Wednesday. Febniary 13. 1957 MAROON AND GOLD PA(» TURBB Christian Cagers Play Away For Final Title Drive ^iou Quintet Downs Cats jtsr a mr of kamh.y r IN Two Tournaments Set For Tenth Straight Win striking quickly and with devas-| , powefc the Christian cagers the Western Carolina Catamounts 90 to 66 here last; Saturday nigiit and laid a firmer I crasp on the runner-up spot in| ^ North State Conference cage, ilci. The Catamounts could have! uTct the ChrisUans for the second | ^ by winning that game, but the Elon tossers knocked that hope in the first five minutes. j phe rivals were knotted at 2-2 in the first minute, but Dee Atkin- »r. and Jimmy Crump pushed the Christians into a 16-4 lead at the live minute mark, and Ed Juratic paced a drive that netted a 37-16 lead ten minutes later. The half- time saw the Christians leading 47 to 18. ^he Elon starters continued their drive in the early moments of the ^vind half, and within eight min- 5ev Elon was leading 70 to 37. At that time Coach Mathis pulled hu senior stars and opened up the Cfcristian bench, playing the final SCORING Player S fs ft tp Atkinson ... 22 170 126 4«6 Crump . 22 140 122 40:; Juratic ?,2 117 87 321 DeRita .... _ .... ?,1 61 85 207 Stone . 22 63 55 181 Stout IR 20 37 77 Turner .... 19 12 20 44 Bulla - 21 15 12 42 Carcaterra 19 13 8 34 M'atts _ . 10 11 7 2* Way 9 11 5 27 Robertson 6 4 3 11 Rickover R 4 2 10 Harerove 5 2 2 6 Other Players _ 3 0 0 0 Elon Totals 22 642 569 1953 Opponents .. 22 553 429 1535 The line-ups: Po8.—Elon (90) W. Carolina (66) twelve minutes with a line-up con-|F—Atkinson 18 .... Bowen 11 eisting largely of freshmen and F—Stone 10 sophomores. They finished out the 90-66 win. |Big Ed Juratic, who tipped in several rebound buckets, topped the Christian scoring with 20 piints, but he received able assis- from Dee Atkinson with 18 tnd Jimmy Crump with 16 points. Bill Bowen had 11 to top the Cat amounts and was the only visitoi 'inldouble figures. ... Magiolo 6 C—Juratic 20 Shields 8 G—Crump 16 Pryor 9 G—Stout 2 Holcomb 4 Half-time — Elon 47, West Car olina 18. Elon subs — Way 6, DeRita 8, Carcaterra 1, Watts 6, Bulla 2, Turner 1. RdVertson, Rickover. West Carolina snbs — City, Ray 4, Jones 9, Wilson 7. Williams 8, Swartzel. Kirby. Walking The Chalk-Lines By BILL WALKES Intramural basketbaU man-1 has taken its place on the Amer- lepr..; met last week and decided lean sports scene, and true to form it has also taken a big sp6t tgers met last week and decided to]hold a tournament, which will j^iljde the top four teams from e»ch league. Teams which *p- pti. definitely sure of berths in tht tourney are the Footbrawlers, Veterans, North Dorm, Carlton fcaie. Tidewater, I. T. K. and ■iia Mu Sigma outfits. Jrhe Christian cagers, in the Hioli of the scrap for honors in the North State Conference, wound up their home play last Saturday •ight and will be away from home f»r four games in these final two (kecks of the regular season. They To Close Cage Season There’s nothing like a bit of f imily feuding to lend spice to a ?ood basketbal game, and that s exactly what happened when th ? Elou Christians and the Catawba Indians tangled on the floor of Alumni Memorial Gymnasium here on Saturday. February 2n i. It was Paige Stout. Elon s steady senior guard, and Pete Stout, a rugged Catawba guard, a pair oi cousins from neighboring Haw River, who furnished the family f .'ature. The photographer got ai in'.erestine' shot when he caught Elon’s Stout fellow (in white above) throwing up a rugged deEensive block against his Catawba cousin, who is dribbling the ball Paige Stout, who broke into the Elon starting line-up in recent weeks, has proved a valuable as ^et in Elon’s 10-game winning st re^k. Maroon Cage Squad Downs Vii’ginia Five The Elon Christians rolled DeRita, each of them with a big first-half lead and coasted ^ the home with a 92 to 59 victory over Fighting Christian cag- Sharp Shooting Brings Victory Over Bulldogs Paced by the deadly shooting of I boasted a 46-40 margin at inter- Ed Juratic, Dee Atkinson and [mission. Frank DeRita bagged ten straight points at one time during the Hampden Sidney Tigers here on Friday night, February 1st. It ers topped Atlantic Chrislian 95 to 91 here on Wednesdsy night on