The teams • played cautiousl.' through ,the first half, which; ended with the Bear* ahead by 2ft-2G, but. Raeford Wells . led a. Bruin rally , in the second • hall which gave the Bears a decisivei.:53-45 lead with barely iive. minutes. left. Wells, the big Bruin center,- was top man for -the ni^t with 25 points: t>ut Ed Juratic and Jimmy Crump were pace-setters fir Elon with 17 and 14 points. No other Christian eager could (-each the migi(r two-figure columns in scor ing. ' The' line-ups! Pos.-^Elon (53) Lenotr Rhyne (58) F—Atkinson' 9 (Hine 10 F—DeRita 6 Norman 4 C-^uratic IT ..... Wells 25 Q—Crump 14 . ... - Oi-nwell 6 G—Turner 3 , Sellari 8 Half-tlnie — Lenoir fthyne 28, Elon 26. Elon Subs — Stone 4,'Carcater- ra, Bula. Lenoir Rhyne subs — James 6, Bowman. Appalachian (76) .... Abernathy 22 ...„ . Horton .20 Mize panner 11 Bush 13 Pos.—Elon (78) F—Atkingpn; 15 .. F—DeRita 18 - C—Juratic 16 ..; (J^-Crump 20 G—TlJrner 4 .. , . ■ H4lf-time ^.. Eion 38, Appala chian ,?9- , • . ■ '■ Elon'subs — Stone 5, Rickover, Stout, BuU. Appalachian subs — Swift 6, Wooten, Williams 4. The line-ups: Pos.—Elon (94) F—Atkinson 21 F-,-DeRita 14 C-^Juratic 5 G—Crump ^6- G-^Bulla 7 Half-time 35. , , ■Eloa sobs — Turner 11, Rickover 2, -Stone 2, Way 2, Carcatarra 4, 'Watts,' tlob'ertson,- Goss. McCrary subs — Hodges, Jordan 9, Atkins 2, H. Nance 10. McCrary (79) . Langdon 14 Stanley 20 . . Dwyer Ranzino 8 D. Nance McCrary 41,' Elgn Elon Doimn Guilford Bv 24 Point Margin 1 . The Christian cagers got off to a winning start in def&ndinj^ theil; North State ' Conference ca’ge crown, for they- turned back the Guilford Quakefs 78 to 54 fOr a decS^ve win- here- oh Thorsd^y, oJ^C/ember 18th.' T?he wirf was Elon's fifth ^sti-aight Of the hew season. I Ed.-Juraticl Elon's 'tugged cen ter, dropped jin 21 points to lead the Christian attack and was the leader in pulling Elon to the front when Guilford fought stubbornly I The line-ups: through the first ^alf. Dee Atkin- Pos,—Elon (18) Guflfprd (54) son had 14 an^ Frank DeRita andjp—Atkinson 14 , Bp^dy 6 Jimmy Crump 12 points each to|p—Stone 10 , Hemric 16 lend able aid on offense. ■ jg_Juratic 21 .., . Burgess 8 The Christians moved ahead|G—Crump 12 . . Atlas 12 early, only to have Guilford go,G—Bulla 2 Henderson 6 a^ead^ 11-10, but Juratic led the| HaU-time -r Elon 33, ,Guilford t • way to' a 10-point edge at ..half- time, and Atkinson i*d Stone jumped the mirgin to 20 points after the half. The Elon reserves, played the final minutes 23. .Elon subs;DeRita 12, Stout 2, Carcaterra 2, Rickover 2, Har grove 1, King, Turner, Robertson. Guilford subs — Getsmger 6, Brl- teiiberger, Berger.