the sports scene right here at Elon. where numerous Elon stu dents have joined and some cases made up entire line-ups in the BurlSlgfon commercial cir cuits. Many of these commercial and industrial teams in neighboring 3urlington have had fine records against all competition for the past two years, and this program has combined with the intramural pro gram on the Elon campus to give non-varsity Elon students a real , ichance to display their basket- kii Hampden Sidney up in Vir-|ball talents. Listed below ® in the first one this weekjaumber of the Elon players w o and then go to Greenville tor sjare making a fine showing in the one on Saturday nigtS. Next! industrial basketball world, weelc there’s L»noir Rhyne ancy MuU MUes, Jack Sutton and Jer- Juilford on enemy courts to dosflry Holt play with the Monarc W pre-tournament battling. JlVIUls, a power house of state in dustaial and YMCA baskatball. Of course that tournam'int batrl Monarch has lost few games in r-3 gets underway with'the an-1 the past two years and won as a'. Conference tourney at . Leic-1 year’s city championship. Mai Ben- gton two weeks hence, but it'll nett and Norman Fields have been yi news that the Caroliaasl with Gilliam Tire Company, HA1.\ tournar»ent will be pliyedueam which is second only to o fcere in Elon’s Alumni Memorial I narch. Gymnasium on Tuesday and Wed-I 'The Bill Price Buicks, a team iesday, March 5th and 6th, with which is oomposed entirely of Elon event to l)e sponsored by Hwj students, won last years Indus na Burlington Jay-Cees. This tourney League crown and was runner- " it- the best in the North St^teLp to the Mbnarchs in the city against the best in South .C*o- race. Its members mclude bo lina's ‘Litle Four,” with'tlie win-1 Bergman, Ron Bargman, ® ’ er going to Kansas City. Only [gill Oliver, Dan Porter, Sam Whi e, The Hampden Sidney crew broke out to a 6-0 lead in last was the fifth straight win January 30th. to avenge an ear- Coach Doc Mathis's boys and gave defeat on the Bulldogs' own i„ the Elon victory, hem a 14-3 victory .mark for the season. jijg game was not nearly as close as that 95-91 score could in dicate, tor the Elon cagers built night’s game and led 8-4 at the^yp ^ igad early in Ihe second three-minute mark, but Captain | half, and Coach Mathis cleared Dee Atkinson and Earl Stone caught fire at that point and led FJon as the Christians counted 18 to 4 in the next five minutes, push- his bench in the closing moments. It was against the Christian re serves that Atlantic Chrtstian nar rowed the spread. mg the Maroon and Gold quint to, While Juratic, Atkinson and De 22-12 lead after eight minutes. | Rita joined forces to keep the nets that first half to keep Elon out front, and Dee Atkinson sparked the locals to a 17-point spread at 72-55 midway the final half. Rebounding played a big part with Earl Stone joining wib Atkinson, Jura I'.ic and DeRita in literally freez ing the Bulldogs away from the defensive boards. Juratic was top man for Elon with 25 points, but he was pushed by Atkinson with 24 and DeRita with 20 counters. The line-ups: Elon Case (Sanies 0 Elon 85, Pfeiffer 81. Elon 98. Wofiord 76. Dloa 81. McCrary 76. Elon 67, Belmont Abbey 58. F.lon 78, GuUtord 54. Elon 87, Wofford 69. Elon 94, MrCrary 79. F.lou 53, Lenoir Rhyae 59. Elon 78. Appalachian 76. Elon 82. High Point 83. Elon 77. East Carolina 59. Elon 79, Catawba 66. Elon 77, Atlantic Christian 81. Elon 92, High Point 62. Elon 83, West Carolina 71. Elon 95. Atlantic Christian 91. Elon 92. llampden-Sidney 59. Elon 91. Catawba 70. Elon 94. PfeUfer 75. Elon 86. Appalachian 48. Elon 92, Belmoht Abbey 76. F.lon 90, West Carolina 66. (Remainlns Games) Feb. 12- —Hampden Sidney, Feb. 16- -East Carolina, away. Feb. 21 — Lenoir Rhyne, away. Feb. 23—Guilford, away. ^ The Christian cagers arc on the road for the next two weeks in a stretch drive tor basketball hon ors and for placement in two post-season tournaments, the first of the tourneys being the annual North State Conference meet and the other the Carolinas NAIA tournament to be held here on the- Elon floor. Tlie North State Conference tournament, which will include the top eight teams in the nine-team loop, will get underway in Lex- iugton on Wednesday, February 27th. and will continue through Saturday, March 2nd. The Carolinas NAIA meet, to be Iieid here at Elon on Tuesday and Wednesday, March 5th and (ith, will be a four team affair, in cluding the tournament champions from the North State and South Carolina “Little Four," plus the two other teams from the com bined two loops with the best rec ord against NAIA competition. As this week gets underway, the Elon basketeers were firmly £.nchored in second place in the North State Conference standings, with Lenoir Rhyne still boasting an undefeated mark in first place. Sports dope made the Bears and Christians favorites for the top- seeded spots in the Lexington meet. Holding second spot in the North Slate standings also gave Elon an excellent chance to claim one of the four places in the NAIA tour nament, barring of course the pos sibility that a complete “dark horse" could win the Conference meet. If such should occur, it would greatly hurt Elon’s NAIA chances. The Christians will get credit for their two victories o\fr Wofford in figuring the chances for the NAIA meet. The remainder of the Elon sche dule called for Hampden Sidney away last night and East Carolina in Greenville on Saturday of this week. Next weeks play will carry shaking all night, the individual scoring honors tor the game Went to Jack Underwood, stocky little Bulldog guard, who personally net ted 43 p»ints during the fray on sixteen field goals and eleven tree Atkinson continued to hit as Elon gained a 49-31 edge at half-time. Coach Doc Mathis used his start ers only four minutes after inter mission. inserting a full reserve crew with a 61-32 advantage. The reserves most of them freshmen,'throws. outscore’d the Tigers through the The Elon tossers moved out to remainder of the game for the the front early in the game and Pos.—Elon (95) F—Atkinson 24 F—DeRita 20 . J—Juritic 25 G.—Cramp 6 .. A. C. C. (91) . . Widgeon 11 Whal^ 6 Marley 17 ifnderwood 43 fVsheboro. rw^ 1 pacing the Christians against 1 QD oCOreP ifler, the senior guard from T G—Stout 10 Williams 12 Half-time — Elon 46, A. C. C. 40. Elon subs — Stone 6, Gates 2. Watts 2, Hargrove, Way, Bulla, Turner. A. C. C. subs — Gregg 2, Hester. Hutchins. final 92-59 spread. Captain Dee Atkinson topped the Elon attack with 23 points. Other double-digit scorers tor the Christians were Earl Stone with 14, Jimmy Crump with 12 and Buddy Way with 11 points. Way. a freshman from Sylvan High, paced the reserves through the late stages of the game. Three of the invading Hampden Sidney team hit in double figures, including Ted Sheppard with 14. G. I. Sayres with 11 and Captain Doug Joyce with 10 counters. The Tigers boasted an 11-5 victory II,ark prior to their Elon invasion The line-ups; CaUiivha Is Turned Back In ^Ground-Hof^ Tilt thing about this tournament] Oscar Stephenson, (92, Hampden-Sid. (59) the fact that it takes place dur-jdows and yours truly, , ’ 104 spring holidays. 1 J. B. Vaughan is t - ♦ » » I the Johnston’s Oil Company, The Elon basketeers celebrated Ground-hog Day ’ by turning back the Catawba Indians 91 to 70 on the floor of Alumni Gymnasium here on Saturday night. February 2nd. a victory which moved Elon to second place and into the thick of the North State Conference ti tle race. The Indians proved somewhat annoying m the early stages of the game, but there was just too much F-Atkinson 23 ..— Putt 9 of Dee Atkinson and Jimmy —DeRita 4 - Carter 4 Crump in the forefront ol the Most people try to find some-laer of the first one to take the blame for all bad! Industrial . gouse ►hrngs, and the weather is ^ ^fhalf e^eption. Therefore, y»u miehtl runner-up m that las well lay the blame for «U that There may be other Elon stu liain on the footbal squad. Maybe j jgints. too, wit'o jthe gridders brought it all on tojaiercial or industrial ball, but Ikee? from meeting winter ^ames will give an idea what |ti-e assignme^^ ^ I amateur cage ac- Commercial league ^baskietballltion has in Elon sports wi*h 28, Crump with 20. Jumtic with 16 and Stone with 13 points Woody Helfrich with 19 and Sonny Clayton with 18 were lead ers for the Indians, with Clayton contributing a thrill tor the fans on four successive steals and lay ups within one minute during the final half. The line-ups: Pos.—Eloa (91) F—Atkinson 28 F—DeRita 6 ... C—Juratic 8 Holcomb G—Crump 12 - Joyce 10 G_Stout 2 Hawker 6 HaU-time — Elon 49, Hampden Sidney 31. „ Elon subs - Way 11. Stone 14. Turner 2, Carcaterra 3, Bulla 6, Watts 5, Robertson 2. Hampden Sidney subs - FenneU. Sheppard 14, Sayre 11. Martin S, Doddon 2, Humphrey. Elon attack as the Christians swung ottt to a 39-29 advantage at half- time and gradually lengthened the lead. Ed' Juratic and Earl Stone got into the act too as Elon pulled further ahead in the final half to gain the 21-polnt spread at the final buzzer. Atkinson finished Catawba (70) .. Earney 12 Hunt 4 C—Juratic 16 Cline 2 G—Crump 20 Helfrick 19 G—Stout 6 Clayton 18 Half-time — Elon 39, Catawba 29. Elon subs-— Stone 13, Watts 2 Way, Carcaterra, Turner, Bulla Catawba subs —> Fleming 2, Stout 11, Bryant 2, Smith. Cagei*s Roll For Victory At Pfeiffer Maistaining the hot pace that has characterized their play thrdugh the past three weeks, the 0ton Christians rollad for their seventh straight victory in defeat ing the Pfeiffer CoHege Panthers 94 to 75 at Meisenheimer on Mon day night, February 4th. Jimmy Crump, who has hit a fast pace most of the season, led the way for the Christians in the|j.,gn to Lenoir Rhyne on Thurs- win over the Panthers, hitting for Ljay night and to Guilford for the 34 points, which marked the high-^gason finale on Saturday night. cst individual score of the sea- son for an Elon player. Earl Stone _ , _ had set the previous high mark I IS with 33 points against McCrary' at Asheboro In Pfei .\berdeen racked 11 field goals 1 » and hit on 12 of 15 tries from UVer ADDS the free throw line. This fine ex- • ^ hibition of free throwing was still Husky Ed Juratic was the big ielow the 90 per cent pace which boy around the basket as the Elon has kept Crump among the lead- Christians trampled the Appala- ers In the NAIA ranks all the chian Mountaineers 86 to 48 in seasos. a Conference cage battle on the Right behind Crump for the! Elon floor on Wednesday night, Christians was Captain Dee At- February 6th. It was Elon’s eighth kinson, who counted an even doz-1 straight win. en field buckets and three freel The score was quite one-sided, throws tor 27 points. This total! but it took some .sharp shooting gave Atkinson the all-time career by Juratic midway the first half scoring record tor Eloa players, I to shake Elon out of a cold streak, [running his total for four sea-j At that time the App« were lead- sons to 1,675 points to top thejing by a 14-13 nargln, but the 1 old mark of 1,653 that had beenjoig Indiana boy pulled the Chris- set by Ben Kendall. tians away to a 34-26 lead at in- The Christians grabbed the lead termission. at the start and led Pfeiffer all 1 Early in the .second half Atkin, the way, moving to a 47-35 mar-Uon and Juratic joined forces to /in by half-time a«d stretching the pump Elon into a 72-40 margin af- spread to full 20 points fi»e min- ter fifteen minutes, and Coach utes after intermissicyi. The Pan- Mathis finished out the game with thers sliced the lead to 10 points leserves. The Elon youngsters led mid-way that final half, but they I the Mountaineers through the late could not halt the rampaging Elon minutes and widened the Christian tossers. Ilead. Richard Biddy, former E. M Juratic was tops for Elon with Holt star, with 27 points and A1 23 points, with Atkinson hitting 16 Hasbrouch with 21 were the top and Crump 10. Dave Abernathy, men for the Pfeiffer squad, which with 22 points, was the only Moun- had previously dropped an 8.‘^1 Itaineer in double figures, decision to Elon on the Christian The line-ups: court. Pos.—EIod (86) Appalachian (48) The line-ups: 1f—Atkinson 16 Abernathy 22 Pos.—Eloa (94) Pfeiffer (15)jF—DeRita 7 H»rton 4 F—Atkimson 27 Hasbrouch 21 j(^—Juratic 23 Mize F—DeRita 7 Nuckols 10 C3—Crump 10 Bush 8 C—Juratic 8 Biddy 27 C3—Stout 4 WUllams 6 G—Crump 34 Petrea 7| Half-time — Elon 34. Appala- G—Stout 5 —Bryant 6|chian 26. Half-time — Elon 47, Pfeiffer j Elon subs — Way 2. Stone 8, [Carcaterra 4, Watts 2, Bulla 6, 35. Elon subs — Stone 9, Carcater- ra 2, Watts 2. Pt^fer subs _p°»crtson 4. Turaer. Appalachian Woodhouse 2, Tyson; 2", Gannan I ’“bs — Mize, Swift, Hiatt, Wyatt Kiser. j I. Banner 2, Glendenaing.